Grasping Evil

Chapter 264: Dating enchanting

Men and women are different. If a woman is tired, painful, and wronged, she will seek sisters to confide. The man can only hide all the tiredness in his back, deepen his heart, turn into a heavier pace, and move forward...

No one knows, no need to understand, just ask every step that has been taken, and have a clear conscience.

Ning Fan’s heart is exhausted, and this exhaustion is actually a devil’s work that transforms the realm of God. He induces him to put down all his responsibilities and return to the dust. Inducing it to collapse, the state of mind is fragile.

It’s just that the devil is fierce, after all, it’s just a demon, it’s a mess, but it’s hard to change its mind.

It’s just the snow in front of you. Although it’s the same as the seven plums, the more you carry, the harder it is to turn around and it’s harder to turn back.

"Seven plums are good, but in those years, it is hard to go back..."

Ning Fan’s eyes disappeared and disappeared, and the fine mans flashed, smashing the silky demons, and the mood gradually moved toward the gods.

One step, stepping through the snow, walking through the cold plum, stepping through all the past, it seems like, oh!

Step by step, a trace of momentum, all converge into the heart, unpretentious.

From mortal to Yuan Ying, every step of the way, the momentum is sharper.

From Yuan Ying to Hua Shen, every step, its momentum is more restrained.

This is a realm of returning to the real thing!

Following Ning Fan, looking at the thin but reliable back, Lu Yan’s heart trembled.

She gradually raised her illusion, and the breath of Ning Fan gradually became indescribable as a mortal.

"Lubei... No, Ning Fan... He is going to turn to God... My brother said that when the great monk's momentum completely converges on the heart and there is no difference with the mortal, this is the last step to return to God...斩Where!"

Lu Yaner's eyes waved and flowed for the first time in Mingyulou and Ning Fan. For example, in yesterday, at that time, Ning Fan, the demon power was only the beginning of Yuan Ying... It was just over a year, but he was about to turn to God...

"Ning Fan, you are too good... good for me. Don't dare to climb..."

"Stupid girl, what nonsense!" Ning Fan gently slammed his forehead, relatives, so that the little fox, his heart swayed, turned to smile.

County House, Luo Tiandian.

Without any notice, Ning Fan and Lu Yuer went straight into the palace.

Inside the temple, the land is covered with dusty back. Looking back at the two, looking at a portrait in the hall.

This portrait, apparently just refurbished, painted on it, is a middle-aged man who is strong and strong.

This person has a tiger head gold armor, his eyes are fascinating, and his hand is standing in the front of the Jinyan car.

Pulling the golden flame car is a nine-headed beast with different blood. There are six heads of tree birds. There are **** dragons, cloud beasts, big snakes, and leopards.

The land that the golden flame car passed. It is an aura of medicine.

Ning Fan’s gaze fell on the portrait and shone.

If he is not mistaken, the golden flame car in the portrait. It is the one that Lu Daochen gave to himself. This car was in ancient times, although the number is large, but each one. Because of the different occupants, they are engraved with different patterns...not wrong!

This golden flame car has a special meaning!

"You are here..."

The sound of Lu Daochen is slightly sentimental. Turning around, his eyes fell on Lu Yan's body, flashing the color of love.

When I fell on Ning Fan, I looked at it and turned to reveal a sinking look.

"Extraordinary, extraordinary! The momentum is so introverted, it seems that you are far from the gods, not far away... If you enter Longtan, within a hundred years, you will be able to shock the gods... If there is an old man, the success rate will increase the success rate. ...If you have the power of the Yuntai ancestors, after you have turned the gods, you will wake up three times, and you will not be able to improve your demon power by at least 30%. If the old man points you to the 'Star Palace Road', you will get the Star of Heaven and step into one. In the middle of God, it may not be impossible..."

Lu Daochen, his eyes are kind, he is eager to get help from Ning Fan, and the first one has thrown out all kinds of attractive benefits.

If you carefully consider it, the words suggest a lot of content. Longtan, Dan Medicine, Yuntai Zuxiang, Star Palace Road, Star of Heaven...

Lu Dao dust throws bricks to attract jade, trying to cause Ning Fan's interest to step into the topic of the boundary map.

It’s just that Ning Fan smiled a little, but gently avoided this topic. He didn’t talk about the map immediately, but pointed his finger at the palace portrait.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this painter must be a true fairy! And in this case, the heavenly man standing on the golden flame car, afraid that it is the Luwu demon handsome in this sleeping place!"

The mortal paintings and paintings only look like the shape, the higher the realm, the pursuit of layout, and the higher, only the heavy, not heavy, pen and ink, leaving white landscape.

This step is still not the highest level of calligraphy and painting. At least, Ning Fan knows that the higher realm than painting is the realm of finishing touch and turning the corner into reality.

In front of this portrait, the middle-aged demon will give people a feeling, as if the painter’s mind is moving, the characters in this painting can become real people!

After the cultivation of the seven realms, the repair is only the word "virtual".

And true immortal, only to repair the word 'true'.

The painter has reached the realm of illusion, and the painter must be a true fairy painter!

This painting is too old, and most of the spirituality is lost. Otherwise, if you think about it, you can call the sculpt-level sorcerer to be a hitter in the painting. If you draw a painting in this area, you will be counted as Xianbao!

Ning Fan’s heart is moving, this painting is a means of treasure, and it is a skill. In this simple painting, it seems that there is a technique of realization of the true fairy...

If you get this painting and comprehend it, it will definitely be of great benefit to break through the realm of simplification and smashing!

From this vivid portrait, Ning Fan can see at a glance that the end of the golden flame car in the painting is proud of the middle age, with the momentum of refining the virtual level. The demon handsome is repaired, and it is also fascinated by Lu Daochen. It is naturally imaginative. The person in this painting is Lu Wu Yao Shuai.

"Isn't it a painting, how can it be a real fairy..." Lu Yuer grinned, secretly saying that this is quite interesting, the strength is so strong, isn't the painting really extraordinary? At least, Lu Yuer asks the paintings and calligraphy. I can't see how extraordinary this portrait is.

But what makes Lu Yier surprised is the performance of the master.

If you see that Ning Fan’s state of mind is about to be ruined, and Lu Daochen feels a little surprised, then listening to Ning Fan’s high talks makes Lu Dao dust shocked.

At least Lu Dao asked himself, if the demon handsome personally introduced it in the past, this painting is a gift from a certain painting in ancient heaven. Lu Daochen can't see it anyway. How extraordinary this portrait is, he only looks at the painting and only remembers the demon handsome.

At this moment, Lu Daochen had to re-recognize Ning Fan.

This person is not only strong and powerful. The city is not bad, the knowledge is also profound, and the eyes are more toxic.

"Small friends have strong eyesight, and the old man is not as good as himself... not a small friend. This painting is a demon-like relic. It is indeed a painting fairy, and it is given to the demon handsome. If the young friend can cooperate with the old man, this thing is the same. It can be used as a reward and given to a small friend. The little friend knows the mystery of this painting, and owns this painting, and it is not buried..."

"Oh, that Lu, but it is disrespectful..."

Ning Fan did not move, but his heart was secretly shocked. In Lu Dao's discourse, the word 'relics' made it unexpected.

From the tone of the land road dust. It’s like claiming that the demon handsome Lu Wu is dead...

One old and one young, the word Tibetan beads, this dialogue style. I don’t like Lu’s children, I don’t like it.

"Lubei! Master! There is no outsider here, why both of you must be so tempered, have something to say!"

"Oh. Good, good, have something to say. It should be like this... Lubei, the old man and ask you, you want to define the map, but prepare to enter the third world, kill Lu Wu Yao Shuai, devour its demon blood , enhance the demon power?"

"Not bad." Ning Fan has no intention of concealing.

"Good boy... If the demon handsome is still alive, if you say such disobedience, after the old man is a guardian demon, he is going to fight with you... Unfortunately, the old man has no reason to fight with you, and you swallow the demon The desire of blood must be lost, just as the old man hinted before, Lu Wu Yao Shuai, long before the old man wakes up for years, he is already dead, demon blood, and has not survived..."

The Yaozu is asleep, theoretically it will not die, but it is only a wake-up time, but it is difficult to control.

Lu Dao Chen did not know how many years he slept. When he woke up, he realized that the demon handsome was dead.

The reason why it can be sensed is that Lu Shuai gave something and reacted. Apart from Lu Daochen, the other eight will not know what Lu Wu was killed.

"The third world is handsome, dead!?"

Lu Yu's hand was covered, and this amazing secret was shocked. If this matter is heard, it will surely be in the middle of Luoyun.

"What you said, I don't know the truth, but Lu wants to know. If you say it seriously, then I will enter the third world. It is no good, so dare to ask the cloud, what are you planning in the third world? What?"

Ning Fan’s eyes are condensed. What he wants to know most is the purpose of Lu Daochen.

From the beginning to the end, he could not see the landlord dust, because he did not see that Lu Daochen had any attempt or greed for the third world.

"The old man has no intentions for the third world. He just wants to repay his grace and save the soul of Lu Shuai. The old man has been awakened from his egg. It has been a millennium. For thousands of years, the old man has repeatedly counted the records of the third world. You can have a look at this jade."

After receiving the jade, Ning Fan presses in the eyebrows and knows the sea, and immediately presents a vast and innocent continent.

This is a rough map of the third world!

Only in this map, there is no iconic building where the demon handsome sleeps - the sleeping eggs, and some are just a road to the sky, connecting the void, above the void, the starlight casts into a vast innocent maze.

This labyrinth, marked by land road dust, is called - Star Palace!

The road to the Star Palace is intricate and the crisis is unpredictable. Only in the general direction, a red dot is marked, which is specifically marked by Land Road Dust.

Ning Fan faintly feels that the red dot in this star palace is the purpose of Lu Daochen!

"What is the solution to this picture..." Ning Fan took a deep breath, and the situation in the third world was completely different from the usual sleeping place.

Especially the Star Palace, to Ning Fan with a very dangerous feeling, once caught in it, afraid that it is difficult to get out.

"Rescue the red dot and send it to the reincarnation. If you ask for it, the old man can agree, even if you ask the old man's Luo Yun to seal the demon!"

Lu Daochen, his eyes are solemn.

The reason why Ning Fan could not see this person, because he has always been utilitarian to speculate on this person.

In fact, what this person does is only for kindness, so it is difficult to judge its motives.

"He is a demon, it is the exile of the demon world, the old man and other nine demon, only Lu Shuai's golden flame car spirit. The heaven collapses, the old man and others are erased memories, forced to sleep, on the past Secret Xin, even more ignorant, what Lu Shuai did, provoked the exile of the demon world, but the old man speculated that all this is related to the star of the Emperor. The specific thing, the old man has completely forgotten, the only thing that is not forgotten is the land. Handsome Enze, if there is no Lu Shuai, how can the old man become a demon in this life, how can he learn profoundly, how can he be seen by the people of the Lingwang Palace, want to give the nine worlds a rising number of places... But after the old man wakes up, he can’t return the demon handsome Enze. Perceive the death of the demon handsome, this is the greatest regret for the old man! If this regret is not lost, the old man has no intention to practice, but does not intend to fly up... Lubei, the old man is here to help you, to the third world, to rescue Lu Shuai, although there is no land Handsome demon blood, but the old man's reward, you can definitely satisfy can. Help the old man this busy!"

"Lu Shuai is dead, but his soul, but trapped in the 'Xinggong' somewhere, can not be liberated... The red dot marked the place, for the center of the Star Palace, the Yaozu can not enter, otherwise it will be convinced by Starpower, you It is a human race, so there is a chance to enter this place. You awaken there is king blood, so you can wash Lu Shuai '孽印', help his soul, re-enter the reincarnation..."

"If you are willing. The old man's remuneration can be honored, and the old man can help, and the next day you leave the sleeping place. At least... the middle of the gods! And no old man helps, even if you get the third boundary map, the third world For you, it can be said that there is no chance... The star of the Emperor, this thing is a treasure, but only the old man, the monster is a gift, the key to the star palace, can accept this star... the ordinary people from the early days of the god, breakthrough In the medium term, it will take at least a few hundred years, but if you have this star, you can break through the middle of the gods and just around the corner!"

Ludao dust turbid eyes, the first time in his life revealed the color of pleading.

He pursued the teachings of Lu Wu, not asking for the heavens, not asking for the land, because Lu Wu once said that it is not yours, and ask for it.

But today, he asked for a request for Ning Fan, if there is no such person, the soul of Lu Shuai, it is difficult to save!

Lu Yaner looked at her for the first time in her life. She saw her reluctant teacher and asked for help.

Ning Fan seems to be interested in moving, other rewards will be gone, ‘the star of the Emperor’ and the ‘breaking the middle of the gods’, this advantage is the place that really makes its heart move. He came to sleep in the land, for the blood of the demon handsome breakthrough, although now there is no blood of the demon handsome, but there are emperors, the opportunity is not small. There is Lu Yan’s face, and there is a great chance. This is a drowning, and he is naturally willing to take a look.

But after all, he is no longer a **** young man. For Lu Daochen, he only believes in seven points and three points.

Even if Lu Daochen does not lie at all, this three-point is a place for him to be a man, and he cannot believe in strangers.

"I have to consider three days."

Lu Dao dust slightly felt that this child is cautious in doing things. Considering three days, he is afraid to detect the bottom of the land dust from other parties.

The starting point of this child is afraid of being enchanting...

"Yes, after three days, the old man will wait for you to reply. Of course, even if you don't help the old man, as the eighth general of Luo Yun, you still have the right to read through the tower, practice in Longtan, and wake up in the clouds, just the gift of the demon. The key to the star palace, the road map, only when you should be busy with the old man, send a vow to the heart, the old man can be delivered to you..."

"This is natural!"

It matters a lot, not careless. Ning Fan needs to swear by the heart, and Lu Daochen naturally swears.

He has three days to consider, no hurry. There is a sharp trick of thief, which is enough to find out some information about the third world.

The net fire is the county, Wang Hao looked at the two cards of the broken, the look is gloomy.

Jinqun, companion, died! How is this going!

He has been waiting for the confession of the land in the temple for more than ten days. It is a pity that Luo Yun is not close to the net fire. In the short term, he will not wait for the land to burn and ask why.

It’s just that the land has not been burned yet, but there is a sword light, which is transmitted back and forth, and it is a special means for the gods, flying swords!

"General Wang Hao, Luo Yunqi will be Lubei, daring to be a singer, companion, Jin Qun general, also swearing my net cloud demon, this must not report, but the old man intelligence knows that the third world, it seems that there are situations Change... Luo Yun has a spiritual palace enchanting support, it is difficult to shake, in order to stabilize the star of the Emperor, please Wang Hao general set up the demon, open the road, ask the upper master, or the demon world reinforcement, in short, the opening road Be sure to spare everything!"

At the end of this transmission, Wang Hao was furious and shattered the sound of Jianguang.

Lubei killed the companion, and he was automatically ignored, but he moved to the enchanting palace of the Lingwang Palace.

"Ling Wang Gong, I want to compete with my true spiritual family for this Tiandi star, oh! So, maybe it’s like the land boundary burning, please help, the upper boundary road, I can’t open it, but the demon world Road, if you pay hundreds of thousands of **** sacrifices, you can still barely open the second time... This time, please ask the 'Prince of the Emperor' to help out! The blood of this son is the spiritual palace, you must be jealous... ”

Luoyundu County, Yanyulou.

Under the curtain, the enchanting cover the piano, and the people turn.

Just after a whisper whispered, the fingertips trembled and the strings broke.

"What! The Spirit King wants to send Zixiao to sleep in the land! Noisy! This woman has always been adoring grace and arrogance. Once there is a mistake in this sleeping place, I will wait for how to deal with Ling Wang!"

The enchanting frowns, if the purple scorpion comes, once the words are not inferior, offend the person who should not offend, how to deal with...

Chaos... This sleeping place, the situation is chaotic. For the nine boundaries, I am afraid that I will set off a round of **** rain...

It’s just that the road is open, is it really good?

The star of the Emperor, a demon star of the ancient heavenly emperor, this star, once contained the rectification of one-ninth of the Emperor. But the years are long, the power of this star is almost exhausted, and his greatest use is related to the ancient heaven...

The enchanting heart felt a bit boring.

At this juncture, there is another enchanting look, and come to report.

"What's the matter!"

"Opening the enchanting, outside the smoke and rain building, Luo Yun's new eighth will be - General Lubei to see, hope to talk to the singer alone."

"Lubei? Also talk about it alone? What did he come to me to do?"

The enchanting sorrow is about to meet, and when I see a fascinating eccentric gaze, I immediately change my look.

As a spiritual king, he has never been favored or even summoned by the King of the Spirit. He is only responsible for foreign affairs and is considered a high-ranking palace lady. But the identity is here, and it’s not appropriate to meet the man privately...

"But, reject him, don't see..." The demon sighed, the name of the festival, too restrictive.

On the first day, Ning Fan was rejected.

On the second day, Xunzi reported that Ning Fan wanted to see, and the enchanting faintly curious, Ning Fan searched for his own purpose, but because of his identity, he had to refuse.

On the third day, Ning Fan came, but did not ask for it. He only said that he went to the Bible to read the classics.

The enchanting is a bit funny, Xu knows that he must be rejected, and Ning Fan even asks to see and does not say, go directly to the tower.

"What did he go through the tower? A coward, do you want to study the ancient demon text, learn Lu Daochen, and be a demon who will know?"

"Oh, no! This person is a human race, a human race, and privately read my Yaozu script, but it is a big event... If it is a border demon city, the collection of the tower is not complete, but the county Jingta is included in the "Demon", once this People will mark the demon and spread it to the human race. In my demon, it is very harmful! Such behavior, Lu Daochen knows this person's identity, dare to acquiesce!"

The enchanting beauty is a glimpse, so she still can't see Ning Fan.

This son, a good calculation, knowing that he can't see it, he will use a subtotal and force himself to see him on his own initiative.

Knowing that they value the Yaozu and reject the Terran, they use the story of the tower to force themselves to meet with them and have to stop him from reading the demon.

"Whether, there are many people in the tower, not afraid of the rumors of Gua Tian Li... and look at this son to find me, what purpose? By the way, the branch will also be heard, in case the future will come, so the identity of the people, it is not good, If you offend this person, you still need this person. If you are a singer, you can’t be a golden group or a partner. Once you kill, the spirit king will destroy the rain...”

Through the tower, Ning Fan just stood still, and then sneezed, the secret is that no one is chanting himself.

The heart, suddenly raised an excellent premonition, it seems as if a large number of gods, the self-investment of the net ... (to be continued to search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: (two 1888, one 588, thanks to the reward of aa112562 big head! Thanks g lure the monthly ticket! I have not slept overnight, Kavinka died)

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