Grasping Evil

Chapter 277: Luo Luoyun (1)

Luo Yun over the sky, high hanging clouds, over the sky, more than a thousand miles of condensed thousands of miles!

The three demons of the upper bounds of the gods will move away from the smoke, and one step will appear on the purple platform, arrogant to Ning Fan. .

"I will kill the upper bound demon, sinful, and not fast down!"

Words like swords, momentum rises! Three will gaze at each other, and after each of them, they will gather together three ghosts of jade, snow, and turtle.

The three virtual shadows are more than a thousand feet high. In the moment of cohesion, the sky is rolling up the wind, and the sky is thundering and the clouds are scattered!

A sturdy and powerful blood, messing up the gimbal, and making the 100,000 demon people here, but under the sacred god, Qiqi demon blood trembles, seems to be instinctively afraid.

Real blood! The power of the true spirit! These three people, like the companions and others, are all ‘true blood-class’ true blood!

And the three men change, the pressure is melted, the three virtual shadows are slowly blending together, and the pressure of the emancipation is rising rapidly. It is not the extent of ordinary blood!

The entire Lu family of nine, 107 of the gods, true blood-level blood, but a few people, can have residual blood, in this sleeping place is Tianjiao.

Luo Yun demon, such as the land war, Lu Qing, etc., under this pressure, step back, only to remove the blood and fear.

Luo Yun's second will be Lu Sheng, pointing to a change, only half a step back, unloading the pressure, but his eyes are dignified.

The first will be a red-breasted man, a short-haired thorn, and a dignified eye. It is a half-step breakthrough in the mid-term existence. This person stepped down step by step, the red light trembled, the vibration of the real spirits, but the look is not easy!

‘Residual blood level’ is a god, and it is so tired to cope with it. Those who are mixed with blood and blood, Yuan Ying, Jin Dan, can’t rely on their own strength to counter the power of this true spirit and true blood!

Unless you are in the middle of the gods, who can calm down under such a strong and powerful blood pressure!

Wang Hao’s eyes were cold and sneer, and he said to the three middle-aged demons behind him.

"Fu wolf, Yu Duo, Ge Jia, these three will be the early demon, but the cultivation has the skill of melting, the fusion of the three real blood, afraid that it is only the pressure, can crush this Lubei..."

Triple pressure, triple waves, will be Ning Fan involved in the center.

It was only within the pressure of the pressure, but he did not move, and his sleeves were used to move the movements. He sent Lu Yuer back to Luo Yun’s seat, and his eyes were sharp at this moment.

"The area is really blood..."

These four words are extremely flat, but with Ning Fan's gaze condensed, there is a high-definition image behind him.

The purple-black demon blood is full of ominous and evil. At the moment of presenting, a majestic and unrecognizable majesty is carried out by Ning Fan, and it turns into a shocking look!

Under this look, it seems as if the heavens can be despised, as if the void would collapse under this look!

Three true blood shadows, whether it is jade wolf, snow owl, or turtle, are at this moment, tremble, fear, and collapse!

Three will change their face color, Qi Qifei retreats a hundred feet, only to slightly counterbalance the power of the king from the blood, but his eyes are already blank.

"Wang Xue! It is really the blood of the real spirit! It’s just that I have never heard of it. In the real spirits, there is a helpless existence!"

No explanation, why explain!

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed in the cold, stepping out in one step, and the figure disappeared. In the twinkling of an eye, it was like a blue smoke. It flashed to the front of the body, a little eyebrow, and left in the hand!

A starlight sword, falling in the eyes of the three masters, did not see what it was, only knowing that it was a sword-shaped, but it was already giving the three a sense of extreme danger, and the heart was shocked.

Three faces, no longer despise Ning Fan's disdain!

This person is idling, too fast!

This man's sword is too dangerous!

Must be defended immediately!

"Jade wolf talent, jade!"

"Snowy talent, slippery scales!"

"Swing Turtle Talent, Yue Jia!"

The wolf demon will be in front of him, and the spirit of the jade will only be displayed. Twelve jade scorpions and spirits are guarded in front of them, fearing that they will be able to block them in the mid-term blow.

After the poison is present, the demon phase is turned into a six hundred feet snow white python, the body of the python, and the green snakes are slowly appearing. These scales, if you look closely, each piece is comparable to the sturdy nails of the sacred sacred, and more importantly, the snake scales are extremely smooth, and it is feared that the magical magical spells on the scales will be directly slid and unloaded.

Behind the Gejia, there is a mysterious black turtle shell. After blowing a demon, this turtle shell is getting bigger and bigger, turning into a huge tortoise shell higher than the mountain. The first attack of God, the power of Xuantian remnant treasure, can not break this thick carapace.

The three people, in a face that was approached by Ning Fan, displayed a strong defense, and even one side of defense, while starting to incite the enchanting, ready to block Ning Fan a sword after the magical blow, to Ning Fan fatal blow!

Just smashing the sword, there is no magical imagination of the three people, the only thing is, it is... sharp!

Ning Fan holds a star-shaped long sword, and the black hair is swaying. It seems that the sword is one, and the sword is like a thunder. It is cut in front of the body for a half-moon circle.

Under this sword, within ten thousand miles, the power of the heavenly spirit is spurred!


In the moment of the dancing of the stars, a huge sharp swordsmanship, with a screaming sword, with Ning Fan as the center, will be a thousand miles in front of him, a sword!

At the moment of the sky crashing, there were more than 15,000 star-shaped silks, and the tears of the scalp made all the onlookers numb.

Sword is silk! 15,000 swords! Every sword silk is enough to easily tear the golden dan, this sword silk is enough to calm the 15,000 Jindan demon!

Twelve sorrows, broken!

Real blood snake scales, broken!

Mountain tortoiseshell, broken!

One shakes and leaves, Ning Fan is proud, but in front of the three will, but under this sword, was attacked by all defenses, will split, demon body!

Three evil spirits, turned into smoke, crazy escape from the demon body, is already chilling.

That touch of sword light, too sharp, is a spiritual treasure, and is the spiritual treasure that is about to break through the Chinese product, even more terrible, above this sword, with a sharp mark on the 15,000 roads!

Unless you are a mid-time monk, who can stop this sword! !

Must escape!

"I want to escape? It was not very arrogant just now!"

Ning Fan a designated day, the three souls are fixed, a sleeve of a move, the three souls in hand, do not look at the three fears, one bit, swallow!

One after another, the four brothers’ storage bags will be put away by Ning Fan and they will not be seen.

Above the body, suffocating, this moment, the momentum of its early days of God, exposed undoubtedly!

"God!! This son has succeeded in transforming God!"

Wang Hao suddenly got up and his eyes narrowed and it was unbelievable.

eleven years! Eleven years ago, this Lubei rumor was only the beginning of Yuan Ying, but after eleven years, he was indeed real and broke through to the realm of the gods!

And the breakthrough of the gods will be nothing more, the power of this sword is clearly comparable to the power of the middle of the gods, the starlight sword, if Wang Hao did not read the mistake, half a step in the spirit of Lingbao, more than 15,000 Sharp characters are printed, and it is even more ancient **** soldiers... There is this sword in the early days of the gods, this son is almost invincible!

The soil of the cracked soil will be white and unremarkable, and the tiger will be shocked!

He cracked the earth department, and he had a deep hatred with Ning Fan. Even when he came to Luo Yun, Bai Wuzun had the intention of killing Ning Fan and returning the former hatred. But at this moment, he was shaken, even before it was heard. Ning Fan monopolizes the Three Gods. Although he is upset, he is not so shaken.

At this moment, witnessing the power of this sword personally, Bai Wuzun’s heart is secretly shocked. This sword, unless the power of the star of the gift is used, otherwise... he can’t be without injury!

If this is Ning Fan's full blow, it will be nothing more, he will not be so jealous, but the discerning eye can see that this sword Ning Fan did not use the slightest swordsmanship, just relying on the sharpness of the sword itself. It will easily kill three gods.

And all this is done after the three gods have displayed a thorny defense that is white and unrespectable!

No fancy, no tricks, even if the opportunity to regenerate the three, still can not stop a sword!

As a cracking demon in the cracking department, Bai Wuzun first feared a junior who had just turned the god.

Lu Yuchen's eyes are bitter, and he once had two big shackles with Lubei, but in the past eleven years, he was still at the bottom of the valley, but the other side has turned into a god, and it has become the existence of the three gods! It’s ridiculous that I was still ridiculing this person in Mingyulou. I was really ignorant of how I wrote it...

The maiko enchanting did not smile with a good spirit, and the heart of this kind of Ning Fan, really enchanting qualifications, eleven years of God, such a difficult thing, he actually did it... Today’s Ning Fan, afraid of not using the charm, is enough Fight for yourself.

On the face of Lu Yan's pretty face, there is a hint of pride. This is the man she values. This is the ‘Yuan Ying 蝼 ant’ and ‘ district Lubei’ in Wang Shukou’s mouth. What is the result? Ning Fan was on the top of Zitai. Everything was empty, and the sword pointed to Wang Hao. Just after he appeared, he has successively killed four people who have gone to the top. His style is unparalleled, and the Lu people can't compare with the nine. The upper real world is not comparable to Tianjiao...

The land road dust mites are white, and the eyes are showing a gratifying color. Ning Fanhua has succeeded, so this son should follow the promise, go to the third world, and send a funeral to the soul...

Lu Dao Chen looked up at Cangwu Zitai and looked at the young man with a sigh of anger and sigh.

Once upon a time, he also had the pride of the world, but unfortunately, he is old...

"Lubei, pick up the map!"

When the eyes are determined, Lu Dao dust takes out the Luo Yunjie map, bends a finger, and smokes a volume. This picture is sent to the front of Zitai and Ningfan. Together with the boundary map, there is also an axis of ancient painting, which was once used by Ning Fan. Like the treasure of the treasure.

The map is handy, Ning Fan earns a storage bag, nods to Lu Dao, other things, no need to say anything!

He accepts this picture, and what he promises will not change.

So, in his hand, there are two boundaries!

"Boundary map! This Lubei, has won the second map!" One by one, the gods, the look of time is hot.

There are even a lot of people who have put their battles behind their minds and intend to rush to the purple platform to **** this picture.

I just remembered the horror record of Ning Fan’s four gods before the death of God, and dared to fight against it!

After all, even the cracked earth department demon, all smashed...

The eyes, hostility, and fear of others are not seen by Ning Fan. He is a little off the edge, the sword refers to Wang Hao, and the sword is like a cloud!

"Lu is here, Wang Hao, you dare to come up and die!"

"Hateful! Even if you really become a god, how can you! Even if you really have the true king blood of the species, how about it! In the early days of the district, in the eyes of my god, it is worth mentioning! Killing you, you need This will be shot, Zou Teng, you are going to kill this!"


In the middle of the three reigns of Wang Shuo, Wang Xiu was the highest person, and turned into a blue smoke and jumped into Zitai, and the momentum was vast.

The green armor is thick and heavy, and the face is as thin as a corpse. The whole body is full of majestic power. It is a master of refining!

"Old man Zou Teng, Xiu 2900, hand [***] has 27 lives of God, 21 of them early, 5 mid-term, 1 injured late... Zou Mou is the general of the king, to take your head !"

At the time when the voice of this person fell, the demon power rose sharply, and a piece of vine was raised around the body.

This vine is very thick and heavy to Ning Fan. I am afraid that it is not necessarily possible to break through the sword. Unless the sword really breaks through the Chinese spirit, there is only a chance.

This person should not be underestimated, let Ning Fan feel the feeling of being evenly matched for the first time.

"Zou Teng, Lumou remember your name..."

Let go of the hand, and turn away from the stars to fly back to the eyebrows.

Stepping, Ning Fan is full of enthusiasm, and the momentum is rising!

Looking at the situation, it is actually to beat Zou Teng with the strength of refining!

Zou Teng's gaze is shrinking, and the strength of his own vines is that the masters of the third realm of jade are hard to break. This Lubei is daring to fight with his own body. I don't know if this is too stupid, or too mad...

"You can't take the old man's punch!" Zou Teng proudly said.


Ning Fan turned into a streamer and punched Zou Teng.

Zou Teng does not change color, the same boxing with jade color, a fist to meet.

When the fists touched, Ning Fan retired seventy steps, but Zou Teng retired a hundred steps.

The jade of the second life of the jade, the pair of silent silence, but after the number of interest, suddenly the place where the fists touched, turned into a hurricane shatter.

The great momentum, the demon repair under the gods, all show the color of awe.

"A hard fist..." Ning Fan’s eyes glanced at this, and Zou Teng, who was in the middle of the gods, was a **** generation.

"Hey! Together with each other!"

Zou Teng's face is cold and cold, but his heart is amazed. It is also the realm of the second realm of jade life, and he has weakened the line of Ning Fan.

This child is so enchanting... It’s so fast, it’s incredible, and the refining technique is so tyrannical.

The heart once again raised the feeling of hardship, the feeling, only the serious injury that was killed in the past, brought to Zou Teng!

This son is strong, afraid that it is far beyond the expectations of General Wang! (To be continued.

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