Grasping Evil

Chapter 249: Royal family

The cyan blood pool forms a dense vortex of 61.

At the bottom of the pool, Ning Fan is as quiet as a corpse. Only the occasional swaying finger can show that he is still alive.

With the image of the demon ancestors, the blood of the blood pool is more hot than the magma.

"Is Lu Zongyun helping me? This person has a way to boil the blood to this..."

Ning Fan squats, pointing to the constant, in the blood pool, condensing blood vortex.

61, 62, 69.

Three days later, there were 70 cyan blood vortexes beside Ning Fan, and the speed of cohesion of the demon blood began to slow down.

71, 72...79.

On the 10th, Ning Fan condensed the 80th green blood vortex, and the blood clotting speed became slower.

81, 82, 89.

After a month, Ning Fan condensed the 90th blood vortex!

After two months, the blood swirl has 99!

The 100th blood vortex, once condensed, Ning Fan can start, try to wake up the ancient blood!

In the demon blood, that is to the demon ancestors, eager to try.

It seems as if this thought wants to introduce Ning Fan into the path of Taigu Jinwu.

But Ning Fan, hesitating!

There are two roads in front of them. One is the blood of a hundred segments, and the awakening of the ancient blood, but the blood of the ancients has strong and weak points. It is very likely that Ning Fan’s awakening is far from the blood of Jin Wu.

The second road, with the golden scent of the demon ancestor Jin Nian, is awakened to Jinwu.

If it is so good, it will almost certainly be successful, enough to condense the blood, but in this life, I am afraid that I can only be a normal Jinwu.

Non-Golden Uighurs, repairing gold and demon, do you still want to become a royal family?

"The blood of the royal family..."

Ning Fan is silent.

It is the real Jinwu people, who are awakened by the blood of the royal family.

Want to awaken the king's blood level, at least in the second awakening, must awaken the complete demon blood, not the residual blood.

in this way. The third time I wake up, I have a chance to rise above the complete blood.

One step becomes, the royal family is true!

The Mingque Xiaodan Devil has the blood of the royal family.

And it is enough to make Wan Wan surrender!

"I might, condense the blood of the king..."

Ning Fan asked himself, but after thinking about it, he was self-satisfied. I have swallowed the blood of a thousand wild animals, but I want to awaken the king's blood. With my own hundred demon blood, the success rate is not even one in a million.

There are no two roads in front of you, leading to the true spirit of the royal family.

He smiled bitterly and seemed to be too greedy.

This is the demon of this kind of demon, all of them are excited to condense a trace of the demon blood of the ancient Thunder Dragon, Jin Wu famous. Even on the Taikoo Leilong, even if it is not the blood of the royal family, if it succeeds three times, it will awaken its own blood. At least it is much higher than the partner.

"But, awaken the blood of Jinwu..."

Ning Fan’s mind is determined, the ten fingers are determined, and the 100th blood vortex is condensed!

Zhang mouth swallowed. Hundreds of blue blood vortex, all inhaled in the belly!

At this moment, Lu Zongyun stopped the hoe. I am overjoyed.

"Okay, good! This is a hundred-segment blood, and began to impact the blood of Taikoo. From this momentum, it seems that the chances of success are not small! So, I will not marry me for thousands of times to worship the ancestors! Oh, So, Lumou can finally make a big difference with the demon!"

The first palace, Lu Sheng showed a satisfied smile, the Ningfan bloodline ranking at the moment, is already the 49th, so strong blood, than the land is still strong.

"This Lu Zongyun, there is no trick, this is very good! And this Lubei, sure enough, this will not look wrong!"

At the edge of the blood pool, Lu Yuer waited for Ning Fan for several months. When she looked at the blue blood pool and raised the golden vortex, her eyes showed a surprise color.

"It's not wrong! This golden color is too old and bloody! From the light point of view, this blood is among the top spirits in the real spirits!"

Lu Yuer looked forward to the moment when Ning Fan awakened.

At the moment, Ning Fan, at the bottom of the blood pool, has two huge golden wings behind it!

He seems to be a golden man, and the blue-eyed star in the left eye is more slowly turned into a pale gold color.

Awakening, awakening... Only Ning Fan’s mind is moving, blood and blood are collected, and his awakening will be successful.

But at the moment when the demon blood is about to succeed, a strong sense of uneasiness comes to mind.

The more the demon blood is condensed, the more Ning Fan feels, within his body, as if there is something, he is pumped out...

"This feeling is, is it..."

His eyes are more and more dignified, so uneasy, definitely not an illusion!

Take a storage bag and take out a piece of milky white stone.

This stone is the object of Ning Fan, named the organ stone, after the auction ended.

Among them, there are exquisite organs, and the effect is to find out the monk's air transport!

To break the mana, you can't read the air transport, and the air transport is like a life, like an emotion. It looks like a general trend, like a pressure, invisible, and intangible.

However, the emptiness of the hole, relying on his mastery of the way of gas transportation, to make such a small stone with anti-day organs.

This stone was held in the hand and immediately showed the green gas of Ning Fan.

Only with the cohesion of Jinwu's blood, this green air transport is gradually being replaced by yellow.

Ning Fan’s eyes were shocked, and he felt faintly that he was taken out of the body, actually...air transport!

"How can this be done! Dong Xu said that my mana can't be turned into a god, only the magic can be turned away, otherwise the air transport will pass. Why can't the demon power condense the blood of Jinwu..."

Ning Fan does not know where the gas transport is lost.

But he faintly understood what.

After all, he was counted by people, and seemed to condense the blood of Jin Wu, which is a key step for the person to calculate himself.

This step, success, your own destiny can no longer be reversed, the end of the future will be miserable, so the air transport is passing!

"Jinwu residual blood!"

Ning Fan thinks more, the more he feels creepy.

The coagulation of Jinwu's blood, thanks to the demon ancestor Jin Nian.

The acquisition of the demon ancestor is thanks to the one of the Eastern Bells.

Dong Yuzhong is looking for the demon forest.

Demon Forest, is the land of mysterious true fairy!

No matter what you do, step by step, it seems to be in someone's calculations, everything, only for the awakening of the blood of Jinwu today!

Even when I first joined the ghost bird, I was admitted to the examination. It is calculated!

Dong Yaozhong, this kind of baby, deliberately placed on the third floor of the demon forest, for that, is to wait for yourself to take it...

Calculating your own, is it the name of the Mingque... mysterious true fairy? !

Ning Fan’s eyes are angry. He doesn’t like to be counted. He should say that no one likes it, and he is step by step in others’ calculations.

Looking at the hands of less and less air, Ning Fan eyes are cold.

The day when the gas is exhausted. It’s when I am dead...

"Computing Ning, I am very happy... I want, broke your calculation!"

There are two roads in front of Ning Fan.

One is to awaken the golden blood.

The second is to awaken ordinary blood.

That mystery is really immortal, the calculation is so powerful, I am afraid that it is counted to my own today, I can see through his plan.

It’s just that fairy, not afraid to know.

Ning Fan has a feeling.

today. Whether he is awakening the golden blood, or awakening the ordinary Taikoo blood, or completely abandoning the blood awakening, they will all enter. The man planned. This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy, you can wear it, but you can't hide it. Can't avoid it...

"No, I still have, the fourth road! It is the mysterious and immortal, the road is not allowed!"

"I want to wake up. Complete the demon blood, not the residual blood! So, in the third time when I am awake, I can step into the blood of the king and become the true spirit of the royal family!"

"This success rate is not one in ten thousand, but it is because of the low probability that it is really impossible to count this possibility."

"I want, gamble! Even if there is only one in ten thousand chance, I can't lose!"

Ning Fan dissipated Jin Guang and dispersed the Golden Wing.

His blood, and finally stay in the feather demon hundred paragraphs.

Wake up, fail...

It’s hard to understand that Lu Sheng’s incredible look at the illusion.

On the demon shadow tablet, it has been clearly shown that Ning Fan is the 'Golden Blood', how to degenerate into the blood of the feather demon at the last moment!

Lu Zongyun was completely paralyzed.

I spent a lot of time, exhausted the baby, helped Lubei blood awaken, this child, actually failed?

The look of Lu Yuer’s surprise was stunned.

Because she saw, the feather of the golden light that is about to break through the realm, broken.

And when she saw that Ning Fan was like a blood man, crawling the **** veins, her heart was sore, her heart hurts.

"Lubei, what's wrong with you, do you have anything..."

"Failed... how could this be..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be surprised if you fail...I am..."

But when Ning Fan looked up and gave her expression, it was neither a failure to fail, nor a calming, but a smile.

It is a smile, a look, but there is a kind of madness.

He patted Lu’s head and raised his mind.

"I, no defeat! The first time I woke up, I have to break the conspiracy of the man. The second time, I want to let him, the plan is completely collapsed!"

Lu Yuer did not know what Ning Fan was saying.

She knows that Ning Fan’s failure seems to be his own deliberate.

Take out the battle command, Ning Fan refers to a touch, erase the last 100,000 battles, one vertical, jump into the blood pool.

"No matter who you are, your calculations, stop here!"

Above the rain, there are four vast voids, in the void, standing on four unmeasurable gates.

On the side of Nantianmen, a piece of the world is shining through the clouds.

A silver-haired old man, facing a huge star-shaped chessboard, shakes black and white.

He is playing chess and playing chess with himself.

The fingertips move a piece of chess, sometimes blackening, sometimes whitening, and sometimes the piece, alternating black and white.

Behind him, respectfully stood seven Taoist children.

For the seventh person, the silver-haired old man smiled and swayed the pieces.

"Life is..."

"The commander is here!"

"You are already a smashing scorpion, and you are only half a step away from the 'land of the immortals'. For the teacher, you are the one who has chosen seven corpses. Which one do you choose to devour? Life Wonderland!"

"I chose, Nanxun Tianjie, second-order star field, 奎司星主, 散仙修, 奎灵!"

"This is not the best choice... Quering is calculated by me, suppressing the South China Sea for thousands of years, being rebelled by my relatives, being broken by love, with a hateful heart, grinding my sword with my heart, aiming at the sword, killing people with my eyes. ...this man sword is really a super power, it is suitable for you to break through the life, but Queling is not the best..."

"That. I chose one of the world's nine worlds, the Emperor of the Heavenly Immortal Mo Yunzong, the eighth smashed, Jinpeng!" Secretary said slightly, and returned.

"This is not the best choice... Jinpeng is counted by me, the relatives are dead, the enemy is all over the heavenly world, this person is seeking for destiny, lyrical, and seeking power. The lord seizes power, for the golden vein, to send his wife and people, for Seeking longevity, killing alchemy... This person is arrogant, and the golden sacredness is enough to control the gold of the earth in a million miles, turning it into its bones, its body, its soldiers, attacking and defending against the sky... but this person. Not the best way for you..."

The silver-haired old man smiled a little, and the commander was a child, full of confusion.

After meditation, he simply clenched his fists. Asked directly,

"I don't know how the teacher recommended the commander, who swallowed it, and took it as a gas transport. Break through the life!"

"The advice for the teacher is this person..."

The silver-haired old man’s fingertips moved, and he was half-black and half-white. Turned into gray.

The Taoist boy is a little wrong.

"This person? This person is only the lower ant ant, from the genus into the immortal, the qualification is inferior. This person inherits, is the "Yin and Yang" remnant, and also needs the ancient empire to create "Yin and Yang" before, the fame of the success of the chaos 'For the attack, complement each other, only then have the hope of entering the avenue... This person is repaired, it is even lower, only Yuan Ying, what is the use of ..."

"Don't ask! Secretary, the opportunity is for you, seven corpses, you choose..."

The silver-haired old man smiled a little and put the pieces back on the board and got up.

But at the moment of turning, the brow suddenly wrinkled.

"This son, did you abandon the blood of Jinwu? Hey, you are stubborn, thinking that you can get rid of the fate set by the old man for you... It’s the failure of your blood-splitting today, it’s still my best The corpse... um? This is!"

The silver-haired old man, since his first achievement, has been surprised.

On the chessboard, the gray chess piece representing Ning Fan was smeared by a purple-black stained demon.

"Dirty! It's dirty! Actually, help!"

"Master, what happened..." Secretary asked carefully, he was the first time to see the teacher frown.

"Nothing, that is Ning Fan, is no longer a corpse suitable for devouring... Now he, the air transport is dirty, who swallows, who will never be a fairy!"

"Hey, I still have high hopes for this, and regard it as the best corpse. This is the way, the road has been destroyed!"

It’s easy to change your life, it’s too easy to say, and it’s too hard to do!

Ning Fan does not know that the calculation of his own is the Emperor of the four days.

He did not know that he was determined to end his life from birth to death, but today, he wants to break the end!

As long as you can make this mysterious immortal, one step is wrong, then he can take the opportunity to break free from the fate of fate, and then no one can calculate.

He closed his eyes and entered the blood pool for the second time.

He did not rely on the ancestors of the ancestors, but instead made a bold move.

He put the demon ancestor into the demon.

This silk Jin Nian, quickly melted in the body of the demon, above the demon image, a dazzling golden light emerged.

The blood coagulation force of the blood pool is ten times stronger than the previous use of blood and incense fire!

"I don't know how to condense the integrity of the ancient blood. But perhaps, the strength of the demon blood is the key! Give me a cure!"

He closed his eyes, in the mind, a group of different flames, floating in the void, each channel, representing a kind of demon blood.

There are Jinwu, there are fire phoenixes, there are 鲲鹏, there are 雀雀!

Only Ning Fan did not reach out, because no matter which group of demon blood, can not extinguish the uneasiness of Ning Fan's heart.

101, 102, ... 199.

200, 201, ... 299.

When the third hundred blood swirls out, a burst of purple flames suddenly appeared in the mind and disappeared.

The flame, only one appearance disappeared, but it gave Ning Fan a feeling of **** vomiting.

It was just his face, but suddenly he was happy, because this feeling made his heart uneasy and lowered!

Even every step closer to the purple black demon fire, the green of the organ stone, will reduce a trace of yellow, representing its air transport, return. However, although the yellow color is reduced, the cyan does not move toward the green, but slowly turns into dark green and moves toward the ink green.

"Black air transport!" Ning Fan's eyes are condensed, black air transport, in the four days of fairyland, there is an alias, ‘Imperial Hope!

But this black, but gave Ning Fan a sense of security, invisible, he felt that if he is self-staining, he can be separated from the mysterious man!

Two roads! One, being counted and died, one, the air is black, and it is very likely that it will be hopeless.

"It’s not as good as being calculated by others. Breaking away from bondage, adding black to the body! The demon of the hole is empty, I seem to have insights. This black luck is probably a magic move. If it can’t be a fairy, it will become a magic. For me, there is no difference. And this blood gives me a strong feeling, but this fierce beast, I did see it for the first time... This is, what a real spirit beast..."

Ning Fan waited for a close look, I don't know how long it took, among the minds, the purple black flame appeared for the second time, and Ning Fan. Hold it and swallow it.

A glimpse between them, behind it, raised a pair of purple-black giant crystal wings.

Its left purpose is the Palm Star. Transformed, purple and black!

300 blood spins, collapsed into bloodshot, did not enter the body of Ningfan. Gather a drop of complete purple blood.

The left eye purple star flashed and the momentum rose sharply.

2150 A demon power, its demon power realm. Constantly breaking through!

Yuan Ying middle, late, peak...

The blood of purple black is slowly opening within the fairy vein.

Its demon power, because of three hundred bloodshot, climbed to 2455 A!

On the demon shadow tablet, Ning Fan ranks, has passed the 300-segment blood, rushed into the 19th! He only woke up twice, but he ranked 19th in the sorrow of the three people who were awake three times in the sleeping place!

Lubei, help away from the blood, 305 paragraph!

"Helping away... This demon is also a true spiritual race, why have never heard of it..." Ning Fan frowned.

It’s just that it’s still not over.

Lu Yuer covered his mouth and stood by the pool, staring at the blood pool.

In her attention, a ** man, shaking the huge purple black crystal wing, is slowly covered with purple black scales, the first two-horned, purple-black long hair, no wind automatically.

It is like an aurora, going straight to the sky, the top of the palace, the demon will be the egg, they are all broken!

Straight into the nine!

At the moment of its emptying, a sharp whistling sound is emitted, and above the sky, a purple and black illusion of a million feet is emerging, illusory and ancient.

Lu Biochemical made a blue smoke, floating above the sky, incredible looking at the purple black demon shadow.

He only saw the demon name from the demon shadow tablet, but he never knew what to do!

This is a taboo, that is, the ancient demon people are rarely known, it is chaotic, I do not know!

However, Lu Sheng understands that the virtual image appears, what is the meaning of it...

This means that Ning Fan’s second blood-sucking, awakening, is a complete Taikoo demon blood, not a residual blood!

Even Ning Fan will have the opportunity to receive **** rewards from the shadow of the ancient beasts of this ancestor!

When a drop of purple-black, fist-sized crystal blood ball, from the ancient beast shadow, drifting into the hands of Ning Fan, Lu Sheng is even more unbelievable.

"This is...the blood of the progeny!"

Can wake up in the second time, condense the ancient and broken veins, it is the people.

Can condense the complete blood, and get the blood of the ancestors, but also Tianjiao!

This represents the blood of the recipient, and the possibility of entering the royal family's demon blood.

However, since ancient times, the second time to wake up blood, up to ten drops of true spirit blood.

More than no one, thanks to the blood of the ancestors.

Ning Fan’s awakening of the demon is the demon of the curse.

This demon pulse, for countless years, no one awakened, because the black air transport of the demon blood alone, they have forced to retreat, and no one is willing to explore, what is this demon blood.

Ning Fan awakened the demon blood for earning off the calculations!

As the first awakened, his benefits are huge!

"Grand blood!"

Ning Fan took a deep breath, he did not know what is the beast, but knows this drop of blood, what is it!

The demon power contained in it is full of ... 5000 A!

A vicissitude of life, but also in the heart of Ning Fan.

"I help the family, the family has been extinct for a long time, can wake up blood, and I have a fate, give the royal family blood, and seal the er, ‘help away from the ancestors’! With the dragon ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestor, the ancestors!”

At the moment when the sound disappeared, Ning Fan's demon power, with the help of this drop of blood, moved toward the 7555 A!

"I can't think of it, in order to avoid calculations, I was awakened to help the demon blood... Because I am the only tribe of this family, I am even more gifted, my blood! So, the trouble of only black air transport is not worth mentioning! 7455 A demon power, at the moment I am not only half-stepping the gods, but also the road to demonizing the gods, but it is finished... three-quarters! And if I can swallow the blood of the demon handsome, I even have confidence, at this moment, break through the realm of the gods! ”

In the eyes of Lu Sheng, he was full of admiration and shock.

He never imagined that Ning Fan would be greeted with blood for the second time, so he would be blessed with blood. So, for the third time, the blood will be horrible.

This drop of blood, not only enhances the demon power of Ning Fan, but also increases its blood concentration from 305 to 1,305.

After a thousand years of blood, it is the blood of the royal family!

When you wake up three times, you can awaken the blood of the royal family.

Can wake up in the second time, to achieve the blood of the royal family, the history of the Yaozu, never!

The net fire department of the county, Wang Hao and other ten people of the heavens demon will be shocked.

"Two times to wake up blood, the royal family is really spiritual?! Although I do not know the beast of the beast, what is the true spirit, is strong or weak, but this person, in the second time to wake up blood, will become the real king of the king..."

The real king, in the second world, no one...

This is to say... the second world, Ning Fan demon blood, the first...

"This is impossible!"

A companion, crushing the wine cellar.

He does not believe that the title of the net fire department will be called the waste of Lubei, but he is only looking up!

The royal family is true! (To be continued.)

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