Grasping Evil

Chapter 155: Ancient god, ancient demon, ancient demon (first more)

Zheng Guozhi's demon, are all demon, met on the road, Su Qiu and Jing Zhuo, they will remove one or two, but this time, Su Qiu did not sacrifice Ning Fan time, go downstairs and help Zheng Guo.

First, because there is no need, and second, because the mind seems to have changed.

Her insistence on the Tao has not changed, but her way has changed. She seems to have one more thing than guarding the right path, guarding the Qimei House boat...

Ning Fan was not chasing after the play Yin Ruqiu, he was busy dealing with the spoils of the Song Dynasty.

There is no need to say that money, such things, will never be too small.

Dozens of Song national women's repairs were solved by Ning Fan one by one, but after planting the ban, they all stayed in Su Qiu.

What is the reason... Su Qiu is not assured that this group of delicate women will be placed next to Ning Fan. And this group of women, no matter how young or old, is said to be a disciple.

Can be accepted as a disciple by Yin Suqiu, the Song Guo female practitioners dare not refuse, and they are from the heart, but also fear this Ning Fan this strong demon.

When many people were rescued in the Blood Flower Valley, they were all awake, and they said in their own eyes that Ning Fan became a giant and shocked back the Yuan Ying Banshee... that strength, horror to incredible! Such a strong demon, after the event, did not let himself wait for people to return to Song, but instead took the person and others into Zheng Guo, and planted a ban on the girls.

This is a strong demon, what do you want to do? Yes, I want to recruit myself and others, so I don’t let people go...

At the thought of this possibility, the Song Guo female repairs did not escape the fire pit, but fell into the wolf's nest. Finally, I can see that Yin Suqiu, an ancestor of the age, has a heart to protect himself and others innocent, and one by one sincerely sincerely worships Yin Suqiu as a teacher.

It is Jin Dan, and he is also convinced by Yin Suqiu. Yin Suqiu, obviously the master of the ancestors who are about to get married, is in the Song Dynasty, afraid that they are all peak figures. I can worship this person as a teacher.

The Song Dynasty female repair, clinging to the thigh of Yin Suqiu, is extremely afraid of this strong demon. In this regard, Ning Fan is too lazy to explain, but also happy to be free.

Throw each of these unrelated women into the hearth ring, or give it to Yin Suqiu to breathe.

Yin Suqiu seems to have to rely on the female sect of the endless sea. If she takes so many masters, she can not cause the attention of the lord.

The lord, perhaps a good friend with Yin Suqiu, has no problem in accepting Yin Suqiu, but giving Yin Suqiu’s status, I am afraid that the factions within the Zongmen will be opposed in unison. No one will hope that Yin Suqiu, an outsider, will divide their power... But if Yin Suqiu joins this ancestor, he can bring a large number of masters to Zongmen, and Yin Suqiu may be a hero.

In this way, Ning Fan has no opinion on how Yin Suqiu handles the women's repairs in the Song Dynasty. As long as she does not let people go, she will toss her.

In addition to these spoils, the biggest trophy of the Song Dynasty trip is the Yuan Ying Banshee!

In the secret room, Ning Fan holds the storage bag of the banshee and carefully examines it. Naturally, it is his trophy.

Tens of thousands of immortals... I don’t know how many Song Guozong doors were destroyed by this woman.

The roots of several ancient elixir! These ancient elixir, from the perspective of the year, at least hundreds of thousands of years of age, even if it is only a root must, if taken, can also improve a lot of mana.

In addition, Ning Fan is still in the banshee storage bag, found a few refining **** grass... This grass, the ancient lost, but it seems that this ancient banshee, still have this kind of fetish... demon Family, cultivation, or meditating, and refining the gods, is undoubtedly the perfect thing for a strong mind. The banshee will carry some of this thing. It is not strange. Her thoughts are much stronger than the ordinary monks in the early Yuan Ying. It is Ning Fan. It is not as good as the banshee.

Refining the **** grass, can't let go...

In addition, there are dozens of jade bottles that are carefully stored in the banshee storage bag.

Within these jade bottles, without exception, they are the blood of the sage of the Song Dynasty women's virgins, and the yin scent in each jade bottle is superimposed to make Ning Fan's face change.

Such a yin and qi and blood, if taken, let the "Yin and Yang" exercises improve several realms, it is possible.

Originally, I had let go of the Song Dynasty women's repair. One of the reasons was that these women were repaired and lost the blood of Yuanyin. However, the female yin and blood of these women were carefully collected and stored by the female demon.

Perhaps the banshee himself has enough to make up, and the rest, ready to take it back to his accompanying demon. Only now, when these things fall into the palm of Ning Fan, it is impossible to run out.

He was slightly calm and happy, and once again, there was no wave in the old well, and he looked at the rest of the banshee storage bag.

Gradually, he gazed his eyes and took several Elder Scrolls from the banshee storage bag.

These reels are made of the skin of the ancient demon, and each reel has a vicissitudes of vicissitudes.

Above the seven scrolls, there are four, all of which record the ancient demon text that Ning Fan can't understand. The other three have countless blood spots that are dim and dense.

The ancient demon text is very similar to the inscription of Dong Yuzhong, but it is plausible. Obviously it is not a kind of text. The ancient Yaozu, not a family, there are many kinds of words.

I can't recognize the words, and let Ning Fan be quite helpless. This kind of text is the ancient emperor of Broadcom, which is unrecognizable.

The four reels, perhaps recorded the demon's martial arts practice, now it seems that they have no access.

Fortunately, there are three reels left, but it can be used. The blood on the scroll, Ning Fan knows in the memory of the ancient times, another means for inheriting the exercises of the ancient Yaozu.

The ancient demon inheritance, one is the demon language, and the second is the blood heritage. The Yaozu script is the secret of the highest level of each ethnic group. Only the upper level can be known.

Described in the demon scriptures must be an important practice of the tribe.

In the blood, in general, it is the basic demon sect.

The use of blood reel, Ning Fan is the first time to use.

He closed his eyes slightly, and after recollection, placed one of the three blood vessels on his legs, and his fingers, but with a strange move, hehe.

The black magic, with the finger to push, to read the power, and to open the inheritance of the blood scroll, also requires special magic.

Reading blood... This technique is a very low-level magic, but for Ning Fan, it is difficult to display.

This is the first time that Ning Fan has performed a magical technique. His fingers are awkward, clumsy, and cast a monk spell. It is not a concept at all.

When you show your magic, you can find the law between the fingers, as if you can, hook the world... that is a very mysterious feeling.

What makes Ning Fan laugh and cry is that he first applied blood reading, but he has failed.

Failure, not surprising. The display of magic, the speed of the squat is extremely valued, the higher the deep magic, the higher the demand for fingerprints.

Ning Fan, who is not familiar with the fingerprints of blood reading, is even more unfamiliar with the mana that is used skillfully during the display of demon power.

Therefore, under all kinds of strangeness, the ghosts and devils respected and displayed a low-level little magic, which failed.

After the continuous application of more than ten demons, all without exception, they are failures.

He said that he seemed to face a layer of diaphragm and could not be familiar with it.

As for the use of mind to cast spells, it is even more resisted by an invisible rule, which makes him only fail.

Not only failed, but forced to use the human body to display the magic, making Ning Fan's finger, quite a bit of hematoma...

He gradually realized that the power that hinders his rules of the heavens and the earth is the difference between the **** and the demon. The Terran exerts the magic, naturally it is to fail... In the final analysis, it is because the Terran has no demon pulse...

Without the demon pulse, you can't display the little magic, open these blood scrolls, and even if you open it, there is no demon pulse, and most of them can't be cultivated.

Ning Fan smiles, it seems that he is with this magic, missed...

But when he shook his head, in the middle of Dantian, the yin and yang locks, the woman who had been sleeping for a long time since the battle with Bai Feiteng, suddenly made a wonderful yawn and woke up.

"The good smell of sleeping... ah? This is... the blood scroll of the ancient demon? Where did you get it?!"

For the first time, the mysterious woman showed a surprised tone.

When the mysterious woman’s gaze fell on the blood of Ning Fan’s finger, she immediately became alarmed.

"You have shown your magic?! Has it succeeded?!"

His words seem to have some excitement.

"Failed..." Ning Fan smiled.

"Can it can it..." The woman is puzzled.

"I am the yin and yang magic pulse, there is no demon pulse, naturally it is to fail."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong... It seems that your understanding of the yin and yang magic veins is not enough. How much do you know about this ancient magical vein? You know, why did I take pains and take risks? This ancient heritage... You know, in my own capacity, it is easy to obtain other inheritances of gods and gods, and other gods and gods inherit, many powers are far above the ancient heritage..."

The woman’s words made Ning Fan sinke slightly.

Indeed, he knows too little about the yin and yang magic veins, and the ancient emperor, but he has not said too much in the memory inheritance.

For the ancient gods and magic veins, the only thing he has ever seen, except himself, is the corpse of the black corpse.

The view of the corpse is not biased, and its power is more powerful than the yin and yang magic.

The yin and yang magic veins, known as the magic pulse, have no corresponding magical body cultivation methods. Like the black corpse, there is a refining technique of "The Devil". Like the bone emperor who had never seen it before, there is a refining technique for the giants. Like Nagni, there should also be a powerful magical refining technique.

But the yin and yang magic veins, no... Otherwise, why should Ning Fan specialize in the cultivation of "Gian Gushen", if "Yin and Yang" has its own refining technique, then Ning Fan is sure to cultivate the body of Baizhang with the current realm of refining. The demon body. In that way, the first realm of silver bone, he incarnates a hundred feet, can fight with Yuan Ying in the middle...

"Yin and Yang", unlike other gods and gods, is very different...

Why... Now I was asked by the mysterious woman, and Ning Fan was the first to move his mind.

This mysterious woman is not too small, but it is more important than the inheritance of the ancients. This "yin and yang change" must have a powerful place far beyond other magical techniques.

Ning Fan thought and flew, faintly guessed the most extraordinary of "Yin and Yang", but he was not sure.

"Yin and Yang Change"... This method of exercise, the speed of serving Dan is extremely fast, and the recruitment of women to improve, is also very fast. As a magic pulse, but in the magic, open up the divine, become a **** Pulse, help me to condense the gods... This meditation, the most subtle point, seems to be a 'combination' word, the merger of all inseparable forces, turned into their own use... can it be said!"

In spite of this, Ning Fan suddenly guessed a possibility.

The woman’s words immediately gave Ning Fan an answer.

"It's a good statement. With your realm, you can have this kind of understanding. It is not something that the ancient emperor can give. The most powerful thing about this "Yin and Yang" is that it is a 'combination' word. When the rumors are too ancient, the emperor In the course of teaching, the ancient emperor from the immortal preaching, listened to a 'concurrent love and non-attack', suddenly triggered the sentiment, and abandoned his own magical body, the use of attacking techniques, replaced by the full cultivation of a 'concord' word. .., and annex all forces. It seems that your yin and yang magic pulse has already stimulated the divine nature and condensed the gods. Yes, it is really good... but you know, the yin and yang magic veins are not magic veins, not gods. It is not a demon pulse, but this fairy vein can change the ability of all the fairy veins... You can practice magic, you can practice magic, you can practice magic... it has no specific refining, because it can adapt Almost all the refining techniques... You can use this technique to condense the eyebrows, and you can use this technique to condense the left-eye demon star and the right-eye magic star. The ancient emperor, the most powerful, is the god, the demon, the devil. All repairs, his practice is not the strongest demon, but a few Mergers can all mythical power law, known as the chaos of a Pacific ... hence the name, old mess! "

The mysterious woman narrates in detail, while Ning Fan listens to it. The woman's tone was extremely enviable. She was too envious to tell her. In order to obtain this inheritance, she took great risks and offended a lot of powerful forces. The result was a good yin and yang lock, which fell on the hands of Ning Fan.

How many thousands of years have passed since that? I can't remember it... Nowadays, the ancient traditions have been forgotten by all the true immortals. At this juncture, Ning Fan has won the wonderful work of making countless real sensations... His air transport is somewhat against the sky.

Or is it that Ning Fan’s own, and the practice of “Yin and Yang Change”?

The mysterious woman suddenly sinks into it.

She suddenly became puzzled... With the human body of Ning Fan, why did he perform the magic, not seriously injured, just a hemiplegia.

You must know that if the Terran applies the magic, it must be demonized by the demon, and the demon is a poison to the monk. Of course, there are also ethnic monks who open up the demon veins and imitate the cultivation of the demon family. But in that case, the demon of the demon, but unable to display the Terran spells, otherwise they are also injured.

But Ning Fan, is a human race undoubtedly, the display of black magic, only ten fingers hematoma ... Is Ning Fan's blood, there is a demon blood?

And this blood is not abolished, or it is extremely thin. Otherwise, it will be displayed in a few times when it is used to show the little black magic.

The mysterious woman, her heart raised a huge doubt, and her heart was slightly excited.

If Ning Fan really does not know the blood of the demon family of many generations of ancestors, then under his own guidance, he may be able to display blood reading and read the blood scroll. Even, he may stimulate the thin inheritance in the blood, completely in the yin and yang magic vein, magic, divinity, plus, demon!

God, demon, and magic are all repaired... Will this Ning Fan, after becoming the ancient emperor, the first person to complete this feat? !

The mysterious woman has been lonely for countless thousands of years, and immediately caught up with her interest.

She wants to explore the bottom of Ning Fan, but she has not yet opened her mouth, and Ning Fan spoke first.

"Speaking of it, Ning and the girl also have a lot of friendship, but I still don't know the girl's name, is it too regrettable?" Ning Fan asked.

"Girl...ha... I am tens of thousands of times older than the rain gods. You call me a girl? Little brother, you are very interesting... telling you is no problem, my sister is Beibei Tiancai. The person of Tianxianjie, the fairy of the year, is the **** of Luoshui, named Luo You, to remember."

"It turned out to be Luo Shen... Luo quiet, good name." Only by smelling its name, Ning Fan can imagine this mysterious woman, how beautiful it is.

Luo You, it is a good name for a lonely, presumably this female child, must also be cold and arrogant in the same year, but in the yin and yang locks, the dark days have been closed for too long, will be more words with themselves.

And before the taste of Luo You, the heart of Ning Fan, raised a bold conjecture.

This idea is exactly what Luo is thinking about.

The yin and yang magic pulse can be used to repair God, demon, and demon... If it can be coincidental, it will stimulate a trace of demon power, even if it is a very weak one, Ning Fan is also sure, in the yin and yang magic vein, more repair a kind of demon power, and the demon in front of you Gong can undoubtedly be able to perform.

Ancient gods, ancient demon, ancient devils... Three powers, the power, "Yin and Yang" is not as good as other magical powers, but in mystery, under the sun, I am afraid it is difficult to find a second method, which is comparable to it. .

"Don't ask Luo Yuxian, can I have a way to inspire a little demon and show my magic?"

"This is what I want to study... Don't you mind, I will show you "Fairy"?"

Luo Wei’s silver bell-like laughter, with a look of hope.

She really wants to know, in the blood of Ning Fan, is there really a bloodline of the demon?

(Shenzhen, soldiers repair position, black magic, bonfire into mountains, magic road, life and death counteraction... ancient road, no fairy! cough, run the problem, the first more sent, thank you for the pigs, blue demon walking around the rivers and lakes Ji, 噼里啪啦,书友131009223508163 reward. Streaking for seven weeks, there is a recommendation, news push, cough, happy)

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