Grasping Evil

Chapter 151: Su Qiu's humiliation (first)

After leaving the building, it was already three days. Su Qiu found the Song Guozheng Road and joined the camp to search for the safflower old demon.

On the 3rd, Ning Fan always followed this woman until the woman and the Song Guozheng met, safe and sound, he only temporarily left to do another thing...

On the seventh day, Su Qiu and others found a trace of the old demon, but they ran away. Only 10 female corpses were found, and one was broken before the death, and the Yuanyin was sucked.

On the 19th, Su Qiu and others in a valley blocked the banshee who was doing the things to be replenished. However, under the First World War, more than a dozen Jin Dan grotesque, one person died and two people were seriously injured... The banshee left, still just a pile of female corpses.

The seriously injured old monster had to withdraw from the search, and there were several Jindan blame, the wife and the daughter had lost their lives, lost the courage to chase the banshee, although hatred, but embraced the body of the wife and daughter, secretly left.

After January, including Su Qiu, still killing the banshee, only seven people...

Su Qiu licked her lips, this time chasing, still in vain, even she was almost caught by the banshee...

The masters of their own, less and less, and the other female banshee, in the continuous recovery, repaired to the beginning of the Yuan Ying infant.

The banshee, for some reason, was repaired as a big loss, so it was necessary to recruit women to restore their mana.

And as she really recovered to Yuan Yingxiu, it was Song Jun and others who began to hesitate to continue to pursue this demon.

"What to do?" Changzong Zongzhong, Lu Zong main face helpless, looking at the old strange.

"This woman has actually recovered to Yuan Ying, and I have been unable to kill. On the contrary, if this woman counterattacks, I will definitely die... According to the old man, killing this demon is not the first thing. The key is how The defense is retaliated by her daughter." An old horror.

"Yeah, I see, killing this demon thing, just let it go... everyone quickly returns to the sect, strengthen the defense." Tianming hosted a sigh, and everyone nodded, only Qiqiu, against.

"No! Don't you see your wife and daughter die in this demon's hand, not save it!"

"Suqiu fairy does not want to be angry... I want to save my wife and daughter, but now, this woman is already Yuan Ying, I am waiting for an opponent... Ask the Song Dynasty, who can fight a baby? "Tian Ming hosted helplessly."

"How about Yuan Ying, if he shot..." Su Qiu remembered Ning Fan, but immediately gritted his teeth, showing a bitter expression.

I caught the banshee in a month, and I forgot to die, but Ning Fan did not come to help myself.

My own hopes are broken...

He won't come...

Halfway through, Su Qiu fell into silence, and an old reptile who had retired early, immediately angered.

"Suqiu fairy, you come to help me with Song Guotong, the old man is very grateful, but now Yuan Ying Lao Yao, the general trend has been completed, I am obviously not an opponent, can only wait for its 'satisfied', quickly leave Song Guo, I heard Zheng Guo is also making a demon... Maybe after this demon is satisfied, he will not be embarrassed with me, and will leave the Song Dynasty on his own..." In the eyes of the old blame, there is a hint of heart.

"Satiate... You say, eat! What do you think of a woman, Ding Furnace?! What food does the banshee eat?!" Su Qiu was angry with the case.

"Not bad! The old man thinks this way. If he can protect the Song Dynasty, the old man is willing to collect 10,000 virgins in the Song Dynasty and give it to the demon. Maybe the demon will be satisfied, and he will leave..." Good way.

"You!" Su Qiu Yin teeth bite, beautiful and angry. Under the power of this old demon, some righteous strangers have exposed their nature.

What disappointed her even more was that the proposal to send the virgin to the old blame, and actually two or three nodded, seems to be quite moving...

If you can spend 10,000 children and women, you can't really please the banshee, or even... the banshee is happy, put the wife and daughter of himself and others back...

"Wang Laotou’s suggestion is not bad... we are better off negotiating..."

"Hey! A bunch of cowards!"

Su Qiu did not look at this group of old monsters, point to point, leaving Changchun.

As for the gratitude of the old blame, it is also confiscated.

Disappointed, with disappointment, she left Changchun, but after leaving, her heart, for the first time in six hundred years, felt helpless...

Yueguo, homeless.

Song Guo, no branch can be relied upon.

Endless sea is so far, one person, no penny, how to go...

Even if I go, my childhood friend, now, can I still recognize myself?

A small jade bottle in his arms was taken out and held in his palm.

Among them, it is the bitterness of the paper crane given to her, also known as ‘sugar Dan’...

She has one, and the mana loss in a few days is immediately restored. Dan is very sweet, but her heart is very bitter.

"Ning Fan... Someone saw that Qimeilou was still waiting in the Song Dynasty locks. Is he waiting for me? Should I go back? Where do I go back? My way, ridiculous... insist on the right path, true Ridiculous..."

She walked in the clouds, she was upset, she just wanted to stick to the right path, but in the world, there is no real right way...

If there is no justice to defend, what else is it?

At this moment, she was full of flaws.

At this moment, a reddish demon wind suddenly bursts into the demon wind.

Immediately, Su Qiu’s eyes glanced and screamed badly. When his mind was in chaos, he was attacked by people!

In the demon wind, there was a violent mana immediately, which did not enter the body of Su Qiu Jiao, making it a mana, and immediately seemed to be blocked... and immediately, from the demon wind, a singer-songful voice was heard.

"Hey! You have been chasing me since this month, and I am very proud of it. Now, it is my turn to retaliate! Your little good, why don't you help me?" The banshee demon wind, the mana is locked Su Qiu, with the demon wind, flew toward a deep valley in the Western Song Dynasty.

When I heard the banshee, Su Qiu was first agitated, and then looked at it. "Shut up... I have nothing to do with him..."

"It doesn't matter? I really want to know, tearing you off the clothes, hanging on the tree. When you humiliate, your good looks, will you be angry? And your so-called righteous people are not dignified, If you are so insulted, maybe it’s more uncomfortable than death..."

"You! You dare!" Su Qiu yelled.

"Hey! Why don't you dare! Little sister, my sister has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. The most loved one is to humiliate those women who are high on the top... The more proud you are, the more my sister is, let you bow!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years? How is it possible?! You are not a part of the Yuan Ying Yaozu, how can you live for so long?! Are you the ancient demon of the 'sleeping' of the demon land?! No, the old demon of 'sleeping' Awaken, at least it needs to be a demon that will be cultivated by God... I know, you are the associated demon of a certain demon?! But so!"

"Hey, you don't need to know! In short, my sister is in a good mood now, come and play with you first..."

The banshee secretly surprised Su Qi's astuteness. This looks like a stubborn woman. Her mind is so clear, but she is such a bright woman. Why she knows that she is not good at herself, and dare to catch herself all month, it is really ridiculous for the banshee.. .

After a few hours, the banshee demon wind landed and appeared in the blood flower valley of the Western Song Dynasty.

This valley, once was the location of some of the last sects, but this ancestor was once secretly smothered by the female demon.

Nowadays, this valley is in ruins. Only in the depths of the valley in the deep valley, it is still well preserved.

In the midst of a burst of light, the banshee held the soft body of Su Qiu and entered the valley.

Being touched by the banshee in a sensitive place, even at the same time, Su Qiu is still looking angry.

When Su Qiu saw the confusion and misery within a valley, she immediately changed her face.

In the deepest part of the valley, there are countless naked women in Mingshan Xiushui, crying and crying.

This woman, without exception, is a female repair, repaired to the lowest, but also the spirit, the highest, even the famous Jin Dan, but at the moment these women repair, are all used to lock the mana, and It’s soft and soft, and it’s not a little bit of strength. It’s no different from a mortal woman who has fallen.

These women, many of them have blood flowing from the legs, apparently lost in innocence.

And some young women-like female repairs, many of them are dull, longing, and do not know what means to be displayed by the female demon, is endless self-satisfaction, and from time to time to send a sweet voice.

The voice of this ecstasy was passed to Su Qiu Er, so that it immediately flushed.

The banshee saw the autumn expression and immediately became proud of it.

"These virgins were broken by my fingers and filled with my mouthpieces... These women are quite good at bed, and they get along with me very well. Of course, all this is because, I They have not lifted their illusion... Little sister, you seem to be still in the end, it seems that you can first pick up you, then plant illusion for you, and teach you well..."

"What do you say! You... you dare!" Su Qiu could not imagine, his ancestors, one day, will be stunned by a banshee, locked in the valley, broken and guarded, planting illusion, as if one by one A woman who has lost her foot, and she wants to be dissatisfied all the time, making a noise...

What made her nervous was that the banshee threw her **** on the floor, but began to take off her clothes.

This banshee, the face is ugly, the road is deep or shallow, and it is intertwined on its face. There are knives, swords, and fire marks.

Although the female face is ugly, but the waist, but it is slender as a snake, a skin, but also a greasy water bomb, it seems to be able to drip dew, like the blossoming flower in the morning dew.

Its body, pure and flawless, solves the hair, it grows like a waterfall, and the chest is high, leaving a perfect back for Suqiu.

As long as you don't look back, this woman's appearance may be slightly better than Suqiu.

This made Su Qiu slightly puzzled. If the woman regained her appearance, she would be a peerless peer... But when her thoughts rose, she was cut off by her... At the moment, it was not a time of cranky thoughts.

Seeing that the banshee took off her clothes and showed excitement, she turned out a piece of equipment with the magic, which was used by the bed, and sneered to approach a naked girl.

The girl, who has not yet broken herself, has not planted illusion, seeing the banshee approaching, and immediately guessing what is going to happen, and pleading for mercy.

"no, do not want!"

But the banshee, simply ignore the girl’s begging for mercy, pressing the body on the girl and starting to touch the girl’s body.

The unmanned girl, who received the banshee's touch, was red-hot after a moment, and occasionally made a squeaky voice.

It’s just that Jiao, who is struggling with the girl’s hardship, and she’s not willing to let the banshee be satisfied.

The banshee, with a sullen look, waited for the girl to lie down, and immediately smiled after the spring.

"I don't want to be in the mouth, but the body is very, let you accelerate, how!"

In the unbelievable eyes of Suqiu, the banshee pierced a jade stick with a thick bowl of mouth...

And the girl, immediately screamed, screaming... pain, sore...

"Please, I will change the fine..." The banshee took out another thin stick and the voice was confusing.

"No... don't ask..." The girl is stubborn.

"Hey! It seems that you like this thickness very much, as you wish!" The banshee moved more intensely, and the girl, her legs could not twitch, and the blood was flowing.

It’s a long-suffering woman who can’t afford this stick. How can a girl who has been exposed to rain and dew can bear it?

That pain, even a monk, can't stand it... and gradually, the girl succumbed.

"Please, change a little..."

"This is awkward, I will separate my legs..."



"Yes..." The girl was ashamed, separated her legs by hand.

Then there was a loud and helpless joy. The scene is fragrant and cannot be described one or two.

After the girl is very happy, when she falls asleep, the banshee collects all the blood and clear springs of the girl into the Dan bottle and carefully stores them.

"This woman is doing well, and the blood of Yuanyin, which is cultivated by the spirit, is waiting for me. In the future, I can improve my training..."

There are many jade bottles like this in the banshee storage bag.

The naked banshee turned around and looked ugly, looking at Su Qiu.

"Okay, it's up to you, you choose thick, or fine..."


Looking at the banshee approaching step by step, Su Qiu for the first time, fear! This kind of thing is a woman, I will be afraid!

The clothes were torn by the banshee. Immediately, Su Qiu had only a tube top and a skirt on the lower body, which was torn apart by the banshee.

And Su Qiu, want to struggle, the mana is locked, the strength is even soft...

She closed her eyes in despair, this moment, the array of light outside the valley, suddenly suddenly shocked! The earth also began to vibrate!

In the distance, a nine-foot-and-nine-footed silver giant is stepping on the ground!

Under its footsteps, whether it is rock or stone, it is all by its feet.

The giant's pressure, it is the Yuan Ying Banshee, they feel a little dangerous!


The silver armor, a punch, made a series of sounds of sound.

The array of the top grades of the Tang Dynasty was underestimated by the giants and shattered!

The giant, the indifferent voice, is like a thunder, echoing over and over again in the valley.

"I said, there is no fourth time!"

(Thanks to aa112562 for the reward, I wanted to break out yesterday, but Cavan, there is no idea at all. Rewriting today, I feel a bit, but I was reviewed... I owe it even more, I owe 20 more, today at least four more, I hope this time. Can send out)

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