Grasping Evil

Chapter 261: Half a god, the power of the sun!

Net cloud demon will easily defeat the land war, Ning Fan, but it is easier to kill the cloud!

Hand-held net cloud storage bag, Ning Fan eyes swept away, 30 Boshi flame grass, to get it! In this way, I can do it myself, and start to refine the blood of the demon handsome, demon power, and sprint!

Luoyundu County, a quiet, needle can be heard.

It is rumored that Ning Fan is alone in the Three Gods, but the Yuan and other people who saw it on the same day have already returned to the North Desert. Among the counties, I have seen Ning Fan’s strength in the iceberg, only Lu Tianming who was labeled as a dead dog.

But at the moment of the death of Jingyun, Luo Yun fell into a boiling after the silence!

Lu Tianming, who is setting up a gambling, is stunned by the fierce atmosphere of Ning Fan.

He decided that Ning Fan could defeat the net cloud and even clean the cloud, but never imagined that Ning Fan faced an overwhelming net cloud and was still overwhelmingly winning...

"On the day of this son, I can live a life from this person. It is definitely a big luck... This person dares to burn the land in the fire, killing people, this person is too embarrassed... not afraid of the end of the net fire, do not consider any The consequences of murder are just... there is a hatred!"

The land war, which is eye-catching, feels like a **** boil.

The grievances that were injured by the net cloud were swept away at this moment, turning into shock and reverence for Ning Fan.

"This person, when I am Luo Yun eighth, I will raise my hands for the first time! Kill well, kill well! Even this Lubei, before killing the net, deliberately poke the net cloud binocular, this is for Laozi revenge! Laozi land war, owe you a person of Lubei!" The land war haha ​​laughed, poke the eyes, it seems that it is not so painful.

Lu Yuer's little hand cover, tea girl, is also a splendid. They and Ning Fan lived together, but it was the first time to see Ning Fan’s terror.

"Lubei...It’s so powerful..."

Tsing Yi's voluptuous fingertips licked the silk, and the look was moving for the first time.

"Lubei... This person is almost unscathed, he will kill the cloud, have this strength, in the second world, can win the other, less than 20 people... Once the achievement of the god, afraid of being under the demon, this person again Invincible...but, after all, he is not a real demon, but he can win the net, but he may not be able to win the gold group, but he can win, and he must be a hard fight. As for his companion...he can win the companion..."

Above the sky, the land of the burning tiger is angry, the net cloud demon will not be the strongest, but it is one of its rare confidants, but it is killed by Ning Fan, he can not be angry.

However, in front of it, there is a land road dust stepping on the sky, making the land burnt and gloomy, but it is impossible to step into the fire station and intervene in the gambling war.

"Oh, the fire will be angry, all will step on the fire station, then life and death by the sky, the net cloud is dead, we must blame only the skills are not as good as people ..." Land Road dust in front of the land to burn, do not let a step.

"Hey! Life and death by the sky... good! Later, this Lubei died in the hands of the upper bound demon, you Ludao dust, you can think about saving!"

The land of the burning eye is chilly, and I can't hand it to Ningfan, but there are two generals on the top of the fire, and someone has revenge for the net cloud.

Bi flame grass, to the hand.

Ning Fan lifted his whip and pointed his partner, and his expression was indifferent.

"Next, is that you..."

This look, the eyes are empty, let the old companion hate the old hatred, anger burning.

"Zhou Ming! I will not know how you escaped from the Great Jin Dynasty, but today, this will not let you go, you will kill you!"

When he stepped out, he had to fight with Ning Fan, but he was stopped by Jin Qun.

"I come!"

The golden armor will be slowly and slowly, but the momentum will become more and more condensed.

From the move of Ning Fan to kill the net cloud, Jin Qun realized that Ning Fan was a strong opponent, but asked himself that he still had the means to kill Ning Fan.

"You, you won't be able to take a shot!"

"What?" Ning Fan sneered.

"court death!"

Jin Qun’s eyes were cold, and he stepped out in one step. He grew golden hairs and turned into golden hoes. His teeth were sharp.

A big hand grabs, above the clear sky, a daylight, is ingested by his hands, turned into a dazzling golden spear, a palm of the hand, the giant spear turned into a golden aurora, straight thorns Ning Fan Dantian.

"Hero, off the gun!"

This daylight golden spear, the power of a spear, like the yang, almost killed Lu Qing.

This time, Jin Qun is even more illusory, and the power of a spear is more powerful than before.

Faced with this spear, Ning Fan’s eyes were dignified for the first time, and the palm of his hand was attached with a gray flame, one palm, and shot on the golden spear.

The hot temperature, like the sun, makes Ning Fan feel a moment in the palm of his hand.

It was just this physical injury, but it was instantly restored under the self-healing of the demon blood.

The palm of the hand grasps the situation, the shot is like electricity, and the spear tip is held, and the three steps are taken back, and the power of a spear is removed.

His eyes sank, the reason why this spear is so powerful, is to use the sun to evolve the magic.

In the same level of magic, the magic of the evolution of daylight is definitely a rare and powerful method.

Yu break this surgery, first of all to pump this technique, the power of true yang!

"There is a day in the north, and its name is yin...there is a thunder in the north, its name is thunder..."

Recalling the mysterious mouth that Luo You passed down on the same day, his heart was silent, and Ning Fan felt his palm covered with gray inflammation, which seemed to give birth to the power of melting the sun.

Jinqun’s heart was shocked.

The spear of the sun, its temperature, is absolutely horrible, at least the gold group asks himself, if he takes the spear by the flesh, he must be burned into nothingness.

From the beginning of the gold group to comprehend this magic, there have been countless times to use this technique to defeat the enemy. Even if this technique is broken by some masters, it is a common gold body refining master, and the golden body is not dare to harden. Daylight, only with the magic to compete.

Like Lu Qing, the picture is hard to pick up the golden spear in the body of the jade. The result is that the arm is burned to fly ash.

But Ning Fan, taking the pulp, took the spear!

The gray flame on the palm of his hand, what kind of demon fire, is enough to counter the burning of the sun, is it ... six spirits fire? !

He didn't think about it yet, but he saw Ning Fan take a golden spear and even stepped back three steps to stop the spear.

It seems that the secret technique is applied, and the power of the sun in the golden spear is taken away!

The power of the sun that was taken away, in Ning Fan's eyebrows, slowly condensed half of the illusory star point.

This star has not yet been solidified, and only half of it, but it contains a kind of magical power, named, yin fusion technology!

The first star, the star of the attribute, the second star, can be attached to the magical power.

Into the secret world, swallowing countless demon blood, Ning Fan's body under the nourishment of the demon blood, has already reached the edge of the second layer of jade.

After the second star condensed half, the diaphragm of the realm of refining, broke through...

"Yin melt... Ethereum thunder, melt the sun... This is my second god... Although it has not yet been completely solidified, but this yin is the power, but it is the nemesis of all daylight spells!"

Above the palm, the ash is gone, and instead it is a **** thunder.

Just a few breaths, in the body, but there has been a drastic change, breaking through the diaphragm of the realm of refining, and entering the second realm of jade!

Above the eyebrows, there is already a half star!


Five fingers smashed, the golden spear smashed, turned into a dazzling golden light!

Among the shattered light, Ning Fan stepped out in one step, and the wings flickered. The smoke shadow flashed and appeared in front of the gold group, punching and falling.

This boxing, there is no extra fancy, and some, just attached a faint blood mine, but it has changed the face of the gold group.

"What kind of thunder is this thunder, it seems to break the sun magic! This punch is not wrong... It is the second realm of jade! This punch can be a hit in the middle of the battle!"

The golden group of ten fingers decided to rise, and the whole body rose golden light, turned into a golden gimmick, opened the golden mouth, biting into the oncoming Ning Fan.

"Hero, broken wood golden dog!"

A gimmick appeared, and as the fingerprint changed, more than a dozen gimmicks were scattered, and each golden light was dazzling.

But all the golden light is the technique of evolutionary sunlight. Once exposed to blood and thunder, they are screaming, screaming, and being assimilated into blood and thunder.

Taiyin Shenlei, yin melt away from the sun!

"Not good, can't stop it!"

A punch in the middle of the chest, the gold group will crush the nails, and the ribs will be broken.

The power of this boxing, attached to the blood of the thunder, the punching power seems to become a thunder, mad tear in the gold group.


It was when the border gate collapsed and he was not injured. Today, under Ning Fan’s fist, he vomited blood!

The golden group was smashed out by a punch, so it is easy to stabilize the figure, but the eyes are crazy.

I will be able to lose to the lower bounds of the ant enchantress, you can!

"Blood burning!"

He only condensed a drop of blood from the true spirit, but at the moment, he ignited the blood in order to defeat Ning Fan.

Among the counties, one of the demon people was so embarrassed that they couldn't think of it. The Jinqun, who was a Jinxi tribe, was actually greeted by Ning Fan, and forced to resist the blood.

Ignite the demon blood, the golden group looks like a dazzling daylight, stepping out in one step, the whole person immediately disappears in place, leaving only the golden afterimage.

This blood-stained idling speed is definitely comparable to the singular wing of Ning Fan!

At the moment when his body disappeared, Ning Fan's eyelids picked one, and immediately sneered.

His left eye purple star flashed, and at a glance he saw the attack routine of Jin Qun, and even returned nine steps.

Every step is to condense the world and the earth on the toes. After nine steps, he stepped down, the fire station, and shattered!

At this moment, at the foot of Ning Fan, the head of a golden dragonfly, just drilled, was actually a sneak attack from the ground.

It’s just that he hasn’t sneaked into the success, the power of nine steps, the general trend into a sword, and the force of the second realm of Ning Fanyu’s life, all stepping on the golden group.

This stepping force, the sword and the air, has turned into countless blood mine fluctuations.

The sky shattered, and the crack, along the foot of Ning Fan's feet, swept away from the madness. It was a step. The golden group was smashed into blood, even the demon, under the pressure, seriously injured. !

Fire station, re-condensing!

Ning Fan pedaled the demon on the fire station, overlooking, it is like, overlooking an ant.

This contemptuous gaze caused the gold group to be frustrated in dignity and burned in anger. The demon was trampled at the foot of Ning Fan by a dead dog.

The golden group was furious and furious!

"Lubei! Lubei! You dare to hurt me. If one day, you fly to the heavenly demon world, Kim is in the middle of the Jinzhao elders, you must kill you, vent your anger for Kim!"

"I will be the upper bound demon! You dare to kill me, then wait to destroy the Jiuzu!"

"This will give you a chance. Now let's put the demon, and squat down for a thousand times, consciously withdraw from the battle of the map, this will be able to spare you!"

The golden group is so mad!

Because the gold group is determined, Ning Fan does not dare to kill him! He is different from the net cloud. The net cloud is the net fire department demon, the background is just the net fire department, killing and killing. But the background of his golden group, but the true spirit of the Jin Dai! !

Killing a slap, you will be guilty! He decided that Ning Fan would not dare to move him!

In the arrogance of the golden group, Ning Fan’s eyes murdered and became more and more prosperous. But he did not immediately die of the golden group, but instead sneered into the sky, looking at the land to burn, not afraid.

Overlooking Luoyundu County, it sounds like a thunder!

"This demon gold group, although it is a demon, is a gold scorpion, but I am guilty of Luoyun, hurting Lu Qing, not tamed, what should be sin!"

This question is like a hurricane, sweeping through Luoyundu County.

Jin Qun, what a sin!

Before this question, no one dared to hurt the demon, even if the other side is in the county, shame the demon.

However, along with Ning Fan's defeat of the golden gun, the fist broke the golden light, and the footsteps of the golden group, its power, like the sun, ignited every Luoyun demon, the heart of the blood. Let the habits of the lower bounds who are accustomed to humble and rebellious, dissatisfied in the chest, catharsis!

The upper bound demon will, how about...

The upper bound demon will be based on what is high!

"The training of the ancestors, my demon man, when you do not respect the sky, not afraid of the ground, the upper bound demon, how!"

"Please ask the generals of the north to kill this scorpion, to revive the power of Luo Yun, and report my **** hatred of Lu Qing!"

Broken arm Lu Qing, holding the wound, glaring at the golden group that was trampled like a dead dog, great pleasure.

With the sound of it, in the county, the sound of the echoes echoed.


kill! !

kill! ! !

Lu Dao's eyes were condensed, showing a more appreciative color, and his heart was smiling.

"This is Lubei, but it is cautious... I know that the killing of the upper bound demon will be a felony. Even if there is a fire and death in the first place, I am afraid that it will be calculated by the old man. Therefore, the anger of my Luoyun demon is ignited, and the enemy is enemies... Netyun pokes the land war. The purpose is that this person will poke the net of the cloud, the arm of Jin Qun Lu Qing, this person will break the gold group demon body... Destroy the gold group demon body, then form a dead hatred with the gold group, to the enemy of the enemy Personality, it is necessary to kill the gold group, do not stay after the trouble, but this person, deliberately let Lu Qing let go, let Luo Yun and the enemy hate ... this son, want to sin their own murder, and Luo Yun shared, tied to once ... this son, good a sinister, careful generation..."

The sound of killing and screaming sounded through Luo Yun.

At this moment, Ning Fan lowered his gaze and stared at the golden group.

The original mad gold group, from the eyes of Ning Fan, felt a glimpse of a step by step approach.

It’s cold, it’s chilling...

Fierce, breathless...

"This Lubei, kill me! How come, how come! Unless it is a madman, otherwise, knowing that this will be a Jinxi tribe, this person, how dare to kill me!"

Jin Qun, afraid!

As if all of his own background, reliance, and arrogance cost, in front of Ning Fan, it is ridiculous.

Crazy, crazy!

This person kills, never worry!

"Land...General Lu, there is something... well said..." The ghosts of Jinqun trembled in the bursts of screams.

"I am with you, there is nothing to say... die!"

Step by step, the golden group, the demon is broken!

Zhang mouth swallowed, all blood fog, demon, all swallowed into the belly.

Unfortunately, unfortunately... I haven't searched the soul of this demon, otherwise I can know a lot of secrets of the upper bound.

However, under such circumstances, Ning Fan has no time to calm down and slowly search for the soul.

And if you don’t kill this demon, once the land has burned your hand to save people, then the chance of killing the golden group will pass away...

The upper bound demon will die...dead!

At the moment of the death of Jin Qun, the county was in a state of turmoil.

"Northern generals are mighty!"

The Yaozu, this should not be bound by the ranks.

Can not stand on the ground, it is not worthy of the demon!

Tsing Yi enchanting, standing in the cheers, the strange color, but more and more.

"Ling Wang... If the prince of the prince is not concealed by the people, he is seriously injured, perhaps in the sacred world, it should be such a prestige... it will not allow the dragons and other true spirits, **..."

Received the gold group storage bag, Ning Fan eyes swept away, there are a lot of exercises in the various items, the record is the level of the middle class magic, from the Japanese gun...

The gun of the sun, the power is not weak, is not a good choice for the high-end magic, Ning Fan, after all, not every enemy demon, will be yin Rong...

The second eyebrow star, has condensed half, magical, yin melt!

In the realm of refining, in the midst of a battle, break through the bottleneck and reach the second realm of Yuming!

Ning Fan walked towards the companion and sighed.

And companion, can't help but take a step back!

The heart, turn up the waves!

"He, is it really Zhou Ming? That is a vulnerable ants, now, there is such a terrible strength!"

The partner did not notice that his palm, has been gripped... cold sweat!

He is self-respecting and can't be afraid of a lower bound ant, but his body is involuntarily in fear!

Will lose, will lose...

If you rely on yourself, not this week's opponent, you will be killed by it...

So, Happiness is going to be mean!

"With the demon, array!"

With the eyes of the cockroaches, one shot of the demon bag, on the top of the fire, a scene of the demon shadow emerged, will be Ning Fan around the center.

Hundreds of enchantments are all... Yuan Ying breath!

It’s just this saga, it’s the animal body, the non-human body with the demon, but the animal body with the demon...

"This partner, there are so many accompanying demon!" Lu Dao dust in the eyes of a surprise, ordinary upper bound demon, can have dozens of demon, it is extraordinary.

With the demon, it is the servant that the family will arrange for this.

There are so many demon companions, which is enough to show that this person is in the upper bound family, how much attention is paid...

Even Lu Dao heard that in the second world, there were a total of ten people in the upper bounds, and the highest one was the king of the late Shenhua.

But among the ten people, the ones who are the most important to this family are... partners!

It’s just that this person hasn’t played against Ning Fan, and he’s called out hundreds of dollars of baby companion demon. It’s both weak and mean...

"This demon is extraordinary. I don't know if this is Lubei. I dare not kill the Jinqun. I will kill this person. If I don't even have this temperament, I am afraid that I will not even stand in the qualification of the Emperor's Star. Lu Shuai..."

Outside the Luotian Temple, the wind girl, the tea girl, the heart is bitter.

鲤 妖 妖 将 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Perhaps, this person has forgotten, there have been two demon, one for the devil of tea, one for the hyacinth...

Ning Fan, it is different... In the Ming Ding furnace ring, there are more than a thousand Jin Dan, Rong Ling Ding furnace, but never sent out, let Ding furnace die...

If it was not robbed by Ning Fan on the same day, perhaps, the two of them had already been used as stepping stones by their partners, and died in a battlefield somewhere...

"Master, don't lose..."

The second woman closed her eyes and prayed that Ning Fan would win and kill her partner.

The second woman knows her personality, this person will report, if not kill, the endless trouble...

On the top of the fire, Ning Fan sneaked at hundreds of heads of infants and beasts.

Walking through the demon tide, if you enter the uninhabited territory, any monsters that roar and roar from their teeth will be understated and killed.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Four steps, five steps, six steps...

Seven steps, eight steps, nine steps!

Stepping into the sky, nine steps into a sword, the general trend!

Ning Fan's body is like a circle of swords.

The circle gradually opened and slowly spread, but all the beasts that were involved in the circle were smashed into blood fog and screamed.

The four swords of the baby sword, the strongest sword, this is a sword of the heart.

Stepping into the sky, this is the weakest sword, but this sword is the only sword that Ning Fan has created!

In the performance of more and more, it is getting more and more round.

Even in this sword, the moment the sword became a circle, it seems that there is a mysterious sword, can not tell, the road is unknown, in the heart of Ning Fan rise.

In a short time, it is impossible to realize.

But once Ying Wu, breaking through the gods, he will be the real sword of the real sword.

Heaven, for the round...

This has become a round of swords, and there is a faint boulevard in it.


Ning Fan's eyes are cold, the center of the circle, spread thousands of miles!

Hundreds of monsters, Qi Qi like a statue to settle, the next moment, turned into meat and died.

The suffocation is empty!

"Companion, what other means do you have, and if you don't show it, you have no chance..."

"Zhou Ming! You are going to be arrogant! The district Yuan Ying with the demon, killing will kill! You do not know, these hundreds of demon, I deliberately let you kill... With these blood sacrifices, I can, pay the summoned beast The price!"

The companion took a waist to collect the demon bag, two fierce wild animal breath, slowly condensed in the blood.

One is the blood dragon demon!

The second is the black dragon demon!

Ssangyong, are wild animals!

These two demon souls, in the blood of the fog, madly engulf the blood fog, condense the demon body.

After a while, they gathered together a half-real and a half-dragon dragon shadow.

The blood dragon looked coldly at Ning Fan and dismissed it.

The black dragon, greedily looking at the partner, charming smile,

"Big brother, younger brother, black teeth, this box is polite... Say, you let me kill, the younger brother will kill! But this... Hey, after returning to the demon world, can the big brother help the younger in front of the dragon, say two Sentences are good... When will the younger brother be released from prison and return to the Dragon..."

"Kill this person, Ben, help you to speak!"

"Well, this person, a Yuan Ying Xiao Yao, but the younger brother's appetizer!"

The black dragon dragon shadow flashed, vacated, and condescending, overlooking Ning Fan.

Exposed, the power of the wild beast in the middle of the gods!

This is, the real wild beast, more, the blood of the Taikoo Dragon!

Lu Dao dusted his eyes.

This identity is definitely not easy!

I was given two souls of sin dragons!

This person is in the real spirit dragon, the background is a bit too powerful...

In the eyes, inadvertently flashed a trace of worry.

Lu Dao dust never expected, the companion has such a background, there are two wild animals to be a thug, and even one of them, or the middle of the god!

In this way, Ning Fan Wan Wan is not a companion opponent, most of them will... die!

This son is the last hope of completing Lu Shuai’s last wish... No... Don’t let this son die!

"Lubei! This war, the old man admit defeat, you quickly leave the fire station!"

Lu Dao's words made Ning Fan a sigh. Although he couldn't see the purpose of Lu Dao dust from the beginning to the end, he couldn't see it at the moment... This Lu Dao dust is actually maintaining himself!

This time, it was the turn of Lu Dao to save people.

But the land will be burned, and the land will make Lu Dao dust a wish!

"Oh, the ratio of the fire station, life and death by the sky, Lu Dao dust, do you want to destroy the gambling war fair..."

"Fair! With three enemies, how come fair!"

"Who said that on the top of the fire, you can't help the beast..."

The land was burned and sneered, and he couldn’t wait to see Ning Fan being torn into pieces by one of the two dragons.

Lu Yaner’s eyes are scared. In her opinion, it’s that Ning Fan is more powerful, and most of them are not three opponents of the gods, and even among them, there are more black dragons in the middle of the gods!

"The enchanting sister, now you can save Lubei, only you, as long as you save Lubei, I will... I will join the Lingwang Palace and give you slaves..."

Tsing Yi enchanting, crying and laughing.

Join the Palace of Spirits...for slaves...

This younger sister is really a stupid girl... How many people can't join the spiritual palace when she pays the price, she is good, join the spiritual palace, but become a enchanting...

However, this is the determination to give everything to Ning Fan, let the enchanting heart, raise a trace of fascination...

"He, is it worth paying for you? With your looks, if you are taken by the spiritual king, you will be the enchanting wall, you will become a enchanting, and you will have no boundaries with you. You pay like this, don't regret it..."

"What, want to be, enchanting..." Lu Yaner bites her lip, she never knows, the enchanting sister just teased her.

"If you can save his name... it is... it is... I want to..."

"Stupid girl, my sister is in this sleeping place, no relatives, only you, be a sister... your lover, my sister will see him die, even if an alien..."

Tsing Yi enchanted, sighed, then yu shot to save people.

However, the lotus step just moved half a step, but she was born to take hold, and the shock was shocked.

But on the top of the fire station, Ning Fan looked at the black dragon, the blood dragon and the sly smile partner, but looked disdain.

"Interesting, Lumou does not know, gambling will be better than the original, can help please help ... God help, but not only your partner, only!"

A shake of the furnace ring, a Zhen Yuan Yao jade.

The female corpse, the stone corps, two shocking scent of the gods, appeared on the fire platform!

Among them, the stone soldiers are awkward, and the breath is almost not weak!

The female corpse is the corpse, and under the inspiration of Ning Fan, the momentum of the middle of the gods is released!

In a short while, my partner sneered and froze, and his face changed.

"The smelting corpse in the middle of the gods! The sorrow of the early days of the gods! Impossible! The ants in the lower bounds of your district, how can there be... so rich!"

The situation, reverse! To be continued. )

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