Grasping Evil

Chapter 375: Stealing the light, die!

Once this idea is born, it can't be lifted at once.

Although Ning Fan does not know what the seven crystals are, but it can be speculated, it is enough to make the legacy of the palace reverse the time, the crystal value can alarm the rain!

No, even higher... The crystal gives Ning Fan a feeling that the power contained in it is supreme, just like the reincarnation, it is not the touch of Ning Fan...

Because it is untouchable, it shows that this crystal is a chance, it is a great opportunity!

The palm of the hand is placed on the space barrier in front of him, and Ning Fan estimates the possibility of breaking the barrier.

The seventh floor to the eighth floor of the space barrier is to defend against the passage of the broken monk, its solidity is enough to defend against any smashing attack, even if Ningfan has a smoky one, can borrow a reincarnation Without years of hard work, it is impossible to melt this space barrier.

Ning Fan's wind and smoke is enough to break through the fairy tales.

Even he feels tricky. It is impossible to enter the eighth floor in the ordinary world. No one can steal seven crystals.

Ning Fan's mind flies, he still has ten years to stay in this place, it takes several years to break the barrier, it is not difficult.

Only in this eighth layer, will there be other dangers... Seven crystals are displayed here, and if there is no protection, it can’t be said.

Ning Fan left the purple light and flashed. After a long time, it was confirmed that there was no protective array on the eighth floor, and the suspicion was heavier.

His gaze swept over the hundreds of ancient statues, thoughtful.

These sculptures look like decorations, but are they just decorations?

No, no!

Ning Fan bites his tongue and gives a sip of blood, which will enhance the number of the hands.

This time, he separated the space and faintly saw the internal structure of a sculpture.

This is not a sculpture!

This sculpture is a seal in the state of seal!

And if Ning Fan is not mistaken, every place in this place is... refining!


Ning Fan had to shock the great hand of the palace.

In a legacy tower, hundreds of smelting scorpions are hidden. Do not say that the rain industry can not enter the eighth floor, even if it enters, being besieged by hundreds of smelting, even if it is broken and old, it may not be able to parry.

Mindful of this, Ning Fan suddenly silenced, and the hot mood gradually calmed down.

He can imagine that once he breaks into the eighth floor and takes away the crystal, he will be alarmed. Let the group unblock the state of the seal, then there will be hundreds of refining, to Ning Fan joint force, it is difficult to prevent death!

For this, I don’t know the specific crystal, take such a big risk, is it worth it...

This crystal was obtained by Ning Fan, and it is impossible to reverse the time with the help of crystal without the construction of the tower.

But Ning Fan can vaguely feel the huge energy from the crystal, if he can swallow a piece... even if there is only one piece...

Ning Fan is sure to let the mana break through the middle of the god. All of them, Sanli reached the middle of the gods at the same time, and the three forces were combined to break through the late stage of the gods. Not difficult! There is a possibility of shocking the peak of the gods!

The opportunity is in front of you, with huge opportunities, it is equally huge risk.

Ning Fan struggled in his heart. Looking at the seven stone platforms, I thought about it.

"How much is the possibility of stealing crystals?"

The eyes are detailed and hundreds of miles. Silently calculated, there are 343 in this batch.

Among them, every 49 cockroaches seem to be responsible for guarding the crystal of a stone platform.

Does this mean that if Ning Fan only steals a piece of crystal, he will only be attacked by 49 beggars?

In my heart, the risk seems to be reduced to one-seventh of the original.

"If there are only 49 smashing attacks, maybe... you can have a fight! I also have a lot of shackles, and there are three more smoldering. These shackles can only be done if they are blocked for a while, but they are tempered by 49 Attack, damage must be serious..."

"The seven stone platforms are the same, but the seven crystals correspond to the seven layers of the remains. The seven layers of time have different flow rates. I am afraid that the crystal contains different energy. It is responsible for slowing down the crystal of the seventh layer. It must be the strongest one! If I only win a piece of crystal, I naturally want to win the strongest one! Just stealing this crystal will inevitably make the seventh layer of the lost tower lose the effect of time cultivation... but this is also positive It is the benefit of taking the seventh layer of crystal!"

"The seventh layer of crystal is taken away, and the probability of being discovered is the smallest. After all, the seventh layer is the number of layers that can be broken. However, it is rare for the rainy world to come to the tower to practice. No one will find time to slow down. The effect disappears."

"Even if it is a hundred secrets, it is discovered by a broken piece, and the seventh layer of the Tower of the Dead has lost its cultivation effect. It is also a matter of many years later. Who can guess that it is the crystal that I stole!"

"Even though I guessed it, I am afraid that I have already had the strength of refining, breaking, and even more powerful. In addition, my relationship with the legacy palace is very shallow. The palace will be held for the crystal of the lower silver tower. Responsibility! This crystal is precious in my eyes, but in the eyes of those immortals, I am afraid it is not worth mentioning... The guardian of the crystal is only the level of refining, this is the greatest proof! If this crystal is enough to cause the covet The legacy palace will naturally worry about the singularity of the immortals, and it is impossible to set up the scorpion.

Ning Fan's thoughts and turns, weighing the pros and cons, the seemingly extremely bold move, under its various analysis, gradually become feasible.

I have a lot of embarrassment, there is a fixed star plate, in the moment of taking the seventh layer of crystal, immediately return to escape, with the help of delay, the chance of successful escape, at least 50%!

If you hurry faster and reach the level of refining, use the self-damage secret method to raise the speed again, and steal the crystal, at least 10%!

Ning Fan stretched out to help the purple wing, secretly estimated that if you engrave 180,000 marks on the wings, it is not difficult to break through the smelting level from half a step!

"60%, still a little low...but I still have the technique of succumbing to prisoners, and I am allergic to all kinds of shackles. Although I have been repaired by my prisoner's life, I can't surrender to swearing, but I stop the group from smashing for a while. Let the group stunned for a moment, should be able to do it... So, my calculations, I am afraid that there will be seven."

Seventy percent of the calculations, gambling a chance to break through the peak of the gods... worth it!

Ning Fan’s eyes are determined, and he has made up his mind to steal the seventh layer of crystal!

What needs to be watched out is the secret technique of the fusion of the palace and the palace. If the smelt of the sacred meditation is combined with a broken illusion, then Ning Fan will not be able to escape. Once you find signs of fusion, you must immediately interfere with the spell!

A careful, bold, and slightly crazy plan has gradually taken shape in Ning Fan's mind.

There are countless choices in life. If you choose the wrong one, you will die.

But if you are afraid everywhere and everything is escaping, there will never be a chance for superiority.

The big chance of winning is the opportunity. The odds are small, it is the risk!

Ning Fan began to prepare carefully.

In the first year, the support of the two wings engraved the 180,000 Xunzi Lingyin, which made Ningfan's maximum speed, breaking through the initial stage of refining, and reaching 110,000 miles!

the second year. Ning Fan spent 500 million cents, and ignited all the 30,000 stars of the star plate, which opened the biggest defense!

In the third year, Ning Fan took out 25 sacred gods, black dragon smelts, and three smelting scorpions, and repaired the damage for all cockroaches, so that the cockroaches were in the peak state.

From the fourth year to the seventh year, Ning Fan continued to abrade the eighth floor space barrier with a smog.

A barrier that is sufficient to defend against shattered attacks. Under the attack of dripping water, the gap is gradually broken.

The barrier to the eighth floor is getting thinner and thinner after a certain day. Only a piece of paper is so light and thin that it breaks.

Ning Fan received a pinch of smoke, he can completely overcome the barrier and enter the eighth floor space with a single step!

Once inside. It is necessary to face a gamble of 70% success and 30% death.

Even if it is Ning Fan's indifferent personality, it is slightly nervous, but this is not a bad thing. Moderate tension can make people more focused.

Holding a fixed star disk, followed by 29 smelting corpses, Ning Fan took a deep breath and stepped into the eighth floor space.

His forehead oozes fine sweat and his pace is tempted.

If this first step enters, causing other changes, he will immediately withdraw this step and return to the seventh floor to make sure.


Ning Fan's footsteps echoed in the vast palace, but did not cause any attack. Seeing the situation before touching the crystal, Ning Fan is safe.

The body completely crossed the barrier, Ning Fan raised 200% of the war, and looked at the six roads, step by step toward one of the seven stone platforms.

On that stone platform, the crystal energy of the place is the strongest.

That crystal is the treasure of the slowing time of the seventh floor space!

Standing in front of Shitai, Ning Fan slightly vibrates to lift the wing, ready to pull back and flee back to the seventh floor!

His palms reached above the crystal, and only half an inch would touch the crystal.

In the palace of Wanzhang, if there is no interference, Ning Fan can escape in a flash.

After this moment, maybe it will be born, maybe it will die...

At this moment, Ning Fan can still regret it, but he can also retreat, but if it is to escape, this time to break through the opportunity of the peak of the gods, it will disappear.

Above the gods, every step of the promotion is difficult. Ning Fan does not have every opportunity to meet the crystal-level treasures in front of him to break through the realm...

Bet, 30% will die.

Not gambling, after decades, what Ning Fan wants to do, to counter the Neptune!

Ning Fan’s eyes are clear, and he speaks to himself.

"I don't know that there are 70% of the calculations. Even if only 60%, 50%, or even 40%, I have to gamble. I can't let the Master respect, and I will be hurt again by the gangster!"

Jingle -

Ning Fan's fingertips touched the crystal, making the crystal and stone platform lightly touch and make a slight sound.

In this moment of the sound, Ning Fan grasped the crystal, did not hesitate to sway the wings, and fled to the space outside the foreigner!

At the same time, guarding the 49 statues of this stone platform, after many years of silence, the seal was broken and resumed!

At this moment, 49 cockroaches, all passed the smelting of the imposing manner, all the killings, all locked in Ning Fan.


49 傀儡, incomparably neatly read the same word.

The power of 49 emptiness, turned into a 49-painted black giant wall, blocked all the retreats of Ning Fan!

They are not a joke, they really want to kill the people who steal the crystal!

"If you steal the light, die!"

Yes, the seven crystals, the power contained in it, is the time!

An unprecedented sense of crisis has fallen on Ning Fan.

If he can't escape the 49-blockade, the next moment, he will be smashed by 49 smashes and smashed into ashes!

Life and death!

(3/3) (To be continued.)

Ps: Modify the outline, this is even more written for a night, I am sorry... Thanks to the blue enchantress, the Beiwu four detachment, the friend of the good brother, and the sda ​​road to reward. Can't help, hurry to go to sleep... I hope to send out before everyone gets up.

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