Grasping Evil

Chapter 290: roll!

There is a **** in the past, the flesh is bigger than the star field, and its eyebrows and eyes are a star point, which covers a small world.

The world of spells, living in a strange creature, may have different forms, but most of them eat starlight parasitic, and can leave the stars for a short time when the owner needs them.

This place can survive the Protoss for a long time. It is very likely that this Star Palace itself is the star of the Emperor that everyone pursues!

It’s ridiculous that many demon people came to the third world for this purpose, but they did not know that what they were searching for was actually at their feet.

"If this star palace is the star of the Emperor, how can I collect the power of this star palace, break through the middle of the gods... Maybe after finding the soul of Lu Wu, I will know some! Temple of Heaven..."

Ning Fan indulged in a moment, pointing to ten scorpions, turning it into ten clay figurines, and earning storage bags.

Then he was injured by Lu Sheng, and after seven days, the two were slightly more stable.

The compass held by Lu Sheng is specially made by Lu Dao. From the position of the light spot of the compass, Ning Fan judges that Lu Dao is afraid that he has reached the temple.

The injury of two people can't be cured in a short time. Fortunately, there is no one else in Ningfan and others. The second will be healed here. The danger is not great. In this way, Ning Fan only advances alone.

Pushing open the door of the temple, and entering the hall, Ning Fan turned into a purple smoke, and each scorpion directly took out 50,000 miles.

The temple is a land, a palace group, but the temple is a sea of ​​stars, except for the occasional star island, a rare place to stand.

In the Xinghai, there are a lot of monsters, all of which are illusory. When people pass by, they take the opportunity to attack. The spirit of the **** under the gods, from the lack of care, was arbitrarily manipulated by Ning Fan to smash the sword and kill.

Let it be a little concerned about the occasional appearance of the wild animal.

Among these star-studded wild animals, there are rare early wild animals, basically in the medium term. The highest, even the late, peaks and beasts!

In this way, Ning Fan did not kill the wild animals too much, only occasionally shot, killing some of the middle of the order. In this way, in the flight of more than four months, he actually killed more than ten mid-aged beasts and got a lot of demon.

Naturally, there are dangers. The most dangerous one, dozens of wild animals are led by a half-step scum. Hunting for Ning Fan, fortunately, Ning Fan directly called the Golden Flame Car, easily opened the chasing of the wild beasts, making them stunned, and expected nothing more than an initial god, can actually speed up the comparison.

In the battles again and again, Ning Fan's momentum is more stable and refined, and occasionally settles in the refining of the demon and the strength of the island. In the past four months, it has also improved 700 demon power.

The most important thing is... killing more than ten wild animals, Ning Fan actually took out a silvery fruit!

The significance of this fruit can not be said to be insignificant. This undoubtedly declared that Ning Fan’s air transport really came back.

This kind of fruit, at least to enhance the strength of Ning Fan Qian Jia, when reaching the end of Xinghai. Ning Fan demon has reached 20,150 A.

Ning Fan's demon power is undoubtedly much more powerful than the usual mana of the gods.

At the end of the Xinghai, there is a star island stretching for millions of miles. The center of Star Island. There is a starlight gate that enters the temple.

Landing on Xingdao, Ning Fan's eyes suddenly condensed. In the outer area of ​​Xingdao, there were many traces of fighting, and there were several dead beasts, which had begun to rot, fearing that it was dead for several months.

All the way to search for hundreds of thousands of miles, Ning Fan found that the island has at least a hundred kinds of elixir for more than 10,000 years, was taken away.

Similar to the temple, it is next to the spiritual medicine, most of which have thick medicinal ash, but the medicinal ash here, but there are traces collected by people.

"Interesting, the area is gray, it is useless, but it has been carefully collected by people, but I don't know who made such a funny thing, and the time to collect the elixir is not consistent with the killing of the beast, some are picked a few months ago. Some are only recently started... This is to say that there are others on this star island!"

Ning Fan urged the retreat, and the figure was hidden, and he was careful to walk in Xingdao. The closer to the center of the island, the more you can find out the atmosphere of the people left in this place. Judging from the breath, it seems that all the people are women, and the number is still quite a lot.

A few days later, Ning Fan was close to the center of Sing Tao, where he noticed a huge movement.

In the great movement, there was a half-step scent of the beast, accompanied by the beast, and countless stunned birds, such as clouds flying out of the jungle.

Even a few wild animals have been smothered.

After the horror, a silver bear beast approaching three thousand feet, stepping on the ground and shaking the mountains, seems to be chasing something.

Before the giant bear, a woman in a blue feather coat, riding a colorful giant crane, was rushing to escape from the eyebrows. On the giant crane, there was also a yellow shirt and a small loli, which was seriously injured and comatose.

The two women are all repaired in the late stage of the gods, and their color crane mounts are a very high level of martial arts.

It’s just that the woman who drives the crane also has injuries. She has lost her strength, and the giant crane is also illusory, and some of them are not moving.

Far from exploring this female face, Ning Fan’s eyes sank and immediately turned into a light.

"Heroes dance..."

Before April, the enchanting enchantress broke through the hall and entered the Xinghai of the temple. The island was discovered a little. The sable found that the island was agile, and the elixir was many, leaving the maiko to search for the elixir again. The rest of the enchanting will enter the Star Gate with the purple scorpion.

Searching for elixir, this is a matter of maiko, she will never refuse, just above the star island, there are many areas without detection, which hides a lot of fierce beasts, many are not maiko can cope The purple dragonfly dances on this island, and it is quite dangerous.

If the maiko died here, Zi Yan may be extremely happy.

The only one who stayed on the island voluntarily accompanied by the dance was the little Lolita. There is still a hint of pureness in her heart, but she can't bear to watch the maiko take risks here, hoping to leave help.

It’s just that the two women never expected that on this island, there will be a kind of elixir of that kind, and even more, there will be a giant bear who is half-step smelt and protects the medicine.

Xiaoli Liao was accidentally mistaken into the giant bear's lair, and was almost smuggled and killed by the bear. The maiko tried to save the shackles, but also suffered a minor injury.

I wanted to go to Xingmen to escape, but after the entrance of Zijing and others, the star gate would only be reopened in a few months.

In desperation, the maiko has only escaped in the cornice for several days.

"I will die here..."

The whole body of the maiko was wet with the sweat, and the graceful and luxurious face was shrouded in a desperate moment, biting the lip tightly.

A wound in the chest is bleeding from the blood. It was injured by the giant bear spell. Every breath involves tearing the wound and keeping it close.

The face that can be blown off is already pale as paper.

The consciousness is gradually blurred, and the fingerprints have been somewhat stunned...

As the eyelids sink, the giant crane collapses and turns into a demon power.

In the confusion, the maiko feels like a stunned scorpion, like a broken kite, falling from the sky.

And the giant bear that galloped, stepping over the rivers and mountains, getting closer and closer.

Yuan Ying Lao Ge, can be a country ancestor.

The gods of the gods can be a domain supreme!

Half-step smelting masters, looking at the rain world, are all rarity, and they are in the rain temple, but also an important figure in power.

This giant bear is not only a half-step smelt, but also a kind of organic edge, you can break through the level of smelting at any time, it is a bit worse than the hole!

In the hands of these masters, they have been fleeing for several days, and they have already exhausted their means. They still can’t escape. There is some despair in the dance, and the demon power has been exhausted!

Being bullied by the purple scorpion, she does not complain.

She is not bound by the rules of the palace.

She thought that she could forbear all the injustices in the world, and she could go to death for the spiritual palace at any time. Only when she was dying, she suddenly discovered that she had raised a sigh of attachment and reluctance to this world.

"Is it going to die... I really envy my sister... I don't want to die..." She was groggy and her eyes closed. But in the next moment, I was suddenly shocked and disappointed. I felt that I was falling into someone’s arms, and there was a masculine atmosphere that made me fascinated...

who is it! Who is at this time, hugged myself! Damn... I am a singer of the spirit of the king, I can... I can be defiled by the men of the lower world...

She wants to struggle, but she can't move half a point, and she wants to blame the man who is thin and light, but she has no strength to speak. I want to open my eyes and look at it, but I feel that my consciousness is getting darker and I can't open my eyes.

"What do you envy? What hurts?" In the man's tone, there seems to be a pity.

Upon hearing this sound, there was an impulse to dance in the dance, and I didn’t know where the strength came from. I opened the alum and shouted.

"You are coming... I am so, I can die without regrets..."

"With me, you want to die. It's hard to eat this remedy, lay a little longer..."

Ning Fan slaps a trick, recruits a purple cloud, lying on the cloud, and the stunned cockroach. Put the maiko on the cloud and feed her to take a potion. Ning Fan looked at the giant bear approaching step by step, his eyes were dignified.

This bear gave him a sense of crisis, not even weaker than the ancestors!

If this bear is enough, it will not be impossible to do it one step at a time!

Even if they fight ten scorpions, a black dragon smelt, and the moon volley and other people help, Ning Fan has only 50% chance of winning.

The giant bear seems to feel a sense of oppression from Ning Fan as well, and originally stopped in the footsteps of the mountains and rivers.

"You, give me those two women!"


Ning Fan left eye purple star move, do not hesitate to use the four drops of the blood of the progenitor!

At this moment, a great pressure, let the giant bear show the color of fear, change his face, hesitate, and then retreat.

It has never seen such a terrible king blood in his life! This pressure, so that the giant bears do not dare to hurt Ning Fan! (To be continued.)

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