Grasping Evil

Chapter 257: Partner, enchanting

The moonlight is quiet and there is no noise. Above the demon river, there are paintings passing by.

In Wangjianglou, Ning Fan did not sleep.

On the first day of the entrance to the county, he was named Luo Yun, and even the killing of the three gods, like a hurricane, is rapidly sweeping into other tribes in the second world!

It was only the first night in the county, and Lu Yuer went to visit his master, and eventually stayed at one of his county friends.

That friend seems to be a dusty woman... in the smoke building, for the singer...

"I hope that my children will not learn badly with others... However, with the heart and mind, can be regarded as friends, the wind and dust woman, most of them have surprising things... Yan Yulou..."

These three words, Ning Fan chanted three times, immediately said nothing.

Yu Yuan and others, after the handover, returned to the North Desert, Jin Yan car, and left it to Ning Fan.

Lu Daochen, did not summon Ning Fan, about Lu Tianming, is not to mention.

Lu Dao's thoughts, Ning Fan can't see through. However, Ning Fan guessed that Lu Daochen knew most of the fact that he was not Lubei.

The three demon heads are shocking. On whether Lu Daochen has handed in himself, at least it can be guaranteed that this person does not dare to be an enemy of himself.

Or, Lu Daochen himself offered the third boundary road.

Or, it is Ning Fan to steal, to grab!

Wangjiang Tower, this night is only one person. The **** moon is so low that he feels lonely in this strange land.

He came to the county, there are two things to do, to find the way, learn the demon.

Only at this moment, he only wants a quiet.

Take a storage bag and take out a few centuries of demon grass, all of which were purchased in Du County.

A ring of the hearth, calling out the wind girl, tea girl, the second woman seems to be resting. Was ridden by Ning Fan, undressed, and hurriedly covered.

"I don't know what the owner has to call the blind..."

"Undressing, getting ready to bathe..."

"What, what. Undressing... Bathing... Now..."

"Well, afraid of me seeing..."

"No, no. I am waiting for the face to be ugly, the owner does not disregard, willing... willing to watch, is my blessing..."

The second woman seems. Such a good time, was called out by Ning Fan, most of which is to be double-repaired...

The wind girl was slightly restrained, biting her lip slightly, and some nervous licking the tube top. The tea girl is cool. Winked like a silk, deliberately turned back, not showing ugly face, only revealing the graceful body, taking off the dress, revealing the white **.

If the face is not destroyed, the second woman. It is absolutely beautiful...

Exquisite and exquisite, one room is fragrant, the night wind is blowing, and it is refreshing.

The yin and yang locks are the first realm of the second layer, and as time goes by, it is slowly rising toward the second level.

To upgrade the second layer of exercises, at least the need to repair with Yuan Ying female, the highest, but with the broken virtual female repair double repair, only have the opportunity to break through the third layer.

Broken. Still too far, Jin Dan Banshee, but there are two people around.

Unexpected ** double repair, did not appear.

However, seeing Ning Fan pointed out, the rain in the room slowly made a rain basin.

With Ning Fan Chaos River explorer a trick. Immediately there was a river water column, which was recruited by Ning Fan and poured into the rain basin.

Quite the fire, the water temperature immediately increased, and finally the silky hot fog.

"Go in, this two Dan, after you take it, you will refine the medicine in the water. Then, I will configure the liquid medicine. You two, absorb the potency of the bath water, and you can regenerate the power of the medicine. !"

Two Fudan Dans were handed over to the two women.

The wind female tea girl, first glimpse, immediately reveals the color of surprise and touch.

This is the five-turn remedy!

The potent potency is enough for the two women to understand that this drug is worth a lot!

Ning Fan, did not deceive the two, what he said, did it.

"Master, we..."

"You don't have to say much, this is what you deserve." Ning Fan smiled, sleeves, sleeves, wind, tyrannical demon power, directly rolled up two women, did not enter the rain basin.

The second woman realized that Ning Fan’s demon power was almost comparable to God!

Sitting in the bathing water, the two women looked around and knew that this is the second world.

From the date of the farewell to Ning Fan, to now, less than two years have passed, and in just two years, Ning Fan has been upgraded from the demon power of Yuan Ying to almost the point of God!

Even at this moment, Ning Fan’s body is the pressure of the late Shenhua, or the blood of the royal family, giving the two women a feeling of being above and rising.

The suffocation accumulated by the killing **** is to let the two women not fear.

If Fei Ningfan suppresses suffocation, and does not want to scare the two women, it is not difficult to make the demon of Yuan Ying’s demon injury by suffocating!

The second woman’s heart is full of surprises. If they compare with the former companions of the past, they feel faint, and now Ning Fan, killing partners, don’t have to work hard!

"Congratulations to the master, repairing for the great progress...thanks to the master, the gift of Baodan..."

"Well, take the medicine."

Ning Fan took a storage bag and took out a kind of demon grass, and pointed it like a knife, peeling, peeling, pumping, and rooting. After a while, the bath water has turned into a pale blue color and flooded. With a strong potency.

This potency is too large. It is difficult to absorb the two women who fell in Jindan.

The potency seems to tear the fairy veins, and the pain makes the two women look pale, but even if they hurt again, the two women are not willing to give up.

The woman’s face is destroyed, just like the man’s fairy vein is abolished, it is a painful thing.

Finally waiting for the opportunity to restore their face, they do not want to miss.

Once, as a companion with their demon, they don’t know what day they will die, they have no freedom, they only ask their partners to take a look, and they can’t get a gentle word.

Nowadays, they are Ning Fan Ding Furnace, don't have to worry about repairing the blood, don't worry about becoming cannon fodder, and have the opportunity to recover their face.

"This is the five-transfer medicine that the owner has been hard to refine. Don't waste it... to be patient..." The two women bite their teeth to absorb the potency, and above the face, a layer of blood is gradually emerging. Under the blood, the carrion is reborn as tender meat. Turn into a pure and beautiful face.

"Take another endure..." The wind girl is stronger, and the tea girl is weaker, and she can't bear the pain.

Ning Fan sighed slightly, and if the two women continued, it was not a failure to recover, but they could not bear the pain.

He took off his clothes and entered the rain pot and the bowl. Immediately, the water in the medicated bath overflowed from the basin.

A pair of two women's waist, the two women who are reluctant, suddenly screamed, each is pretty and blushing.

"The owner's noble body. You can bathe with me and other nephews..."

"If you double repair, you can stop the pain... Who will come first?"

"What, what..." The wind woman is ashamed to be too shy, biting her teeth.

Even though she was once recruited, she is still difficult to calm down with Ning Fan.

The tea girl is open-minded. After all, at the time of Song Guozhi, she was an undulating old demon, specializing in female repairs, and double-repair with Ning Fan, always looking forward to.

A double repair can relieve pain, she immediately sat on Ning Fan. Hold Ning Fan’s neck with both hands and wink like a silk.

"Please ask the son, pity..."

The scene of shame, let the wind girl over the head, do not dare to look more, under the purple hair. The eyelids were gradually smothered by the tea girl's jealousy, and they were so hot that they didn't take a breath.

"I don't know shame..."

She was squatting, but suddenly felt a big hand, along her show feet, slowly sliding on the calf, and finally, touched the tender, swaying...


The wind girl snorted and lowered her head. I can't see my expression, I can't escape the finger's sway.

Her petite body softened and began to cater to the finger, and finally. Finger plunged...

The bath water is getting colder, and Ningfan's fingertips feel soft and compact.

Double repair does not know the pain, the drug does not know when refining, **** do not know when to peel off, revealing two show beauty.

The face of the wind girl, quiet, white, weak.

The face of the tea girl is rich, soft, and lively.

The second woman, has forgotten her feelings, and the moonlight is still quiet.

Three days later, Ning Fan received an invitation with Lu Dachen.

The invitation invites Ning Fan to enter the government and meet and discuss the issue of 'cooperation'.

From the invitation, Ning Fan learned that Lu Yuer and her friends in the dust are on the land road, waiting for Ning Fan to go.

However, Ning Fan has something unclear.

"Cooperation? I have no common interests with Lu Daochen. Why do you cooperate? Or, this land road dust is the demon-like guardian demon, and he is also greedy for the blood of the demon handsome, so he wants to take the other eight-handed road. What..."

Ning Fan’s eyes are condensed. If this is the case, then this land road dust is a generation of old people.

When I entered the county, Ning Fan clearly felt that this person’s thoughts and Zhongzheng peace were not like the treacherous generation.

Whether it is for the boundary road or for entering the tower, it is necessary to see it with Lu Dao.

Ning Fan is not afraid that this is a banquet. He does not have the confidence to kill Lu Daochen, but Lu Daochen also has no grasp of killing Ning Fan.

Unless the land dust is a fool, the law will kill, and this person will never ban a banquet and do such a stupid thing.

And this invitation, also deliberately put forward a sentence, it seems that in the net fire department, some people came to the county ... especially let Ning Fan care, Lu Daochen mentioned a little, with the net fire department, there are two 'upper bound demon '...

"Net cloud this person, not enough to worry, but the upper bound demon will ... but I do not know, the upper bound 10 into the gods, which two come, if it is Wang Hao, then this war, there are many variables, and if it is a partner..."

Ning Fan’s eyes sank, and if he came with him, he would have to let him go back and forth!

I am afraid, even if the companion comes, he will turn into a look of Lubei, this companion, can't understand his true content... Otherwise, this person is afraid to be surprised...

In my heart, I thought about it in the three days of double repair.

He went out lightly, followed by a purple, red and two women.

The two women are the Jindan Yaozu, but they have returned to the middle of Jindan, and the face is peerless.

A cold, windy, purple hair calm, a clever smile, reversed charm.

Walking in the Du County demon square, many of the Yaozu’s eyes are swept to the two women from time to time. There are even a lot of jealousy, which are intended to be a slap in the face.

Only once found, the second woman in front of him, followed by the name of Luo Yun, Lubei, all the Yaozu, immediately booed, hurriedly left, and then dare not look around. All the cockroaches swallowed and swallowed, and the heart was cold, and hurriedly retreated.

The three demon will be the first level, shattering the dawn of the Ming Dynasty son... This matter has already been spread in Luoyun, such a Ning Fan, looks are spread throughout the land, I want to be low-key, I am afraid it is difficult.

Of course, it’s the appearance of Lubei.

In this way, it is also a lot less trouble, at least day to day to deal with Lu Tianming, Ning Fan is not in the eyes, but also feel trouble.

"Master, you are serious, you have married three gods!" Tea girls in the eyes of the colorful.

"The owner will not lie!" The wind girl seems to have become the spokesperson of Ning Fan.

The second woman regained her appearance and her heart was untied. The temperament is much more cheerful.

At the dinner, Ning Fan took two women. After all, the two women were indeed the ancient demon, and they would not reveal anything.

of course. Ning Fan is not afraid to be exposed.

If you meet a partner, but you don't know, what would this person do?

Outside the county, thirteen elite elite soldiers are reviewing guests, and all of them have heads and faces. They are all invited to dinner.

When I saw a man and a woman swearing at the county, I immediately screamed at the demon.

"There is a stop!"

Just seeing the appearance of the person, a few demon soldiers, on the body, a courtesy.

"See the generals of the land! The demon adults told me. If the general soldiers come, they can enter the house directly! You don't have to log in!"

Ning Fan’s gaze was swept away. Most people, when they came to the bank, or got on the bus, had to get off the bus and check that the warning was very strict. If you only say that you are banqueting yourself, this kind of rigor seems to have passed, and most of them are still prepared for the ‘upper bound demon’.

He looked away and asked the demon soldier.

"This dinner, like Lu, can be directly into the government, who are there?"

"Returning to the general soldiers, in addition to the general soldiers have this treatment, the "fourth will" and the "sixth will" adults who have been called back to the government. They have also entered the government directly. In addition, the "enchanting" girl of Yanyulou Together with Miss Dear, she was also chartered directly into the government..."

"Net fire department..."

"Net fire department..." The demon soldier showed a difficult color. The specific guests of the Net Fire Department are listed in the ban and cannot be advertised to anyone.

This is a military order, he does not dare to fail.

"But I know..."

Ning Fan waved his hand, dismissed the demon soldier, and stepped directly into the county government. Because of the prior instructions, the basic person blocked it. When someone saw Ning Fan, he immediately led the way.

"Smoke rain floor, enchanting... This woman is the female companion of the nephew... enchanting, this female identity, should not be simple... can enter the government directly, which means that in the eyes of Lu Da, this woman is the same as me. Pay attention to... As for the fourth and sixth emergency recalls, it seems that it is not for me. From the look of the demon soldiers, it seems that the net cloud department is not simple... the golden order is to respond to the net fire department. What..."

Ning Fan walked through the county government and stopped at the Luotian Temple in Neifu.

Beyond this temple, there are two cloud beasts. Although they are not true spirits, they are very rare mixed blood.

In the temple, the atmosphere is quite a bit Xiao Su. When Ning Fan’s eyes are swept away, he is slightly stunned. He is qualified to sit in the Luotian Temple, only a few dozen people.

Among them, above the main position, sitting on the cloud will be Ludao dust, this person will see Ning Fan come, immediately get up, smile and meet.

"Oh, the general army has come, the old man has missed the glory, but also the general soldier Haihan..."


Ning Fan held a fist and looked at the land under the dust.

Beside him, sitting two people, a red-faced green armor, a black-faced black armor, respectively, Luo Yun fourth will Lu Qing, the sixth will land battle.

The red-faced red-faced person is the long-haired bear, and the Danfeng eye looks at Ning Fan. This person is calm and condensed, slightly weaker than Lu Sheng, but similar to Bai Yuan, carefully watching Ning Fan, and praised it.

"After life is awesome! A family is not as good as you!"

It is the black warfare of the black warfare, the breath is more than the white dollar, but when you see Ning Fan, you are eager to try.

"You are the one who will be alone! Good, good! After the banquet, fight with a certain!"

Ning Fan held a fist, no words, eyes swept over the guests, and in the numerous faces, he immediately found Lu Xiaoer, who was sweet and smiling, sitting next to him, sitting in a beautiful woman in a blue feather coat, looking at the appearance, as if twenty-four, The appearance of the five has a charm of a mature woman.

When I saw Ning Fan, Lu Yier would like to get up and meet, and the beautiful woman, there is a deep sense of contrast with Ning Fan, like to see Qing Ningfan in front of him.

"This woman is a enchanting..."

Ning Fan's gaze continued to shift, and when it fell to the net fire department, the face sank.

The net cloud demon will be, this is the person who came.

Beside this person, sitting two people, one is the golden armor, the other is a red-haired man.

When Ning Fan’s eyes sank, the person’s gaze was equally gloomy.

Because he saw that the woman standing behind Ning Fan was actually... his original companion!

"This will be with the demon, why is it here!" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (. vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m.. read.)

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