Grasping Evil

Chapter 366: The owner of the Xuanyin world!

In the whole integer month, Ning Fan and a thousand women meet, and the second level of practice has almost been cultivated to the extreme. .

More than a thousand women have gone through the rain and lost their lives. After serving Ning Fan, they began to practice on the island of Molan.

Within the bedroom, Ning Fan closed his eyes and said nothing. Around him, there were ice spirits, moon spirits, wind girls, tea women and women taking food naked, and the lips and tongues were lingering.

Under him, there are binoculars of the Nalan purple blind, carefully guarding the lips with Ning Fan, and serving the Ning Fan with the unique technique of the Ziyan family.

Under the service of the ladies, it is enough to make any man crazy, chaotic, and prefer to be like a stone, not to be moved.

The more the exercises are improved, the calmer they are in the face of women, and the less they will be confused by the illusion of magic.

In a sense, it is not unreasonable that Ning Fan’s state of mind is strong.

Throughout the night, walking around in the flowers, but also restraining yourself from committing beasts and not bullying the furnace, this is a great test of the mood for men.

"Master, has not broken through..." Bing Ling holding Ning Fan's waist, desperate to slap the tenderness of the chest on Ning Fan.

The other women are also very close to each other, and they are all in a good position to help Ning Fan break through.

Nalan Zi is very hard, and the soft lips are smashing the heat of Ning Fan.

For her sister, she dedicated her body to Ning Fan. She didn't know if Ning Fan would lie to her. She could only work harder to please Ning Fan, let Ning Fan happy, and let Ning Fan be willing to keep her promise.


Nalan Zi’s tongue was a little numb, and she had already fooled Ning Fan for two hours, but Ning Fan did not vent her body, which shows how her heart name can bear.

"Master, can I get it with my hands... My mouth is a little numb, I want to rest for a while..." Nalan Zi asked cautiously, where there was a sable in the past.

"No, you have to rest, you have suffered."

Ning Fan patted Nalan Zi’s dagger and nodded to the other women, indicating the girls to rest for a while.

Ice Ling and other women promised to retire, but in the eyes it is inevitable that some loss, can not help Ning Fan, is a feeling of failure.

Nalan Zi bites her lip and is also retreating. She can't please Ning Fan. She is very self-blaming, of course, she blames her sister.

The women retired, and there was only one person in the room. After the inside of the fairy vein, the brow was wrinkled.

"Why hasn't broken the practice method, it has been mentioned in the yin and yang transformation method. When the third layer breaks through, the sky will be the door of the yin and yang fish. This door has appeared for a few months, but my practice still has not broken... ”

"Is there something missing..."

Ning Fan seems to have realized, wearing a cloak, and the outside of the door is as cool as water.

Look up at the sky, outside the array of light, the night is slightly stunned, a round of yin and yang fish cross the totem, emerges in the sky.

A black and white yin and yang fish seems to cover all the truth in the world.

There are good and evil, good and bad, there are men and women, there are yin and yang, there will be death in life, there will be white in black...

Ning Fan's heart is more concentrated. When this sentiment rises, he faintly feels that his yin and yang have a sign of breakthrough, but the sentiment is not enough, leading to a breakthrough in the practice.

"With the women's double repair, I have done enough. If it is still not broken, the problem is not on the double repair. I am afraid that my understanding of the word Yin and Yang is not enough."

"Yin and Yang... What is yin and yang... The ancient dynasty of the ancient emperor passed the practice of yin and yang, clearly covering the world road, why use the most intimate men and women to explain..."

"The truth in the yin and yang is too deep, but just because it is a double practice, it will be named as garbage, and the world is too arbitrary."

"Xiao Youer was so persistent, why is it that the practice of yin and yang has changed. If she practices this technique, is it not to men, or women?"

"The ancient emperor used to learn from the Emperor of the Purple Emperor, and stripped the yin and yang from the reincarnation of the Purple Emperor. This martial art may be famous in Taikoo, but it is only after the end of the world, but it has become a silver thief. s method."

"Silver thief!"

Ning Fan suddenly blinked, and he seemed to grasp the key.

Is it really shameless to have double men and women? How can anyone in the world be born without men and women?

What is wrong is not double repair, but the use of yin and yang.

When the rumor was too ancient, there were three thousand women in the Yellow Emperor, and the white dragonfly soared.

If the yin and yang become lost in the hands of the ancients, he must also be the kind of romantic, not happy.

However, if this method falls into the hands of the silver thief, it is tantamount to becoming a shameless technique of collecting silver flowers.

Wrong is never a practice, but a person who uses the exercises!

Ning Fan suddenly understood what it was, and the scene in his heart flashed past the passing lights.

With the yin and yang transformation method, he has subdued countless women, and with the magical use of thief, he has sprung through many women's secrets.

All of this is shameless to the world, and Ning Fan will only be regarded as a erotic.

But the **** is the surname, what is wrong? Or destroying the surname, destroying the heart, no desire, no ruthlessness, is it the right way...

What is right, what is wrong!

Ning Fan’s mind gradually became chaotic, he could not see through!

Surviving surnames and ruthlessness, this is two different avenues between heaven and earth. The insights involved are too deep, and Ning Fan cannot think through.

struggle! In his heart, he struggled again!

Like a demon, I asked Ning Fan's heart, mocked him, and despised him.

The devil’s voice declared that the way of Ning Fan is wrong!

When the heart is more and more raging, Ning Fan reveals the twilight, a palm hammer in the heart, a few drops of blood in the mouth, it is a palm shattered heart.

He is Ning Fan, and he can be seen by the demons!

He has an unparalleled arrogance!

Gradually calm down!

"I, conscience!"

"Killing is wrong, but in order to protect the country and kill the enemy, what is wrong!"

"Save people is right, but if you save the wolf of Dong Guo, you will be right!"

"Silver insult is wrong, but I would rather ask myself if the woman who is recruited is a vengeful one. I dare not say that I am right, but I have no worries!"

"According to the destiny is right, but if the end of the destiny is to let me live and die, let me be blind and sorrowful, this fate, I will never yield!"

"I understand!"

Ning Fan looked up at the sky, and he finally understood that the yin and yang fish that can be seen everywhere in the world of cultivation can contain some mystery.

The word yin and yang is irrelevant. Heaven is ruthless, and because of ruthlessness, everyone can be treated equally.

Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly stunned, and he was squatting for a while, and his white clothes were added. For a while, the black hair became long and black, and he turned into a black man.

Black is Ning Fan, white is Ning Fan.

The wrong thing is yin and yang, and it is also yin and yang.

Heaven is clear and turbid, but there is no difference between the turbidity and the turbidity.

If there is no clear, there will be no turbidity. If there is no yin, there will be no yang!

"There is still a trace! The recruitment of women has reached the requirements, and their own understanding is almost enough, but I still need to understand yin and yang from the hearts of others! I am Ning Fan, a magic repair, I can only from the magic Look at these two words from the angle. So, you lose the true meaning of yin and yang, too one-sided. I need the insight of the right way!"

Ning Fan Lang Lang smiled and shook the island of Molan. I wondered how many women’s dreams were disturbed.

"Where to wait for me, within seven miles, I will return!"

Stepping out, it turned into a piece of tobacco, and it floated out of the island of Molan.

Along the way, Ning Fan passed through the Xuanweizong of the West Sea.

This is a low-key, right-handed sect, with only a few hundred monks in the door. The strongest is just a golden Dan.

In the endless sea, the right way is a different kind of person, that is, the people who are arbitrarily slaughtered.

Without strong strength, but can persist in the right path to survive, this mysterious micro-Zong, must have their own way of survival!

In Xuanweizong, except for a few disciples, most of the disciples have closed their doors and fell asleep.

The night is as cool as water, and in the study room, Xuanwei’s ancestors hold the scrolls, and they are just as arrogant. The scrolls they read are the magic passages!

Ning Fan seems to have a realization, the right ancestor, study the magic road, this is the reason why Xuan Weizong survived to cultivate the grave.

A gust of wind blew into the study, showing the figure of Ning Fan, and the breeze blowing the candlelight was indefinite.

"Breeze, bright moon, not for the teacher, when the night is half-reading, do not like someone to disturb!"

The old man was unhappy and looked up. The next moment he saw a stranger who entered the study room, he couldn’t help but get up.

"Who is you!"


The old man got up and his face was fearless.

Although he is weak, he has his own right path. This way, even if you read the magic, it will not be annihilated!

Under the dim candlelight, the old man gradually saw the appearance of Ning Fan.

This is clearly seen, immediately, like cold water pouring down, let him sweat cold.

"Ming, Mingzun!"

He was shocked by Ning Fan's gas field!

All this, just because Ning Fan’s name is too terrible. After the fierce name spread, countless forces rushed to buy the jade slips that imprinted Ning Fan's appearance, so as not to encounter Ning Fan, not to be honored, to offend this person and provoke the evil!

"I asked, you answer!" Ning Fan's tone can not be refused, the old man cold sweat, not even dare to refute.


"Who is your surname!"

"The famous Zheng Tong, who is the Xuan Weizong ancestors."

"You are the right way monk?"


"You are the right way, I am a magic repair, why are you afraid of me? Isn't it right to use the devil!"

"The younger generation dare! This world is the devil word, only between the thoughts, the merits are different, but the road to the road is only one. With the obsession and the devil, not to be self-denying, hardworking and hardworking There are infinite magic roads in the world, and there are countless right ways. The right way of the younger generation is to preach and teach a disciple to protect the life of a disciple. If you can protect your disciples from peace, the old man will be degraded as a devil, and his heart will be self-righteous! ”

The old man was not the master of Jin Dan’s early days, but when he spoke, his heart was strong. Obviously, he often served the sacred door for the security of the door, but he was not ashamed.

The right way pursued by the old man is not to clear the name, but to guard the disciple's peace.

If there is no justice, then there is no way to be righteous. The justice of the old man is the Xuan Weizong owner!

"Speak well, it turns out that in your heart, yin and yang are only in one mind. If you stick to your heart, even if you fall into yin, you can be self-proclaimed."

Ning Fan thoughtfully, a sleeve, leaving a few bottles of medicinal herbs, the next moment into a breeze, disappeared in front of the old man out of thin air.

"A good mysterious speed... Hey, this is... from the fire!"

The old man looked shocked, this is a kind of precious three-turned medicinal medicine from the endless sea. The purpose is to improve the mana of the Jindan monk. If the dan medicinal medicine is enough, it can even be spurred, and break through the medium term from the initial stage!

If there are these remedies, the old man can break through the golden dragon's mid-term guidance, the stronger the strength, the more able to guard the disciples!

He is a good master, this is good, it has nothing to do with good and evil, and it has nothing to do with the devil.

The old man’s mood can’t be calm for a long time, and he looks at the direction of Ning Fan’s departure.

He faintly guessed that Ning Fan asked him questions to break through the calm and try to touch the analogy.

It is like the old man studying the magic scriptures, but also to improve the right way.

Ning Fan from the appearance to the departure, a short scent of martial arts, did not disturb the mysterious micro-Zhong dynasty, but did not kill one person.

In the eyes of the old man, Ning Fan is not like the rumor of the outside world, but a person with principles and grievances.

"This is the real Mingzun... This is how easy and free the magical style." The respect of the old man is more and more respectful.

Floating out of Xuan Weizong, Ning Fan thought about the old man's words, seems to have some understanding.

He went all the way west, and he swept through the 50,000 miles. He never took hold of the dawn, and once again, the sky was clear, and he was able to take his footsteps at the border of the endless Haixi.

It is almost out of the endless sea area. At the top of the West Sea, there is a mortal country, which is very small in scale and cannot be squeezed into the 800-year-old country.

Ning Fan took his footsteps. On top of a mortal city pool, he saw a decaying county magistrate. Among them, the county magistrate was paying bribes and offering a plate of gold and silver to another official.

It seems that the county is in the middle of the river, and there are countless victims. In order to obtain the disaster, the county magistrate is bribing another person.

The county magistrate was even stunned, waiting for another official to leave, suddenly showing the true color.

"There is a glimpse, I will sweep the world!"

This stock is from the heart, not a disguise.

"Interesting." Ning Fan landed in the county, he had a bit of interest in this bribery boss, but there is a straightforward county magistrate.

Ning Fan turned into a breeze and landed in the county. When the county magistrate saw Ning Fan down from the air, he thought that it was a master of the rivers and lakes, secretly shocked, and immediately shouted, in exchange for a dozen servants.

These servants are all bears, and Ning Fan seems to be weak, but with Ning Fan's sleeves, more than a dozen servants are stunned.

"Demon, demon!" The county magistrate is afraid, the so-called child does not blame the chaos, but the county magistrate clearly sees that Ning Fan is not a common man.

"I asked, you answer!" Ning Fan is still not allowed to refuse.


"Why are you afraid of me!"

"Because you will be a demon..." The county magistrate was a little scared.

"Why are you an official!"

"In order to get rid of mediocrity, and to live together!" When it comes to ideals, the county magistrate suddenly becomes awe.

"You want to get rid of mediocrity, but why you are self-staining, willing to bribe your boss!"

"Indecent name and stigma, not worth mentioning! Dare to ask the immortal teacher, if I only ask for a name, I can't raise the amount of disaster relief, and the benefit of the victims in Yixian County! If you don't self-contamination, you can't save the lives of the people. I If you don't cater to the worldly customs, you can't lift any troubles for the holy. Bo Yishu Qi Gaojie, but the people in the world are useless, what is the use of Gao Jie? Chen Ping's bandit bullying, but the main part is worried. Xiao He from Pollution, can make the Lord trust. I am willing to be Chen Xiao's generation, with my ability, and the world's best. The turbidity of today is to clear the sorrow!"

"It turns out that in your heart, the yin and yang are the same, the turbidity and the turbidity complement each other, and the turbidity of the future can be exchanged for the clear..."

Ning Fan stepped out step by step, and when he stepped out of the county, he stepped down step by step. The entire county town was shaken. The river that originally broke the levee was like a water dragon. It actually rose to the sky and returned to the river and the embankment was rebuilt!

This is naturally a question and answer for Ning Fan to pay the county magistrate.

This is a good official. Even if he violates the law, he is a member of the public.

The shock, let the county magistrate wait for a stunned, frightened, only thought that Ning Fan is the **** of heaven, one foot can actually break the entire county.

After a short time, Xiaoxun summoned that the river embankment was restored, the river was returned to the river, and even the epidemic after the flood did not appear.

The county magistrate was stunned. The river that breaks the **** cannot be returned to the river, and the victims of the epidemic cannot be self-solving. All this is undoubtedly the work of the former sage.

The county magistrate realized that it seemed to solve the doubts of the immortal, which relieved the victims' behavior and was a reward for the county magistrate.

"The people of the next county, the people of a county, thank you immortal!"

The county magistrate shed tears and bowed backwards in the direction of Ning Fan.

Since the country of mortal has left, Ning Fan’s mind has become more and more enlightened. Every time he passes, he scatters a thought and sends an inquiry to a monk and a mortal.

Yin and Yang cover all the avenues, and everyone's behavior can be explained by Yin and Yang.

Ning Fan’s enlightenment is increasing. In the end, he is stationed on the bank of a river.

A child is chanting through the river and is a private school.

"The weather is sunny, the moon is lacking..."

This sentence, the meaning of the language is shallow, the sun is yang, the moon is yin.

Ning Fan is confused. Isn't the yin and yang avenue he pursues just the change of the moon?

After the Seven Miles, Ning Fan returned to the island of Molan and crossed his knees on the couch.

He, his brow gradually understands

"Only obsessed with the magic road, can not be ... paranoid in the right way, is also wrong ... the world of law, must have yin and yang, good and evil coexist..."

"What is turbidity... Qing Qing is self-clearing, and turbidity is turbid."

"What is good and evil? Good is good, evil is evil."

"What is yin and yang? Take the yin and take it as yang."

"I understand all this, but because I understand, I am somewhat confused..."

Ning Fan’s mind repeatedly echoes the child’s verse.

All the way to ask yin and yang, Ning Fan's understanding of yin and yang, from ignorant, to seemingly enlightened, to thoroughly understand, and then to this moment, I feel like I know nothing.

He is obsessed, the road to Jane, the wise man compares yin and yang to the moon, but he compares yin and yang to turbidity, good and evil, to analogy, to speculate, but this is the end of the game.

"Everything returns to the origin, why is the yin and yang change? It is because the ancient emperor thinks that men are yang, women are yin, and men and women are in harmony. It is the most suitable way to alternate yin and yang. Two different people combine with each other to give birth to life. The so-called yin and yang, analogy interpretation, are two opposite moments, when they blend, they rush to the power of harmony!"

Ning Fan’s sentiment is like a life review.

Look at the mountains is the mountain, see the mountains are not mountains, look at the mountains or the mountains.

Avenue to Jane!

"Tian is my wife, the land is Wu, the Cangsheng is the Ding furnace, the Yinyang Avenue, the double repair!"

"The saying of the ancient emperor is to compare everything in the world to the yin to recover and devour, and to temper yourself into a 'yang', to yin and yang, and to have a good road!"

"It’s not just women who are picking up, it’s everything on the heavens!"

"This is a plundering method. It is to fight with the heavens and the earth! Use the heavens and the earth as a woman and make up the clean!"

For the first time, Ning Fan saw through the essence of yin and yang.

This is where to recruit the world's women, it is clear that it is necessary to recruit Tiantian reincarnation!

It can be imagined that the ancient emperor is a arrogant emperor, dare to argue with the heavens!

Ning Fan walked out of the door and looked at the sky and smiled.

The left eye flashes with a strange white, the left eye turns into a strange black, and the eyes are white, and it is unclear!

Under this gaze, the giant door of the yin and yang fish above the sky, blasted!

In a flash of light, Ning Fan disappeared in the same place and appeared in a hazy world.

No, the air here is not a haze, but a thick yin of the heavens and the earth. Just entering this place, Ning Fan suddenly discovered that the mana in his yin and yang magic pulse suddenly stirred up, and the speed of operation was more than a hundred times.

"The yin here can make me cultivate speed and increase it by a hundred times!"

Ning Fan shocked!

The seventh floor of the Palace of the World can reverse more than a hundred times, and the heavens and the earth here can increase the mana speed of the yin and yang cultivators!

what does this mean?

The yin and yang magic veins are cultivated here, and the speed is 100 times that of the outside world!

The yin and yang magic veins are alchemy here, and the speed is also a hundred times!

Everything that is going on here, but when it comes to mana operation, efficiency is a hundred times more!

Between the heavens and the earth, there is a thousand-foot fire monument. Above the fire monument, there are seven sun nicks and seven missing moon marks.

Among them, one of the seven missing moon nicks has been dyed purple by a purple aura, and among the purple ones, there is a fascinating atmosphere of Ning Fan...

"Bei Yao! The purple on this tablet is Bei Yao!"

Ning Fan suddenly remembered a dream, a dream that was a long time ago, and that was a dream he had just made after he got the yin and yang lock.

In the dream is this hazy world, this fire monument, remember that there is a woman standing under the tablet...

"This is the boundary space of yin and yang locks.... Xuanyin world! This is a thousand world, is the interface that Xiandi is qualified to cultivate, my yin and yang magic pulse, the speed of cultivation here is one hundred times!"

Ning Fan's self-speaking, as if responding to his words, in the Xuanyin world, numbness, old-fashioned echoes a voice, it seems to be the refining of the yin and yang lock, the words left in the lock.

"Xuanyin Jiebao, Yin and Yang lock, Tian is my wife, the land is Wu, the Cangsheng is the Ding furnace, the Yinyang Avenue, the double repair!"

"After the emperor's ‘destruction of the Tao,’ the first glimpse of the inheritance of yin and yang... The Emperor of the Emperor of the Ancients, the ancestor of the ancestors, the lord of the Xuan Yin, who is in charge of this world, the ancient yin and yang!”

"A worship of the emperor, immortality!"


Like a sound of annihilation, the entire Xuanyin world began to tremble, and the sound of the seal here finally waited for the next master of the Xuanyin world, and was relieved.

At this moment, Ning Fan's heart seems to have been smashed by a knife, suddenly a pain, vomiting blood in the Xuanyin world.

The blood spurted out into the interface and slowly disappeared. The next moment, Ning Fan suddenly raised a feeling.

Above his atrium, what is branded with the runes of yin and yang fish.

With the rune, he can enter the Xuanyin world anytime, anywhere!

Even with Ning Fan’s surname, I was a little excited.

Yin and Yang have broken through the third floor. He has become the master of the Xuanyin world. With Xuanyin, he can do too much.

"Right, where is Xiao Youer?"

Ning Fan looked around and saw that there was a grass floating in the sky between the empty world, and it drifted closer and farther from a distance.

In the grasshopper, a woman with a white dress like a snow, with a pretty face and a pale face, sleeps on the bed, and her body seems to disappear.

She holds her knees, pure and beautiful face, and looks like it is not stained with dust, like a white lotus.

Her body is a little petite, embroidered shoes are placed under the step, the smooth feet seem to be a little cold, and gently squat in the sleep.

She seems very timid, she holds her shoulders, and she is pitiful.

I don't know if I have dreamed of something, her heart hurts and tears fall.

"Afraid of black, I am afraid..."

"Little secluded child, she, is Luo You?"

Ning Fan never imagined, and always used his sister's self-proclaimed, quite hearty Luo You, the true face, is actually a petite and weak image, will be afraid of black, will actually provoke pity.

Uncontrollable, Ning Fan's heart was soft, and he gently stroked the tears from the corner of Luo's eyes and gently lifted her from the bed.

Her body is so light... it is such a woman to say that she is dancing in the palm of her hand.

Ning Fan secretly sighed, such a woman, if not imprisoned for too long in the Xuanyin world, will certainly not be enchanting to her own tone.

It turns out that Luo You’s enthusiasm for himself is a disguise... This woman is not a charming woman.

Her charming and enchanting, perhaps just want to charm Ning Fan, afraid of being abandoned by Ning Fan, placed in the Xuanyin world.

In the midst of sleep, the illusory Yuanshen seems to have someone who picked her up and wanted to wake up, but did not dare.

Once awake, her illusory **** will completely collapse and die. She did not dare to see who is holding her.

She did not dare open her eyes, she did not dare to leave the dream, she was afraid of death.

"Don't be afraid, I am Ning Fan, I will take you out to help you slightly moisten the gods."

Ning Fan carefully hugged Luo Yu, for fear of hurting her.

The **** of water, the name of Luo Shen. This woman must have been lonely and proud.

What made her so sad, what made her do whatever she wanted, abandoned the Luoshuixian, abandoned all pride, and chose to cultivate the shameless yin and yang.

Ning Fan suddenly and fortunately this woman did not succeed in getting Yin and Yang lock.

If she succeeds in inheriting the ancient heritage, she must have embarked on the path of Ning Fan, recruiting men, self-staining body...

She tried to open the inheritance of the yin and yang lock, but failed.

This failure made her lonely for too long, and she was imprisoned for too long, but she met Ning Fan.

Ning Fan smudged himself and entered the devil, but Luo Youbao kept the innocence, still unclean.

"Don't be afraid, I am Ning Fan."

Ning Fan said once again.

This sentence is like a voice in the dream, let her trembling petite slightly calm.

In her dreams, she flinched in the corner and shook her calf.

"Is it Ning Fan, did he open the Xuanyin world?"

"Does he save me?"

"I will still blame my illusion, tarnish me... or kill me..."

"He said, don't be afraid..."

Luo Yu gradually calmed down. She was once betrayed by so many people. Can she choose to believe in Ning Fan?

Can rest assured that let your body sleep, give it to Ning Fan guardian... (to be continued.)

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