Grasping Evil

Chapter 305: Star sea chaos (seven)

All the way south, some torture, Qing Xuan will tell the secrets of the blood, not dare to hide.

The underground of the Longhai City was buried, and a Taikoo keel was buried. The keel was weathered and useless, but within the bone marrow, two drops of blood were hidden!

There is no doubt that this dragon was a ancestor of the dragon.

It is by relying on these two drops of the blood of the ancestors that the sacred dragons can be tyrannical, and they can barely compete against the old bears when they are at the peak of the gods.

Now the funeral dragon is hiding in a certain retreat in the demon city, refining the blood of the progeny, breaking through the half-step refining.

The location of the specific retreat, only Qingxuan knows that it is not in any place, but in the treasure of the cave!

If there is no Qingxuan to follow, Ning Fan wants to recruit the place where the funeral retreat is difficult.

This is also the reason why Ning Fan has not killed Qing Xuan, this person is still useful.

In addition to the inheritance of the ancestors, the blood of the ancestors could not be robbed, and they could only cultivate by themselves. These two drops of blood are the exceptions to the exception, perhaps because of the power of the Emperor of the Sea of ​​Stars, perhaps because of the strange terrain of Haicheng, which was passed down.

Ning Fan is helping the blood, and the two drops of the blood can not directly increase the blood strength, but the benefits are not small.

And even if it is not for this ancestral blood problem, Ning Fan will also destroy this burial dragon city, everything, just because the burial dragon city shot him!

Being chased and killed, it is necessary to fight back. The best means is undoubtedly the destruction of the great power of the Dragon City, so that other small forces will not dare to provoke themselves.

The killing has been opened, one is killing, and the million is killing. He has annihilated the army of Longwan beasts, and has no room for reversal between the Qingxuan and the burial dragon city.

"How many masters are there in the Dragon City!"

"In addition to the lord of the city is the peak of the gods, there are three late elders, the old man is the lord of the city, so he was appointed as the deputy city lord, and the middle-class master with the strength of the old man has seven. As for the initialization of the gods, there are 15 people, including 4 People are the captives of new capture..."


"Well. As adults know, recently I don't know what happened. Xinghai has a lot of outsiders... These four people are mistaken when I was buried in the Dragon City and were taken down by the city owner, and planted the demon, stay in the city. The position of the guard."

Regarding the question of Ning Fan, Qing Xuan did not dare to hide. He used his head to display secret techniques and re-agglomerated the spirits of the spirits, but only repaired but sadly fell to the beginning.

This is also a helpless thing. It is a fluke to save lives from Ning Fan. It is inevitable to repair it as a fall.

At this moment, Qing Xuan finally understood how terrible the white youth was.

It’s just this enlightenment, some are too painful and too late.

As the deputy city owner of the burial dragon city, Qing Xuan had to sell the dragon city in order to save his life.

However, after the calm, Qing Xuan was even more sadly discovered that although Ning Fan’s strength is strong, there is no trace of pseudo-decoration. It seems that it is really only the beginning of the god.

"This person is strong. It kills me like an ant, but it is only the beginning of the gods. I don't know if I can surrender the city owner... I was planted by this person, and I will die if he died. Hey, the city owner can pick up the old man." Bear ten palms, now the strength has risen a lot... If this person is defeated to the city owner, where should I go..."


Qing Xuan deeply sighed. Looking at the golden flame car at the foot, I immediately looked hot.

This car is fast and fast! The level of refining that has been achieved!

This Lubei is a monk who escaped from the hands of the demon, so fast. The demon can't catch up, and the city owner must not catch up. Perhaps this person is not the opponent of the city, but the escape should be unaffected.

"But, go with him all the way to the black, only pity my family, will not be angered by the city owner to kill ..."

The Jinyan car seems to be turned into a very thin gold line, one hundred thousand miles in the Xinghai. In this horrible dawn, the burial dragon city is near, and Qingxuan immediately becomes nervous, and a list of chariots is approaching this place.

The burial of Long Haicheng is a neutral force. The owner of the city buryed the dragon and was once a monk. However, in recent years, he has been busy breaking through the half-step simplification, but he has lived in a simple way, but the murder is still there.

Outside the city, the security is very strict. There are 100,000 sea beasts and seven silver cars.

On the top of the seven chariots, each has a god, and the three wear the star armor, which is the middle of the god.

The other four will wear coats, all in the early days of the gods, all of them look angry, but dare to speak.

"Wind, derailed!" One of the middle-aged veterans of the gods was iron-faced and screamed.

"Yes... I don't know what General Munan is commanding..." A young man with a bruise on his face took a step forward and hugged the old man with his eyes and eyes.

If there is a second demon repair here, you will find that this angry, but young people who have to whisper, but the devil of the wind department will be cold!

"Know know why! The city owner gives you a month, today is the last day, you can consider it!"

"The wind does not dare to leak the wind and the martial arts, please General Munan's enthusiasm!" The wind chilled a bite, before January, he and the other three wind squad demon will be mistaken into the dragon city, attacked by the beast His Majesty.

Among the four, except for the cold, the middle of the gods, but the four faced the tyrannical shot of the lord of the Dragon City, but only one face was defeated. The blood of the Dragon Lord’s ancestors was too horrible. Under one stroke, the three intermediate gods were directly attacked to the early stage, and the key moments of the cold spurred the secret technique, which was difficult to compare in the middle of the gods. I quickly escaped a blow and avoided the danger of being defeated.

The four people were desecrated and became the slaves of the Dragon City. This is a shameful humiliation for the arrogant demon of the cold.

And if the owner of the burial dragon is slightly interested in the wind and cold, the four may not be able to live to this day.

One month! The owner of the burial dragon city will give consideration to the cold for a month, and the surrender of the exercises can not be guaranteed. If the stubbornness is not working, then the funeral dragon can only forcibly search for the soul. Perhaps the exercises obtained are incomplete, but they have to make a decision.

One month, the wind is hesitant and struggling, but the result of the four will be discussed, but it is impossible to reveal the secrets of the wind and the wind.

"Bold! If you don't hand over the exercises today, you will die!" Mu Nan's eyes were cold.

"For the will, why are you afraid of death!"

The wind is cold, step by step, humiliation in January, he has endured enough, no need to bear it today!

"Oh, the bones are quite hard, but later the old man has a way to let you spit out the exercises... It’s said that Luo Yun Lubei, which caused the chaos of the Xinghai, seems to be from the same place as you. I don’t know how many days later, Qing Xuan deputy city lord back to this person, will you let Huangquan Road, add a friend!" Mu Nan's words are cold, implied threats.

I never thought about this threat. Conversely, the anger of the cold was gradually calm, and the calm, and then turned into a hot color.

"Qing Xuan, you can't go to Lubei!" The wind is cold and proud, but he laughs and laughs. He has already died.

"Bold! The name of the deputy city lord is what you can call the slaves in this area! But the old man is very surprised. You seem to be very interested in Lubei. According to the old man, there are 9 forces in the realm of your life. Your wind department is the third force, and Lubei is born in the seventh force. According to the old man, Lubei seems to be only the beginning of the god, which means that his strength is the most different from yours. And more sinister cold poisoning. The fighting power is not... The old man kills you cold, just three interest! Killing Lubei, afraid of three interest can not be used!"

For the information of the second world, Munan said. Let the cold face look cold, and look back at the other three to give a look, immediately, one of the drunk and unawake demon will. Look down and reveal the color of the cockroach.

"It was my drink that I had lost my mind... but I didn't leak too much..."

There is no doubt that this information is that this drunk will accidentally leak.

The wind chilled and took a deep breath. It is meaningless to pursue the matter that has already been leaked. Looking at Munan, the cold eye is not easy to avoid, the word swears, "You kill him, no possibility! He kills you, why need one finger!"

"Hey! The old man wants to see, what kind of gods in the early days, kill me without dying! As for you, here to anger the old man, the old man will immediately search for your soul and remember it!"

Mu Nan's figure swayed, and the shredded tobacco, which was difficult to see with the wind and cold, flashed in front of the wind and cold, and grabbed the wind and the cold.

This blow is Munan’s anger, and the power is not to be underestimated.

This catching too fast makes the coldness of the serious injury even more inevitable.

"will die!"

The cold eyes repent, he is not afraid of death, only hate to be a demon, can not die in the battlefield, but died in a small hand.

However, Mu Nan’s palm did not catch the cold and the heavens, and suddenly stopped the search for the soul, and his eyes were shocked.

In the farther north, a golden line dragged a long golden glow and went straight to the ground.

Surprisingly, the golden light caused the sea to boil, while the purple chill on the car continued to emanate, which allowed the sea to freeze.

In this sea water boiling, freezing alternately appearing, the golden flame car came straight.

Mu Nan and other three mid-term gods were shocked and immediately screamed.

"There is a stop!"

It’s just that the golden flame car is too dazzling, but the light is too overbearing, there is no stopping at all.

Only a more overbearing voice came out of the car.

"The roadblocker is dead!"

It is like a golden light rushing, and it seems like a blast of fire, the golden flame car hits the demon army, but all the sea beasts that are in front of the car are all bumped into meat!

Just the power of a crash is no longer weaker than the mid-shot!

"Block this car!"

Under the order of Mu Nan, along with the other two mid-terms, they flew up and used various means to launch an attack on Jin Yan.

However, the wind and cold are falling, but they are not launching any attacks on the Jinyan car. Instead, they drive the chariots and rush to avoid them.

They know who is sitting in the car!

They know that in the middle of the gods, there is no qualification to block this car!

"Three talented swords!"

The three men of Mu Nan squirted and squirted a savvy bone sword.

Three lines of fine swordsmanship hit the gold flame car, forming a twelve-pword gas map, stacked on top of each other, forming a wall of light in the sea, colliding with the nine-fold array of light, only to stop Jin Yan The car is on the way, but the Munan trio is also uncomfortable, and the power of the earthquake has shaken the pain in the five.

The three eyes changed, the strength of the impact of this golden flame car, the violent and fierce, 12 heavy sword array, enough to block the late attack of the god, this golden flame car can break the 9-fold array of light, if only three of them One person blocked this car and must be hit hard by this car!

At this moment, the three people saw the whole picture of the Golden Flame.

At this moment, the three people saw the head of Jin Yan’s front, and the young man in white with a shocking sigh of blood.

"He is Lubei? Well? How is the Qingxuan deputy city owner also on this car..."

The Munan trio only hesitated, and Qing Xuan has turned into a green scorpion, one of the three men, and a sword stabbed into this person Dan Tian, ​​without mercy.

The three people were unprepared. They couldn’t think that Qing Xuan, who was the deputy city lord, would attack himself. The person attacked by Qing Xuan would not have died under the sword of Qing Xuan, but he was smashed by this sword. Loss, the emperor retreats. The eyes are already angry.

"Qing Xuan! You have betrayed the city owner! Shameless!"

"I don't want to die! This time, the city owner is wrong. He shouldn't provoke Lubei. He shouldn't order to take away his evil sorrow!" Qing Xuan's eyes are fierce, he must go all the way to Ning Fan to black, only hate no jealousy. Kill this enemy as a name.

"The thief is killing!" Munan was furious, but at this moment, there was a purple smoke flashing, but it was Ning Fan. Instantly appeared in front of Mu Nan, one finger pressed to this person.

The power of this finger immediately caused the collapse of the seamounts. One finger was fierce, and it was displayed in the third place of the jade, so that the Munan guards were directly crushed, and the spirits were pressed.

With only one finger, the Wanlihai Mountain collapsed completely, and there was a hint of void power lingering around the fingertips, easily piercing through the weak body of Munan. Break into the sea.

"Good and strong... refers to force..." At this moment, Mu Nan finally remembered the cold.

You kill him, no possibility, he kills you. Why do you need one finger!

The cold did not lie to him, although Lubei was the beginning of the god, but the flesh was enough to rival the late stage of the gods!

"No wonder Qing Xuan will rebel... If I have a chance to survive, I will also be to him..."

His words can't be finished. Has been killed by Ning Fan, the body collapsed into a blood fog.

Qing Xuan lived. This Mu Nan's body care spirit is not weak, at least no one in the middle of the gods can easily break the spirit. Ning Fan pointed out that he had assassinated Munan. Doesn't it mean that its strength is comparable to that of the latter?

The wind is cold and the color is hot. This person is Luo Yun Lubei, who is the one who has driven for it!

"One does not stay!"

Accompanied by this Ning Fan, Shi Bing and other scorpions, smelting corpses, and all the smashing of the scorpion, when the black dragon sheds the pressure of half-step smelting, the two remaining meta-goals are all awe. The color.

"Let the adults be forgiven, my Wu Ya (Wu Yun), willing to follow the adult chariot and attack the Dragon City! This life does not dare to betray!"

At this moment, the two gods did not even have the courage to escape. The two had hated and ridiculed Qingxuan for betrayal. It was only when they turned to themselves that they found the courage to go to death.

The wind chilled the phrase ‘for the lord, why fear is dead’, and the two of them said no.

Waved and planted two bans, Ning Fan pointed to the demon army, and could not refuse to give orders to the two.

"Lead the way! Kill Dragon City!"

Among the voids, Wei Xuanbu focused on the fascination and tried to stop the advent of the North Heavenly arrogance.

The matter of the Star Palace has been reported by another deacon. He wants to delay the pace of the people. Only this is the best policy. Fortunately, this battle is just a fascination, for the ranks of the fairy tales, not killing.

If you pass through Tianjiao and get into the puzzle, you will not die. You will only be temporarily trapped in the void.

"Ning Fan, the old man can do only so much for you..."

This is awesome, trapping people for more than six months.

Just let Wei Xuan unexpectedly, is the three roads Changhong is in a hurry, the horror of its speed, let Wei Xuan stunned.

"The 'empty period' is really immortal! How can such a master come here, is it also for the star of the Emperor! And what is behind her, is it... the beast! No, I have to escape quickly, if This person sees that setting up a battle here and planning for the celestial arrogance in the north will have a curse... disease!"

Wei Xuan took out a purple gold star compass that crossed the void. Under one squat, he ran out of thousands of miles.

He ran, but the three figures did not run away.

At the forefront, it is a palace-dressed woman with a soft waist and a full-bodied breast. She covers the veil and can't see her face. It's just the Fengguanxia belt. Everything is precious and precious, every move, and even more upside down. The familiar style is enough to know that this person is not low in the four days.

It’s a bit horrible.

The two beasts behind him are 100,000 feet huge!

This level of fierce beasts is enough to easily sweep the Jiujie!

"It's awful, but it's just trying to hide the lower bounds. How can it be discovered by the beasts... No matter what, if you can get the stars of the Emperor, it's not difficult for the people to go to the Chiron Red Dragon. These years, I have suffered her... Hey! If the lower bound is to be self-sufficient and concealed, I will not be afraid of the beasts in the district. Otherwise, the Star Palace should not be far away, just the last one... Ah!"

The beautiful woman suddenly screamed, unable to defend her, and in the midst of the mystery set by Wei Xuan, for a time, the flower was eclipsed.

In the moment of its eclipse, behind the two beasts, Qi Qi issued a **** red whistle, sound waves for a while, the beauty of the woman repaired as a speed seal, and five pains.

"Damn, the beasts of the district, dare to seal the palace to repair... find death!"

"Speaking of it, which slaying is set in this place to confuse people, tired of the palace is injured, if the palace is known, the palace must be exhausted to the power of the hundreds of thousands of monks in the palace, killing this person!"

The beautiful woman complained in her mouth, but her eyes were dignified.

It is not known whether he can retaliate against the people in the array.

Today, I am trapped in the puzzle, and I am attacked by the beasts.

(second more) (to be continued..)

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