Grasping Evil

Chapter 224: He is, Zhou Ming!

Walked a long way, a dusk.

Ning Fanping regained his heart and his mood improved. He was more calm. Behind him, following eight people, he doesn't care.

They are taking death!

The strong magnetic force of Huanhe Island is the Yuan Ying monk, and he does not dare to dispel the thoughts, but Ning Fan dares.

Those Zhao Zijing's minions thought they were concealed, but they did not expect that they were four in the eyes of Ning Fan.

"Light...has...bad...people..." The female corpse has no evil eyes and has concerns.

"Bad man... what about me?" Ning Fan laughed.

"Light...good...people..." The female corpse firmly nodded.

"Stupid girl..." Ning Fan smiled and shook his head, and the niece of the corpse was blue.

People can't be distinguished by good or bad.

Eight people behind, not bad people, but... people who will die!

During the two days, Ning Fan seemed to walk in a leisurely manner, but he walked through the thirteen squares of the outer islands very quickly.

He bought a silk flower for the female body and bought a lot of spiritual mines, elixir, and Danfang.

Numerous monks and Ning Fan passed by, and they were unaware of this person.

Eight people are still following, but Ning Fan, but more and more biased, went to an uninhabited island.

The road is very difficult to understand, very confusing.

For two consecutive days, he followed the instructions of Zhao Zijing, followed Ning Fan, trying to find out the details of this person, but as a result, the person did not contact anyone at all, nor did he return to the guesthouse.

In this way, the road is completely unclear, and what is the path of this person.

With the deepening of the tracking of Ning Fan, the road has become more and more shocking.

Two days, Ning Fan and female corpse. Traveled through 13 islands on the island to buy elixir, Ling Mine, Danfang. At least 10 million or more fairy jade!

Thousands of cents! What kind of big power son can carry such huge sums of money!

He has no way to go, and he is also a Yuan Yingkeqing of Xuande Zong, but when he was the most prosperous in 1400 years, he did not have more than 2 million Xianyu...

He was surprised to find that Xu Qiu Ling and Zhao Zijing tried to shock the young people with 10,000 cents. It’s really a slap in the face and a sneer.

This person's money, I am afraid more than Zhao Zijing's Laozi!

The two-day observation without a road, in the end, has not yet seen the specific repair of Ning Fan.

Sometimes the atmosphere is mellow, sometimes the pulse, sometimes Jin Dan, sometimes Yuan Ying. Even the moment, the breath is comparable to the big monk!

This floating atmosphere, let the road not be deeply feared, if the non-Ning Fan has a bluffing magic weapon, this person is repaired as already shocking. Far beyond your own realm!

"Head, what are you talking about?" Seven Jin Dan behind him, already a little scared.

"Follow! If you don't investigate the results, the Lord will not let me go..."

"However, how can this person go further and worse..."

"Yeah. This place is so remote, it is a good place to kill people and win treasures... Hey!"

When it comes to killing people and winning treasures. The eight-person vest is a cold, an extremely unpleasant feeling, floating on the heart.

At this moment, Ning Fan, who is in front of him, is trapped in the thick sea of ​​fog and black snow.

He walked all the way, above the black snow, a trace of footprints did not stay, floating ghosts.

At this moment, Ning Fan turned and his eyes flashed, and then he could not see the gentleness of the 2nd day.

"I am waiting for the ant, so I want to know the name of the deity. It is really hard to track the two days."

This discourse, can not hear the mood, the only thing that can be felt is the magical power of the bones.

Under the nuisance of this magic, the road couldn't help but breathe out, and the other Jindan, also the heart is cold, broke into stealth.

The young people in front of us only take one step, but this step is like stepping on the heavens and the earth, stirring up a road.

Then, when it was swaying to the front, the road did not fly by vomiting blood, and it was already seriously injured. The other seven Jindans, the body burst into blood, still unbelievable, but they have been screaming.

"You, who are you! Dare to kill people in the ten territories! I don't know if I have ten ties!"

"Who am I, you say Zhou, who is it!"

The second step!

Ning Fan's black hair flutters in the snow, and the whole body is shocked and turned into a slight blood red light. Under this suffocating temper, the road has no chills, and an arm is a general trend that emerges from the air. The sword is broken!


He screamed and fell in a pool of blood, his pupils squatting, staring at the young man who was approaching.

"You said Zhou, who will be!"

third step!

This step goes on, the road is not crushed by the flesh, the **** fog, the little Yuan Ying, can not help but tremble, and even dare to move, do not dare to do it!

Three steps to the sky, the beginning of the Yuan Yuan!


The arrogance of killing people everywhere!

Yes, yes, in the outer sea, only the devil is like this!

The road suddenly sounded, and 2 days ago, when the Lord asked the name of Ning Fan, Ning Fan’s sneer and answer.

"You don't want to know my name!"

Yes, it is!

If there is no chance to re-select the road, he will never know that he has followed the two-day ‘weak young man’, but he is a madman who silences the sea after killing!

Zhou Ming, Zhou Ming! He is Zhou Ming! Little master has caused trouble, big trouble!

Be sure to tell the little master this news right away, be sure to escape! Escape from the Devil's Sea and escape to Xuande Zong, please protect the ancestors from the face, otherwise, under the gods, no one can block Zhou Ming Mo Wei!

“‘Breaked baby blood!’”

The road was not suddenly slammed, Yuan Ying was shocked, and immediately illusory, a body repaired, almost under this earthquake, scattered 90%, the illusory Yuan Ying, turned into a **** moment, has been a thousand miles Go and go straight to the bird's table!

"You must tell this message to the young master, you must..."

"Oh? It's a loyal servant, but it's an enemy... 斩草, 除根!"

The corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, and Ning Fan took the female body and stepped out in one step, disappearing into the snow.

Snow, tight!

On the rising platform, more than 20 yuan baby, drinking wine to enjoy the snow, black snow, plus four spirits wine ‘black 璎珞’, the masters around the stove. Warm wine, laugh, sit and talk.

among them. The most eye-catching is the seven Qing Jun!

Seven seas outside! Among the outer seas, the seven most qualified sergeants!

Among the seven, Zhao Zijing did not count the end of the stream, 900 years of the mid-infant, seven people, not enough!

The third party is qualified for the ice 魄宗宗! This person is 600 years old and has a baby. In the mid-700s, a soul, a million souls, is a monk after the Yuan, can be a battle!

The second person with qualifications is Luan for Qingyun Jian! This person is 500 years old and has a baby, 600 years old. After 900 years old, a sword is in hand, and once with the purple Fumen monk - Luo Fei!

The first person with qualifications, Wang Yun, who is a patriarch of law! This person is 400 years old, 500 years old, 600 years old. 900 years old baby peak! Formerly the owner of the East Tower of the Palace of the East, Dong Qing, tie!

Seven people drink alcohol, but they are close to each other, but Zhao Zijing's eyes are impatient, or cause people to pay attention.

"Oh? Zhao Xiandi seems to have a heart stagnation? Isn't there something bothering? Do you want to. Liu, who is out for you!" Liu Zong played a **** red flag. Evil smiles.

"Thank you for the care of Liu Dao's brother, but it is not a scorpion ant who is not necessarily a spirit. It is not inferior... Zhao has sent someone to follow the person, but Xu is not lazy and lazy. Otherwise, on the 2nd, the general investigation The man is fine and looks back."

"Well? In these ten territories, there are still young people who dare to provoke Zhao Xiandi?" Lu An blinked, and the huge scabbard he carried behind him flashed silver in the snow.

"Yes, this person looks, the younger brother has been branded, and the brothers and sisters please read it. If there is a chance to help the younger brother to remove this person, then it will be a scandal for the younger brother."

After all, Zhao Zijing took a storage bag, took out a jade slip, and took a nap, suddenly, in the jade slip, reflecting the illusory photo, will be envious of the day, repeat itself.

In the illusion, Ning Fan’s sneer expression, indifferent attitude, and the words of the “Yuan Ying’s mid-term” immediately provoked Liu Zong’s disappointment.

Although they are Tianjiao, they are now in the middle of Yuan Ying, and they are not among the ‘zones’ in Ningfan’s words!

"Hey! This person, good life arrogant! But this person, seems to be a little familiar..." Purple Fumen Shaozhu, sneer, but the eyes, but there is a trace of confusion.

"I am familiar with the eye? Well, as I said it, I really seem to have seen it, and it seems that there is no..." Xuanzang's young master is also Shen Ning.

Seeing so many people, it seems to have seen Ning Fan, Zhao Zijing feels weird, is this person, really a child of the big forces outside the sea?

But if so, why have you never heard of this person?

He was indulging in a room, but there was an elder of Xuan Zongzong, who shot his thigh and pointed at the shadow of Ning Fan. He was surprised.

"It's him! It's him! The old man has seen this person! Zhao Gongzi said wrong. What is this person's spirit? It is clearly in the middle of Yuan Ying, even when it is crazy, it is more powerful than Yuan Yu later!"

The one who spoke is the elders of Xuanguang Xiandao Xuanzang, who was repaired in the middle of Yuan Ying, surnamed Jiang.

This person’s voice naturally attracts people’s attention.

Zhao Zijing was secretly surprised. If the elders of Chiang Kai-shek are not imaginary, this person is a monk in the Yuan Dynasty. If the combat power is comparable to that of the Yuan, then is he not offending a monk? But why have you never heard of this person?

"Jiang Chang is not joking. If this person is in the middle of Yuan Ying, his cultivation is done, I will not feel a little bit..."

"No! Other things can be laughed, but the old man will never laugh. More than a decade ago, the old man led a disciple of the sect, and went to the sea to experience the martyrdom, but it was in the ‘everything of the shackles...”

"When is the chaos? Oh, it was that time. I heard that it was a ghost of the people in the Inner Sea." Zhao Zijing nodded, but Jiang’s next flower, but Zhao Zijing changed his face, not only he All Qingjun are secretly surprised.

"At the time, it was like a fierce demon, a thousand miles away. After the master of the old man, it was this person! This person exchanged the ability to swiftly change the sea at the expense of the sea, his crazy and cold eyes, the old man is still unforgettable... When people ask about the troubles, they are alone and rush into the group..."

"What! One person faces Wan Hao! The speed of a thousand miles! This person is really a mid-Yuan Ying monk!"

The scene was a bit silent at the moment. Even Liu Zong and others who had threatened to be Zhao Zijing were silent.

A mid-infant, comparable to the late monks, it will be nothing, if it is a madman... then no one, willing to offend a madman, God knows whether this madman will make a fight.

Zhao Zijing coughed a few times, and looked at another elder, Xuan Dezong, and saw that the other side was jealous.

Looks like. Zhao Zijing sent people to follow Ning Fan this time, and 8 people did not return. Mostly it was planted in the hands of Ning Fan.

But even if this person is a madman, he should not be mad at the ten land boundaries and kill ten masters.

Slightly set the mind, Zhao Zijing doubled the wine, seemingly calmly laughed,

"Crushing to know the sea, the moment is a thousand miles, this kind of madness is really terrible. But after all, it is only the middle of the Yuan Ying. From the point of view of Jiang’s elders, although this person is not good, but after all, it is only a loose repair. From the front line, most of them are From the coastal repairing of the country to the sea, so there is no root in the open sea. What are the fears..."

It’s just that he didn’t have a drink, and there was another person who made a sound!

"This person, the old man has seen it! A few days ago, when the old man entered the Huan Mo Hai, he saw this person confronting the five devils. It seems to be to rescue the fairy of Baguio. The old man recognized that the five devils are black Buddhas. Zong Hehe's famous 'five ugly', so ... but did not dare to help the Baguio sect, take a step first... As for the person and the five ugly who wins, no one knows... but I heard. Baguio lord I have arrived at the island safely, and if this person is not dead, it means that this person has saved the women from the five ugly hands..."

"Five ugly! The five ugliness of the Black Buddhism! Xue Elder, you are sure that you are not mistaken!"

"It's not wrong! Just don't know the result of this person and the five magic fights..."

"What else is going to happen! Yesterday I passed by the outer island, and I saw the deputy lord of the Black Buddha sect - the evil light old demon who was cultivated in the early days of the gods. When I entered the outer island, I became furious. I heard that it is the black buddha' Five ugly 'killed... If Xue’s elders are not imaginary, this is this person, killing the five demons!”


More than 20 Yuan Ying infants were present, but at this moment, Qi Qi sucked in air.

And Zhao Zijing’s hand was jade, and he slammed into the ground and shattered.

In my heart, I am even more upset!

Five ugly! Headed by Mian Lian in the late Yuan Ying, the other four were supplemented by the middle. It is rumored that Milian has a second-yuan baby. The real combat power is comparable to that of a big monk. Together with the five people, the masters of the inner sea are considered masters.

But the five ugly, actually died! Before he died, he was fighting with Ning Fan... This is not to say that the person who killed the five devils is that Ning Fan!

If so, where is this person in the middle of the Yuan Ying, it is clearly the great monk of Yuan Yingfeng, and among the great monks, they are among the best masters!

At this moment, Qingyun Jianpai, Lu An, who is flat with Luo Fei, is behind the sword!

At this moment, Dao Fa Zong, Wang Yun, who was undefeated in the battle with Dong Qing, flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes!

In the open sea, there is actually a Qingjun, the power of the big monk!

Zhao Zijing’s heart is in chaos. If Ning Fan is a monk in the Yuan Dynasty, even if he is a madman, he is only jealous, but not afraid.

However, if Ning Fan is a big monk, and still a middle class, then Zhao Zijing can not afford to offend!

His father is the deputy sect of Xuan Dezong, but he is only a teacher of Yuan Zhong. He himself is also a Yuanzhong. He treats the monks after the Yuan, and he has to be polite, and the great monk should be polite. Existence, it is Zhao Zijing can provoke!

"Awful, no way, why don't you come back... No, it's going on! No, even if the other party is a big monk, it won't kill ten masters in the ten territories... but after all, it is offending this person, simply not offending. Too deep, there may be room for manoeuvre..."

Where did Zhao Zijing still have the thought of drinking, suddenly stood up and told the elders in the middle of the body,

"Yuan elders, quick and thick, this son has to go to this great monk, go to the door to plead guilty..."

If you know that this person is a big monk, his Zhao Zijing will send someone to follow up!

If you know that this person is a big monk, his Zhao Zijing dares to be on the other side, leaving a trace of the brand!

Ridiculous, ridiculous!

I painstakingly recruited the masters of the sea and expanded my power for my father. In the end, I was offended by the great monk!

It’s just that Zhao Zijing’s thoughts are beautiful, everything is too late.

But I saw the **** smell, caught in the snow, and immediately, all the masters showed the color of alert.

In the night sky, a **** manggle flashed, and he saw an illusory, seriously injured Yuan Ying, timidly coming, panicked.

Zhao Zijing was shocked and suddenly became angry.

Yuan Ying, who is seriously injured in front of his eyes, is the only way to go!

"He started to do it for you! He is very courageous, even though he is a big monk, but it hurts me ten elders of the Yuan, this matter, you can stop!"

"no no…"

Seeing that he is a master, he still does not know how powerful, the road is not illusory Yuan Ying, almost anxious.

Half a day of hard work, I barely sacrificed a few words.

"Escape... escape... is...he...he..."

"Escape! Why do you want to escape! This son respects him as a big monk, courtesy of three points, but hurts this prima faculty master, this matter, have to give me Zonghua God ancestors, a confession!"

As soon as I thought of the mysterious monk, I seriously injured the road, and Zhao Zijing was stunned by the righteousness.

Ok, that’s great!

If this person does not hurt, he will offend this person and it will be troublesome.

Since this person is hurting, this matter is not the contradiction between Zhao Zijing and this person, but the contradiction between this person and the entire Xuande Zong!

The **** ancestor will not sit idly by!

You don't have to fear any big monk!

"Escape...Escape..." The road did not desperately squeeze out a few words, loyal, but did not know that he was a master and was very happy for his serious injury.

"Escape what escape! No guys! No way to go, this son is going to lead you to find the big monk. Today, this princess must have this person and give me a confession of Xuan Dezong!"

"Tell me... you also have!"

At this moment, a **** red suffocation swept the table!

More than 20 Yuan Ying masters, under this suffocating, but Qi Qi raised the feeling of suffocation!

In the snow, a young man in white and black, with a cold eyes, appeared in one step, followed by an equally indifferent woman.

When this person appeared for a moment, one step, all the Yuan Ying masters, all the chest shock, Yuan Ying early, all vomiting blood and hurt, in the mid-term, although not injured, but the breath!

It is the first day of arrogance that the great monk repaired - Wang Yun, all face a big change!

Although he is a patriot, but under the gaze of Ning Fan, he has raised an illusion.

I am not the opponent of this person. Once I fight, I will die!

This feeling, he only felt in the ancestors of this ancestor!

It is him, it is him!

Among the great monks in the open sea, there is only one person who can make Wang Yun fear!

He is, Zhou Ming!

"It's him... Zhou... Ming..." The road finally said the whole word, but it was late!

This simple word is more shocking than the one step!

In the glimpse of these two words, the other six people, Qi Qi, fists, and distant, quickly and Xuan Dezong 撇 Qing relationship!

No matter what happens tonight, it’s not surprising, even if Zhao Zijing is dead, because the other party is Zhou Ming!

No matter what happens tonight, it has nothing to do with everyone, because the other party is Zhou Ming!

Endless sea, this is the place.

Kill one for sin and kill forever!

The more the devil, the more enemies, the more no one dares to mess with you!

On the contrary, it is weak and good, and it is considered to be weak.

Zhao Zijing trembled because he had offended... Zhou Ming!

This person can kill three elite monks!

This person is the ancestor of the Zong, who has been strict.

All disciples must not provoke this demon, otherwise, they will die in the hands of the devil, and have nothing to do with the Zongmen!

"You can die..."

In the eyes of Ning Fan, killing!

Zhao Zijing, completely soft on the ground...

"I, finished" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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