Grasping Evil

Chapter 20: Ning Gongzi, come to kick the sect!

One dynasty annihilation, two Ding Pingshanmen, Sanding collapsed into the Confucian mountain. The top decent of the Qi State is actually being flattened by the old devil Sanding!

The old konjac finished the tripod, recovered the broken Dan Ding, and sneered. At the foot of the Confucian Yuanzong, it was already brightly lit and roared.

"Where is the junior, dare to come to my Confucian Yuanzong!"

A Jindan old Confucian cloud went to heaven, and when he saw the other two, he was only immersed in the spirit, and he smacked his eyebrows and sacrificed a piece of ink to the stage, and then he went to the old devil.

District is full of spirits, and dare to come to the Confucian Yuanzong to find death!

This old Confucianism, if placed in Vietnam, is probably the top ten masters. He has the arrogance of his predecessors, but he does not know that the old devil looks at him, and he is like an ant.

"I let the Confucius grow out and let you out! Give Laozi, roll!"

When the old devil waved his hand, Dan Ding leaped and leaped, and the wind was long, and the town was above the magic weapon of Fujian and Taiwan. Only one collided, black mans covered the sky, the fire was clouded, the platform was more cracked, the spirituality was greatly reduced, the brilliance was lost, and the smashing thunder was heard. The old devil is far away from the top, and eight black dragons fly out from the tripod, and go to the old Confucianism.

The magic weapon was destroyed, and it was faced with a black dragon attack. It was so shocking that the old Confucian students were ecstatic, unbelievable!

"Black magic inflammation! One of the 'Twelve demon fires'! Who are you, how can you have this flame!"

Among the nine worlds, there are 'day frost twelve cold air', there is 'ground vein twelve demon fire', rumors gather Qi 'day frost cold air' or 'ground vein demon fire', even the world's invincible broken old monsters, can A battle!

Old Confucian never imagined that the invisible old demon had mastered the ground veins. Not easy to provoke, this person can not provoke!

He flew back and forth, only to find that the Eight Fire Dragon locked him all the way out, he could not avoid it, only hard to pick up this round of offensive.

"It seems that only the use of this magic weapon..." Old Confucianism, a finger, called out a volume of Danshu iron.

Manchu and Confucian disciples, all face changes, I can't think of Jin Dan's old Confucianism and the old spirits of the spirits, but they were first ruined by the other side, and they were forced to use the magic weapon.

However, at the time when Laoru continued to shoot, within the Confucian Yuanzong, an anxious voice sounded, "The black magical hand is merciful! Mofuzi, quickly put away the magic weapon of the life, you want the life magic weapon to be destroyed too! You know, What a fierce star you are facing!"

The old Confucian scholar with a knife-faced face, Confucianism, and the sky, the heart has a glimpse of the old demon.

He couldn't figure out why he couldn't figure out why the Sovereign prevented him from resisting the enemy. Although the other party is powerful, if you sacrifice your life, the winners and losers are not yet known.

But when he looked down, his face suddenly became pale, and the magic weapon of his life, the Danshu Iron Roll, was smeared by a layer of magical power, and his spirituality was greatly damaged.

Shocked! He has no idea when the old devil will be out of his hand, and when he will be filthy!

If you rush to continue to fight with the old devil, the magic weapon can be lost, mostly to die under the black magic inflammation!

If the non-masters shot, they are so arrogant, they are almost to be killed by the spirits? !

"Hey! Confucianism, you will come out slower, Laozi can really be merciless." The old devil Zhang mouth sucks, will break the Dan Ding and the black magic inflammation into the abdomen, sneer at the Confucianism, look at Confucianism It’s so uncomfortable.

"The old rules... pay a baby to Laozi, and Laozi will leave, not to mention..."

"Baby, Dark Lord, what do you want..."

"Confucianism Dan!" The old devil licked his ears and blew.

"What! Confucianism is the treasure of my Confucian Xuanzong town. If you take one, you can be a fairy."

"Ten, one less, I killed you a Confucian Yuanzong a Jindan..." The old devil dug his nose.

"You are a robbery! Ten! The old man can only produce one in a year..." Confucian Cangsheng is about to cry.

"I used to be a robbery! Ten Confucian sects, plus 100,000 celestial jade, Laozi finally asked again, give it or not! Don't give it, Lao Tzu took the chick in your room and robbed it!" .

"Don't grab my little peach... Give it, the old man will give you..." Confucian Cang bite his teeth, pull out a storage bag, order a baby, put it in the storage bag and hand it to the old devil.

He sighed again and again, looking at the side from beginning to end, Ning Fan, who did not say a word, complicated, "boy, you have a good master... the old man practiced in the past, if there is such a master to help me rob the drug, the old man is already Yuan Ying, even the **** of the gods..."

The old devil ordered something, as many as it was, and he gave it to Ning Fan at random, and he was too lazy to look at it.

"Go, go to the next place and continue to play!"

Grabbing Ning Fan's shoulders, the old devil laughed and turned into a black rainbow to pierce the night, and went to the next sect.

And Confucian Cangsheng saw the old demon leave, and Dasong breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Sovereign, this person is not a district, but why are you so afraid of him, you are the top master of the half-step Yuan Ying..." The old Confucian named Mofuzi, does not understand.

"Different districts? Not the old man's life, you have ten lives are dead, know no! This person, even if only the spirit, but even the rain king, see him also ... forget, you do not have to know this Dismissed, all gave up to the old man, rolled back to sleep. The old man went to find a little peach red..."


In the black rainbow, Ning Fan touched the second storage bag at the waist, and the mood was complicated.

Ten Confucian Xuandan, 100,000 Xianyu... Confucian Xuan Dan is a three-transfer medicinal herb, and 100,000 celestial jade can rebuild a ghost bird. It’s not a thin gift for the old devil to give him a teacher’s gift.

Confucianism in the half-step of the Yuan Ying, seeing the old devil, afraid to see the ghost. Ning Fan has doubts, such a powerful old demon, who is the devil of the magic pulse... And why does he dissolve the black magic faction, and go to the district ghosts to be an elder demon...

"With your strength, why do you want to stay in the ghosts..." Ning Fan has doubts, and finally asks for export.

"Because, the ghost bird is against the Laozi, there is grace... He knows that Laozi’s enemies are strong, and he will be willing to cure me. Without him, Laozi is already dead. Without him, Xiaomei has no chance of 'death'... know Laozi Why do you want to join the ghosts? I hope you, help the old man to repay him... He married his niece and gave him a son-in-law..."

The look of the old devil, sentimental and serious, where there is just a little bit of arrogance.

Ning Fan has a glimpse of the old devil, this person seems to be true temperament, although he is overbearing love guilty...

However, there is a point that Ning Fan can't accept it. The old demon owes the ghosts and tenders, why do you let yourself repay...

"You repay, why did you sell me to the daughter of the ghost bird?" Ning Fan raised an eyebrow.

"Mother's, you are a white wife, what are you not willing to do it! You don't like to double repair, how many wives are enough!"

"I don't want to, the woman is too proud..."

"You don't want to say it again!" The old man was stunned.


"Try it again!"




"I have accepted you as a disciple. It’s true that his mother has fallen for eight generations of mold! Well, I will go to Lanruo Temple immediately, ready to start, this girl, but there is no Confucianism to scare..."

The old devil received the light of the black rainbow, and Ning Fan stepped on the sky in a green hill, looking at the magnificent temple below, his eyes were slightly dignified.

"Lan Ruo Temple old demon, is the real Yuan Ying master, I am repaired as a waste, kicking the sect should also leave a little love, can only smash two tripods..."

"... 砸 two tripods, this is called mercy?" Ning Fan strangely looked at the old devil.

Broken Dan Ding, sacrifice, fall!

One tripod, the array method is broken, the two tripods, the mountain gate collapses.

"Old witch, let Laozi get out!"

In the night, Lan Ruo Temple lit up the green demon fire, and a enchanting anger sounded from the temple.

"Han Yuanji, you dare to come, this time, the old lady must have eaten you!"

Immediately, a swell of the sky like a dragon, from the temple, thousands of old trees with vines, like a knife piercing the night sky. Such a power, even Jin Dan, we must die!

The old devil saw this, and smiled, suddenly received Dan Ding, took a step back, and pushed Ning Fan back, pushed Ning Fan from the sky and fell to Lan Ruo Temple.

"Ning Xiaozi, this time kicking, you come!"

"Let me fight against Yuan Ying master?!" Ning Fan looked at the unscrupulous smile of the old devil, and the glamour of Lan Ruo Temple, swallowing. I have just broken through the spirit, I have to fight with the old demon who has lived for thousands of years?

But immediately, as soon as I thought of the day, Ning Fan suddenly took a look.

Yuan Ying master? Let me try, how strong it is, in order to defeat Yuan Ying master, is qualified to destroy the heavens and rescue the lonely brother!

"The black magic 972 generation head, Ning Fan, come to kick the sect!" Ning Fan cold and cold, chasing the sword in hand, a hot sword intended to sizzle in the eyes.

(Seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

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