Grasping Evil

Chapter 241: Luo Yun Department, Lubei!

One month!

Just a month, the word Zhou Ming seems to be a myth!

On the killing monument, the number one position, the name of Zhou Ming, has been like blood!

Red name! Since killing hundreds!

But Ning Fan’s red name is a lot more **** than the first person of the year, Juyan!

Xu Rushan is extremely reassuring, the name is so bloody, and Ning Fan is killing the wild beast, fearing that it has exceeded 150, or even more than 200.

After all, when the giant words killed 274 fake wild beasts, Ning Fan’s name was more red than the giant words, and it exceeded this number.

"Demon Dan, enough! Oh, this giant, will not be difficult for the old man, and the old man is more grand, find his long-time people, credit, not small!"

While gratifying, Xu Rushan is even more shocking.

One month, killing more than 274 wild beasts... With Ning Fan comparable to the power of the gods, I am afraid that all means are exhausted, and the moment is not killing.

This seriousness, because Ning Fan keeps promises, promises Xu Rushan, he will certainly complete his promise.

A word is not in line with the sword, a promise of a murder...

Not only was the mountain surprised, but the old monsters who were concerned about the secret world were shocked.

One month, it became a red name... The monk below the middle of the Yuan Ying, even if his eyes only fell on the name of Ning Fan, he was stunned and could not open his eyes.

This person is arrogant, but there is arrogant capital, so it is not arrogance, but... confident!

This shock, which lasted for a full month, even after the spread of Zhou Minghong’s name, the countless strangers in the open sea and the inland sea, swarmed in, and saw this person who pressed the gods and sat firmly in the first place!

It was just this shock, at the end of the month, replaced by another shock.

Broken world, collapsed!

And not a small scope crash, but the whole crash!

"Impossible! It is the real god, enter alone, can collapse a domain, and can not collapse all over the world... Such a wide-scale collapse, unless it is a large number of Gods entering, it is possible to appear... But how is this possible! I Waiting outside the secret, there is no such thing as a monk, and you enter it!"

Xu Rushan's face changed greatly, and the collapse of the broken world was completely unexpected.

The collapse of the mystery is a big mistake. As the owner of the secret, he is mostly blamed by the trolls.

But this is not yet!

The mysterious situation collapsed. I don’t know if Ning Fan can leave the secret environment safely and come out with the demon.

Xu Rushan, who really cares about the demon, only worked in January, other big monks, almost no need to count, 39 people, can make up 20 demon, are rare things. If there is no 200 demon, the woman of the great statue is dying, he is like a mountain, afraid that it is a big responsibility!

From the inside, Xu Rushan is more concerned about the safety of Ning Fan than the demon.

Ning Fan this son, from the first meeting, it will make Xu Rushan shocked again and again, from fawning, to the generations of the equal generation, to respect, to look up now.

This person's temperament is the same as that of Xu Rushan. It is even more commendable. This person and his daughter are very affectionate.

"Old lady and daughter-in-law, you can die in the secret world! Just this child, why not come out! How is he still in the secret!"

The secret world of the broken world, due to the entry of the top ten gods, and the collapse of madness.

From the west to the east, almost one hour, it will collapse thousands of miles!

One of the big monks and geeks, relying on the body of the market, and fleeing from the secret, but they are all cold and sweaty, heartbeat.

Almost every breath, there are thousands of miles of collapse.

The void after the collapse, let the blame of the unsuccessful gods, scalp numb!

Void! It is the vulgarity of the gods. If there is not enough strong means, if they rush into the void, they will all die!

Ten demon, hundreds of infants, together with the void, the result, if not the top ten gods have four masters, and ten people together, or the early partners of the gods, may be buried in the void...

Even the gods are dangerous, and the great monks die in the void, but they are normal.

In addition to Ning Fan, Chu He, the remaining 38 old strangers, only 25 life, 13 people, the name is gray, buried in the void.

After one day, the secret world of the broken world collapsed completely. Ning Fan and Chu He still have not left the secret.

Xu Qiu Ling’s heart was awkward, even though she had blind faith in Ning Fan, but Ning Fan did not appear, she was still worried.

"Zhou Gongzi, Zhou Gongzi..."

When she didn't come, she wanted to cry. When she saw the word Chu, it turned gray. Her head was in the middle of the secret, and she was afraid that there would be only Ningfan.

The broken world has completely collapsed. It is already a void. Ning Fan has not yet died, but he has not left the secret world. Most of them are in the void and struggle.

"Zhou Gongzi, what happened to you..."

"He is afraid, it is dangerous... The power of the void is the middle of the god, there is no strong treasure in the body, alone, can not stop... Maybe, he hides in the treasure?" Cave sighs, only To refine the imaginary monk, you can cross the void, and the gods are not enough. What is more, it is still the Ning Fan of the realm of the Yuan Dynasty.

"No! He won't have anything!"

Xu Qiuling bit his teeth and stubbornly lifted the dagger.

In the midst of its anxiety, the colorful light door flashed, a storage bag and jade slips, floating out of the secret.

That jade slip, when it leaves the secret world, collapses and turns into a chuckle.

"Xu Daoyou, I am sorry, the secret has collapsed...but there are 200 demons here, you don't have to worry about it... I may come out later, but I don't have to be limited to the May agreement, so the friends don't have to wait here. I will go to visit when I leave the secret. Well... Miss Xu’s character, I must be worried about me at this moment, but please be assured that Zhou’s name will only become more and more bloody, but it will never be gray, so You, don't worry..."

Xu Rushan holding a storage bag and looking at the 200 demon that was not bloody, was shocked.

The mystery has completely collapsed, but Ning Fan can still send out the jade Jane safely... Can he stand in the void and not die?

This thought, this shock, rises in the heart of one by one, but it is not announced.

Who can stand in the void and not die!

Refining the blame, crossing the void, but still difficult, but staying in the void for a long time.

Can not die in the void, only ... broken!

Only the broken old monsters can break the void and dare to ask the true fairy!

"How did he do it... Listening to this tone, not hiding in the treasure... If you are not practicing in the void, you are going to a blank space outside the secret... No matter which one, it is unbelievable, because this Two things, old, can't do..."

The eyes of the cave are so fascinating, and they are on the ground, without the slightest departure.

"Linger, don't wait until your brother comes out, you probably won't go?"

"Well, I have to wait for Zhou Gongzi... no matter how long... He said nothing, it must be fine!"

"Good! Wait for the teacher to accompany you!"

The secret, collapsed!

Within a day, 70 million miles of mountains and rivers collapsed, and countless fake wild animals were buried in the void.

Chu He stepped out, crossed the boundary road and entered the second world, so he did not die.

Waiting for the guide person in the second world to receive the demon will return, and then he will have to hand over the matter with the person.

Looking at the void at the other end of the boundary road, Chuhe scalp numb, but the heart, but twisted and raised a trace of pleasure.

"I don't know if Zhou Ming, died in the void, hey, if it's dead, it's fine, it's good to die..."

It is a pity that Chu He’s wish cannot come true.

Ning Fan stood in the void, holding a golden bell in his palm.

The Admiralty rose a faint golden aperture and shrouded it. .

Dong Yuzhong!

"With this clock, I am not afraid of the power of the void, it is to cross the void, no problem... The collapse of the secret, for me, seems to be a good thing, at least, I don't seem to have to work hard to go through 70 million Lishan River, smashed the fake wild beast, demon Dan, demon blood, I will send it to the door..."

The wind of the void blows like a black blade. Once it is in the middle, it is a jade-like monk.

But this black wind, blowing to the east bell Zhong Jinguang, but gently trembled, immediately split.

A corpse with a fake wild animal was blown by the black wind. There were also many black blood and demon dan, floating in the void and being blown by the wind.

The collapse from west to east, the wind is blowing toward Ning Fan.

When Ning Fan rang in the emptiness of the East Bell, the bell immediately raised a black void vortex, and countless demon, demon blood, and even the big monk storage bag.

A drop of demon blood, was put away by Ning Fan, a trace of pale blood, was taken out by Ning Fan.

Plus more than 300 wild animals killed before, Ning Fan hand ** has 1284 fake wild demon Dan, 1284 drops fake wild demon blood, 1284 pale bloodshot!

In the storage bag, there are a total of 13 drops of demon handsome blood!

All the demon blood refining, it is ... 5000 Jiazi's demon power!

Demon veins, almost half way!

"The second world channel has been opened, enter this world, first find a place, refine the demon blood, break through the 5000 demon power, and then, find ways to destroy the demon handsome, to win the blood, break through the gods, not difficult!"

His eyes flashed, step by step, stepping into the void, and marching to the colorful world of the second world.

Step in, step in!

At the other end of the road, the demon Yuan Ying, named Lubei, is whispering with Chu He.

Most of the conversations are based on the big action of the demon world. The demon family in this sleeping place, with his endless sea seal demon hall, has a good relationship with Lara...

"Oh, how did Chu Daoyou become this look, Lu Mou saw, all of them are sad for the Taoist friends..." Lu Beiyi's expression of awkward posture.

"Don't mention it... It's all Zhou Ming! But this is why most of them have been buried in the void, and there is no dead body. So, you can kill the old man's heart..."

"Dead is good, death is good!" Lubei does not care who Zhou Ming is, is dead or alive.

But during the conversation between the two people, a reddish savage anger, suddenly involved the two involved!

Under this fierceness, whether it is the Lubei in the early Yuan Ying, or the Chu He who is the body of the infant, Qi Qi **** in the air!

Especially Chu He, at the end of the boundary road, a young man in white and black, faintly stepping into the darkness of the dark, stepping into the boundary road, his heart suddenly trembled!

"Impossible! Impossible! You are not smelting, not breaking, you can walk in the void! Impossible!"

"Just you two, talking about Zhou, is it good to die?"

In the eyes of Ning Fan, Han Mang flashed.

With both hands inspect, take the residual image of Chuhe and the Tianling of Lubei.

This power of grasping is the power of jade, and the two cannot break free.

"Search for the soul!"

When the voice of Ning Fan’s indifference came, the two men found themselves in the sea and became idiots.

The memory of Chuhe is the same as that of the eagle crane. It is purple sealted by the purple scorpion, but this seal is easily broken by the strength of Ningfan nowadays. The secret of the demon temple is completely watched. With the demon world demon will be the task, it is clear to the chest.

"This sleeping place, the sleeping monster, named ‘Luwu’...”

Ning Fan swallowed Chu Fu's baby, chewed it, and immediately shot it, and collapsed Lubei's body. His Yuan Ying, swallowed it into his stomach.

"This demon is called Lubei, the seventh part of the Luzu Nine, the Luoyun tribe's feather demon. This life is cruel and despicable. In the Luoyun tribe, there are many enemies, and friends are no, even, His life-soul brand name has been deported from the tribe's temple because of the tribe's law... Interesting, so I killed this person, no one knows, I turned into this person, sneaked into the Luoyun tribe, even more unknown ...feathers, Yuan Ying, and my current demon power, almost no two..."

Ning Fan swallowed the Lubei demon baby and stepped out in one step.

Under this step, he showed his concealment and changed his face, and his transformation was the same as that of Lubei.

"From this moment on, my identity in the second world is Luo Yunbu, Lubei!"

"The mystery collapses, the demon is enough, can enter the second world, I do not have to leave the secrets within 5 months... Demon Dan, you can send it one step at a time, so that Xu Rushan is relieved, so it is in the secret for decades, both No problem... As for Xu Qiuling, um, branding a jade, in order to avoid this woman worry..." To be continued. )

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