Grasping Evil

Chapter 295: Broken fruit!

The giant bear was scared and retired by the old man in the black robe, the void was healed, and the sky tended to be silent. In the hunting wind, the old man went on a cumbersome and landed in Ningfan.

It’s just that Ning Fan’s vigilance against the old man is still quite a lot. Instinctively, he flutters the demon wing, and even retreats a hundred feet. The right hand sleeve has a section of Wujin Black Dragon, and the left palm has a trace of starlight. I don’t know He Bao, but one. Take out, the force of the radius of 100,000 miles, all faintly gathered in this treasure.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't know who is the Korean won."

Ning Fan's tone is dull. He is not a young boy who has entered the world of cultivation. Others come up with a set of near, and they believe that it is true. He will not do this kind of thing.

At least Ning Fan can't guarantee that the person in front of him will be disguised by the old devil, so if you are not careful, you will have trouble.

Stimulating the purple star, Ning Fan's eyesight increased greatly, and the eye of the helper was pierced through the old man's bottom.

This old man’s deity may be a broken old man, but this body is a singularity. It is only the beginning of the gods, or it is persuaded to force the virtual power of the ruined blame, but he has an Eastern Bell, if he is desperate, he is not afraid. The district distinguishes the body from the virtual attack. However, this person’s sense of danger to himself is indeed above the black bear, and most of his combat power is close to refining...

"Do not underestimate this person!"

As everyone knows, Ning Fan’s vigilance has made the old man’s approval, horror, bitterness and complex.

Appreciating is that Ning Fan is careful.

The horror is that in the early days of Ning Fan, there was a half-step simplification, and it can be seen from the eyes of the old man that this thing is the refining of Ning Fan himself. Not only that, Ning Fan's left-handed treasure, provoked 100,000 liters of strength, which could not help the old man's eyes shine, this treasure is actually the treasure of the road, extraordinary!

Only in the end, the old man is bitter and apologetic.

"My name is Wei Xuan."

"The younger generation Lubei, I have seen the predecessors." Ning Fan's expression does not move. There is no familiarity in it.

"You Master, haven't you told me about me, yeah, I am such a person, he is mostly unwilling to mention..."

The old man pointed to a change, received the sapphire gourd, took off the waist and purple, and drank the wine.

"What you cultivate is a black devil, your body is breathable. There is an old man's breath, but you don't know. Although the black magic is not strong, it has a special meaning. This method of inheritance represents the black magic. The alternation of the position of the head, if you fly to the north in the future, into the two stars, you can inherit the black magic system. Today's black magic faction, although it has fallen. Be bullied, but in the sect, there is still Four thousand eight thousand gods, seven fate. These are your forces... Your master is very good to you."

"..." Ning Fan is silent, still does not recognize his identity, but his heart is not surprised. The black magic decisive work, although not strong. More incomplete magical magic, but there is such a meaning.

The first time I got the black devil, I suspected that the East was too West. Still almost want to throw away, refuse...

Indeed, the old devil said that he is the 972th generation of the Dark Lord, but Ning Fan thought that this head is an empty shell, but never thought that there are still four thousand eight gods and seven lives on the north sky. The power of the sage is under your own control!

"Happy to Laozi! Laozi's practice, I do not know how many people want it!"

Recalling the words of the old devil, Ning Fan sighed, and when he did not know, the old devil had given the powerful forces to himself...

And that power is strong, it is the combination of the nine world masters, can not compare!

Having said that, Ning Fan still has not recognized his identity, and Wei Xuan nodded for appreciation.

Han Laotou has a lot of enemies. If he declares his identity casually, he is afraid that this child will be secretly destroyed.

This child is too cautious, it must be that Ning is wrongly killing 100,000, not letting one person's fierce personality, but it is very similar to Han's old man.

There is only one way to believe this child to believe in yourself.

Send a swear to the heart!

"Wei can make a vow! You are the oldest apprentice of Han, but Wei will never hurt you. In front of me, you don't have to hide your identity... The old man was in trouble, I was in the family, I couldn't help myself. It’s a big life...but it’s the White Mozong who forced me to Luoluo’s home, and it’s a waste of my life, destroying my fairy base, and knocking it down to the broken two. I haven’t betrayed him anymore! False words, you can be on the way, the devil is back, the smoke is gone! You can trust me!"

"The devil swears!"

Ning Fan is a bit wrong. The thief can see the woman's truth, and the swearing of the heart can discern the man's lies. If this wei Xuan has a half-step lie, he has already been rebelled by the demons and repaired as a serious loss.

This oath can not be easily issued, that is, Ning Fan will not swear by anyone, but Wei Xuan is so solemn, not only found the vows of the heart, but also made the oath of the smog, it is enough to see that this person is not empty. Otherwise, Heaven has already lowered the demons and killed this person!

This person is really the brother of the old devil!

This person was even abandoned for the old devil!

"The younger generation of Ning Fan, before scruping about the status of the predecessors, do not dare to say the truth, hope the seniors Haihan! Just the teacher has never mentioned the past four days to the younger generation, so the younger generation does not know the predecessors, not the family does not value the predecessors."

This person is an old devil brother, then Ning Fan no longer hides his true identity.

"The original Han Laotou did not tell you anything!"

Wei Xuan’s face was slow, and Ning Fan’s explanation was undoubtedly a great comfort to him.

It’s not that Han’s old man has forgotten himself, but Han’s old man is reluctant to let his disciples step into the past’s enmity, so nothing has been said.

Just immediately, Wei Xuan sighed.

"Han old man tells you nothing, but I said that I have missed a lot of things. It seems that something is wrong. He doesn't tell you that he has his concerns and he doesn't want to give you too much burden, but you need to understand that the black magic palm The door is a kind of glory! Don't look down!"


"Your master, okay, he is not looking for the yin and yang fruit in the rain world, he is healing his wife. Why did he go to the sword world?"

"Yin and Yang Daoguo!" Ning Fan's heart is a glimpse, the fruit is not only to kill the monk, but also has a small chance to get it! Is the old devil collecting himself as a disciple, and ultimately in order to cultivate a broken, killing himself?

Do not! will not!

Killing the monks and gaining fruit, only one percent is not necessarily a chance. Even if the old devil is a city with a deep and heart-rending generation, it is impossible to gamble on this one percent chance.

The old devil is in the country, the first is to find the yin and yang inheritance, and the second is to wait for the ancient heaven to open, to find such a fruit in the **** demon market, this is his purpose.

The old devil also said that he would save his wife and would need help. It hurts yourself, but it won't die.

Ning Fan closed his eyes, and the past was vivid, but he finally shook his head, calmed his mind, opened his eyes, and was peaceful.

"Master, will not kill me... If he wants to kill me, with his true immortals, I can pass on some secrets to quickly improve my strength. I will quickly ascend to broken, then kill... even, by his means Like the demon world, it is similar to the secret technique of 'changing blood'. It is forced to be promoted to a broken state within a hundred years. He can do it! But he does not... I don't believe that Master will kill me!"

Ning Fan's eyes changed, since I believe that the old devil hurts himself. Then, there are other ways to get the yin and yang fruit.

"Dare to ask the predecessors, in addition to killing the enemy, do you have any way to get it?"

"Of course. This technique is a true monk, and it will be used for one or two. That is the kind of way! The fruit is fruitful, its name has fruit. Naturally it can be planted. Compared with the low probability of killing the monk, the seed Obtaining the fruit is the most secure, as long as you collect a certain quality 'Dao Li seed'. In the special 'land', there is no accident, and ultimately it will definitely bear fruit. Just, the seed Surgery, too slow, first-class is thousands of years... the higher the quality of the fruit, the longer it takes..."

"It turned out to be."

Ning Fan nodded and chose to believe that the old devil was right.

The method of the old devil is definitely a kind of novice. At that time, I may refine the kind of yin and yang power, quite hurt, but these injuries, the return and the old devil's a mentoring, not too much!

"Right, you haven't answered the old man yet. Why did Han Laotou go to the sword world, did he find the owner of the yin and yang magic vein? Or, he got the yin and yang fruit? But why go to the sword world?" Quite a lot.

"I am the yin and yang magic pulse that the teacher is looking for." Ning Fan said lightly.

"What!" Wei Xuan's face changed, so to speak, I just mentioned the yin and yang fruit, has this family struggled?

This child does not know how to plant, will certainly guess whether the old devil wants to kill him.

But in the end, this article did not struggle for a long time, decided to trust the old devil.

This trust falls on an extremely cautious body. It is difficult... It’s even harder to be in the cool comprehension of the mentoring!

How many teachers respect the apprentices, and the ultimate goal is to devour the corpses with the disciples. How many disciples are swearing, winning the fight for drugs, killing and ruthless.

Under such a background, Ning Fan is also willing to believe in the old devil, and calmly ask for other ways to get the fruit.

"This son is from the heart, trusting the old man Han! And Han Laotou, must also trust him so much, will the great power, do not hesitate to give this child!"

This mentoring is structured by interests, but there is no betrayal.

Wei Xuan took a deep breath and looked at Ning Fan’s eyes, which is very different.

The old devil has a lot of people in his life, most of them are tragic, but if they can be regarded as a parent, there is only one person, and now there is a second person.

"You and Han Nie Tian, ​​for the Korean old man, must be special... For you, Han Laotou directly gave all the power, and there is no harm to you. The old man can guarantee him. For Han Nietian, this person This is a mortal, weak constitution, not suitable for monasticism, but Han Laotou is hard to make a refining body for this, rushing to several real immortal ancestral gates, killing like a cloud... Oh, if you don’t trust Han Laotou, he is afraid It will be cold."

"Han Nie Tian!" When Wei Xuan mentioned this person, Ning Fan’s eyes revealed the light of hatred.

"Right, where is Nie Tian? Also went to the sword world..." Wei Xuan revealed the color of remembrance.

"He! Rebelled Master! He once said that the day when the ancient heaven opened, it is the time to take the master! Because of him, the master went to the ... sword world!"

"Han Nie Tian, ​​betrayed?!" Wei Xuan's eyes reveal an incredible color.

Ning Fan did not say much, directly remembered the memory of the day, and gave it to Wei Xuan.

Shen Nian immersed in jade, Wei Xuan's eyes gradually blood red.

He clenched his fists tightly and his nails penetrated into the flesh. The body was too angry and trembled.

After the interest rate, a piece of jade, a crazy snoring, resounding through the island!

"Animals! Animals! If there is no Han Yuan, you Han Nei Tian counts something, but it is an abandoned fairy, a common man! If there is no Korean Yuan, you Hanni Tianyi has a day of transformation! So, the day of the year is so Hey, let the Korean won be chased by seven true immortals, and it is also your beast! The devil king, the nirvana, the broken five! Oh, the big name! If the old man is still, kill you, Such as slaughtering dogs! Nirvana magic pulse? Han old head for him, clearly is the 'black fire magic pulse'! This animal, attached to the white magic lord!"

Wei Xuan closed his eyes, but his anger was hard to eliminate.

It’s just the end, but I can’t help but sigh.

Han Nie Tian, ​​the general trend has been achieved, and nowadays, it is not necessarily the opponent of this animal.

Just, just...

"The first time I was betrayed by this child, the second time I was countered by this one... Han Laotou, why never say..."

"In his heart, it is actually very bitter..."

Wei Xuan’s eyes are finally lonely. He is old and old with the old devil.

When a person begins to lament the past, his heart is old.

"This beast is killed by me."

Ning Fan's faint words, but there is no killing machine.

"He will go to the ancient heaven, after that... I will not give him the opportunity to come to the sword world!"

"You want to kill Han Nie?" Wei Xuan looked at Ning Fan with a sly look.

Han Nie Tian is the fifth master of the broken virtual, but Ning Fan is only the beginning of the god. According to Wei Xuan, it seems that this time the ancient Tianting relics opened, only less than seventy years.

He can't figure out the specific time. After all, his expertise is not a calculation.

But for decades, even if it is a true fairy gate, with countless talents and treasures piled up, it is impossible to pile up a **** into a broken, let alone a broken five!

It’s just that Ning Fan’s war is not a fake. Although Wei Xuan does not believe that Ning Fan has this strength, he believes that this son will not repeat the path of Han Nie Tian’s sect.

"Han old man has you as a disciple, not awkward... I am in charge of it, I can't go to the devil world without permission. Even if I go, it is not a rival to the Neptune. But the old man of Han is a good friend. It is difficult to sell him. I want to count on them to deal with it. Han Nietian is also difficult. Although I don’t know how many people I can find, I will try my best to find it. On the day when the ancient heaven opens, try to bring some people to support you! I hope you can marry the animal, but you don’t know!”

"Before this, the old man has to give you some benefits. The old man can't let you call this predecessor! You can give it to you, the old man will give you! The old man here has four smelting peaks, one broken A heavy fruit, this preparation is to break through the third heavy use of the broken... to you!"

Wei Xuan untied the waist storage bag, handed it to Ning Fan, and looked solemn!

"This is the old man's meeting ceremony. If you refuse, you will not give the old man a face!"

Ning Fan's eyes changed, he never imagined, he would accidentally get five such amazing results from this Wei Xuan!

These five fruits, which he is now repairing, are still not available, otherwise they will explode. However, if there are five things to say, it is enough to be crazy in the rain world, it is the broken old monsters may be willing to smoke, chase yourself!

The value of these five fruits has been difficult to measure with Xianyu! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to kjhekjh, Xiaopange, bookworm madman 2010 for reward, thanks to the early morning kiss ticket support!

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