Grasping Evil

Chapter 207: The thornist, the sect of the earth!

Four points in the sky, the land is divided into nine circles.

The Jiujie is the lower bound of the fairyland. The top three are the devil, the demon and the fairy, the fourth is the immortal world, and the last five are the five elements: the rain, the sword, the fire, the mountain and the tree. Among the nine worlds, the highest is not broken, or there are scattered fairy, scattered demon, and scattered demons.

The four fairy tales are Beibei mixed sky, Dongpu virtual sky, Xiqiao Brahma, and Nanzhao Emperor. Four days of fairyland, each controlled by a strong force, collectively known as the Four Emperors, a total of Xianfu, flying up the fairy, they will serve in Xianfu. Among them, the master of the East Heavenly Sky is the God of the Court. The master of the North and the Sky is the Palace of the World.

The four major forces often have descendants who are experienced and have a quota of nine circles. This quota can be given to the lower bounds of the magical monk asylum, flying for four days, but the price is that after the ascension, join this force.

Four Fairyland, also known as the 'broken fairyland', is a substitute for the lost of the ancient heavens, and is the place where the lower bounds of the people rise.

The demon world is not in the four heavens, but flies into the land of the demon. Within the rumored land of the demon spirit, it is divided into ‘awakening’ and ‘dream’, and the specific stone soldiers do not know.

The Devils of the Devils do not enter the four days, but fly into the ‘Deserts of the Ancients...

These messages were spoken from the stone soldiers, but it was the first time that Ning Fan had heard it.

"Zhou Ming, if you are willing to accept the nine places in my legacy, Miss can help you fly for four days... You need to know, with your own power, broken into celestial, how difficult it is... If you can enter four days, there are ' Helping the gods list and the power of the incense, help you break through the real fairy, easy..."

"…Let me think about it…"

Ning Fan is silent.

This nine-point quota sounds really tempting. The ancient memory of the ancients was passed down, and the self-destruction was suspended. It was not mentioned in the method of becoming a fairy. This means that after Ning Fan Xiu was broken, he would no longer be able to rely on the ancient memories and possess superhuman vision.

The probability of flying into a fairy, like the ordinary monk, is almost less than one percent chance...

There are nine places in the world, almost safe to become immortals, but whether to ask for the number of places in the palace, join this force after the ascent... This Ning Fan did not think well.

In all fairness, it may be better to accept the quota of the God's Court than the arrogant North Little Man... For the enchanted little demon girl, Ning Fan is not bad.

Suddenly, the immortality of the immortal rises, and it is still far from the reach of Ning Fan, and it is not anxious to decide at this moment. If you don't accept the quota, accept the quota of which day, you need to carefully consider, for example, ask the old devil, which piece of fairyland he is... At least, the master and the apprentice must rise to the world and take care of it.

"This matter will be said later, first etch the magic pattern for me." Ning Fan faint.

"Okay..." Shi Bing’s position naturally did not coerce Ning Fan’s qualifications. If Ning Fan first came to Penglai, the ancestral palace took the initiative to show good things to Ning Fan, and most of them left a good impression. Now...

"The technique of thorns, transmitted from the ancient Mozu 'carving stone family', with the technique of the spirit, passed from the ancient demon family 'demon spirit family', although finally spread, but traced back to the source, not the human race. The ancient demon spirit, I don't know much, but the ancient magic carving stone family... This time in the time of Taikoo, even with a needle in the hand, carved in the body of the demon... the ancient magical pulse! Oh, far away, talk about the tattoo Let's go... The demon family has a body that can withstand the violent pain of the thorns. The stone warrior is the devil's pattern, the minimum need to stab 7 lines, up to 99 lines can be engraved... However, the number of magic patterns written in the first time determines the final growth of this magic pattern. Once again, it is extremely painful to etch this magic pattern..."

"You said it many times..."

"No, it's really painful. When I was wearing the 13th magic pattern, I almost collapsed and couldn't make the 14th road. The gods and gods above the four days, the people who carved this magic pattern, At most, it only takes 24 roads, and it is also in four days. It is also a great person... so the pain of the pattern is very affordable, so this magic pattern is generally used to enhance the strength..."

"Oh? That is to say, if I learn the etching technique of this magical pattern, I can smelt the corpse, smash, and smash it like my black smelt, so I can break through the jade!"

If this is the case, Ning Fan can smash the corpse of the corpse and the corpse, mass-produce the jade smelt, and carry thousands of smelting corpses that are comparable to the gods, sweeping the rain!

"That is impossible, the technique of thorns is not simpler than the spirit of the spirit. If you have no millennium, you will not learn the magic lines above the ranks! And even if you learn, in order to refine a jade corpse, you will Need to kill nearly 100 yuan baby, refining the secret blood... and in the end, the smelting of the body is not god, not necessarily the thorn pattern success... your 'Xianzhen', lend me a use..."


Ning Fan handed the embroidery needle to Shi Bing.

"Well, this is the female red thing used by the fairies of the ancient heavens. If you enter the heavenly ruins in the future, you may see some. This thing is used as a thorn pattern, no matter how good... The thorn pattern is divided into three steps, the first Step, to acupuncture the body, engrave the magic pattern, the second step, infiltrate the secret blood, the third step, activate the magic pattern..."

Take off the outer shirt, reveal the back, looking at Ning Fan's thin back, the stone brow wrinkles.

"The body is so thin, I am afraid that I can't support 7 magic lines... The pain of thorns is already unbearable, and the pain of Jade Emperor Dan is even more fearful of the gods... When you are tattooed, you have to take Jade Emperor Dan for the time being."

"No need to worry..." Ning Fan will never tell Shi Bing, the method of taking Jade Emperor Dan is to pain and pain, want to engrave a few more magic lines, say no, but also rely on Yuhuang Dan to support the pain.

"Beginning... the first shot!"

Shi Bing's fingers illuminate a faint light, and the wrists are shaken. The embroidery needle is immediately turned into a three-inch long needle, and the whole root is pierced into the back of Ningfan!

Under the control of the mystery, a drop of blood did not seep out, but the pain of the sashimi, in a flash, increased several times.

When the stoneman's mana control needle, it seems like a finger to write, in the Ningfan ridge back, immediately, the pain is repeated several times, it is a master of the gods, I am afraid that will also force collapse, screaming out.

But Ning Fan, just browing his brows... it hurts, but not enough to make it come out.


Shi Bing was amazed. I couldn’t think of this thin young man, who had such patience!

Need to know that the first six needles, the most painful, is the first needle, because the first needle, can not be prevented, and after 5 needles, because of the first needle, although each needle is more painful, but after adaptation, Not difficult to bear.

At least in the memory of the stone soldiers, whether it is a monk or a skeleton, the first needle can not change color... no!

Regardless of this sub-qualification, but with this kind of patience, it is enough to make Shibing look.

His gaze disappeared and he gradually gained a little respect.

This week, although hostile to himself, but... is a man!

If it is not hostile, Shi Bing would like to be with him, really making friends...

"Oh... second needle!"

This needle is 10% more painful than the first needle, but Ning Fan does not wrinkle his brow. This is adaptation.

The third needle, the fourth needle... until the sixth needle, Ning Fan did not frown, and on the occasion of the seventh needle, Shi Bing could not help but be nervous.

This needle will determine the success or failure of the tattoo...

"If it hurts, call it out... the seventh needle!"

Seven needles fall, behind Ning Fan, it seems like a black cloud pattern tattoo!

The pain of seven needles, gathered in one place, is Ning Fan, both eyes round, blue gluten floating!

Biting your teeth, but still not yelling out!

Not enough, not enough! The pain of taking the fourth Jade Emperor Dan is still worse...


Seven stitches do not ring!

In the eyes of Shi Bing, the color of respect is more intense, and this week’s forbearance is absolutely above his preconception!

"Continue to stab... don't stop!"

"it is good!"

This child can bear more than his own body, he can bear 13 needles, he endures 13 needles, should be no problem!

The stone soldiers secretly pondered, once Ning Fan began to call the pain, it was almost finished, if he could not bear it, then Shi Bing immediately terminated the final stroke!

It’s just that the stone soldiers never expected it, and this Ning Fan should be silent!

The 8th, 9th, and 13th pins! This is the needle that the stone soldiers could not bear in the past, but Ning Fan, sweating all over the body, still no words!

14th pin, 15 pin...24 pin! This is already a stunned sacred sacred man in the past, but the number of thorns can be endured... but Ning Fan is pale and still has not stopped!

25th pin, 26 pin...31 pin! Ning Fan finally trembled, even if he did not yell, but the physical instinct, but can not bear the pain...

Shibing swallowed the throat...31 stitch! If this matter is passed for four days, it will definitely cause a sensation! Can endure 31 needles, this week is clear-minded, and it is like a stone!

On the back of Ning Fan, several black clouds and a sharp peak have been engraved!

"Okay, 31 stitches, enough, almost..."

"Not enough! I want to engrave...99 pens!"

"Don't mess around! Your body has reached the limit. If you are stubborn, the body may collapse due to pain..." Shi Bing was somewhat worried about Ning Fan, and it was really a strange thing.

The change of attitude, falling in the eyes of Ning Fan, suddenly turned into a strange color.

Being cared for by the enemy, this feeling is really weird.

"Almost, it is the time to take the fourth Jade Emperor Dan..." Ning Fan’s eyes, Han Mang flash! He dares to bow to the enemy and dare to blame himself!

"Let me see! Can Jade Emperor Dan work with the magic lines... to relieve pain!"

The fourth jade emperor Dan, take it!

And Shi Bing, the face changed greatly!

"What, what! The pain of thorns is already unbearable, and you still take Jade Emperor... you crazy!"

"Is it!"

However, the strength of the drug, Ning Fan body Xianmai, bones and bones began to crack, remodeling, this pain, precisely with the pain of thorns, offset!

The realm of its refining is even more urgent!

"Continue to stab!" Ning Fan stunned!

The stone soldiers shook... The Ning Fan of this moment, sitting on the futon, but gave the stone soldiers an impact.

The heart started to rise, and I was a little afraid of Ning Fan...

Not afraid of the black moon print, but fear... Ning Fan's aunt!

When this person is a mortal, dare to enter the wolf king's nest, and lead the imperial monk to be buried in the belly of the wolf king!

When this person is in the veins, dare to kill the heavens from the elders, after the spirits, dare to enter the demon forest, and fight against the golden and the ghosts!

This person has not married Dan, they dare to kill Jin Dan, Yan Yuan Ying. After this person is married, it is even more shocking in the name of the sea!

This person, even his own gods... dare to take it!

Shi Bing took a deep breath, and he suddenly raised a feeling. If this is Ning Fan, if the thorny person is this Ning Fan... This person, really hopes to bear the pain of 99 needles, will never have a complete stone The soldiers' magic lines are completely smashed!

"I asked myself to see a lot of four days of Junjie, but I am as good as you are... rare!"

Shibing’s eyes are sharp, and a long needle is stabbed!

32nd pin, 33 pin....41 pin!

42nd needle, 52 needles...62 needles!

72nd, 82nd, 92nd...98th!

Only the remaining Jade Emperor Dan, who has finished eating, can hardly offset the pain!

This last shot, the pain, will be enough to tear Ninfan's body!

On the back of Ningfan, a black cloud and black mist of the magic mountain tattoo, has only the last one!

The eyes fell on this complete tattoo, Shi Bing, shocked!

"How... how can it! Stone Warrior, the division of the division of the magic line, but if you engrave 99 strokes, it turns out to be... the legendary second-order lost magic pattern... ‘Xuantu magic pattern’!”

The magic lines of the top three are lost. Unexpectedly, one of the so-called lost magic lines was actually promoted by the ranks!

Only one stroke, this is to defend the unparalleled magic pattern, it must be etched successfully.

But in the end, Ning Fan’s state is already close to a coma.

No **** face, physical illusion seems to collapse, Yuan Ying is not stable!

But after hearing the exclaim of Shi Bing, Ning Fan’s eyes flashed!

"The last stroke is finished... The ranks of the soldiers are in order... can you enter the ranks?!"

"Yes, and it will be the second in the tens of thousands of magic lines, the second in the mysterious magic pattern! If you engrave this magic pattern successfully, your physical defense will increase several times!"

"Okay, stab!"

"But your body has almost collapsed..."

"That's how... how!"

Ning Fan’s eyes are bloody, but the bloodshots are gradually disappearing. Instead, they are indifferent and ice-like eyes. The black hair is long, the left face is demon, and the whole body is black, and the whole body is completely blurred. body!

"This is! Incarnation! The broken old monsters may be condensed...incarnation!"

Shi Bing was shocked and unbelievable!

Even if it is a sacred person, before it is broken, it will definitely not condense incarnation!

What is the origin of this week! Even when Yuan Ying was there, there was an incarnation!

"So, you are not afraid of physical violence... stab!" The blackened Ning Fan eyes are indifferent, and the words are like ice, but there is a majesty that cannot be ignored.


Shi Bing gritted his teeth, the last one, stabbed!

At this moment, the tattoos on the back of Ning Fan are completely complete, and the totem of the ancient magic peaks, the magic of the sky!

And its flesh, can not bear the pain... Jade Emperor Dan is exhausted, this is the most painful blow, you must support yourself!

The body of the chanting, almost one face, it smashed into a black fog, and that pain directly pointed to the mind, forcing Ning Fan, so that his **** knows yu!

If you know it, then you will collapse, then you will die, and all your patience will be destroyed!

"Give me a cure! Condensation! Condensation!"

Eyes are crazy, black fog, re-condensation!

When the chanting incarnation regains a moment, Ning Fan is as calm as a mountain!

The first step, he stabbed a total of ... 99 needle! In addition to the founder of Shibing Magic, the first one to endure the pain, the ranks of this soldier, the promotion of life to the second person!

"Become! Become!" Shi Bing laughed, can etch out the lost magic lines, he etched the magic lines for Ning Fan, it is right!

"No, it's not done! Melt the secret blood... Activate the magic lines!"

Time passes quietly, and one month turns to the past.

The secret blood is blended with the tattoo pattern, which makes the black cloud and Montenegro more red.

And a month of excitement, Ning Fan's mind, always immersed in a misty magic fog.

The heavens and the earth, the magic fog filled, the foot is the invisible magic, the sky is a Montenegro that suppresses the magic, and he, standing on the Montenegro, trying to conquer Montenegro!

"I am the mountain spirit of the ancient magic mountain town of the magic mountain... junior, you are not worth standing on my head, rolling!"

"Hey! The deity must not only stand on your head, but also conquer you! Activate your magic, activate!"

After a month, Ning Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and Huo Ran stood up and danced long!

A realm of refining, suddenly increased! Its whole body, the magic is flying!

"The third step, success!"

Refining the realm, improve!

Silver bone second world, third world... fourth world... peak!

It’s only a step away from the jade of the flesh!

The power of a punch is a big monk, and it is hard to fight!

"At this moment, I am killing Liao, just... three punches!" Ning Fan's eyes are overwhelming!

Xu Xu, scattered the power.

And its right eye only, a moment of black Saturn, completely condensed!

The first star of the gods is the star of the thunder!

The first star of the magic star is the Earth Star!

The foot of Penglai, the heart of Ning Fan, seems to have a strange feeling...

If he is willing, you can take the island soul of Penglai Xiandao out!

Everything has souls, mountains have souls, water has souls, and stars have souls!

And the soul-sucking... is a mystery that can be used by a few broken geeks, and even if it is pumped, it is only the soul of the small river to enhance the mana...

But Ning Fan, but raised an illusion... He has a way, with the Earth Star, to extract the entire island of Penglai Xiandao, blessing!

If so, its mana will be elevated to a state of terror...

But unfortunately, its flesh, even if it is a jade, can not withstand the island spirit of the whole fairy island...

Distracted thoughts, his right eye Saturn flashed, explored a claw, and grabbed down.

If you can't take the island's soul, you can pump the soul of the earth in the Qianli Oasis in Nancheng!

That catching, pulling, the whole piece of aura of Qiannan a thousand miles, immediately collapsed!

Ning Fan’s hands seem to catch something, with a thick, vast atmosphere, a mouthful of swallowing, its mana, almost in an instant, as if to display the secret law, crazy improvement, almost instantly upgrade 2000 A, it is considered ... yuan Baby peak!

And its eyes, it is indifferent, vicissitudes, as if the incarnation has become the earth, since ancient times exist!

"A good mystery secret... With this technique, when I have insufficient mana, I can freely use the soul to borrow the law..."

Dissipated the soul of the earth, the south of the country, and gradually returned to normal.

And Ning Fan was deeply exhaled and sullen, and his face was clear.

"After a little bit of interest rate adjustment, I started to pick up the Camellia Banshee and the Fengxin Banshee! I don’t know if they see me now, what an expression would be..."

In the south of the land, the aura dissipated, but it recovered in a moment.

Outside the Shiguan, Xiao Wanlu took a handy step and his face was intolerant.

He is outside Shiguan, and has been waiting for two months. This week, the big shelf, he is also a half-step monk, it is a god, it should be polite, he Zhou Ming, actually hanging himself, really arrogant generation!

"The arrogant generation, on the road to comprehension, can not go far!"

He secretly swears, if he still hopes to borrow Ning Fan's magic power, shocking and shocking the big forces outside the sea, he will not be so whispered, like a servant, waiting for Ning Fan outside Shiguan.

But when the aura changed, he Xiao Wanluo was shocked!

He is the closest monk to the Yuanguan, probably the only one in Penglai, who perceives the cause of the aura!

At the moment when the aura dissipated, he clearly felt that the earth under his feet seemed to die and lost his soul!

And Xiao Wanluo, who is very close to Shiguan, is a very absurd feeling. It is like his own soul. Because of the footsteps, he has to be pumped away!

Immediately, all his dissatisfaction was turned into... shock!

"This, this is... the singularity of the sorrowful spirits! This week, it is actually retreating, studying the broken virtual power! This person, this person... the legend of the world, if a monk can be broken before the Ming One of the three secrets of enlightenment, control, and avatar, this life... must be broken! And it is a fairy, and the chances are higher than ordinary people!"

Xiao Wanluo, shocked to say nothing!

But the heart, but the death and death, even without the danger of Dan Dingmen, he Xiao Wanlu in this life, must also hold Zhou Ming's thigh!

Ming Wu spirits... This person realizes one of the three secrets, and it is hopeful! Cheng Xian has a play!

And if Xiao Wanluo knows, Ning Fan is a cohesive incarnation, and the second of the three secrets, has been mastered... I am afraid not only holding the thigh, but this kind of arrogant Xiao Wanlu recognizes Ningfan as the father, it is possible ...

The fear of Ning Fan and Xiao Wanluo has finally risen to an unprecedented height! More than that of the sea, the seven seas... (To be continued.)

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