Grasping Evil

Chapter 319: Remnant game

For thousands of years, the wild mountain couples have relied on the power of the singularity of Zizhi, although they have not taken it properly, they have almost reached the point of thoroughly demonizing. Together with the six-transfer medicinal herbs given by Ning Fan, the miraculous effect of quenching the dan, almost at the moment of taking the medicinal herbs, it began to retreat into a comet!

The effect of quenching the phase of Dan, this is the phase of the quenching method, the demon phase, quite sought after by the monks of the refining.

But for the Protoss, the evolution into a demon is tantamount to the demon phase based on the body of the Protoss.

Seeing that the three juniors are expected to become a demon, quite fierce and even lonely and indifferent, can not help but thank Ning Fan.

"Thank you Xiaoyou Daen!"

"No need to thank, just take what you need. The predecessors took this Dan, the injury can suppress the millennium, but after the millennium... the predecessors will die."

Ning Fan is silent, the murderous injury is too heavy, and it has been delayed for thousands of years. He was a half-dead person. Ning Fan can't cure this injury. What he can do is just another six-turn remedy - seal Dan, and seal the brutal wound.

This Dan is not a cure, but a seal. Seals not only have injuries, but also seals for growth.

Once you have taken this Dan, you can live like an ordinary person within a thousand years of murder, and restore the cultivation of the initial period of refining.

After the millennium, the murderer will die, not from the injury, but from the number of lives.

There is a 10,000-year life span, and the murder is already nine thousand years old. After the millennium, the number of lives will arrive, and the destiny will be difficult to return.

This Dan seal injury, also sealed the murder of any cultivation for the possibility of growth, so that he has no chance to break through the broken.

But the drawbacks are quite ridiculous, and they don't care.

"Small friends are laughing, even if they don't accept this Dan, they are qualified by the old man. It is impossible to break through the broken spirit from the early stage of refining in the millennium. If you take this Dan, you can have three generations of harmless and sheltered three juniors. It is enough. In the eyes of my demon people, the ethnic heritage is far more important than personal life and death."

The fierce and fiercely convinced the death of Dan, and after only half an hour, the seal was wounded, and the momentum returned to the beginning of the smoldering!

"Little friends have great grace in my star island, except for the quenching star Zizhi, everything else is needed, but it is no problem! I heard that Xiaoyou wants to go to the temple. The old man and the three idiots still need time to retreat. After the customs clearance, if there is still a chance, you will help the younger friend to enter the temple and find the opportunity!"

"No, I just need to quench the star purple."

Looking at the wild king valley with the lights. Ning Fan has a look.

With their own help, the wild mountain couples are expected to be demonized, and the murderous and wounded are thousands of years of worry. The star's heel in the sea of ​​the wolf sea is completely stable.

They are celebrating themselves, but it is a joy, not a Ning Fan.

In the depths of the Valley of the Wild. Ning Fan took away the Qu Qiu Zizhi, and complicatedly stood outside the wild mountain stone gate for a long time, and finally left the boxer.

"I can help others achieve their wishes, but no one can help me, let Xiaoliang reappear and smile..."

Ning Fan's brow is still not soothing, even if he got the whole plant.

If he takes this thing himself, he even hopes to raise the body to the third place.

But he will not take it by himself. He will give the female body a dress and let her reshape the sea.

Feed her medicine. For her to wake up the memory of her past life, she will feed the deep love of the butterfly dew in her previous life.

It’s just that Ning Fan is not sure, and this quenching star can restore the female body to what extent.

Her knowledge of the sea, the injury is too heavy, and the broken is terrible.

Even if there is a sterling star, it can really repair the sea.

If you finally fail to repair the sea, you will do everything you do. What is the point...

"Slightly cool..."

Ning Fan took his footsteps and after several moves, he returned to the South Island Dong House.

The time is already noon, and the women are awake. I am chatting about what is going on in the Dongfu, but it is related to the trip to Ningfan North Island.

When I saw Ning Fan’s return, they all got up.

The moon was slightly dissatisfied with the volley. She had learned from the sigh of the mouth that Ning Fan went to the North Island Wild Valley and went to the ‘Take’. It’s not enough to say that this kind of battle is not called yourself.

The maiko is somewhat worried, worried that Ning Fan and Man Shan will fight.

With a small face and a drum, she still owes her 950 million celestial jade.

Yuan Yao is gazing at the gaze, still apologizing and embarrassed, and dare not look at the eyes of Ning Fan.

"How is the matter? Is Zizhi at hand?" The first volley asked.

"Well, I got it..."

Ning Fan just looked at the female body standing alone in the corner, and felt a pain in her heart.

"I want to heal her, protect the law, and work for you..."

Stepping on the foot, drifting to the side of the female body, and then shaking the figure, Ning Fan and the female body are gone.

The four women are all a glimpse. At this moment, Ning Fan, the apology, self-blame, fragility, and vacillation in his eyes are beyond the observation of the women.

"He will reveal this expression..."

Even if he killed millions and millions, Ning Fan did not hesitate and did not blame himself.

Just seeing the stiff expression of the female corpse, Ning Fan can't help but feel bad.

The sea breeze blows, Ning Fan takes the female corpse, does not retreat in Xingdao, but against the sea breeze, all the way up to the sky, the directest starry sky, the 4.8 million feet of the starry sky.

In the sea breeze hunting, Ning Fan took his footsteps and smashed the female body tightly and tightly.

"Don't be afraid, if I am... If I fail to repair the sea, I will find other ways to restore your memory. It must be, sure..."


The female corpse showed a stunned color, and she did not understand why Ning Fan had such a fragile expression.

She did not understand, so good, why would Ning Fan bring this 4.8 million feet above the starry sky.

She instinctively wants to push Ning Fan, she does not like being held by a man.

It’s just that Ning Fan at this moment gave her a very familiar feeling. In the daytime, it seems that she is not a man but a butterfly...

The shattered sea trembles, and the female corpse seems to see the side of the liver again.

That butterfly, to save himself, with a small wing, rushed to the palm!


"Door... no... yes... I... open..."

She didn't understand why, she wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry.

The corpse has no tears, no crying, and the corpse is unintentional and will not hurt.

"Not afraid, the past life is like dust, everything will pass, this life... I am there! I am there. No matter who, can not hurt you, even... Xiandi!"

Ning Fan took a deep breath and calmed down. He can't be nervous, can't be shaken, not fragile!

Before he was worried that this strain of Zizhi could not cure the female body at the moment. He is no longer worried.

"A purple mushroom can't cure you, I will find 100 plants, thousands of plants, and 10,000 plants! I can't restore my memory in one year. I will wait for you for a hundred years, a millennium, and a thousand years! I will wait for you... remember the moment of me! ”

Ning Fan is no longer confused, loosen the arms of the female corpse, and at this moment, his body has a momentum of nowhere.

Take a storage bag. Take out a khaki-colored ganoderma lucidum.

This Ganoderma lucidum, regardless of its odor and appearance, is generally the same as Taixuanzhi. If it was former Ningfan, it would have thought that this was a Taixuanzhi.

However, after awakening the medicine soul, Ning Fan has been able to distinguish the elixir. This Ganoderma lucidum smell is close to Taixuanzhi, but it actually has a camouflage component.

Everything in the world, but wherever there is a spirit, they all know how to avoid evil. This quenching star, Zizhi, is extraordinary in spirit and naturally knows how to disguise and deceive the world.

"The medicine is still like this, how can people be..."

Ning Fan whispers to himself and urges the medicine soul. The whole body is full of blue light, and the blue light is above the palm of the hand, and it is condensed into a piece of blue jade.

The sapphire that was condensed by the medicinal spirit was scraped, and the ganoderma lucidum trembled, and immediately changed into a purple ginseng that was one foot long.

Taking a quenching star, you need three steps.

first step. The medicine soul is jade, and its disguise is broken.

The second step is to calcined the fire with nine times and calcined nine times.

The third step is to use the medicine to break the poison. Let Zizhi play the most medicinal properties.

The first step has been completed, Ning Fan does not hesitate, the fingertips burned three feet of black fire, calcined from Zizhi.

Nine times of calcination, the control of the flame needs to be fine, the temperature is one point, the purple ash is gray, and the first part is not completely calcined.

The soul of the medicine is in the body. At this moment, Ning Fan’s ears are bright and clear, and the control of the flame is unprecedented.

Only half an hour, nine times of calcination have been successful, the wire of Zhizhi came out, only one fragrance, let Ningfan mana surge, seem to be refined.

"Next, it's the third step..."

Ning Fan looked at the woman's body with a dull expression, and her eyes spurt out, and the squirting of the scented squid is inhaled.


With its wording, Zizhi refining and refining in its body, turning into a drop of purple Zhizhi blood, which condenses into a purple medicinal crystal.

Ning Fan is very careful, for fear of absorbing a trace of medicinal crystals, wasting drug power, and letting the female body lose the possibility of restoring memory.

Along with the refining and chemical conversion of the medicinal crystals, there is a toxic line of silky black ink, which is forced into the medicinal crystal and inhaled into the body of Ningfan.

Born a medicine, you will be poisoned!

The stronger the strength of this zizhi, the heavier the drug.

This poison into the body, Ning Fan's lips immediately turned into purple black, the complexion began to glow black.

The toxins are raging in the body, the five internal organs are colic, and Ning Fan gnaws his teeth, and the purple medicinal crystals that force the medicines are forced out of the body and fed into the female corpse.

Pain, I don't care!

Repair, I can't!

As long as you, I will smile again!

"The thirteenth medicinal crystal!"

Ning Fan feeds the last medicinal crystal into the female corpse, and immediately the chest is affected by the intermediate level, and even a hundred steps back, a black blood spurt out, it has been greatly damaged.

Drug poisoning, not mortal can resist. This toxic star purple zhizhi drug poison, it is the ordinary drug slaves can not force, can not afford it... but Ning Fan, don't care!

"Light... you... suffer... hurt..."

"I do not understand…"

The female corpse cleverly took the medicinal crystal and looked at Ning Fan empty.

Do not understand, do not understand why Ning Fan vomiting blood.

"You don't need to understand..."

Ning Fan is pleased with a smile. He has seen that after the medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal crystal, the power of Zizhi will refine in the body.

The 4.8-million-foot star palace has an endless starlight, all gathered in the female body.

The starlight is lingering around, the dark wounds of the female corpse are healed in the starlight, and the broken sea of ​​knowledge has begun to have signs of flattening!

So, everything you do is not in vain...

It was just a scene that appeared immediately, but it greatly exceeded the expectations of Ning Fan.

After he took the poison and fed the female corpse, the female body was surrounded by silver starlight and the wound healed.

And Ning Fan himself, also raised the starlight, faint.

It’s just the starlight, it’s black...

"Black starlight? This is...what!"

Ning Fan was shocked and was caged by the starlight. After a while, his eyes closed and he seemed to be dreaming.

"Black star, actually a black star! Silly younger brother, you have such a chance, it is really impossible!" Yin and Yang lock, Luo Yu passed out the words of excitement. It is a pity that this excited words, Ning Fan, could not be heard because of his dreams.

Outside the Dongfu, Yuanyao looked up at the sky and was silent.

She looked at the flow of the stars, she guessed that Ning Fan had successfully fed the female corpse under the purple zhizhi, and led the starlight to cure the female corpse.

"A leaf can condense the star of the gods. A piece of zhi meat can lead the star to forge, enhance the realm of refining... so precious purple zizhi, you are willing to give the whole plant to her, you are really good to her. Even if she doesn't necessarily understand that you have paid so much for her..."

Yuan Yao sighed a little, only a moment later, this sigh turned into shock.

Because of the sky, a black nebula emerges, reflecting the darkness of the night!

"Black starlight! Demon can use the starlight to heal, but the starlight has a high and low point... Ordinary demon can understand the silver starlight, you can heal the detoxification, silver, just the lowest grade in the starlight... black, then the nine-step starlight The supreme color!"

Yuan Yao was shocked and shocked. Some people can understand it. Unless it is repaired to reach a certain realm, it can be understood that there is a difference between black starlight and ordinary starlight.

The same can be used to treat the starlight, but the effect is cloud difference.

Starlight quenching technique is a kind of immortal healing technique. The number of healing stars and the color of starlight are directly related to the effect of this technique.

"It is rumored that the Emperor's Starlight technique has been cultivated to the realm of 'Million Stars'. One palm is open, millions of black stars are present, and the stars are not destroyed. They are besieged by the emperors of the heavens, and they are injured hundreds of millions and blood flows into the river. Healed in a flash..."

"If you can comprehend this technique, if you reach the Emperor's cultivation again, maybe you can become the next Emperor... Hey, what am I talking about..."

Yuan Yao ridiculed his head.

Ning Fan only led the black starlight, but he was so excited and somewhat ruined.

Leading the starlight to heal, does not mean that you can understand the art of starlight.

Comprehending the art of starlight does not mean that you can cultivate a million stars, and it does not mean that you can become a fairy emperor.

Ning Fan's chance is good, and he has led a black star, but he has a big gap with himself.


I don't know, a difficult word she said is the difficulty of comprehending the technique of starlight, or the thing she and Ning Fan are together.

In the black starlight, Ning Fan stood for three days. In the third day, he seemed to have a dream.

Immersed in my dreams and can't get out of it.

In the dream, he played in white and played chess with a middle-aged man in a black robes.

If you are a white bear, the other party will be a black child.

"Butterfly kid, it's up to you..."

The man in the black robes, the beard, the left eye was squatted, the black blood flowed to the ground, but the look was calm.

"There are whites in the world, there are blacks in the world, there are deaths in life, there are shadows in the sun, and there are small people in the gentleman. In the eyes of the monk, the astrology is a game of chess, the black star silver star, the strongest and the weakest, all In this game... don't think it's very interesting... I don't think of it, I will die for 150 million years. I will keep a trace of the starlight, and I will meet you in the afterlife... You just have a cool, very good, hey, I saw it. ..."

"Who are you!" Ning Fan looked up and looked directly at the robe man.

"Who is who is not important, this is a dream, you just need to break this game! You have to think about the last half day, how to settle!" (To be continued.)

Ps: (Thanks to Yuxi Bar, Diving Shrimp, Beiwu Four Detachment, Water Bird Dabao's rewards, evaluation votes, thanks to Dragon City's 100-year-old, miracle food monthly ticket support)

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