Grasping Evil

Chapter 302: Star sea chaos (four)

Ghost Xiongguan is the most peripheral defense line set up in the Southern Xinghai. It stretches 100,000 miles. There are a large number of sea animal nests in Guanzhong. Within this gate, there are 300,000 Dan beasts guarding.

The raging currents, flowing through here, have been offset by the array of forces, countless sea beasts, chariots, customs clearance, busy, rectification, seems to be preparing for war.

In the most defensive position of the defense, there is a sea palace, and in the palace, the guardian will be happy with a few wilderness.

This is about 30,000 miles away, and a golden light flashed and landed on the bottom of the sea.

On the top of the golden car, Ning Fan was silent and looked at the black light and the gaze.

On the body, the chill is more concentrated, that is, the early squadrons such as Shi Bing are not afraid to get close to Sanzhang.

This coldness is a cold poison of cold and cold. With the freezing of the internal organs, there has been a tendency to invade the sea.

"Lubei, this is the medicinal medicine you need..." In the golden flame car, the dust was full of dust, and he walked out in a hurry, holding a fiery red hot medicine, and carefully handed it to Ning Fan.

Five turn in the middle of the drug Dan... Suzaku warm Dan Dan!

This medicinal medicine is given to Danfang by Ning Fan, and I do not know the exact effect. Just taking Dan's moment, he hesitated, and judging from the medicinal materials alone, he knew that Dan did not eradicate the cold effect.

In the short time, the Suzaku warms the Dan, and in a short time, the monk can be ignited by the sea. He has a magical power similar to that of a fire, but the power is far less natural than real fire.

I don’t know why Ning Fan wants this Dan, but she didn’t ask much, and urged the secret technique to damage the body. In only three days, she forced the refining of this drug.

According to her own ability, it takes at least a hundred days to refine this Dan, forcibly brewing in three days, the damage is naturally great, and even the loss of her blood purity.

She is very afraid, afraid that Ning Fan will die, so the sooner the better, the better. The genre said before the death. The person who is guilty of evil is not living for three days... She is not sure, Ning Fan can live for a few days.

"Is the refining success in three days?" Ning Fan stunned, just looking at the pale, bloodless face, and immediately understood that it must be for the refining of this remedy, self-destructive.

She did not protect her once, but she was so hard to save herself. It was a simple gimmick.

"Working hard for you..."

"I'm fine, you are going to take the drug!" Seriously.


Ning Fan Yi oral Suzaku warm 魄 Dan, immediately. A hot and hot drug didn't enter the Xianmai, and it flowed through the body, eventually sinking into the sea.

In the sword, the power of the medicine was turned on, and the sword was read by a handle. The original force of the sword, with a hint of fire.

This firepower is used to kill the enemy, no more than the infant-level spells, but the sea is flamed. But it is useful!

When the eyes are determined, Ning Fan will not hesitate to push the cold poison of all kinds of limbs into the sea.

This should be a self-destructive behavior. But there is no ice in the sea, but it has been turned into a flame form!

"How do you introduce scorpion venom into the sea! Do you want to... use this poison to enhance the power of God!" She finally understood why Ning Fan asked her to refine the Suzaku.

蛊 ,, in fact, is a kind of attack. Accurately, it is an insect attack. The special feeding of aphids, the insects are amazing, and the purple thorn that emerges from the air is the strongest attack of the sinister scorpion, which is equivalent to the power of all the gods. sum.

Therefore, the insect is extremely powerful, the power of the worm is amazing, the scorpion is extremely cold and extremely cold, and the unusual means can be erased.

The poison that remains in Ning Fan's body is not only poisonous, but also the life-long power of the evil cold locust! If you can swallow the power of mites, you can enhance your own mind, and you can make harmful scorpion poisoning a medicine to enhance your mind. However, I have never seen anyone refining and poisoning, and improving my mind! If an ordinary monk is poisoned, who will take the risk to refine it? It is a blessing to be able to force cockroaches out of the body, isn't it?

"How come you are so chaotic! Is scorpion poisoning something that can make the monk refining!" He was so anxious to cry, if she knew that Ningfan was dealing with scorpion venom in this extreme way, she would never be guilty. Where the refining of the Suzaku is warm, it will look for other methods to refine other medicinal herbs and keep Ningfan’s life.

It may be possible to damage some of the repairs and fall into some realm, but as long as you keep Ning Fan’s life, it is excellent.

"rest assured!"

Ning Fan gently patted the head of the stun, making the latter immediately blushing, and she was the first time she was touched by a man.

Just immediately, I realized that after serving the Suzaku warm and swearing, and swearing into the sea, Ning Fan could touch himself, which was impossible before!

"Your poison, suppressed?!" Surprised.

"For the time being! With the strength of my sword, plus the warmth of the warm Dan, this cold poison is like I know the sea. If I thoroughly refine this cold poison, then my thoughts can be greatly improved!" ”

Ning Fan’s mouth evokes a smile. The principle of his service is to maximize all benefits. Even if it is poisoned, it must leave some benefits from the poison.

Evil cold? As long as the poison does not die, this poison is not a poison, but a tonic for the power of God!

With the sword and warmth, Ning Fan is enough to temporarily suppress the evil cold, as long as the collection of enough demon blood in the shortest time, you can detoxify, but also enhance the power of God!

No more words, Ning Fan refers to the gold flame car, immediately, the golden flame car turned into a golden rainbow, the sea is rampant, only a moment will pass through 30,000 miles, appearing under the ghost Xiongguan!

Outside the ghost, more than a hundred Jin Danhai beasts noticed the appearance of the golden car, and immediately shocked.

The speed of this golden car is really only seen in their lives, and there are no signs at all.

A sea beast screamed at the police, and the other hundred beasts surrounded the golden flame car, and looked cold and indifferent.

"There is a stop! The non-Ghosts are good at sin, it is a felony. If you don't retreat within the three interest, you will die!"

A head of sea beast, but Jin Dan repaired, only to see a total of 13 figures on the Golden Flame car, only to see that the car dragon is as great as a mountain, but can not see any one's cultivation.

Although I don’t know what the people are doing, it’s not so easy to come, but even if they come to them, they are not afraid. Because they are the masters of the South Star Sea Devil, who dares to make trouble in the devil's territory!

This group of sea beasts does not need to be polite to Ning Fan and others!

Ning Fan stepped into the golden car step by step, and God read the hegemony and swept the gods in the late stage. It is easy to penetrate the guards of the ghosts and the customs, and even sweep the body of a golden sea beast.

This **** swept away, and each of the Jindan sea beasts immediately looked terrified. When they were swept by Ning Fan, the group demon clearly felt an irresistible sense of oppression. This sense of oppression was even worse than that of the ghosts. Be stronger.

What is even more terrifying is that the breath of this god, unreservedly shed a trace of blood that is hard to erase!

That heavy suffocation is like having just passed through the **** sea and going to the ghosts!

"You, who are you! Such a tyrannical mind. In the stars and seas, it is impossible to be a nameless generation! Ah!"

At this moment, this group of sea beasts has no more suffocation before, and the animal face is terrified!

A huge hill-like body, placed in front of the weak people of Ning Fan, but they are violent and self-defeating!

They finally remembered that before they rushed out of the customs, they were kind enough to ask the identity of the person.

Just why Ning Fan has to explain these beasts!

Your master is my enemy!

Your blood is the best tonic for my anti-drug and enhance my mind!


Ning Fan swords swept away, Baitou Dan beast. Immediately smashed the bones, made the meat mud, all the blood mist was taken by Ning Fan, swallowed into the belly!

The blood of the Baitou Dan beast is nourished. Cold poison immediately weakened by one in 100,000.

The cold poison that was melted was immediately swallowed up by the **** of the flame form, and it raised a glimpse of the power of God.

This increase is negligible. But let Ning Fan shine!

It is feasible to devour the poison and promote the mind!

"Who is in my devil's evil! Look for death!"

A team of fierce beasts, sorghum ghosts off the wall. They are all angry.

It is impossible for Ning Fan to kill the actions of Bai Dan Dan beast without being aware of them.

Seeing the power of Ning Fan, where the Dan beasts easily dare to attack, they only dare to defend the wall, mobilize the array, and send thousands of arrows to attack against Ning Fan, and at the same time issue an alarm to Guan.

"'Broken jade arrow array'! It is actually this kind of peak-level array method. This array of arrows is extremely powerful. One array of arrows can kill Jindan later, and one hundred can kill Yuanying later. Killing the late stage of the gods! Lubei, be careful, this arrow is very powerful..."

I am a little worried, worried that Ning Fan, who is hurting at the moment, will be injured under the arrow.

Just worry about it, even if it is superfluous. Because Ning Fan directly smashed the slender and soft waist, and vacated.

"To kill, if you are afraid, close your eyes..."

His words, only one sentence, but this sentence, its vision, killing the clouds like clouds!

One of them pointed at the eyebrows, and the next moment, a crystal compass like silver, appeared in the palm of Ning Fan.

This compass appeared for a moment, and a star-studded map of Baizhang appeared in front of Ning Fan.

The quaint mysterious figure of this picture, after being integrated into countless ancient arrays, has a strong scent of sorrow.

During the time, the star array was shining, and in the whole body of Ning Fan and Hao Ran, a 30,000-inch silver lotus lamp was raised.

A lotus lamp, burning silver lights, this moment, suddenly reveals a fascinating expression, because these lotus lights are beautiful, more beautiful than the fireworks.

"What is this magic weapon? Why have you never seen Lubei used?"

no answer.

Just after igniting three thousand lotus lights, a silver light curtain rises from the hundred-figure map and blocks in front of Ning Fan!

That was enough to kill the eternal light of the gods, attacking the silver glare, but immediately ignited the silver fire, turning into a gray ash.

Above the giant city, one by one sea beast showed a shocked expression.

What is this magic weapon? The defense is so bad! It is enough to kill the power of the late stage of the gods, so easily blocked!

"Three thousand comet lights, blocking the last blow of the gods, more than enough, but not finished... reverse!"

With Ning Fan a reverse word exhaled, above the star array, Wandao silver arrow rain, roaring out!

The attack with the big squad before that is exactly the same!

This is the magical power of the star plate! Defense is unmatched and reverses the attack!

(first more) (to be continued..)

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