Grasping Evil

Chapter 262: I want, the map!

The stone soldiers are not calm.

Was summoned to the fire station by air, and even more than two wild beasts, a big demon, even the stone soldiers born by the war, but also heavy heart.

He did not know why Ning Fan would be confronted with such a confrontation.

He only knows that among the other dragons, murderous, not fighting today, there is no good end.

"Shi Bing, blood dragon handed to you... slightly cool, black dragon, you come to deal with... this sword, lend you..."

Like worrying about the cool and safe, a little eyebrow, take out a starlight sword and hand it to the female corpse.

The female corpse nodded and nodded to Ning Fan’s order.

Inducted into the area of ​​the Black Dragon, dare to show the killing of Ning Fan, the female body bones, the arrogance of a trace of the Emperor of Heaven, turned into a green magic light in the eyes.


Words, the female corpse stepped out, holding a sword, holding a needle, flexing the probe, the fairy needle turned into a cold man, straightening the black dragon, so that the black dragon's original arrogant look, suddenly changed.

"Sword of Spirit Seal! Ancient Heaven Court Fairy Ice Needle!"

Under the circumstance, the black dragon dragon shadow flashed, but it was still pierced into the body by the cold man, acupuncture Xianxian, forced to the demon, and the female corpse turned into a green light, the lotus step, has appeared in the black dragon body Next.

It is easy to suppress the sneak attack of the fairy needle, and then see the female corpse bullying, the black dragon eye is murderous, and the claw is caught on the chest of the female body.

This arrest can almost seriously hurt the early days of the gods, but before the female corpse, it is only a slap in the face, it is like a blast, the female corpse nails become long, the five fingers become claws, and the black dragon is caught in a collision, under the giant force The female corpse did not retreat in half, but the black dragon was shocked by the inside. The female corpse is a tear. Grab the black dragon and tear it off!

It’s just the torn dragon claws. After a while, it’s re-shadowing, it seems to be immune to physical injuries...

Black dragon bites his teeth. Resist the pain of the eclipse, the enchanting, it reveals the stunned color, this smelt in front of the eyes, the strength is comparable to the middle of the god, physical defense. But comparable to the late stage of the gods! The sharpness of the nail that is caught is afraid of being comparable to the ordinary spirit!

Not waiting for it to retreat, but also see the female corpse raised a hand, smashed away from a sword, cut off another black dragon claw, black dragon. Scream!

Only one face-to-face, the black dragon beast in the middle of the gods, was seriously injured by the female body!

Especially the starlight sword... Black Dragon saw that the sword is the treasure of the spirit, but did not see that this sword has been printed with more than 7000 sharp characters, sharp and unmatched!

This is sharp. It is enough to shred his demon body that is half solid under the blood fog!

And especially let it be unexpected, is the other half of the illusory demon, actually injured by this sword!

It should be noted that the Black Dragon is the body of the sin dragon, only the demon soul is left, but the demon soul, under the nourishment of the real spirit dragon blood, the non-Taiwan **** soldiers can not be seriously injured.

This sword is undoubtedly the sword of the ancient stars!

At the incision, there is even more invisible fire, and the black dragon demon is burned.

That magical power. It is the spirit of the spirit... burning soul!

"Injury...light, then...dead!"

The female corpse was exposed and almost immediately pressed against the Black Dragon.

In a moment, the Black Dragon is in jeopardy.

The blood dragon's heart was shocked, but it was shocked by the fierce momentum of the female body. It’s like the black dragon claws, but the claws of their own...

Not waiting for the blood dragon to attack Ning Fan, but there are stone soldiers stepping out, turning into a mountain giant, one step, stepping on the blood dragon demon!

The power of one step, the blood dragon evil spirits shattered into blood, immediately re-condensed, longan, but it is angry.

"Under the bounds, dare to hurt the Dragon Soul, find death!"

"Under the bounds! Who told you, I am the lower bound! It is the real blood dragon beast. In the 'boundary battle', I also smashed several people! You, not my opponent! 癸 ,, seven kills!"

There are seven blood stars in the sky, and there are seven bloodstains.

Under the blood, the blood dragon's face changed greatly, and he did not live in the blood to escape.

This Kui, with a natural restraint for the blood family!

This dragon is a sin dragon of the blood dragon family, attached to the Leilong people. In the eyes of Shi Bing, the blood dragons in the district are not enough to hang their teeth!

The partner was shocked!

In order to achieve stability, I called out the black dragon and blood dragon. I couldn’t think of it. The two wild animals were actually smelted by Ning Fan’s smelt, smashing, and fighting, and there was no way to fight back!

What is this? So powerful, not the lower bound!

This is what smelt the corpse... It is against the wild beast in the middle of the gods, unscathed, tearing the dragon arm, swords and dragon claws...

It’s just a partner, not so much time, thinking about the singularity of smelting and smashing.

Because Ning Fan, has been murderous, step by step!

At each step, the pressure of the late stage of the gods is revealed, so that the partners can breathe and stagnate.

Every step, urging the power of the king's blood, so that the companion, the dragon's blood to burn, almost have a thought on both knees, want to smash and surrender!

"After I am a dragon, you can, surrender! Hex, blood sea!"

With the shackles of a slap in the face, thousands of miles of fire, countless deaths of the demon blood, have been inhaled by the scorpion.

His red hair flies, the blood scales are darker, and the whole body is suffocating!

Black magic, blood sea!

On the same day, the companion used this technique to kill the city of Chuzhou and almost killed Ning Fan.

With the help of a partner, the blood was turned into countless light rains and fell down.

There are even a lot of **** rains, falling in Luoyundu County, but the demon that smothers the **** rain is the late Yuan Ying, all of them are screaming.

This blood rain, the power is even worse than the day, it seems that the demon power of the companion, compared to the same year, has also refined a lot.

It was only this **** rain that floated in front of Ning Fan, but it had not melted Ning Fan’s physical defense, and it was a gaze by Ning Fan to stop the blood rain from falling.

He looked up, black hair dancing, eyes like an emperor!

"Blood rain... ridiculous! I promise you it's going to rain! Go back!"

With Ning Fan screaming, all the **** form of the spell, like rising fear, did not dare to fall again!

And in the eyes of Ning Fan, a rainy eyes, fluttering against the sky, rolling the sky, melting without a trace!

"The **** of rain! Your understanding of this god's will almost reached the point of 'intentional surgery'!"

The singer's feelings have changed drastically. The ant in front of the area has already realized the meaning of the imaginary god, and has realized the meaning of the meaning of the ideology into a technique, a mind. Rain, a look, you can make the rain, reverse the sky!

This technique does not break. Even Ning Fan did not move with his hands.

When the face of this surgery, only the opportunistic, hard-working Ning Fan, has been strong enough to rely on eyes, mind, break this surgery!

Turning into a skill!

The companion comprehended the **** demon, but did not understand the dragon dragon demon...

His demon. Not only is the grade not as good as the rain of Ning Fan, the depth of perception is far worse than that of Ning Fan.

"Impossible! This will not be as good as you!"

The partner cannot accept this fact.

And if the companion knows, Ning Fan has more magical mountains than the rain, the fear of wanting, mad!

Ning Fan step by step. The sense of oppression given to the partner is getting stronger and stronger.

With a fist, the nails pierced into the palm of your hand and the blood was flowing.

Not reconciled, he is not willing, lost to the district ants!

A finger of the eyebrows, pointing into the heavenly spirit. As soon as he smoked, he slowly pulled out a silver long whip that was roaring.

On the same day, Ning Fan went to half a dragon rib. After several decades of cultivation, the singer had already repaired the dragon ribs by the secret method.

The dragon tendons are in the hand, and the companion is like holding a silver thunder whip.

And Ning Fan, also raised his hand, lifted the broken whip. A **** whip, greet the silver hurdle whip, and pump it away!


The broken whip is only a refining of half a dragon's ribs, but after the rituals of Ning Fan and Lu Xing's heart and soul. The tempering of the blood-thundering catastrophe, the whistle of this whip, is comparable to the silver whip.

The blood shadow is rising, the hundred whip is trembled, the silver whip is broken, the dragon tendons are broken, the sputum is accompanied by vomiting blood, and the eyes are crazy.

"Impossible! Impossible! The dragon will be in your hands, and it will be refined into such a treasure!"

"This treasure, this will be recovered! This dragon tendon, this will be re-refined into the body! So, this will break through the middle of the gods, just around the corner!"

The companion seems to have entered the konjac, taking a storage bag and taking out an old, broken blood sword.

This blood sword is in the hand, a wild and fierce air, blowing in the face, it is the land road dust outside the fire station, the land burned, all feel a little heart.

On the occasion of the blood sword appeared, Ning Fan, for the first time stopped the approaching approach, his eyes dignified.

This blood sword is extremely horrible, and if Ning Fan sees it, this blood sword has a total of three seals!

This seal seems to be to suppress the power of the blood sword.

Under the seal, this blood sword power has reached the level of Lingbao.

"Zhou Ming! This will give you the last one... the opportunity to beg for mercy! Don't force me to cast this sword! This sword is given by the demon handsome, and it is refining with the keel of the blood dragon of the demon, without tearing the seal, It is Lingbao. Every time you tear a seal, you can upgrade the first grade. As long as you will tear open the first seal, this treasure will be regarded as a virtual treasure! The virtual treasure will strike, destroy the heavens and destroy the land, and the Wanli Mountain River will become a virtual You, can't take it, Luo Yunzhi, you must accompany you to die!"

The squad is like a cloud, and the exchange is worthy of disdain.

"This sword is too bloody, you can't use it!"

"Nonsense! This will be used for you!"

When you talk about it, you will pick up your finger and tear the blood seal.

It’s just that, as Ning Fan said, the first seal, only half of it, heavy blood, let the partner, almost suffocating.

If the chest is severely hit, the blood scale will crush the nails, and the companion will be furious, looking at the blood sword with the seal intact.

"The blood dragon demon sword in the district, dare not to accept the fate of this will! Damn!"

Seeing that the partner failed to tear the seal, Lu Dao was light and relaxed.

If you let your partner tear open the seal, urging the virtual treasure, and not saying that the realm is not enough, the use of virtual treasure, how great the counter-attack, in short, Luo Yundu County, tens of thousands of miles, will be flattened by a partner.

This sword does not tear the seal, it is really good.

Lu Daochen, the heart is even more shocked.

This sword tears open the first seal, and it is promoted to the virtual treasure by Lingbao.

If you tear open the second seal, you will be promoted to the treasure of Xianxu.

If you tear open the third seal... this sword is Xianbao!

If a sword is a sword, it may not be able to pick it up. It is so heavy, and the partner can get it. How deep is he in the Taikoo Leilong family...

"Lubei, can dare to kill the companion!" Lu Daochen, hesitated...

However, when he saw Ning Fan’s eyes, he did not fear the companionship, he was completely relieved.

"This son, not afraid of the ancient Thunder Dragon, not afraid of the demon, so, it will be good, so good! So, Lu Shuai will be saved..."

Step by step approaching, with a **** sword, it is Ning Fan, not easy.

But he knows. The partner is eating the evil fruit, and with the partner, can't control this blood sword, barely for it, will be countered!

Ordinary Lingbao. It is not the first time that the gods can be manipulated.

This blood sword is so powerful that it is only seen in Ning Fan’s life. Even he has a feeling that if he obtains a blood sword and tries to tear open the three seals, he is the Neihuang. Can be seriously injured by a sword!

"I want this sword!"

Ning Fan’s eyes were determined, and he made a shadow in one step. He stopped his footsteps in addition to the three feet.

At this distance, no means of display is Ning Fan. Can't approach the partner.

It can be imagined that the partner holding the blood sword is facing a heavy sword.

Do not move, can not move!

The power of the blood sword, will be fixed with the body, can not move!

This sword is only after he has broken through the middle of the gods. Only barely can be used.

If there were no serious injuries and glutinous dragons in Ningfan in the past, decades later, most of the partners at the moment have already broken through the middle of the gods and are qualified to use this sword.

Unfortunately, because of the intervention of Ning Fan, everything has changed...

Being trapped by the blood sword, the companion is unwilling!

But when I saw Ning Fan, I was also forced by the blood sword. I can't get close to myself, take the opportunity to attack, and I am very happy.

You can rely on dragon blood and hold a blood sword.

And Ning Fan, even into the blood sword Jianwei within three feet. Can't do it...

"After you, not as good as me, this blood dragon demon sword, cast with the bones of the demon blood dragon, non-devil blood condensed, can not be manipulated ... any qualifications are high, in the comprehension of the demon blood, after all, this is not as good as this! You think Awakening the blood of the king is great! You can understand the mission of your own blood!"

The companion laughed loudly, and the laughter fell in Ning Fan's ear, but it seemed like a spring thunder. It seemed like a real understanding.


Since I have awakened the blood of the king, I have always felt that there is a gap with this blood.

At first, Ning Fan thought that this was because he was a human race, and he was not a demon, so he could not completely blend with the demon blood.

But now, he suddenly realized that his previous thoughts were wrong...

Mission, mission... The Yaozu, once dominated by the heavens and the earth, each family has its own mission.

Taikoo Leilong, was given the Thunder talent, for the purpose of heaven and thunder.

The ancient phoenix is ​​given a flame talent, in order to set a fire for the soul.

Helping away... What is the meaning of this family?

Helping to get away from it, what is meant to help away...

Standing outside the **** swordsman, Ning Fan looked at the partner who could kill and was difficult to kill, watching the blood sword that could not be expected, silence.

"If I realize the mission of helping and leaving, and thoroughly blending with the demon blood, I can easily cross the distance of the three feet with the king's blood...just, help the family, what is the mission..."

"Cave an illusion, evolve illusion... This is a gift of help, but what is the meaning of this talent..."

Ning Fan closed his eyes, and as he thought, the blood of the purple blood began to boil.

The burning hits Ning Fan's body. He seems to be in the mind, hearing a voice...

"Helping away, helping the heavens, leaving the heart!"

This voice repeatedly echoed in Ning Fan's mind.

Ten times, one hundred times, thousands of times...

Left eye demon star, spinning fast, purple flashing.

At this moment, Ning Fan realized...

Helping to get away, the talent of wearing the illusion is to see the drawbacks of the heavens, and finally, to help the heavens!

The talent of its evolutionary illusion is to confuse the enemy's mind and to sin the heart of chaos!

This family is the monitoring and ambassador of heaven and earth. Once the heavens and the earth have changed, this family needs to stand up.

"This is, is the world cursed to help away?"

Ning Fan step, step into the three feet!

At this moment, in his left eye, it seems that he has raised a arrogance.

That pride is not owned by Ning Fan, but belongs to the pride of the family.

Supporting a family, responsible for monitoring the heavens, the world’s fear, worship, and sentimental heavens are just subordinates who are helpless!

This arrogant color, even Tiandao dare to despise, not to mention, is the power of the district blood dragon demon sword!


Ning Fan one word, three feet Jianmang, crush!

The companion recovered the movement, but with the blood sword, his heart was chilling.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s gaze gives him a feeling of being unattainable, just like his own dragon, in this person’s eyes, it’s not worth mentioning...

"Oh, my partner, I will give you a chance to swear at me. If you lose, you will die!"

"This is what you are looking for!"

Under the deterrent of Ning Fan, the blood dragon demon sword, dare not raging again, and the companion, completely manipulate this sword.

Even if the seal is not torn, this sword is already a spiritual treasure, and the power of a sword is enough to kill the early days of the gods.


A sword out, the blood sword is empty, piercing a **** sword light.

That Jianguang is a ten-point, ten-hundred, one thousand, one thousand.

Wan Dao Jian Ying, such as the meteor chasing the moon, Chao Ningfan stabbed.

Under the sword rain, it is the beginning of the god, it is also mortal.

But seeing this moment, Ning Fan's black hair is windless and automatic, and grows longer. On the left side, there is a demon black pattern, which turns into an ink shadow and spreads out!

Jian Yu, stab!

A glimpse of the companion, the next moment, but the sense of crisis came, he rushed to cross the sword, but could not stop, ink hit.

Was a volume of ink, his body that had been seriously injured, began to be in the shadow of the ink, torn apart.

Demon, mince!

In the case of ink shadow re-coagulation, its demon soul was swayed in the hands of Ning Fan, and the other hand, holding a blood sword.

Blood dragon demon sword, non-dragons can not be driven, in the hands of Ning Fan, the demon sword is not willing!

However, Ning Fan sneaked a sneak peek, the sword was shivering, and the blood sword seemed to be fearful, and he dared not resist.

So, this sword is conquered!

Looking at the companion demon in the palm, Ning Fan’s eyes rose.

"Want to live?"

He faintly said.

"Think, I think!" The companion is already begging for mercy.

"Then you shouldn't mess with me!"

Ning Fan sneered, swallowing the sorrowful demon.

Looking up, burning against the land, holding a demon sword, the momentum is like a rainbow.

At this moment, Ning Fan burned an invincible feeling to the land. For the first time, he faced Ning Fan and produced a trace of jealousy.

"I want, the map!"

This indifferent voice, burning the sea in the land, is sounding!

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