Grasping Evil

Chapter 327: Naraning

One billion miles north of the valley, it is the only way to the center of the temple. .

There, there are 100,000 unattainable peaks that cannot fly from above. Only a narrow snow valley between the mountains can pass.

At the end of the snow valley, a huge monster has been sleeping for thousands of years. In the demon egg, the greedy wolf sleeps **, and occasionally leaves the demon egg, and only swallows some elixir, and immediately returns to the egg to sleep.

He is trying to break away from the body of the Protoss and is at a critical moment.

He sealed the ice gate at the end of the snow valley with Star Power, and did not allow anyone to cross the snow valley and enter the deeper part of the Star Palace.

Devouring Lu's body, the Wolf won the control of the Star Force in the Snow Valley, not only can use the Star Force to seal the snow road, but also use the Star Force to create the wolf demon soul.

For thousands of years, the wolf has used the power of the stars to create a million wolves, the lowest is the Dan beast, entrenched in the snow valley.

Among the wolves, there are 18 star wolves, which have been repaired in the later stages of the gods. Of course, one of them has been killed by Ning Fan.

Above the eighteen stars, there are nine more blood wolves. Six blood-throated wolf-splitting peaks, three-headed and half-step smelting.

If you want to pass through the snow valley and enter the depths of the temple, you must kill the wolf and break the seal of the ice door. This is why Lu Daochen and others cannot enter the depths of the temple.

The greedy wolf is sleeping, as long as he can correct his sleep time and enter the snow valley, he will have the opportunity to sleep and kill him, thus unblocking the ice gate and crossing the snow valley!

This is the information collected by Lu Dao Chen for a few months since he died. He does not know that he is sleeping in a wolf, only knowing that he is a wolf king.

Within the valley, in the snow, Lu Dao dusted all the information, and the left eye continued to have black blood flowing out, and the feelings of the heart were lingering.

"I waited for the nine demon slayers to try to kill the wolf king and kill them, but they eventually failed. They were chased by the wolves. Among them, there were more than ten star wolves and nine blood wolves, especially powerful. Forced helpless, old man Exhausted the strength of the title, only to kill a seriously wounded blood wolf, scared the wolves, took the opportunity to escape, and finally got this blood wolf fruit... oh! Just can't think of it, the old man killed this fruit, but was landed The world burned and peeped, and came to fight in the field. If it was not for you, the old man was afraid that he had been burned by the land, planted the demon and became his slave... Don’t thank you!”

Lu Dao dusted his fists and thanked him. He deeply understood that if the non-Ning Fan appeared strongly, once he landed in the land, he would not have any good end.

"No need to thank." Ning Fan waved his hand and sank slightly.

If the land road dust information is conclusive, then it will not be able to enter the center of the temple without killing the wolf.

If you want to save Lu Wu's remnant and gain the inheritance of the Emperor, you must kill the wolf and cross the snow valley!

It is also a good thing to ask for a surname and a greedy wolf.

Devouring the body of Lu Wu, the greedy wolf repaired into a skyrocketing, breaking through the middle of the refining.

Killing a fierce beast in the middle of the smoldering, it seems crazy, but if the other side is in a state of sleep, it is not difficult to kill.

Eighteen star wolves and nine blood wolves seem to have a strong lineup, but Ning Fan's lineup is not weak. Once the wolves are destroyed, the sleeping wolf is just a smash!

"So, I waited for the moment to start, smashed the wolves, destroyed the greedy wolf, broke through the snow valley!" Ning Fan gaze, he is worried that the beast will be pursued, the action is naturally as fast as possible.

"This is not possible... The old man and others have failed to assassinate the Wolf King. They have missed the Sleeping Time of the Wolf King. The next seven miles may be when the Wolf King is awake. At this time, he will go to assassinate the Wolf King. If you are in danger, you will act again after the Seven Miles! During this seven-day period, you can adjust the demon power a little and raise the state to the peak. In order to prepare for the battle after the Seven Miles... the old man **, not too heavy, can not swallow this blood Wolf fruit. This fruit, you hold!"

Lu Dao dusted his face and put the blood wolf fruit into the hands of Ning Fan.

He killed the blood wolf, only for self-protection, accidentally got the fruit, this fruit is precious, but it is worth mentioning instead of saving Lu Wu.

Losing the power of the title, he doesn't care. This fruit is worth a lot, and he doesn't care.

He came here, only to repay, but also Lu Wu's soul!

Ning Fan helped him realize his wish and saved him once more. A **** wolf in the district is not enough to repay the favor.

"Blood wolf fruit!"

Ning Fan’s eyes are bright, and it’s no wonder that this road has caused the land to burn and fight. This kind of fruit, the fading power of the demon, will be worthy of the three gods!

Ning Fan needs strength and needs fruit. He will not pretend to refuse.

Just immediately take a storage bag, take out a six-turn healing remedy, and hand it to Ludao Dust.

"This way, I accepted it, you can take this medicine!"

An remedy, change a fruit!

Although the six-transfer medicinal herbs are precious, but for their own people, Ning Fan is never stingy.

And this blood wolf fruit, the meaning of Ning Fan is not small. Xinghai killed, he swallowed countless demon blood, saved a lot of demon power has not been refining, and alone to make the gods, there are still seven on his body.

With so many fruits and demon blood, Ning Fan can try to break through the middle of the demon, but he did not. One of the reasons is that refining and demonizing blood will inevitably require a lot of time.

But now, with this **** wolf, everything is different.

This kind of fruit, the demon power is different from the ordinary fruit.

If you take the blood wolf fruit and take this fruit as the center and concentrate on refining a demon blood, you will be able to break through the middle of the gods and press it to a very short time!

After the Seven Miles, it is a good time for the greedy wolf to sleep and launch an attack.

In this seven scorpions, with this blood wolf fruit, plus a demon blood, fruit, Ning Fan has the confidence to let the demon power break through the middle of the god!

The other seven demon sluts, seeing Lu Daochen, gave the fruit to Ning Fan, all showing the color of envy, but naturally did not dare to compete with Ning Fan.

But in my heart, there are a lot of sorrows, and I admire Ning Fan for luck.

"This Lubei casually gave Lu Dao a medicinal herb, but got a blood wolf fruit... Lubei earned a lot!"

This is the idea of ​​seven demon sluts, but it is not the idea of ​​Lu Daochen.

The alchemy of the land road dust is only five to intermediate level.

However, after taking one of the six-turn Dan bottles, he only smelled a trace of Danxiang and had not swallowed the medicinal herbs.

"This, is this..."

Lu Dao dust can't move. If he did not guess wrong, this Dan bottle is a six-turn medicinal drug - not dead.

If the refining monk is injured and takes one, it will greatly alleviate the injury.

If the **** monk is injured, take one, almost the medicine to the wound!

"This is expensive, the old man can't accept it!"

Land Road dust is the color road. He is not a guest, but it is too expensive for Ning Fan to take the medicinal herbs. For the monks of the gods, this undead dan is equal to a life at the time of serious injury!

The seven demons are all curious.

They have speculated that Ning Fan gave Lu Daogou what medicinal herbs, and even let the landlord dust known as the Master of the Masters move.

"Does Lubei give Ludao Dust, it will be five turn-ups!"

"No... We don't have a five-turned alchemy teacher in the 9th part of the Lu family. Where can this kind of immortality be?"

Seven people speculated, but no one guessed that the drug would be six turns.

And Ning Fan, since it is impossible to stupid to show off the wealth, explain this with the people who have nothing to do with this group.

Only a slight nod, indicating that Lu Dao dust can take the drug,

"You don't have to say anything, take it. The medicinal herbs are to be given to people. You are the teacher of the nephew. I am giving you the medicine."

Holding this Dan, Lu Dao sighed with sighs, mixed feelings, and finally took the drug, left eye black blood suddenly stopped.

"Lubei, this kindness, the old man is in mind!"


Ning Fan no longer speaks a lot, and does not look at other demon who look hot and hope to seek medicine.

Wei Xuan gave him the remedy, among the six turns, only three undead.

For Ning Fan, the three undead Dan are three lives. He is willing to give Lu Daochen, but it is impossible to give outsiders.

"There are still seven miles. When the wolf king is sleeping, I will leave for a while. After the Seven Miles, I will meet here."

Ning Fan let the women stay in the golden flame car, leaving black scorpion and dragon corpse protection. Tens of thousands of miles away, I chose an ice valley that was inaccessible, and used it as a sword to open a temporary cave house in the ice valley.

He wants to use the power of blood and wolves to make a mid-term in this seven miles!

Of course, the retreat process is necessary to pick up the ten famous gods that have just arrived. This process is not pleasing to the eye. He does not want the women to see their cruel side.

There are black cockroaches and dragon corpses guarded, and the women are not at risk.

The only thing that needs to be worried is the beast that may exist.

"I am a little uneasy, but in order to wait for the greedy wolf to sleep, these seven scorpions have to wait..."

Within the Dongfu, Ning Fan had a little eyebrow, took a fixed star plate, and raised it at a high altitude. Immediately, within a thousand miles of the ice cave, it was covered by a star map.

Inside the ice cave, the wind is cold.

Ning Fan closed his eyes and looked slightly struggling.

"You have to pick up the woman again. This time, it is the ten enchanting spirits of the Lingwang Palace..."

In the next moment, he struggled to disappear, his eyes open and his indifference was like ice.

"Just because it is an enemy, use Er and other Yuanyin, paving the way for me to repair the magic, why not! Now!"

The Ding furnace ring shook, and the ten glamorous, unconscious enchanting people were thrown by the ruthlessness of Ning Fan on the ice and snow.

The palm of the hand spit, the ten delicate drops of the virgin, all thin shirts shattered, ** Jiao body. All of them are deep and heavy, and they can't extricate themselves. On the white body, they all have a layer of intoxicating pink.

Occasionally, a few fascinating enchanting eyes, gazing at Ning Fan, are all expressions of hate and love.

What hates it is that it has been turned into a stove.

Love, but the deep palace **, and in the charm of the magic, at this moment, the legs are rubbed, the stocks are slippery and hot, only to be happy with Lang Yixi.

Ning Fan’s eyes are cold and cold. These dragons love him and hate him. He doesn’t care.

"The wicked, there must always be someone to do it!"

Ning Fan’s eyes sank, and his clothes faded, pressing on one of the women.

Holding the woman's smooth chin, licking the woman's lips, Ning Fan sneered,

"Nalan Zi, you have thought about it, there will be this!"

"Lu...Lubei...main family...sister...." Nalan purple humiliated her eyes, but she did not rebel, and Ren Ningfan licked her slippery **.

He is the main family, the only one who can save his sister...

It’s not good for me, I’m offended him, I even want to kill him...

As long as he can save his sister, even if he is innocent, let him be satisfied... Yeah, good...

"Well, um..."

Nalan Zi had to admit that Ning Fan’s skills were too high.

Every slap, one caress, for her, is a great **.

She clearly felt the infinite pleasure of the body, but only the heart, but remembered a sad past...

That heart, one by one through thief, yin and yang lock, reflected in the heart of Ning Fan.


Nalan purple screamed, fainted, and the tingling of her, which made her unbearable.

Ning Fan speeds up the frequency, and the strong impact stimulates Nalan's body.

Darkly running **, I am trying to make up for this woman, but after a while, a piece of sad heart, through the heart of Nalan Zi, into the heart of Ning Fan.

"At the age of seven, my sister and I witnessed the smog and smothers, witnessing the maiden being taken as a slave, being humiliated by a group of ugly men to death... that glimpse, my Nalan purple will never forget, and vowed to become stronger, To be more proud than anyone, to revenge, climb on their bones..."

"15 years old, I became the enchanting spirit of the Lingwang Palace. I have a younger sister. Her name is Nalan Ling. In the second month of my joining the Lingwang Palace, she was in front of my eyes and was eaten by the spirit king. The bones are gone... Later I know that she became a spiritual slave..."

(third more) (to be continued).

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