Grasping Evil

Chapter 363: Tomb of the Emperor

What Xu Xuan Ling brings is undoubtedly a good news. .

The ancestor of Dongxu is the teacher of Xu Qiuling. If he can break through the period of refining, he is a good thing for Ning Fan, Xu Qiuling and Huan Magic Island.

No longer delaying, Ning Fan pushes the door out and pulls Xu Qiuling to the Su River.

It seems that because I like the scenery of the Su River very much, Dong Xuan specially opened up an underwater cave house and practiced under the Su River. This also avoids being overwhelmed by excessive joy masters after exposing his identity.

Ning Fan asked Xu Qiuling in detail about the situation of Dong Xuan. He learned that the original Dong was not officially closed. After all, breakthroughs in simplification are not the same, and they must be prepared before this.

For example, the choice of a retreat place, such as getting a six-turn medicinal remedy _ voyeur, to improve the success rate of breaking through the simplification period. For example, during the retreat, the arrangement of the cave island, and so on.

For example, the obstacles after breaking through the realm.

These are very real problems. With the foundation of the hole, it is natural to have these problems.

Ning Fan rushed to find the hole, but it was to give other help to the hole.

For the half-step refining, whether it can break through the smoldering, the key point is whether it can reach the realm of ‘peeping virtual.’

For Ning Fan, the ‘Question’ level has been completed, and even higher than the **** level. The understanding of the power of the void alone, Ning Fan absolutely does not know beyond the hole.

If he incorporates the feelings of emptiness into the power of a void, and gives it to the emptiness of the hole, it will certainly help the cave to make a little help.

If he tells the hole of his own feelings that he has broken through the temperament of the meditation, it is also good for the improvement of the mood of the hole.

He can help, only thinking about these two points for the time being.

"Big Brother, is there any way to help Linger's teacher to improve the chance of a grading of the 'three to five percent'?" Xu Qiu Ling Ming dying, in her eyes, Ning Fan is omnipotent.

"You really can't afford to see me... increase your chances of three to five. Do you think I am a 'too virtual' monk? Or do you think I am a six-turn alchemy?"

Ning Fan laughed and pinched Xu Qiu Ling's soft palm. This silly girl can really look at herself.

"Big brother is in the eyes of Linger, no one can compare, omnipotent." Xu Qiu Ling as the past affection.

"Stupid girl, no one is impossible, you have not seen it, standing at the peak of the world... Even if it is the emperor, it is not necessarily unparalleled... but you can rest assured that he is your master, the older brother naturally wants Help him."

Ning Fan nodded and he was never stingy from his family.

He is indeed selfish. It is selfish to foreigners. Only when you are a foreigner can you be generous to your own family. This is the same reason.

"Big brother, you are so good to Linger!"

Xu Qiu Ling was in a moment of emotion, and actually turned sideways, gently blocking in front of Ning Fan, and sent a kiss.

Her kiss skills are still very raw, except for the night of the cave, in the five months of Gusu, she did not have too many happy opportunities with Ning Fan.

Compared with the body, she pays more attention to the enjoyment of the soul. She likes to shrink in Ning Fan's arms, just like this embrace is her world.


She gave a gentle, breathless, her love came like the rain in June, and once it surged, it was unstoppable.

Tasting the sweet lips of Xu Qiuling, Ning Fan has a heart.

After Gusu’s five-month life, he took off his black shackles and exchanged them for a white cloak. It seems that he has found some mortal leisure.

He also gradually fell in love with the woman's lips and tongue, and gradually realized the embarrassment of the old devil.

"The road to magic repair, you must not lose women and wine."

Women and wine are the best ways to calm down.

Seeing the beauty of love, Ning Fan will not live up to the sweet kiss of the beautiful. Suo surnamed the ancestors of the dynasty is not in a hurry, far from the moment of formal retreat, Ning Fan will also relax.

In this way, Xu Qiu Ling was hugged and placed flat on the orchid grass in the river bank. She held her tightly and pressed it under her body.

Xu Qiuling is really a good woman. If she loves Ning Fan, she will not reject all his requirements and try to cater to Ning Fan's request.

On the bank of the river bank, there was a squeaky sound.

Of course, no one can see the glamorous things of Ning Fan and Xu Qiuling. The reason is that Ning Fan has spurred the retreat of the heavens and concealed the two figures, only visible to each other.

If Wei Zu knew that he was sitting on the condensed seduce, he was taken by Ning Fan to please the beautiful woman. I wondered what it was like.

Ning Fan has changed, and it has really changed.

At the age of 16, he guarded the paper crane, put a black feather on the outside of the white coat, and broke into the magic road.

At the age of 360, he was killing all the way, and his body and mind were exhausted. At this juncture, he met Lu Yuer and met Xu Qiuling. His heart was nourished by a woman, and he once again recovered his bleakness.

The paper crane is the reverse scale of Ning Fan, and Xu Qiuling is the gentle township of Ning Fan.

Taking advantage of Xu Qiu Ling's chest fullness, moving in the slippery and hot and tender, Ning Fan is so convinced at this moment, living is happy.

Xu Qiuling responded to Ning Fan's hot kiss and swayed his waist to meet Ning Fan's movements.

She is very happy, just like that year, the butterfly, used the orchids.

It was only in the afterlife that she was still willing to be picked up by the butterfly and did not ask for a return.

It was dark in the evening, and the two entangled bodies were each wearing their clothes and removing the light of the sky.

"Big, big brother, go find Master yourself, help him break through the smoldering. Linger looks like this, it is not convenient to see people..."

Xu Qiuling looked at the small mirror with his face, looked at the hickey of his neck, and the flushed red color. He gently licked Ning Fan and ran back to the house.

That look is like blaming Ning Fan is not.

"You are the one who seduce me first..."

Ning Fan looked at the back of Xu Qiu Ling, and suddenly felt a little touch.

In the past, I only killed and struggled, and I didn’t care much about the women. Should I give them the care of Xu Qiuling?

He found that his state of mind was really open, and this may be the reason why his state of mind broke through the early days of refining.

It was Xu Qiuling. This woman saw the pressure in Ning Fan’s heart and helped him to vent his pressure.

"Master, I gradually understand your embarrassment. If there is a choice, the millennium may be more suitable for me, to be happy, to enjoy the happiness of the monastic. But I have no choice, I can only use a pitiful hundred years. Go to fight for fate... I can't lose!"

Ning Fan’s eyes gradually calmed down, and there was no longer a trace of her daughter’s love.

The next thing to talk to the hole is to be a business.


Ning Fan stepped out in one step and turned it into a little sword light. It tens of thousands of miles in a moment and did not enter the bottom of the Su River.

In front of a crystal palace at the bottom of the river, Ning Fan took a footstep and calmly stepped in.

The main hall of the Crystal Palace, Dong Xuan is looking at a jade slip on the case, which was given by Ning Fan.

It records the Ming Dynasty Emperor's understanding of the power of the void, but although the Ming Wu is brilliant, it may not be suitable for the understanding of the hole at the moment.

The interpretation of the power of the void in the ancient times contains five stages: voyeurism, questioning, rushing, imaginary, and smashing. Nature is brilliant and difficult to understand.

Dong Xuan Wu is a very high surname, can cultivate to the seven people in the inner sea, Wu surname can be low?

However, with his enlightenment, he could only touch a trace of the void from the jade, and wanted to thoroughly understand the key points.

Too elegant music, called Yangchun Baixue, may not be suitable for the taste of the popular and the common, and the music of the lower Riba people is more likely to resonate.

One truth.


The hole sighed and sighed, and the jade was replayed in several cases.

Obviously touched the bottleneck of refining the virtual, but can no longer further comprehend the power of the void, and enhance the opportunity to break through the simplification.

"Difficult... It’s really hard to break through the realm of refining the virtual world..."

Immediately after this sigh, a chuckle was introduced.

"Oh? When there is a fear in the hole, you have to ask for the road. It is very difficult. If you don't have the fear of danger, how can you climb to a higher level! Life is not good, it is one or two. It’s normal, the road friend is in the same phase!”

Ning Fan’s eyes are inexplicably smiling, and the figure appears in the main hall.

His arrival did not make Dong Xuan too surprised, but his words, like a spring thunder, twitching and smashing the top, let the hole stunned and repented.

so close!

Ning Fan's words, although it is a smile, but it is undoubtedly awakening.

Fang Caidong was fascinated and fascinated. He was frustrated and disheartened. He made a real jealousy...

If Fei Ningfan wakes up aloud, I am afraid that this failure will leave the shadow of the hole and the heart, so that after breaking through the smoldering, the demons will appear and remind him that he cannot succeed.

It was Ning Fan’s words that saved his path of cultivation!

"Haha, thank you Zhou Daoliang for your advice! Well? Linger didn't come with you..."

Xu Qiuling was not present, and the hole was actually commensurate with Ning Fan’s friends.

Not only because of the strength of Ning Fan, but also with the seven seas in the sea. Moreover, because of the sacred admiration of Ning Fan’s insights, he was eager to appreciate Ning Fan’s heart name.

The Taoist friends are so good that it is no better than it is.

In the eyes of Kong Xuan, with inexplicable smiles, he deliberately took a few more eyes on Ning Fan's sleeves.

Ning Fan's sleeves, there are many women's rouge gouache stains, do not have to guess, Ning Fan has just confirmed and Xu Qiu Ling double-double repair.

In this way, it is natural to guess with the heart of the hole, Xu Qiu Ling does not come, it will be after the double repair, can not see people.

“Zhou Daoyou, the spring breeze, the understanding of people’s clothing, is not simple, not simple!”

Ning Fan shook his head without words, who can think of the endless sea supreme characters, will privately joke with Ning Fan.

"Let's gossip, talk to you, your situation, I have already heard Linger. You broke through the smoldering, it is a good thing, I can help you, in addition to the jade of the void, and The other two places can be slightly pointed out."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Dong Xuan was quite surprised. He did not expect that Ning Fan could point to his two places.

If the average person says "I want to point you out" to the hole, then the hole must be turned over and think that others are humiliating themselves.

However, when Ning Fan is different, Ning Fan will completely conquer the hole in the jade. The deep feelings are not the possession of the gods, the deep understanding of Ning Fan, and the feeling of the hole is small and humble.

Dong Xu believes that Ning Fan is not a generation of people, he said that he can point to two places and can point to two places.

"First, regarding the state of mind, I can point my friends a little."

"Mood! Right! Your state of mind is in the battle of annihilation, breaking through the smoldering, is what the old man saw with his own eyes!"

When the hole is full of joy, he knows that Ning Fan is not an empty talker.

Today's hole is nothing but a half-step meditation. If the emptiness of the body can get the sentiment of Ning Fan's state of mind improvement, it will be of great benefit to take the lead in breaking through the simplification of meditation.

"Dare to ask friends, in addition to the guidance of the mood, there are other gifts for the old man!"

The sinister expression is sincere, and there is no shame that Ning Fan’s ‘gifts of creation’ can be seen in his heart, how high he is to Ning Fan.

"Second, I can tell my friends about my grasp of the power of the void, although I don't know how much I can help my friends, but I don't think the friends will be disappointed."

Ning Fan's fingertips, a trace of dark lines through the fingers, is the power of the void.

In a moment, the hole is like a sluggish, shocking and difficult!

He thought that he was already very tall and looking at Ning Fan, but this silky line made him discover again that he had looked down on Ning Fan!

The power of the void! Ning Fan was able to control the power of a void!

There is only one explanation, and there is only one explanation...

"Does the Taoist friend break through the difficult question?"

The tone of the hole is slightly sharp because of the excitement.

Asking the virtual hardship is harder than voyeurism!

Peeping at the imaginary is just a glimpse of the imaginary power, but asking for imaginaryness not only includes snooping, but also includes control!

It’s just a glimpse of the virtual bottleneck, and it’s almost suffocating and almost cold.

And Ning Fan has broken through to the question of the virtual! Asked about the virtual barrier, even countless initial refining, are stuck!

This means that as long as the opportunity is sufficient, Ning Fan has been practicing all the way to the middle of the refining... It is not difficult!

"Monster! You are such a monster!" The emptiness of the eyes looked at Ning Fan, and he sighed in his mouth.

Can a monk who has not yet refining the emptiness break through the question of emptiness?

A monk who has not yet broken, can master the spirits and avatars?

Ning Fan did it!

He is not a monster!

"I gave the friendly side, but the Taoist friend said that I am a monster. It seems that it is not appropriate?" Ning Fan joked.

"Of course it is not appropriate! Daoyou give me these two benefits, at least it can help me to improve the chance of breakthrough! Do not want to look down on this chance, the ordinary monks break through the simplification, can have a chance of success It’s hard. Dao’s friends have given me such great benefits. I need to repay my friends...”

"Oh? There are still good things in the hole, and you can repay me?" Ning Fan laughed, and he remembered vaguely that all the holes in the sky and the Lingling mine were given to himself.

What good things are there in the hole?

"Do you forget the Taoist friend? I also have two benefits that have not been given to you."

"Oh? I want to hear the details." Ning Fan received a smile, serious.

"The first one, the old man's eyebrows, the blood of the true fairy, can count one thing for the Taoist friend. The Taoist friend can remember to use it. Second, the old man told you that I have one third of the tomb of the Emperor. Map, can you remember?"

"The tomb of Lei Huang? I have heard this tomb. I also spoke in the memory of Zi Yan and others. It is said that the tomb of the Emperor of Lei is the property of the Zhouhai family. It seems to be the relic of the 'Lei Zhou Lei Huang'. It is a small treasure that is not low in quality. It can be of great benefit to cultivate in it. How to know it is not known. It seems that it needs to be entered. But it takes a map to enter this tomb. Since Zhou returned to the open sea, it is still the first. I heard it."

"Oh, that is a good place. It is the great advantage that Zhou Huang left to the endless sea of ​​the monks. In fact, the place where the old man broke through the refining, the most wanted is the tomb of the thunder." The map of one is also barely drawn by the old man several times."

"A breakthrough in the tomb of Lei Huang?"

Ning Fan suddenly became interested in the tomb of Lei Wang.

The general monk breaks through the refining, and most of them will choose the legacy palace, because it saves time.

The remaining half will probably choose to break through in the void. After all, although the void is slow to practice, it is more dangerous, but it is easier to see.

Ning Fan has guessed that most of the holes will choose one of them to close the smoldering. I could not think of the choice of the tomb of Lei Huang.

The mysterious nature of the tomb of the Thunder Emperor, can make the hole is obsessed with it.

The tomb!

Ning Fan suddenly remembered the words of the land burned.

Lu Bianchang once said that he was a monk who had entered the imperial tomb. Is it the tomb of Lei Huang?

The tomb of Lei Huang, the Zhou Leihuang, the owner of the endless sea, the rumor has died...

Really dead?

"Dare to ask the cave friends, why is the endless sea not bound by the law of the rain temple!" Ning Fan seems to have doubts.

“Do you think Daoyou?” Dong Xuan mysteriously laughed.

"I used to think that the reason why the endless sea is not controlled by the rainy world is because there is a broken and seclusion in this place, but now I think about it, maybe not. It may also be the tomb of the Emperor of Lei Emperor, which is said by the Taoist friend. Some kind of interest, so that they have scruples, and therefore privileged endless sea privileges."

"The Taoist friends used to guess only half of them. Now they only guess half of them. Yes, there are two reasons for the rain temple to give up control of the endless sea. One is for the tomb of the Emperor, and the other is because of that person. 'It seems that death is not dead, still let the rain hall deeply jealous. That person, still alive! Did not die like a rumor! The so-called tomb, is also an illusion! The news of that person alive, in addition to the rain temple high-rise, and I and other inland seas Seven, no one knows!"

"That man?" Ning Fan’s gaze, the land burnt and the hole, seemed to be very clear about the existence of ‘that person’.

"Yes, that person! That person is... not Zhou Leihuang, Lei Huang is still alive!"

There was a flash of enthusiasm in the eyes of the hole.

Not Zhou Leihuang, is a legend!

He was able to realize the surname of the surname, the crown of the nine worlds, and the three kings of the sword battle unbeaten!

He created the tomb of the Emperor of Lei, and has an extremely mysterious power, so that every rainy world is crazy!

"Not Zhou Leihuang!"

Ning Fan took a deep breath and he could feel the weight of the name.

The three kings of the sword-only world, this record is even more sharp than the white sword sword **** defeated the sword.

But I don't know if this is not the case of the Emperor Lei, but how!

(third more) (to be continued.)

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