Grasping Evil

Chapter 243: Second soul!

In the north desert city, Ning Fan paid the battle with the Yuan Yuan and returned to his own military office. .

The demon has a government, and the demon lives only in the military camp. Lubei is in the north desert, and its reputation is not good, but it is good, but there is a home.

In the bedroom, Ning Fan sat on the couch with his knees, his eyes faintly sweeping through the war, and he did not agree.

Smashing 71 people in the Rifting Division, they won a total of 368 points in the battle. In the early days of Jindan, they had 5 points of combat, 10 points in the middle, 15 points in the late stage, 20 points in the peak, and 1 point in the next in Jindan. This battle seems to be pressed. Mana category calculation.

It’s just that with the 368 points of victory that I have won, all the military achievements in Lubei have accumulated to 9742 points. It’s really pitiful.

This person has a demon millennium, level, seems to be a bit low...

This battle, can be exchanged for Xianyu, the proportion of exchange, is about 1 point of combat power 100 Xianyu.

Of course, you can also exchange the benefits of reading the demon tower, blood awakening, demon egg cultivation, etc., but this is what Xianyu can't buy.

The demon tower is unique, not only has the collection of magic, but also the ancient demon text can learn...

Demon egg cultivation, which can not reverse the time, but can enhance the speed of demon refining.

Blood awakening?

Ning Fan’s gaze, this **** awakening, makes it extremely tempting.

He is a feather demon, Lubei is also a feather demon, what is a feather demon? The world of poultry, but whoever has a wing, if it is a demon, the first time to awaken the blood, it is the feather demon.

But the feather demon blood, too ordinary, when breaking through the Yuan Ying, the demon will complete the second demon blood awakening, and to determine the demon family.

The feather demon can be evolved into an eagle, a bird, or even a winged human being, and the blood can evolve, and if it is fortunate that the blood has evolved into a Taikoo, then you can have the genius of 10,000 people. If this is too old Pulse, can complete the third awakening when the gods are transformed, and evolve into a true ancient demon, then it is the ancient demon, and will also extend the olive branch to the demon to recruit the demon.

After the awakening of the companion, he did not complete the task immediately, but in the Dajinhualong, for the third time, he completed the third **** awakening. As a result, he succeeded, not only repaired the second law, but also made the Taigu remnant. The veins have evolved into the dragons of the Taikoo Thunder Dragon!

Even though his dragon's blood is extremely thin, he is also a partner and qualified to join the Taikoo Dragon.

As for Lubei, this person's qualifications are inferior. If there are no fascinating blood lines from the ancestors, it is impossible to reach the baby. At such a level, it is not surprising that the second **** awakening has not been completed.

And Ning Fan, he practiced the demon work, all under the shackles of Luo You, smashed successfully, but can awaken the feathers of the demon, although the demon power broke through the early days of Yuan Ying, but he did not know the law of demon blood awakening.

The result... He Ning Fan, like Lubei, the demon blood only stays in the first awakening, the blood of the feather demon.

Sadly, the devil's head can kill the ordinary god, but on the demon blood qualification, in the Luoyun Department of the seven hundred demon soldiers, almost the bottom, this point, and Lubei is like a glimpse.

"Is the blood awakened? But I don't know, if I have enough combat power, what can make the demon blood, to what extent!"

The awakening of the demon blood is very important, and its kind will determine the demon after the god.

Ning Fan has the meaning of rain, the magic of the mountains, the devil...

The demon language, the blood awakening, plus the sleeping demon handsome... This place for Ning Fan, there is a great opportunity!

"It is difficult to turn the gods, even if there is a mother's heart, it will only increase the chance of becoming a good one. If my mana, demon power, and magical power are all cultivated to Wanjia, the breakthrough of the gods, at least 70% chance, plus the separation of Dan, and then Add one percent, plus the heart of the mother, and then add another 10%, plus my two kinds of gods... break through the gods, just for granted!"

The demon blood awakens, it needs to be completed in the blood pool of the Yaozu, and there is a priest priest baptism. Not to mention whether Ning Fan can be awakened once, and once he enters the blood pool, he needs 100,000 battles...

Although Lubei returned from the enemy, he was a demon soldier at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He did not listen to the military order and left the tribe. He was still guilty, but because he had an enemy demon, he would sin.

Unless Lubei breaks through the middle of the Yuan Ying, he does not qualify for the attack.

In this way, everything returns to the original point. In the final analysis, it is necessary to first enhance the demon power.

The blood of the demon handsome, still can not refine, but only 1284 drops of fake wild demon blood, 1084 demon Dan, once refining, Ning Fan can break through 2000 A demon power, with demon power to repair, truly break through the realm of the monks!

In this way, with the great monk demon power, and even get a very high military position, the enemy killed by the demon army has a battle, and it is on the head of Ning Fan.

One hundred thousand battles, a medium-sized war is enough!

After the plan was decided, Ning Fan immediately set up a system of thoughts in the room, took out the demon, the demon blood, and swallowed refining.

Pseudo-wild beasts, demon blood, demon blood, to Ning Fan Yuan infant-level demon power, and do not need medicinal herbs and demon power.

This retreat lasted for one month, and in the middle of January, Ning Fan did not leave the house, and the momentum rose.

67 A's demon power, slowly broke through.

68 A, 69 A...99 A!

Demon power to 100 A, is about to break into the middle of the Yuan Ying, but Ning Fan demon power to reach 101 A, its realm, actually did not improve, is still the beginning of Yuan Ying!

"Well? How can this be..."

He opened his eyes in confusion, closed his eyes, and continued to refine his demon blood and demon.

100 A, 101 A... 299 A!

When the demon power broke into 300 A, it should have been repaired in the late Yuan Ying, but the realm of Ning Fan did not improve!

He seems to have some understanding, his eyes are dignified, and he has been indulging for a moment, continuing to refine his demon blood.

301 A, 302 A... 1499 A!

When the demon power broke into the 1500, it should have broken through the bottleneck of the big monk, but the realm still remained in the early Yuan Ying!

This time, Ning Fan did not stop, but his brow was slightly wrinkled and his heart was not calm.

1501 A, 1502 A... until 2150 A, only to stop.

It should have improved 2,368 A demon, but with the increase in the blood of the demon, the effect is getting more and more discounted.

2150 A demon!

Ning Fan opened his eyes, tyrannical demon power, once vented, within a thousand feet, will be flattened!

It’s just that this is comparable to the demon power of the great monk, but it’s being suppressed by life...

Immediately, the inner view of the fairy veins reveals the indefinite color.

"I can't think of it, I am improving, but the realm cannot be improved. The reason is actually demon blood..."

After the internal view, Ning Fan discovered that it is the demon blood that hinders himself from breaking through the realm.

Originally awakened to the blood, he is only interested.

But now it is found that the demon blood does not reach the second awakening, his cultivation will always stop the early Yuan Ying, even if his demon power, actually surpassed the big monk!

In this way, the realm can not be improved, even if you smashed the demon handsome, won the demon blood, demon power, still can not be God!

"Trouble, so, do you have to make up 100,000 battles to achieve the demon waking?"

He shook his head and sighed slightly.

Outside the door, forty-seventh times, a girl’s careful voice of pacing came.

In Ning Fan's retreat in January, the woman had come forty-six times. Even this time, she still dared not to rush into it, for fear of interrupting Ning Fan's cultivation.

Ning Fan soothed his brow, scattered the sacred array, a sleeve, the door was windless, and outside the door, a little girl with a copper basin towel and a ten-year-old girl, immediately shocked, the copper basin fell to the ground, The towels are dirty.

Her thin body, scared faceless, hurriedly squatted, trembled and screamed at Ning Fan, and begged for mercy.

"Big, adults, Rao, Rao, forgiveness, small, small, small, small, not a reason, therefore, therefore, deliberate..."

This little girl is the landfill that was collected by Lubei, but she was only 10 years old. It will take her 14 to wait for her.

In the memory of Lubei, this woman has stuttering problems, and the more nervous, the more stuttering.

The reason for stuttering seems to be due to the impureness of this banshee.

The reason for turning into a human form is that this woman has missed the grass...

However, this female appearance is moving, although it is only 10 years old, but compared with a few years, it is a stunning and attractive girl. Lubei looks at the woman's vision, but it is not bad.

But unfortunately, Lubei did not wait until this woman grew up, and was killed by Ning Fan. This woman should be owned by Ning Fan.

Xiao Yan is very scared, very afraid...

I was here to give the owner a face wash. I couldn’t think of it. I turned over the copper basin. It was so rash, and I was not sure, I would be killed by the cruel master.

You must know that before it, there were 15 people who had been killed by Lubei because of various faults.

Infused tea is too light, too hot, such as a smile is not sweet enough.

Especially when Lubei is in a bad mood, it is killing innocent people. Even because of the rain and the air, the Lubei can blame the next person and kill.

I don’t think Lubei is among the seven hundred demon soldiers in Luoyun. It’s not worth mentioning, but it’s so good. People are millions of Luoyun’s demon, breaking through the existence of Yuan Ying, it’s a character that can’t be underestimated.

Xiao Yan did see it. At the moment of opening the door, the master’s brow was still wrinkled. It should be annoying...

I have made a mistake, and when I am upset by my master, I can still live...

"Rao, Rao, Rao..."

She was nervous, this time, even the word of forgiveness could not be said.

"Get up, don't worry, I won't punish you, you don't have to be nervous..."

Ning Fan sighed slightly, although he killed people like 麻, but for mortals, he never killed.

This woman, the demon blood is mixed, but there is no cultivation, it is a mortal.

When Ning Fan is still a mortal, he believes that war is a matter of military personnel. In the war, as a soldier killing an enemy, it is killing more, and it is justifiable, but ordinary people should not be slaughtered in the military. The list.

After Ning Fan became a monk, he believed that comprehension is a matter of monks. On the road of comprehension, in order to compete for limited resources, he has to kill, but mortals should not be included in the practice of cultivating, mortal, irrelevant to comprehension...

He never thinks that he is a good person, but even if he is full of evil, this principle is still there.

In addition to mortal reasons, this woman has a sense of intimacy, let Ning Fan, can not bear to hurt.

Get up, step out, he looks like a breeze, appeared in front of the girl, covered, and raised the girl.

"Don't be afraid..." He smiled.

And Xiao Yan, I’m crazy. When the owner of the cruelty became so gentle...

Just after holding a small arm, Ning Fan’s eyes changed dramatically.

He finally knew why he was close to this little girl.

Because this woman is... female corpse three souls, one of the souls!

"How can the cool soul be in the place where the demon sleeps!"

If you say the first soul, it is located in the demon forest, and the ancient heavens are connected, it is still excusable.

But the second soul, it is impossible to come to the place where the Yaozu is sleeping from the ancient heavens!

But I, indeed, really, here, met the second soul of the cool.

All of this, like a sneak peek, there is a big hand, will be the soul of the cool, deliberately placed here, waiting for Ning Fan to receive...

"This is no coincidence..."

Ning Fan’s eyes were tight, and he suddenly sounded. The ancestral ancestors once said that their own life, some strange, seems to have been moved...

Someone is counting on themselves...

Who is it... what purpose!

His gaze changed, and the momentum was released, and Xiao Yan almost scared.


Sorry for the three words, she is nervous, no matter how can not say.

This little knot...

Ning Fan's eyes are slowly and softly.

"Compute me... interesting, but I don't know, you mysterious person can count Ning's step!"

I licked the head of a small stutter, this small stutter, only Ning Fan has a high chest, it seems that there is still some malnutrition.


"No, no, no..." The knot was somewhat sincere and fearful.

"Is not hungry, or dare not say..." Ning Fan is a little funny, with a small waist and a waist, and the whole body is turned into a demon style. As soon as possible, it appears in the northern desert city, outside the most luxurious restaurants.

The restaurant is divided into ten floors, and Jindan is repaired before it can enter. Yuan Yingxiu can only enter the fifth floor, the middle six layers, the late seven layers, the top eight layers, the nine layers of the god, the tenth floor, the old Luoyun department The ancestors' special seats!

This restaurant is one of the Luoyun Seven Guards that guards the North Mocheng.

Ning Fan knows that the monkey is hungry because she is a mortal.

With a small meal, he did not hesitate.

It’s just Ning Fan, but my heart is struggling. This is a small stutter. The soul is a soul of a female corpse. If this soul is integrated into a female corpse, the intelligence of the female corpse can be restored.

However, taking out this soul means killing the little knot...

Ning Fan is hesitating, in order to restore the female corpse, but kills the innocent girl...

This step, if it is someone's special arrangement, what is his purpose...

The man seems to be waiting, killing the girl himself, restoring the female body...

"I can't let that person get what he wants... but it's a cool soul..."

Ning Fan's eyes, a little bit of struggle, smile.

Kill it, the heart is destroyed.

Do not kill, Xiaoliang never has a real resurrection.

And if you kill it, you will even fall into someone’s trap... you can calculate yourself step by step, is it true?

"It's cool, if you are, how would you choose..."

Ning Fan step, step into the restaurant.

But the two defenders immediately took a step forward and stopped the two.

"Under the fifth floor, my master, Chen Gongzi, has all the packages, banqueting guests, unrelated people, rolling!"

"Interesting, Lu took his wife to eat, but also need to look at the face of Jindan ants in your district, broken!"

This word is read out, and the sky is rising, just the suffocating red mans, so that two Jin Dan Jia Wei, the demon smashed, repaired as a fall and melt!

The two vomited blood to the ground, but the eyes were shocked, and anyone could actually smash the demon!

The small stutter was stunned by the two, and I was scared.

Ning Fan gently patted her back and comforted.

"Don't be afraid... there is me, no one can hurt you!"

"Yeah." Nodded noddedly, she faintly felt that the owner of this day seems to be not the same as before, to her, great...

In order to invite her to eat, I dare to be the most prestigious restaurant in North Mocheng, hurting people...

In my heart, there are naturally some young girls who are touched, but there are some fears. The host is so badly named. Is it good for yourself? Is it ulterior motive?

She did not know, but she was already led by Ning Fan and went to the fifth floor.

At the moment of stepping on the fifth floor, a tyrannical thought of God, immediately rolled up, like a needle, with the initial blow of Yuan Ying.

"This son, Chen Chen, my men, is the ordinary demon soldier in your district can be hurt!"


Ning Fan evokes a word, suffocating red awns, and smashing the needle of the god.

Immediately, the young man was shot, showing the color of shock, the gods smashed and vomited, and it was seriously injured!

"It's you! Lubei! How is it possible!"

The young man, to see the appearance of Ning Fan, is even more unbelievable. (To be continued.)

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