Grasping Evil

Chapter 293: Ask the virtual!

Ning Fan’s self-confidence falls into the eyes of two women, and it is arrogant.

The two ugly women are all bear-beared, and their faces are like a grinding disc. They are thick and frown, and they are very fierce. Each step is step by step, turning the momentum of the peak of the gods, as if the mountains collapsed, and turned to Ning Fan, smoke and dust.

The pressure of the two gods and peaks is quite different and there are signs of harmony, which are combined into one, comparable to half-step simplification!

Ning Fan’s gaze, the two women are not weak, but their eyes are not afraid.

The same step, one stepping on the earth, the moment, the ground shaking, and a red pressure, colliding with the deterrent of the two women.


Under the huge sound, the pressure on both sides was evenly matched. This is what the two women expected.

The second woman is the wife of the bear demon, and she is ugly, but the strength is absolutely not to be underestimated.

And the second female is a mother with the same child, a spirit of double, not only the pressure can be blended, the magic can also blend, under the combined attack, even half a step to smash!

The two women tried their best to combine the power and fusion. I intended to take a photo of Ning Fan, but I never thought that Ning Fan, who was in the early days of the district, had a weak half-step temperament!

With the retreat of time, the pressure of the collision gradually divided the outcome, and the pressure of the two women was only a fusion, and began to separate and collapse. The more powerful it is.

"Hey! The old lady still doesn't believe it! It's just the beginning of the gods. The pressure can also crush my sisters! Use mystery!"

"it is good!"

The two women looked at each other and although they were still speechless, they looked dignified.

However, the two women successively bite their fingertips, squeeze out a few drops of silver demon blood, play the blood fog, smash the time, the trend of the two women's pressure, immediately relieved, and the two women's pressure, climbing more.

It seems that it is like the secretive technique of the two women.

Ning Fan’s eyes sank. If the two women were men, they would not dare to look down. Unfortunately, they have yin and yang magic, and the most fearless is the woman. Not a woman, but a kind of natural restraint, I am gram, you are not convinced.

The left eye purple star flashes, and the demon wing suddenly becomes illusory!

At the moment when the purple star turned, a vast pressure, from the blood, let the original two mad women, Qi Qi ugly face, unbelievable!

"The blood of the progenitor... This person's demon blood is actually... the blood of the ancestors!"

The Yaozu value the blood, because the blood has reached a certain level, it will produce a pressure on the superior, so that you instinctively want to yield.

It’s like the little bird’s head in the past, it’s not high, but there’s no demon.

It is like Ning Fan at the moment, a look, but there is indifference that cannot be erased!

That indifference is the attitude of being tall and high. It is like standing on a thousand-footed mountain and overlooking two women like ants!


Yin Hong's momentum, with a hint of purple and black color, in the moment of purple and black, from the Ningfan Sanzhang, a vast momentum to open, the two women to display the secret law to enhance the pressure field, like a glass, Life is broken into pieces!

The two women unbelievably stepped back a few steps, still not stabilizing their body shape, being crushed by Ning Fanwei, and the two women’s ugly faces were all red, and the momentum was chaotic!

At this moment, things that made the two women unbelievable appeared!

However, seeing Ning Fan only swayed the wings, but in an idling speed of half a step, he appeared in front of the two women in one step, and both hands were pressed one by one, and the two women were pressed separately!

"It's so fast! Even if you put it in a half-step simplification, it's not weak!"

After the two women were shocked, they stabilized their bodies and showed their coldness.

She saw at a glance that Ning Fan’s refining realm is only the second realm of jade, while the two women are the third realm of jade!

This person's speed is fast, but unfortunately he chose to be close to melee... With the second physical body, and direct **** to the second woman, it is simply looking for death!

It is true that if the second woman is a man, Ning Fan’s refining realm is weaker than the opponent, and he never dares to be close to me. It is a pity that if it is a woman, it will only be defeated by the yin and yin. The two women will be completely hit by the charm. If they are not for a moment, they will lose all their power, and Ren Ningfan will kill!

All this, the second woman does not know, only said that Ning Fan is too arrogant, do not know life and death.

Therefore, without any ulterior motives, the two women Qi Qi punched out and greeted Ning Fan's two fingers, trying to bring Ning Fan to the arm and directly smash it into pieces.

It was only at this moment that a black shadow took a step, directly in front of Ning Fan and the second woman, and shouted.

"Stupid woman! I didn't say it, can't you come to the South Island to bother the brother, don't roll home, wait for Laozi to go back and repair you!"

This black shadow is actually a rough black man with a thick face and a scum. This population is awkward, but the fist is not slow. The fist blocks the two women's double fists, and the silk does not move, but it shocks the two women to fly down, but the force is just right, and it does not hurt.

On the other hand, the black man changed into a grasp, and the five fingers grabbed. Before Ning Fan's two fingers, he tore a piece of the virtual barrier and blocked Ning Fan's two fingers.

Ning Fan's gaze, this black man, should be the giant bear undoubtedly, looks different, but the breath is the same.

The wild beast ** the body of the beast, but near the refining, it is a changeable person. The demon repairs the body, but it can also change the demon phase.

When the avenue reaches the extreme, it is the same way, but it is not at the moment.

The **** touched the void barrier. If they scored another point, they would enter the void and be torn by the force of the void. Ning Fan looked calmly and took **** at the crucial moment, fluttering back, but he had a deep hope for the black man. A glance.

This emptiness barrier, if the black man is willing, can directly hit Ning Fan, but the black man did not shoot, it seems that he does not want to offend Ning Fan.

And a boxing shakes two women, it is clear that Ning Fan’s yin is powerful, and his mouth is a woman, but in reality it is a rough care.

"French! Kill this kid quickly..."

"To shut up!"

The black man did not breathe and drank two women, and looked back. He also looked at Ning Fan and hugged his fists.

"Thank you for your mercy! If you use the corpse, I am afraid that it is my two wives, and I will lose my life directly."

Black Han Manshan, actually saw Ning Fan with a black dragon refining the body!

It is true that Ning Fan is really in love, otherwise he can throw a smelt, stop a woman, attack another woman with a smelt, and the two women are afraid that they will not end well.

The black bear is jealous of Ning Fan, and Ning Fan is also jealous of the black bear. It is still a few months away from the star gate, and the star gate is on the old bear site. If it kills the other wife, it will definitely not end with the black bear. If you want to enter the star gate, you have to work hard. . Can not desperately, Ning Fan does not need to kill people, as for the matter of Tai Xuan Zhi, to ask after the sudden, then decide whether to **** no later.

"My mother-in-law, it should be optimistic, just release it, if it is hurt, you may have to feel bad." Ning Fan indifferent.

"Haha! Don't worry, brother, you are resting in the South Island, this kind of thing, there will be no second time! Seeing that you don't kill the old woman, I will give you a benefit..."

The black bear looked like a thick laugh, and he gave it to Ning Fan, a jade, turned his head and glanced at the two women.

"Come back home!"

"..." The two women did not dare to violate, and the three figures left.

After the black bear left, Ning Fan held the jade slip, and did not rush to open it. First check whether there is a ban on the ban, and see that everything is normal before he sinks into the mind.

This look, Ning Fan suddenly looked cold, this jade brief recorded, not his business, but a killing order!

The release of the killing order is one of the four holy demon of Xinghai...

The looks of the people who are being chased are generally the same as their own!

If the matter is not told by the black bear, I am afraid that I still don’t know it. I have sinned a master without knowing it.

"Is this demon, that person..." Ning Fan recalled that he had smashed the planet sea for four months and killed many wild animals. He really offended a half-step sacred beast.

That glimpse, the half-step smelting beast, led dozens of wild animals, chasing themselves along the coast, if not smashing the golden flame car, I am afraid that it is quite dangerous.

With this killing order, Ning Fan can be more prepared, even though he is not afraid of anything.

The Xinghai wild beast attacks himself and kills the wild beast himself. The grudges are hard to tell, but Ning Fan is more convinced of one thing.

In this world, it is not that you are not irritating, others will not provoke you.

"This black bear is a bit interesting."

Dispelling the mind, Ning Fan smiled slightly, this black bear looks thick, but definitely not stupid.

After careful consideration, the black bear showed himself to himself and told him that he was being chased. The reason was because he had taken care of it and did not kill his wife as usual.

"I am good with him, he will return the news of the pursuit of killing... Rewarding the Tao, this kind of thing, it is really difficult to meet in the practice of the world. Speaking, I do not kill his wife, not soft, not good, just jealous. He is showing good to me, and may not be grateful. Maybe he just wants to show goodwill and avoid me getting more trouble in his territory... This relationship is like me and the teacher, I am not willing to die, I am afraid to die. Under the door, Shizun is because I can save his wife, so I am fully cultivating to me. This is not a kind of resentment..."

"The reason for this is not the righteousness, but the cause and effect! Everything in the world has its own fruit. It is like a pole on the circle. If you touch the cause, you will bear the fruit... and the circle is the cause and effect. cycle!"

Ning Fan is outside the Dongfu, and the black hair is windless and automatic. At this moment, his eyes have become more and more clear.

At the outermost hall of the Star Palace, Ning Fan went through the March trip and condensed the rain, the mountain, and the support to Xiaocheng.

God's will, the full name is the meaning of the virtual god. In the past, Ning Fan lived in the rainy world. Most of the people lived in the human race and repaired the Shinto. Therefore, the monks called this the god. But the demon has a demon, the devil has a devil, in the sense of God, after all, one-sided, in fact, the meaning of the word, it refers to the mood.

Artistic conception is a kind of mysterious sentiment. It is the magical power that the monks will understand on the road, blending their own experiences, their surnames, and finally condensing.

In other words, in the mood, there is a road repaired by a monk!

Condensing the rain into a supernatural power is a thousand drops of blood, killing people!

Condensing the mountain into a supernatural power, it is a thousand-foot magic mountain, but the enemy is repaired!

It will be a thousand demon, which will greatly improve the idle speed!

It is also rain, but the rain of Ning Fan is not moist, but bloody. The same is the mountain, Ning Fan's mountain is not the depth of the grass, but the magic of the sky.

This is the supernatural power of Xiaocheng, and when the artistic conception is great, the power of the magical power will also be enhanced. With the thoughts in the sentimental mood, there is even a chance to create a ‘the magic of the mind’ with artistic conception and Taoism!

The power of Taoism is not only dependent on the realm of mana, but also on the strength of the mood.

And the presupposition of the original doctrine of the mind, is the artistic conception!

"Breakthrough the smoldering period, it also needs the artistic conception. However, my artistic conception is different from the ordinary monks. The ordinary monks can only be ** gods, demon, and demon **, but I am condensed by the yin and yang to the three tribes. With three kinds of artistic conception, with the help of the Xinggong demon, I forcibly consolidate the artistic conception and promote his small accomplishment, but I want to be artistically successful, but it is difficult... How can I achieve great success?"

Clear eyes, revealing a trace of confusion, but the more confusion, the deeper the understanding of Ning Fan's own artistic conception.

This understanding is triggered by the thinking of the causal cycle.

This comprehension, the confusion of Ning Fan for seven months, is all motivated at this moment.

He seems to have seen a layer of diaphragm, as long as the diaphragm is broken, you can achieve great success!

This confusion, to the extreme, made Ning Fan puzzling, but at this time, his fingertips, echoed... purple gold smoke!

"Wind smoke... Fengyan... This technique is realized by me from the hands of the Purple Emperor. I used to see the true meaning of this technique. I have only learned it at this moment. The reason why this technique is so powerful is that this technique is not a pure spell. It is... the technique of Taoism! This refers to the wind smoke, which contains the Tao of the Emperor, because I have realized the trace of the road, so my realm is low and the artistic concept is also poor, but this wind is a strong but powerful However, this is to say that I still have not fully understood the wind and smoke. Because the color of this wind and smoke is purple gold, it is the color of the emperor, it is his way!"

"I have my way! If this technique does not fit into my path, it will not be a true Taoist technique. It is just a illusory one. Perhaps with the power of that reincarnation, this technique can be rebellious, but if it is not my own wish. The technique, even if I became a fairy emperor, I realized this technique to the extreme, and I realized the Taoist way, not my way!"

"Purple Emperor, I have repeatedly told me that I am different from others... I thought I understood him. Now, I still don't understand it. This difference is not an individual difference, but a difference in the Tao! Everyone has their own way, so there are no two identical people in the world, and there are no more than two drops of rain!"

Ning Fan’s eyes are getting more and more empty, and his heart suddenly seems to understand something.

"I understand! Artistic conception, as long as you do this, you can succeed! And once successful, this smog will completely condense my way, and the power will go further!"

At this moment, Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly looked awkward, and he wanted to completely perfect the creation of this wind and smoke!

Strip the path of the Emperor and integrate it into your own way!

At the fingertips, it suddenly appeared a little... the power of the void!

The black bear and his two ladies have already come a long way.

At this moment, the three people took hold of the dawn, landed on the ground, and the expression suddenly changed.

The ugly woman, who was originally angry with her wife and was not dared to be booed by the black bear, was stunned at the moment, and the black bear, who had just been arrogant, immediately nodded and laughed.


A daughter-in-law fanned the black bear with a slap in the face, and another wife, who directly pinched the black bear's ear.

"Ladies and sisters help you out, you also help the outsiders in turn, proud, waist is quite, isn't you?!"

"Call us to go home, lie down and wait for you, see you cow!"

"Say, what good did the kid give you, so that you can protect him like this! If you don't stop us, that punch, I will definitely kill the kid!"

The black bear wilted, did not dare to resist, did not dare to talk back, did not dare to fight back.

"I am wrong, I am guilty... But I am blocking you, it is for you. If I don't stop, can you take the finger? It is a very deep charm! I have never seen this life. Such a high-level charm, point in it, you are better than him, but also no good, not to mention... He also hides a half-step smelt of smelting, if not for me, it is estimated that the corpse will be taken directly, and you will be Stumbled."

The black bear is wronged. If he shoots late, his two beautiful wives will be touched by Ning Fan, and he can't bear it.

"Magic?? Half-step smelting smelt?!"

The two ugly women were shocked. They didn’t even know that Ning Fan was hiding such awkward and sinister means.

The little white face that is not thin, is it so powerful?

"What are you talking about?!" asked the second female.

"That's true! I dare to lie, punish me for not going tonight!" The black bear swallowed and looked at the two ugly women, revealing ‘you know’ eyes.

"So, you went to chase the two chicks some time ago, don't you value them beautiful?"

"They are beautiful balls! They are thin and white, not black enough, not strong enough, don't stick to Laozi and Laozi!" The black bear showed his sorrowful color. He really didn't feel that the maiko, where is beautiful, he likes to be black again. Strong, ** strong!

Looking closely at the two ugly wives, the black bear nodded, and sure enough, his own daughter-in-law looked pleasing to the eye, and the beauty stayed, as if in the wilderness here.

"Hey! Count your mouth sweet."

The two ugly women were happy, and the ugly women liked to praise beautiful. Although the second woman also understands that the two of them are ugly, and the aesthetics of their own men have always been problematic.

For the words of his own man, the second woman finally believed, maybe quite exaggerated, but the second woman had to admit that Ning Fan was really powerful. A short-lived fight, the front of the two women's pressure, this is not what ordinary people can do...

"Look at your sweet mouth, today's business, only fine you for three days, not good..."

"Don't! Lao Tzu's panic!" The black bear yelled at the **, a grievance, but suddenly, all the grievances, turned into a shock.

At the same moment, the second woman turned suddenly and looked at the direction of the South Island, unbelievable.

"‘问虚!! That kid... actually realized the power of a void, what he is doing!”

At the same time, over the island of Xingdao, a black robe old man with an alcoholic look in the early days of the gods, sitting on a huge blue wine gourd, hidden in the sky, the strange thing is that he was initially repaired, but nothing Any wild animal can perceive his breath.

Satisfied with a wine cellar, the old man looked down at the star island, and said to himself.

"The Temple of Heaven is 49000, and the old man has already stepped on it. 18 is born again, 9 lives and 9 dead, the old man has traveled all over the 6th resurrection... Although there is no certain secret here, there is no secret, but as Four deacons, distracted, and found that there is such a change in the rainy sky, it is time to follow the upper bounds, the surname is a credit, can not let the other deacon account for the cheap ... Oh, the rain... Unfortunately, no I saw Han Laotou, I heard that he went to the sword world, with my authority, but it is temporarily unable to go to the sword world... ah? Someone is asking the virtual? In the early days of the district, I tried to understand the power of the void, and cut into the virtual force. Point, the art of homemade doctrine... Oh, the lower bound ants, always not self-reliant, eucalyptus, squat arm blocking the car, why bother..."

Hey, hey...

The old man sipped a few mouthfuls of wine, just awake expression, and fainted again.

In the mist, he seems to see, in the beginning of the beginning of the body of God, trying to refine the imaginary monks to dare to try, the small figure, and his own friends gradually become coincident.

When Ning Fan’s body, a trace of black magic and the old devil’s breath, this drunken old man, stunned, wakes up!

"The atmosphere of Han Laotou! This kid is the man of Han Laotou!"

The black robes of the old man's turbid eyes, the first time, moving! (To be continued.)

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