Grasping Evil

Chapter 315: Lavender

Ning Fan is almost a hegemonic step, and will be unable to prevent Zichuan from shaking down the sky. .

Reluctantly stabilized his body shape, Zichuan reveals a cold color.

"You dare to hurt me!"

"How are you hurting! Kill!"

There is no room for mercy, just the power of the aid of Star Island, killing the Purple Palace is more than enough!

Kunwu two old, surrounded by three half-step smelting, the intertwined hands will be defeated, it is only a matter of time.

Other masters of the Purple Palace, long surrounded by the Xinghai Group, are unrelenting.

polite? Why are you polite with them!

In the hearts of countless sea people, Ning Fan has been acquiesced to become the star owner of the Wolf Star Sea.

Not only because of the magic of Ning Fan, but also because Ning Fan can let the other two sea stars be jealous, can re-stabilize the situation of the Three Seas after the Lord of the Wolf Stars has left for thousands of years, so that the greedy wolf sea is not affected by the sea. Bullying!

The order of the Star Lord, the beast of the Star Sea, can't help!

Do not say that there are more than few wins, the group of these so-called upper celestial arrogance.

Even if it is more than a small win, like the old bear for Ning Fan desperately, afraid that there are many **** sea beasts, to follow Ning Fan shot.

With the power of one person, to overthrow the Xinghai, chaos the world, this person is qualified to become the owner of the wolf!

According to the Star Lord Jianfeng, the group demon only needs to do one thing.

kill! kill! kill!

The old bear was stunned.

As soon as he heard it, he heard that he had thrown off the river and he also heard it.

However, under this order, the scenes of the Xinghai masters will only appear in the past when the Three Seas war.

Since the disappearance of the greedy wolf and the loss of balance across the sea, this kind of war has been rare.

The sea of ​​greedy wolves is even more divided and divided by major forces.

excitement! The old bear is particularly excited!

This kind of dry group scene, he has not experienced it for many years, he seems to follow Ning Fan's ass, take a look at Zichuan.

But unfortunately, his good wishes are only to think about it. His two ugly wives will not let him seriously hurt him.

"Fu Jun... You can't die, if you die, I don't live alone!" The two ugly wives are really sincere.

"Roll! I don't want to die! I still haven't lived enough! Can you die, who wants to die, is sick?" The old bear can't fight, he is very annoyed.

The maiko, the moon volley, all the flowers are eclipsed, with the Jinyan car landing, walked down the stunned, Yuanyao two women, the surprised woman will have two more.

Ning Fan’s killing, eventually became the owner of the beasts?

If it is placed on the Terran, it is unimaginable, but it is normal to put it in the Yaozu.

Strong, why can't you be king?

Since Ning Fan’s retreat from the two stars, his magical power has risen to an unprecedented height, which is a half-step refining, and he dare not ignore his orders!

"This cucumber, too domineering, if the old lady is not self-harming, no loss to repair, but also want to go up and fight!" The monthly volley resumed her rough surname.

"Lubei brother, you are amazing!" Appreciated aside.

"How do you call his brother, and, you, this body..." The maiko looks red, and at first glance, it is not finished.

Two months ago, this little girl was still thinking about how to repair Ning Fan. Two months later... even people took the body and lost it to Ning Fan?

"I, I... all of them are harmed by Bei Yao's sister. They all blame her for confusing Lubei..." She pointed to Yuan Yao and sold her out.

"Bei Yao... This femininity is very noble, is it the protoss of the Protoss?" The dance sighs a sigh, and the sigh is that Ning Fan’s ability to accommodate the harem is too sharp, and he went out for two months, and he evened out. Receive one back.

"Stunned, don't talk nonsense!" Yuan Yao hurriedly licked his mouth, his face embarrassed.

That embarrassing thing, she decided to bury in her heart and never tell anyone.

Yuan Yao’s gaze swept through Ning Fan and it was difficult to contain his own surprise.

It is no wonder that since I was rescued by Ning Fan, I have never encountered any sea beast attack in the Xinghai.

It turned out that this whole piece of Xinghai was conquered by the younger son of Ning Fan in this district...

"If he was born in the northern sky, he would be fine... with his qualifications and his surname, he was afraid that it would be enough to be in the top three in the north. No, maybe it was the first. If he gave him enough time, even if he only cultivated yin and yang Maybe... maybe it can reach my realm... maybe he can..."

Yuan Yao Feng eyes a soft, flashed a look of expectations, but this is expected, immediately turned into a self-deprecating smile.

"What happened to me... It was just a ridiculous thing. After the trip to the Star Palace, I and I should not meet again... I am still looking forward to it, really stupid..."

The eyes circulated among the women, and Yuan Yao sighed softly.

Ning Fan will not be lonely, his red face is countless, and he will care about Bei Yao in a district.

It’s just this kid, it’s a bit too daring, even the people in the Purple Palace dare to kill...

"Maybe after I return to the World Palace, help him settle some troubles in the North, it will be better..." Yuan Yao said to himself.

The women also have a thoughtful mind, which shows that the situation at the moment has no room for worry.

The master of the Purple Palace, basically all of them.

The old man of Kunwu also turned into two broken gods in a moment, and was squandered by three half-steps. After preparation, he was dedicated to Ning Fan.

Zichuan has a gloomy face, only ten times of effort, and his own power has been completely destroyed.

In this way, although his trip to the Star Palace was the first to enter the palace, it was ultimately defeated.

Do not compete with other Tianjiao for the stars of the Emperor, fearing that it is difficult to live.


Zichuan once again crushed one to Jianjing, and issued a sword light in the early stage of refining.

This is the seventh sword crystal of its initial refining.

In this trip, he brought a total of ten sword crystals, nine in the early days of smelting, and one in the middle of the smelting.

Under the Jianguang's Jianguang offensive, the masters of the gods are cold and inhaled, and their faces are fearful.

It is no wonder that the old bears have been wounded. It is no wonder that the landlord of the Northern Territory has blocked this Zichuan.

Dare to love this Zichuan repair is not high, the means is quite good.

The three half-step smelt, looking at the old bear's miserable injury, are vests a cold.

This Jianguang in the early days of the smoldering, they can take it, but after the next one, it is the next old bear...

"This sword is a little tricky. Would you like us to help the star owner?" The three men looked at each other and asked each other.

The voice of this inquiry was interrupted by the old bear.

"No! This kid is amazing, you forgot!"

You forgot, who is the only one to destroy the Xinghai?

You forgot, the degree of the villain of this kid is not weaker than Jianjing!

Looking at the sword light coming from the face, Ning Fan blinked, imitating the posture of the old bear, swallowing it.

"Swallowing the mountain!"

One mouth suddenly sucked, and the starlight was sucked into the abdomen, and Ren Jianguang blew open in the body.

This move has made the old bear and others all change.

"Rely! This Lubei imitates Laozi's magic! But Laozi's viscera, after thousands of years of tempering, can be able to swallow the magic weapon, he did not exercise the dirty at first glance, how dare to swallow the sword light..."

Indeed, Ning Fan's dirty can't stop Jianguang.

Just at the moment when Jianguang entered the body, he immediately shattered and shattered, unloading the sword force, and the ink shadow re-condensed for a moment. If the fingertips were fast, the electric power would be seventeen times above the sword light, and finally, broken. The sword stabbed the momentum, the sword light into the sleeves, re-condensed into a piece of amethyst, and immediately cold-eyed Zichuan.

"You are not a sword repair, this sword is in your hands, just a waste!"

It is true that if this Zichuan is proficient in kendo, this sword is in his hands, and the power is not limited to these, and Ning Fan does not dare to fight the gods to conquer this sword.

The reason why Ning Fan can extract the old bear sword and the ability to surrender the sword is not only because of possession of the sword, but also because of the incarnation. The biggest reason is that the Zichuan kendo is too weak!

He is not a sword repair, with this sword crystal can deal with the average person, but for the upper sword sergeant, the sword gas is full of loopholes, as long as the loophole is caught, it is not difficult!

"Incarnation! You have to rely on the incarnation, take my sword!"

If it was said that Ning Fan had taken out the old bear sword, Zichuan could use the trick to cover up. At this moment, Ning Fan was obediently convinced that he could not calm down.

Incarnation... This kind of shattered magical power, Zichuan will not!

But even the avatars of the avatars are rare in the Nine Realms. In the past four days, Zichuan has seen one or two people, but those ones and two will never be able to rely on the practice of cultivating the gods and transforming themselves into vain. Swordful.

Ning Fan not only has an incarnation, but there must be some magical power that is extremely restrained against the sword.

Zichuan did not think about the sword, and did not have to think about it.

What he needs to know is not how powerful Ning Fan is... He is only asking for self-protection at the moment!

In the mid-term of his own transformation, even in the late stage of the war, but the power of the late God, in the siege of this mountain beast, can not escape.

"I still have three swords, the middle of the smoldering, must be used to save lives... well! I used two early swords to destroy this Lubei! Anyone who is incarnate is more powerful, and after all, it is only the initial repair of the gods. Therefore, if he catches even two smashing attacks, then my Zichuan will not be the opponent of this life for the rest of my life... I don't believe I will lose to him!"

Zichuan looked at it with a glimpse of two pieces of sword crystal.

This time, he barely tried to use his not high kendo to try to pull Jianguang into a sword.

In the end, although it was plausible, the two swordsmanships were much thinner and more powerful.

"There are two smelting swords! And this son seems to have touched the threshold of the sword for silk! This is not simple...we want to help the star master..." Three half-step smelting, their tone is a little bit Hey, two smelters are weak, so they don’t dare to let them go.

"Help a ball! This sword, if you change the seven kills, break the army two stars to pick up, how?"

"That must be easy! Especially the seven killing star master, one heart repair sword, the **** of the sword, the star master will be put into the eyes?" Three half-step refining disdain.

"That's it... you don't want to look down on Lubei. But with one person's strength, he is amazed by two star owners. Have you forgotten?"

The old bear looks like a thick, practical heart.

A true wise man will not write wise on his face.

The real deaf person will not sneak out and release domineering everywhere. It is like Ning Fan, silent and small, he does not get angry, you think he is a sick cat.

In the words of the old bear, let the three half-steps refine their thoughts and look at the confrontation between Ning Fan and Zichuan, and their eyes are more focused.

Once upon a time, they only heard about how powerful Ning Fan was. I really saw Ning Fan’s shot. This is the first time...

"What means will the star owner use to block two smelting swords!" In the eyes of the three people, the color of expectation rises.

If you can understand the benefits of a star and a half from Ning Fan's means, it is excellent.

"Your sword is too weak! The sword is silk, not so!"

Ning Fan’s words were cold and he did not hesitate to crush Jian Jing.

The combination of these two swords, with the incarnation of the ingenuity has not worked, can not be distressed by the precious swords!

The sword crystal is broken, the sword light is in the hand, and the sword silk is smashed by Ning Fan. The secret is wrapped around the cloud, so that people can see the scalp numb. I don’t know how to deal with this huge number of swords.

"The real sword is silk!" Zichuan looked weak.

Once again, Ning Fan defeated his self-esteem, and he could not be as proud as he was at the beginning.

His 700-year-old bone age, repaired to the middle of the gods, they thought that the qualification is invincible.

However, Ning Fan, who is just under 400 years old, is proficient in avatars, swords and other means, and is even more vocal.

I am in front of Ning Fan, what is the arrogance.

"But you can't get it..." Zichuan's palm, secretly clenched the last piece of sword crystal.

Jianqi attack in the middle of the refining!

The provocative words of Zichuan, Ning Fan indifferent.

His eyes were gradually caged by Jianguang.

His body is like a sword, and he points out two fingers.

One finger is broken, **** are falling!

Under these two fingers, Zichuan showed an incredible color, and Yuan Yao was even more shocked.

"Sword refers to the technique! In the swordsmanship of the sword ancestors, only the sword refers to the loss of the technique, and it is unexpected that it falls into his hands! The sword refers to the five fingers can be sacred, the ten fingers can be Nie! The higher the realm of this technique, the more It’s awesome...he has such a level of means... If he learns the third finger, he can do it by destroying it at the moment...”

Unfortunately, the realm of Ning Fan is far from being able to cultivate the third finger.

However, breaking Zichuan Jianqi, enough!

Star Island River Hill, collapse!

The sky is dark and collapses!

The power of a heavy collapse, condensed at the fingertips of Ning Fan, and with the help of the sacred Jianguang, the power of the sword is unprecedentedly horrible.

This finger, with the help of Jian Jing, under the smoldering, no one can take it!

The way Ning Fan drives Jian Jing, compared with Zichuan's poor, is a world of difference!

I only know that relying on foreign objects can't get really powerful!


On the occasion of Ning Fan’s wording, Zichuan’s two swords collapsed, and the Jianguang collapsed and re-condensed Jianjing, and Ningfan’s countless swordsmanship seemed to be entangled, making Zichuan unable to escape.

"I am not as good as him, I am not as good as him!"

Zichuan gritted his teeth and took out a piece of jade jade, which was carved with jade, and crushed it.

At the moment of crushing jade, the purple wind in front of him suddenly turned into a seventeen-fold purple gas barrier defense.

Just under Ning Fan's sword silk, the seventeen-fold barrier is no exception, all collapsed, and the remaining swordsman will sway Zichuan and the sword light will be broken.

In the collapse of Jianguang, Zichuan was bathed in blood, and his armor was crushed and unrecognizable. .

Ning Fan calmly caught two pieces of Sword Crystal, consuming one piece and winning two pieces. He earned it.

"Lubei, I remember you! You are a strong!"

Zichuan took a deep breath and crushed the sword in the last mid-sleeve of the sleeves.

One palm shot the sword, Zichuan suddenly and the eyes are crazy, pointing to the fierce change, spontaneous combustion of the flesh, the gods.

"Lubei, I look forward to a battle with you four days! Fire, explosion!"

The flesh is self-destructing, and the gods are burning!

Zichuan blew everything, and all the power of self-destruction was immersed in that sword light.

Originally his swordsmanship was far from enough to completely inspire the power of this sword.

But under desperation, the blood sacrifice sword is different.

This Jianguang, under the blood gas perfusion, is by no means weaker than the real tempering medium-term sword repair.

Under this Jianguang, Sing Tao has no indication that it is divided into two, together with the Xinghai below, but wherever the eye can reach, the sea is smashed into two halves!

"Not good! This time, we really have to help Lubei, this sword is the other two stars, it is difficult to pick up!"

"No! This sword mang, you can conquer!"

Ning Fan's eyes are condensed, and this Zichuan seems to be self-destructive and puts blood into the sword, but it has another setting.

The setting of Zichuan is that once the sword is blocked by Ning Fan, it can dissipate the blood and let Ning Fan completely conquer this sword.

This last blow is not like killing, but like giving a sword...

"Although I witnessed the death of Zichuan, but from the words of his pre-death and the swordsmanship of the gift, this person may not have died. He is afraid to escape with a magical power that I cannot understand... just this last blow, He dissipated all hostility, and some were just equals. This is a challenge! If he is not dead, this is his gauntlet for me, waiting for me for four days, fighting with one!"

Ning Fan frowned, he did not like to lick the grass without removing the roots, but at this moment, only the first to block this sword.

"The fixed star disk, now!"

One pointed at the eyebrows, took out a starlight array, time, dense star map spread from under the feet, and raised 30,000 comet lights.


All mana is poured into the fixed star disk, only the 5000 comet lights are on, and the 5000 comet lights are enough to resist the half-step smashing attack, but not enough!


Ning Fan's five fingers pointed to the Xinghai, and exhibited the technique of sowing the soul.

It’s not surprising to know the group of demons that he will draw the soul.

But Yuan Yao didn't know, so she was surprised again.

This god, which was slightly underestimated by her, even mastered the technique of screaming souls. This person’s qualifications are quite comparable to the Qingjun generation!

With the display of the Soul of the Soul, Ning Fan's mana was upgraded to the late stage of the gods, and the star lights lit up 9999.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he suddenly turned awkward, and the starlights of the stars lit up. At this moment, the star array of the astrolabe was enough to defend against the real initial blow.

"Not enough! Still not enough!"

In order to block the Jianguang in the middle of this illusion, you must light up the 30,000 stars!

If you can't light up the starlight with your mana, you can light it with the power of broken treasure!

Blood wash the Xinghai, a piece of demon treasure was taken out by Ning Fan, crushed.

Thousands, 10,000 pieces, 100,000 pieces, millions of pieces...

Down to Danbao, up to Lingbao, all without breaking!

The star lights ignited one by one, and the power of the star map climbed.

After breaking a million monsters, the star lights up 30,000!

30,000 to the starlight silver fire, turned into countless heavy silver wall.

The sword in the middle of the smoldering dynasty blasted above the star wall, causing a heavy star wall to collapse and the star array to be unstable.

But every time you break a star wall, the power of the sword is weak.

The last star wall collapsed, and the power of swords and swords disappeared. Ning Fan is also a state of mana overdraft.

Looking at the power to damage the 90% of the sword, Ning Fan five fingers into the claws, catching Jianguang, suddenly grabbed.

"Give me broken!"

The sword is broken, and after the collapse, it becomes a sword crystal!

At this moment, Xingdao was dead, and at this moment, the sea beasts showed an incredible expression.

"The star master, blocked the sword in the middle of the refining! This is what magic weapon, the power of defense, against the sky!"

Only Yuan Yao, gently sighed, his heart loose.

Not only fortunately, Ning Fan blocked the Jianguang, but also fortunately... Zichuan is not dead.

"Zichuan is the abandonment of 'that family'... Lubei, how many days of arrogance you have killed in the Star Palace, I have a way to help you cover it, but only Zichuan can't cover it, but you can rest assured, Even if you really killed Zichuan, there is a legacy palace..."

Yuan Yao smiled bitterly.

"What I can do, only this, this... I am rewarding you for your protection."

Beyond the Star Palace, among the voids, many forces are based on one side, trying to get rid of the madness, and some people try to tear up the void, but they have finally failed.

"Rely! Who is so wicked, set up a puzzle outside the Star Palace! Shameless!" Someone kept on, and Wei Xuan was lying in the middle of the gun.

"Rely! Why are the people in the Purple Palace so lucky, just in the middle of the broken place, tearing the void, into the Star Palace... Hey, the people in the Purple Palace have gone for a big luck..."

"Hey? Look! What is the purple light!"

But see a purple **** of the gods, out of thin air in the fascination, in his manifestation, there is a purple grass man hiding the void, with the purple smoke appear, the grass man immediately trembled, no fire [***].

And the purple **** silk, immediately swelled in the purple fire, and finally, turned into a purple youth, it is Zichuan.

As Ning Fan expected, he really did not die!

"This person is not the son of the Ziyi Palace, Zichuan, he is not in the Star Palace, how come out? Also suffered such a heavy injury!"

"'The technique of comfrey' is the technique of comfrey. It is rumored that the strongest secret of the kimono palace is to make the lavender. Just attach a ray of **** to the grass man beforehand, you can replace death... Unexpectedly, in the age of today, there are still people in the Purple Palace who will make lavender!"

"Don't the people in the Purple Palace enter the Star Palace for an hour, and the group is gone! No! It seems that only Zichuan is running out."

One by one, four days of arrogance, have been amazed, there are fears of the mysterious Star Palace, but also have increased vigilance, but also have a chance to laugh at Zichuan.

Lin Su, the white magic sect, is one who is willing to laugh at Zichuan.

This person has been the cultivation of the late stage of the gods. Seeing the fall of Zichuan, he immediately prepared to murder Zichuan.

Only a moment later, I saw Zichuan still with crazy eyes, Lin Sufang took his footsteps and his eyes changed.

This year's Zichuan seems to be different from the past.

The lack of that arrogance, and an ambition of rushing forward.

"Oh, in the middle of the district, I dare to come to the Star Palace to find opportunities. How do you bring people who seem to be dead? The first person to enter the Star Palace has nothing to be said." Lin Suzhen said .

"Hey! If you come to Xinghai with white magic, you will only die when you meet that person. Even, you may not have the technique of purple grass, you can keep a name from the man. That person is me. The one who has seen this generation of arrogance, the strongest one! You Lin Su, the late 1200s of the **** of the gods, this qualification is in the middle of the white magic, but in front of that person ... can not be hit!"

"Hey! Big words are not awkward! Lin is very curious to know who is letting you out of the Purple Palace."

"His name is Lubei, but you don't want to meet him... He is strong, very strong, this is strong, not referring to cultivation, but to his way. His way, has a crazy mind, If you make an analogy, it is like this person, even if he is the body of a man, dare to fight against the Emperor... From him, I have this feeling!"

"Where? Fight against the Emperor? Zichuan, do you die once, your head is not clear? Is the celestial mortal contender?"

"Hey! Lin Su! I don't say much to you. After the Zongbi Palace and the White Mozong's ancestors, we will have a better fight. However, you may not be able to live to that moment... White Mozong, no It may always be pressed on the top of the Purple Palace. If you, the White Devils continue to do anything, the Dark Lords will always have someone to pursue and avenge their vengeance. That may be the sin of the White Mozong! You remember!"

Zichuan snorted and moved away. There was no more greed for the star of the Emperor.

He is too dependent on foreign objects. Before he will formally fight with Ning Fan, he will remove all foreign objects, improve his own strength and strive for excellence!

"Lubei, next time, I will not lose to you!"

After Zichuan left, Lin Su’s eyes were cold, and he was dissatisfied with the two half-steps.

"Two brothers, why don't you take the opportunity to kill this person!"

"Zichuan, can't kill!"

The two men, who are called brothers, are not in the same age as Lin Su. Both of them are white-haired and white-bearded. They are already four thousand years old and hang old.

"Why can't you kill! Give me a reason!"

"There are rumors that Zichuan is the abandonment of the ‘that family’, even if it is abandoning people, and the hegemony of that family, no one can harm anyone.”

"What! He is actually... Hey, no wonder this sub-qualification is slightly stronger than me, but it is just a waste of blood!"

Lin Su dismissed, and turned a sneer.

"Let Zichuan lose nothing to say, it seems to be a master named Lubei... Lubei, this person is also bullying the weak Zichuan. If you meet me, he will be the celestial arrogance, and I will step on it. At the foot!"

(The third is released at 4:12, tired, 16,000 words this time)

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