Grasping Evil

Chapter 333: You are not allowed to go!

The cloak of the great man appeared strong, and everything was only in the blink of an eye. //Welcome to read //.

The death of Lin Su, the threat of indifference of Dahan, a sentence, filled with the heart of the white devil, turned into a deep horror.

Not wrong! This cloak big man is repaired in the late stage of refining! It is a super master who can kill hundreds of gods!

And if the White Devil is not mistaken, this cloak is still injured and injured...

"This person's original repair is, what is the level!"

"Can't provoke, absolutely can't provoke!"

The duo was a thug who Lin Su invited, in order to help Lin Su win the stars.

Now that Lin Su is dead, let them add a super-improving emperor star to the late masters of the refining... They dare not!

"The key, the key is here..."

The two swallowed their throats and took out huge huge iceberg giant eggs from the storage bag and displayed them on the snow.

Then the two trembled and swayed toward the direction of Xingfeng, fearing,

"This is the key...the younger generation and so on, just retire..."

The white magic two old, think of the beauty, but also want to lead the white magic sect remnants, escape the Star Palace.

Only when the two took out the iceberg, immediately, it caused a dead robbery.

"Well, it is true that the atmosphere of this place is so good, although there are some changes, look at the situation, the original demon handsome death, the body was eaten by another refining..."

The cloak of the great man stepped down step by step, from the tens of thousands of miles away from the peak of the star, appeared in front of the snow valley ice eggs, indifferent,

"The star palace key, most of them are on this wolf... Since the key is handed over, you can wait for the white magician, you can die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cloaked man immediately grabbed the five fingers, seemingly acting freely, but immediately triggered an unimaginable void storm!

He was actually going to kill everyone in the field!

Even the land burns and succumbs are no exception!

Under this emptiness storm, the half-step smelting of the following gods, almost one face, all died!

The white demon two old faces changed greatly, roaring,

"You, you are not trustworthy! I have already handed over the keys, why not let me wait!"

"Jokes! This seat only says that you will hand over the keys. He once said that you will not die! In the full prosperity of this seat, the broken and the celestial beings are only counted as rations, and you can kill by waving! You are waiting for the zone, what is there? Qualification, preaching with this seat!"

The cloak of the big man pointed out, four blades of the void, to the incredible speed, to the land to burn four people.

This is just a random blow of the big man in the cloak, but the power is never weaker than the ordinary one in the early days!

There is a golden fan, and the golden flame is rolling, but all the golden flames touch the blade of the void, and immediately emit a sizzling sound, irreversible collapse.

Crushing the life jade, a light of the level of protection, flashing in the body.

However, Fang Yi was attacked by the virtual blade, the mask was broken, and the triple was broken. The squatting was seriously injured and the life was suspended!

Qufu is so embarrassed, the white demon is even more unbearable.

They were previously attacked by Black Dragon Black Skull. When they snatched the ice eggs, they were injured by Ning Fan’s fist and the injury was long gone.

At this moment, facing the blade of the Void, the two of them immediately defended themselves with magic weapons.

"Ice basalt, disease!"

"Wind and snow, bottle, town!"

The two magic weapons are half-step virtual treasures, but this level of magic weapon, only one contact, will be crushed by the virtual blade!

The two men’s armored armor was smashed, but they collapsed. They were smashed by the virtual blade. It was actually the end of the physical annihilation. There were only two gods, and the prince picked up the storage bag and was afraid. Take out a hole in the sky, the two actually hide into the hole!

Only the land was burned, not injured, facing the blade of the void, he did not hesitate to pay for his real name Ziyang Ziyang Mirror.

Squirting a blood, not into the mirror, under the control of the land boundary, the purple mirror shot tens of thousands of purple light, and they collided with the virtual blade.

It’s just tens of thousands of purple lights. It’s still not burned out by the virtual blade. It’s been hit by a virtual blade. It’s on the mirror of Ziyang. It’s a good end and it’s broken into two halves. I wonder if there is any possibility of repairing...

Although not injured, but lost heavy treasures, the land burned is not calm.

"A single blow, broken virtual treasure! This person's strength, too shocking!"

The land was burned in shock, and his dream of his life was to break through the smoldering and become the demon-like existence.

But in front of the big man in front of the cloak, the ordinary meditation is not worth mentioning, only the second is killed.

And this big man, the tone is too mad, claiming that when he is in full bloom, killing the virtual, the immortal master is like an ant!

When the person is in full bloom, what level is the master!

This person cannot be defeated!

"Quit the Emperor, withdraw!"

The land was not willing to burn, and he was not willing to work hard to plan the emperor star, just pass by.

Just not reconciled, facing the master of the cloak, he did not even have the strength to resist.

Take a storage bag and take out a black-and-golden array.


The land burned a series of moves, making the cloak big man slightly moved.

"I don't think you have a virtual treasure..."

Just watching the land burns want to run, the cloak is not only sneer.

"Looking in this seat, you can't run!"

The cloak of the big man saw at a glance that the land was burned out and it was a certain array of escapes, and it was disdainful.

Dahan does not think that someone can escape from his palm with a plate.

Five fingers into the claws, caught in the Wujin array, immediately, the Wujin array trembled, almost shattered, but not broken.

This made the land-burning face look great, and finally ignited the array of light, the light-colored array of light added, only one flashing, but broke into the void, nowhere to go.

This made the cloak big man a little surprised.

"Broken the virtual array! Can break open the void, with the help of the power of the void, a tens of millions of miles... This thing is not a possession of a monk, but it does not have to have a big idea, but let this person escape!"

It was only a matter of moments when the land was burned.

The gaze of the cloaked man immediately turned into the hidden space of the white demon.

"Hidden in the treasure of the cave? There are always some ants, thinking that you have smashed a hole in the sky, you can hide in the cave when you are in danger, and the enemy will not hurt, it is ridiculous! In front of the cultivating monks, ordinary cave days The space of the treasure, just a light tear, is enough to break..."

The cloak of the big man was caught in the empty space of the white demon and the old man, and there was a great tearing force between the two, and the space was crushed!

The space collapsed, the white magic two old vomiting blood appeared, the eyes were scared, in the hands of both of them, holding a broken hole of the heavens treasure.

"Impossible! Even if it is a cultivating a monk, you can tear open the space of the cave, and you can't make the treasure of the cave ruin. This kind of thing, only that kind of creature can do it... The old man knows, you are not a human race, you are... Beast!"

"You know too much! Give this seat to die!"

The cloak of the big man is no longer merciless, and he points a little. A huge finger force is above the two gods. The force spreads, the gods tremble, and the cloak is separated by a trick, and the income is in the sleeve!

In the field, only the cloak of the big man and the squatting one.

He was hit by the virtual blade, and Qu Wei was almost seriously injured and could not be used.

Seeing it, you have to be like a white demon, and you will die.

Qufu's expression, unyielding, biting his tongue, forcibly ejected a golden blood, and there was a piece of gold in the blood.

"Jin Lin talent, blood dyed Jiangshan!"

Dye the river with gold blood, borrow the golden light from the sky!

This golden blood spouted, and immediately there were countless golden blood spilling over the skin, flowing out of the body, and scattered into the sky.

For a time, within the days of Zhou, it was Jin Guanglin's shadow. The dazzling golden light was the glare of the cloak, and it was impossible to see the movement of Qufu.

"See you next time, I will kill it!" Qufu left a sentence, in the golden light, only stunned.

Only after he left, the cloak of the big man’s eyes was condensed, cold and cold,

"A good arrogant boy! If you don't see you in the Jinlin ethnic group, this seat will not break your blood-stained technique! What is the son of the demon king Qun... Oh, if it is not the seat and your ancestors Friendship, killing you is just a matter of turning hands! Broken!"

The cloak of the great man grabbed it, and the light of the golden sky was like a mirror, and it was broken!

From this point of view, in addition to the land boundary burning and escape is the great intention of the great man, succumbing to escape, there is a big man in the water.

For this group of incarnations, the cloak of the big man is interested, he only wants to get the key to the Star Palace quickly, waiting for Yuan Yao to cast the net.

Looking at the egg of the Wanzhang iceberg, the big man took a shot, enough to withstand the dozens of gods attacking the unbreakable ice, and it collapsed.

The corpse of the greedy wolf, which was frozen in the mountains, slammed into the snow in front of the cloak.

Greedy wolf, can be described as the most unlucky master of the Star Palace, no one!

In the middle of a refining of the end of the good end, it was stirred up by Ning Fan, and the life was gone.

Of course, the big man in the cloak is also unlucky. When he noticed that the ice-cream was broken and the sleeping wolf had no life, he immediately changed his face.

"Dead! Sleeping demon, why is it dead? Well? The demon blood has been drained!"

An extremely unpleasant feeling, rising in the heart of the cloak.

Without hesitation, the corpse of the greedy wolf blew into a **** fog, but there was no residue of any key.

"No key! How can there be no key!"

A feeling of being deceived, rushing into my heart, angry cloaked man, a long sleeve, taking out the destructive **** of the white demon, and one finger awakens the two, and asks sharply.

"The key, where!"

Was seriously injured by the big man, and was stunned by the big man. At this moment, he was awakened again. The white devil and the old man were somewhat unclear, and asked suddenly.

"The key? The key is in the hands of the Wolf King..."

"You are lying!"

‘嘭’, the big man crushed one of the old gods and stared at the other.

This time, the other old was completely awakened, and he finally remembered how powerful and horrible the cloak in front of him was.

"Before, the predecessors, how can the keys be lost, I took the wolf king's demon egg, have not opened it..."

The old man tried hard to defend, but when he saw the eyes of the big Han in the green and cold, he knew that Dahan’s answer to him... was not satisfied!

It seems that it is dying. The old man’s mind is suddenly very flexible and the gods are clear.

He seems to remember that before he took the ice eggs, he was once placed on the ice eggs and punched.

"Is it the key to take the key from Lubei! Yes, it must be Lubei! I am waiting for the ice egg, but he does not chase it. There is only one explanation... This person already knows that there is no key in the ice egg! The key, I am afraid Just on him!"

The old man decided to pour dirty water to Ning Fan, and it happened that the old man guessed the facts and the key was on Ning Fan.

"Who is Lubei!" asked the cloak.

"Lubei is..."

The old man rekindled hope for the light, as long as he tried to please the big man in the cloak, maybe he could survive.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the brutality of the Dahan.

"Too trouble, you don't have to say it, this place directly searches for the soul!"


A great power of God's thoughts invades the old man's knowledge of the sea, causing his knowledge to break down and the gods to smash.

The old man who searched for the dead, the cloak of the big man with no trace of mercy, no green eyes, a look of great surprise.

"Found it! ** 婢! I can't think of you hiding around this Lubei!"

From the memory of the old man, the cloak big man did not find the key drop, but directly found the Yuan Yao drop!

In the memory of the old man, the incarnation of the woman who stood behind Ning Fan, covered with veil, and looks like a wounded, is undoubtedly Yuan Yao!

"** Hey! This time, you can't run away! Lubei, oh!"

The cloak Dahan sneered, nothing happened, and he was more happy than finding Yuan Yao’s whereabouts.

As long as you kill Yuan Yao, his mission can be completed!

He closed his eyes, cruel smile, stronger than the life of the gods, madly scatter!

He was injured, and he was greatly hurt, but if he was fighting for a wound, he could still borrow one from God.

And with the help of God, a slap in the face, the display of some extremely sturdy Gods secret surgery, this surgery, the big man induced injuries, vomiting blood fell back to the middle of the illusion.

"The art of the world!"

The technique of the world of mind is a unique secret technique of the beasts of the beasts.

As long as it exists in a small world, and this technique is applied, God can blend with this boundary soul and perceive everything in this world!

In the Star Palace, this scene can be used in the eyes of all the people in the Star Palace.

"found it!"

Dahan suddenly opened his eyes and immediately stepped out, turning into a virtual wind, and a trip was 200,000 miles!

"Lubei, 婢 婢, where to escape!"

With the help of the world of thought, he drank a magical sound, and the heavenly palace has countless interfaces, and under one glimpse, it collapses!

The power of the collapse, to the speed of the imagination, to the Golden Flame car!

Beyond the void, a group of Tianjiao is trying to enter the Star Palace, and I don’t know that the Star Palace has changed a lot.

"I heard that, White Devils Lin Suzi, entered the Star Palace, he claimed that he would take out the defeat of Zichuan's Lubei, so that he would humiliate this person! That Lubei, fear is dead!" A short young man sighed .

"Should not? I don't know who Lubei is, but this person can defeat Zichuan. For four days, it is considered to be a master of Qingjun. Perhaps Lubei is not as good as Lin Su, but it is unlikely that he will die in Lin Su’s hands. ..." another fat man opposed.

"You still don't believe it! I heard that Lubei is only the lower bound ants, the lower bound ants, can win the Zichuan are lucky, to know, Lin Su can be more powerful than Zichuan, is the late stage of the gods!"

Only his words just fell, the entire star palace in front of him, under the magic sound of a peerless master, shaking!

"Lubei, 婢 婢, where to escape!"

The owner of this voice seems to be injured and repaired as a big loss.

But the hidden momentum in this discourse is enough to show that before this life, it must be a peerless master!

"The real thing is really immortal! This person said a word, the star palace trembles, he will be a true fairy who fell into the realm of injury! This real fairy in the Star Palace, we must not enter the Star Palace to die!"

"From this real fairy, it seems that he is chasing, is a man and a woman... the unnamed name of the woman, the male... but Lubei!"

"Lubei! The one who defeated Zichuan! He is not only the initial cultivation of the gods, how to get into the real world!"

"From this person's tone to open, it seems that chasing Lubei, even can not catch up with the same ... This Lubei can escape the true immortal kill! He is too supernatural!"

Beyond the Star Palace, nearly a hundred forces and tens of thousands of Tianjiao are moving together!

Everything, just because they heard a real scream!

Everything, just because they heard that there is a young man named Lubei who can escape the true immortal killing!

"Who is Lubei!"

One by one, the arrogant eyes above the top, all show reverence, they want to see, how enchanting people can escape the true immortal in the early days of the gods!


The young man was stunned. Just now he said that he would die in Lin Su’s hand. At this moment, Lu Beilian’s true hunters can run and will be killed by Lin Su?

Even if Lin Suru meets Lubei, it will be an enemy of Lubei!

"Kid, you got into trouble! You said that Lubei bad words, be careful that he went out of the Star Palace and repaired you!" Several companions joked.

But the youngsters are not at all funny.

"Mom! Laozi said that because he said two words, he offended a monk? A monk who can escape the true immortal!"

"Not good! I want to run fast!"

This voice, in the context of the world, is far and far.

The series of collapses caused by the void, although only collapsed in the Temple of Heaven, caused the three seas of the Temple to be tsunami and violently shaken.

In the center of the temple, Ningfan Jinyan car gallops all the way, sinking like iron.

The feeling of uneasiness in my heart is confirmed!

"Lubei, 婢 婢, where to escape!"

This roar of voice almost collapsed all the palaces of the Temple of Heaven!

In the midst of the crash, countless Netherstorms followed, hanged behind the Golden Flame, and chased after.

Only when the golden flame car stops for a moment, will immediately be swallowed by the Netherstorm!

"Lubei brother... Who is this, so good, I am so scared... He wants to chase us, why!" Almost with a cry.

"He is... the beast!"

Ning Fan said a word, but immediately in the maiko, stunned, volley of the three women, causing a huge wave.

"Bound beast?! Is the kind of beast that lives in the void, preying on the immortals for rations?! This beast, why should we chase us!" The three women were shocked.

"Because I...Sorry, it's all my fault... Lubei, I am gone, I won't be tired of you... He has shown the skills of the world, can see everything here, as long as I am gone, you will be fine. ..."

Yuan Yao bites her teeth. She knows that she is at the moment, facing the beasts, she will be nine dead, but she does not want to drag Ning Fan.

"What a stupid thing! I said, it is necessary to protect you!"

Ning Fan frowned, if he left Yuan Yao, then the road he walked along would be meaningless.

"But I am afraid that I will be tired..."

"Nothing! We must escape, we must escape together!"

Ning Fan’s gaze was decided, and this decidedly made Yuan Yao’s heart warm, but he was even more reluctant to be tired.

"Sorry, I still can't hurt you..."

At last she looked at Ning Fan and suddenly jumped forward and jumped toward the golden flame car.

"North Yao!"

"North Yao sister!"

All the women are surprised, so many scorpions get along, some feelings are always there.

"come back!"

Ning Fan frowned, jumped up and grabbed Yuan Yao, very tight and tight.

"You, don't let go!" (To be continued.

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