Grasping Evil

Chapter 382: The second step of artistic conception

In the Zhuqing Palace, there are hundreds of wine houses, and it is at least a singularity to sell spirits in the house. .

Most of the disciples can only set up simple booths along the street to display the spirits for the monks to drink.

The rates for free tasting are all registered and paid by Zongmen. The fairy jade that the monk bought the wine was obtained by the disciple of Zhuqing Palace.

This sect is made by brewing spirits. The original reception was to select disciples who are good at making wine, so as to focus on training.

In order to earn Xianyu, we have gained the attention of Zongmen. Every Zhuqing disciple has tried his best to attract customers.

Ning Fan walked all the way to Zhulin Long Street, smelling the fragrance of wine, and the scene of killing the heart was peaceful at the moment. The old devil said that women and wine are indispensable, and it is really good.

Along the road, there is a girl who is not a girl, and she is very fond of it, and she has sent a lot of men to repair. Only Ning Fan has always been calm, and laughed at the women who came.

Occasionally taste a cup, but never buy wine, and do not comment on the pros and cons of spirits. Drink into the mouthpiece and turn around.

And most of the spirits they drink are one product, almost no two products.

Followed by Cao Kang, complained. He followed Ning Fan in order to drink more dipper spirits, so that the bottleneck in the middle of the melt could be impacted by the liquor.

I wanted to introduce Ning Fan to the stalls of high-quality wines. However, Ning Fan seems to recognize the same way, and he has to go in the direction of the wine. In the end, he went to a wine-tasting area that specializes in a brand of spirits.

Does Ning Fan recognize the road? No, how can a confession junior come to Zhuqing Palace for the first time?

"This Yunfan Xiaoyou, the first time to come to Zhuqing Palace, unless you can explore the surrounding area with God, you can understand the entire layout of the bamboo green palace, otherwise it is impossible to recognize the road... God read the bamboo green palace? This is too unbelievable It!"

When this idea was just raised, it was annihilated by Cao Kang. I only felt that my thoughts were ridiculous.

It is unrealistic to use the mind to detect the layout of the bamboo green palace.

Not to mention that Ning Fan is a junior, no gods. Even if there is a god, the bamboo green palace has a sacred array of infant-level peaks. Unless it is the ancestor of the gods, who can look at the bamboo green palace by God?

"But it, Yun Xiaoyou wants to drink a good spirit, I will accompany him to drink some, after all, the money is his mat..."

Cao Kang still has some advantages. When he collects money, he will do things honestly.

No longer go to the level of the spirits of the spirits, Cao Kangsuo surnamed behind Ning Fan, see a spiritual wine to take a cup, like a drink of cattle, like a cow chewing peony.

Ning Fan did not pay attention to Cao Kang, his heart, immersed in a glass of wine, to meditation.

A cup of spirits, into the throat, turned into a stream of heat, aroused a trace of sentiment.

When the world is sad and painful, it will drink and dilute the sorrow.

When the world is pleased and Jiqing is there, it will drink and boost the atmosphere.

Why can sorrow be diluted, why is it more memorable...

Why do some people know that a thousand cups are not drunk, but when they are sad, a cup is drunk...

Ning Fan secretly thought, and the Tao into the wine, gradually realized ... the wine Central Plains also makes sense. .

Wine can't change people's mood, it just changes the heart itself.

Everyone is too much to drink, and drinking will be drunk. The monk has a mana guard, why is it drunk?

Looking at a glass of water in his hand, Ning Fan Ying Shen deepened, he realized that with the understanding of the wine track, his demeanor began to sublimate!

It is not a sublimation from Dacheng to perfection, but a qualitative change...

On the island of Xingdao, he initially combined the demon and the demon to create a snow scene in the sky and create a technique of snow and ice.

In the tower of the world, he completely integrated the three artistic conceptions, and let the three artistic conceptions merge into one state.

The spirit of the eight-product rain, the magic of the six-pin mountain, and the minimum of the product.

What are the new senses of the three artistic conceptions? What is the grade?

Ning Fan doesn't know, but the brand-new look is based on the seven plums, but his grade is more than one product.

The artistic conception is divided into nine products, and the enchanting demon will be the nine products. The demon, the four holy and other demon is a product... The artistic conception above the product is what level!

A glass of wine in his hand is like an introduction, which will lead to a series of sentiments.

Ning Fan realized that this wine must have something in common with his new look. Otherwise, he could not be lost because of a glass of water.

"What is my new god, what is it?"

"Which wine has this road, why can it make me lose my mind?"

"I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out..."

Ning Fan picked up a brand of spirits again and again, and put it down again and again.

Passing through the booths one by one, but disappointing again and again.

No, no... This is not the wine he wants. These wines can't give him a complete understanding, and he can't let him be promoted again.

Ning Fan’s mind is more and more troubled. This is a sign of failure and the birth of the mind.

In front of his eyes, there was a sudden resentment of hatred. It was the humiliation that he suffered in Wu Guohaining when he was a mortal.

"Why are these past events, I will mess my mind at this moment..." Ning Fan brows deeper.

Followed by Cao Kang, there are some mistakes.

The dark road, this Yunfan little friend, how suddenly picked up and picked up, do not drink a spirit of wine, is it necessary to find two products?

The brow wrinkled so deep, as if who owes him a fairy jade.

Cao Kang was thinking about it and was suddenly interrupted by a cough of blood in front of him.

"This wine... cough!"

Ning Fan picked up the glass, took a light drink, and was surprised. The next moment, the past of the heart, turned into a bloody... cough up!

This scene simply made Cao Kang startled.

Drinking well, how to cough up blood!

Cao Kang approached the booth, and the cold eyes swept away, letting Ning Fan vomit blood, just a spirit of wine.

No, it is said that a brand of spirits is reluctant, the drug is so thin, it is a little stronger than the wine.

No, it is simply a wine with a little taste of medicine!

"Yun Xiaoyou vomited blood, is this wine poisonous? Or is this wine too powerful, hurting the cloud Xiaoyou Xianmai? No, obviously faded out of the bird's taste, how can there be a fart's potency? Is it really poisonous? ”

Cao Kang doubtfully picked up a glass of wine, smelled it, looked strange, and then drank it, even more confused.

Strange, it is difficult to drink this wine, but it seems that there is no poison?

Like the water, it tastes like a bird, and there is no potion. There is no way to improve it.

But it is really not poisonous.

Cao Kang secretly thought about it and did not find any reason for Ning Fan to cough blood.

He received Ning Fan’s money and could not be responsible for Ning Fan’s safety.

"This wine is brewed by you! Say, why my friend drank your wine and vomited blood!"

Cao Kang’s eyes sank, sweeping through the stalls, not angry. The stall owner is a teenager, but the three layers of cultivation are weak, poor and poor.

According to Cao Kang, why Ning Fan vomits blood and directly asks this stall owner the most direct.

The other party is only a strategist, and his Cao Kang is a fragrant spirit. In front of him, the young man dares to lie!

Asked by Cao Kang, the teenager's face is scared. His technique of brewing spirit wine is really bad. This group of spirits is not a product in strict sense. Naturally, it is not good wine.

But even if it is not good wine, at least there is no problem with quality and safety. It is absolutely impossible to give people **** vomiting!

Just listening to the tone of Cao Kang’s hegemony, the juvenile knows that today, I don’t give Cao Kang a satisfactory answer. This is a big deal.

Didn’t you listen to Cao Kang? It is a friend of Cao Kang who vomits blood! It’s a friend who is a stranger, and he can’t afford to be offended by a disciple!

"Cao, Cao deacon, the younger generation really do not know why this Xiongtai vomits blood, but the younger generation is willing to compensate..."

"Good! Compensation! You take out the gift, my friend will not pursue this matter!" Cao Kang looked back, Ning Fan has erased the blood, is thoughtful.

Seeing Ning Fan is not a problem, Cao Kang’s heart is loose, and he does not want to make things big. He is a good person in Zhuqing Palace. His own Zongmen’s wine has people vomiting blood. He has an excuse to train people and claim, but really wants How about this disciple, he feels unnecessary.

"Yes! The younger generation is willing to pay ten or ten pieces of jade..."

The teenager is a little scared. Cao Kangtangtang is a master of the spirit, but the deacon of the Zhuqing Palace is dedicated to these new disciples.

The youngster is afraid of offending Cao Kang. At this moment, in order to apologize, it is naturally willing to break the money and eliminate the disaster, but this is a bit less.

"Ten pieces of fairy jade?"

Cao Kang smiled.

He gave the boy a chance to pay for it. How could this boy be so ignorant?

His wines have vomited blood to Ning Fan, and only lost ten pieces of Xianyu!

Who is Ning Fan? Even if it is just a junior, but with a huge amount of Xianyu, 1000 Xianyu are free to give people, will be a rare juvenile 10 pieces of Xianyu?

"One hundred!" Cao Kang's tone is cold.

"No, impossible! One hundred pieces of fairy jade, is the whole family of the younger generation..." The boy asked for mercy.


Cao Kang was angry in his heart. No matter what, he gave the young man a chance. The young man did not have the sincerity to pay for it, and he beat it.

He collected money and replaced people, but he received a whole thousand Xianyu from Ning Fan.

"You, come over! How much blood does he vomit, how much blood do you lose?" Cao Kang rolled up his sleeves and seemed to be swearing, scaring the boy.

This scene, let Ning Fan helplessly shake his head, this Cao Kang, is still a derogatory person, thinking that he is vomiting blood is a young boy, you have to help yourself find a place?

However, he is so arrogant, when do you need to find a younger brother to find a place for a worm?

"Cao Daoyou, don't worry about this, there is no problem with this wine. I vomit blood is another reason, it is not his business."

Ning Fan's sleeves are one block, Cao Kang only feels that the boxing power is soft, but he can't afford the strength, and his heart feels weird.

"Yun Xiaoyou, are you really okay?"

"Nothing. This wine is good, I want it all, how much?" asked Ning Fan.

"Hey, you still buy! Not afraid to drink and then vomit blood?" Cao Kang looked strange.

"No more vomiting blood, that blood is my childhood when I hate stagnation, and I only spit it out. Thanks to this blood, I finally understand why this wine can make me feel awkward... It turns out."

With this shallow water wine, Ning Fan actually gained a great understanding.

"Cloud, Yun brother, this wine is brewed by me, a total of 200 cents jade... oh, but I dare not accept your money, you are a friend of Cao's predecessors, this wine will be given to you..."

The teenager is too afraid of Cao Kang, and never dare to collect money with Ning Fan.

"Yes, you don't collect money, but I don't want to ask for anything from you. This wine is very good. It is the wine of my hometown. Is your ancestor a monk in the eight hundred repairing countries, Wu Guo?" I asked if I laughed.

"Yes, Yun’s brother is also a monk of Wu Guo!” The younger one is happy, and there is a feeling of being in the hometown.

"Well, the wine of Wu Guo is always unforgettable, nostalgic, and resentful. I thought that I had forgotten the grudges of the year, but I finally found that there are too many things in this world that can't be lifted. The stagnation of blood is still in my heart, until the moment before, drink the Wu wine you brewed, and the mind is clear, you can cough up... The hatred is not so easy to put down. The wine can't dilute the memory, but the people forget it."

Ning Fan's words, let Cao Kang and the young people Qi Qi live, are inexplicable. Ning Fan did not explain too much, just take a storage bag, take out a bottle of blood, and give it to the teenager.

"You don't accept Xianyu, or I will give you the medicine. Your surname is too weak, you are being bullied, but you can't always bear it. The monk should always have a straight spine in his life. Ask the opportunity."

Leave the medicinal herbs and take away all the spirits. Ning Fan goes straight away, and Cao Kang is completely stunned.

Diao Dan! Not wrong! Ning Fan gave the boy a whole bottle of blood! At least twenty!

How much is worth it, at least 1000 cents!

Buying a bunch of useless wines and spending 1,000 cents, it is really too big.

"Waste! The money is not so useful! Even if there is no concept of money, this cloud friend should understand the preciousness of the pulse. Or, this cloud friend is not strong, but the family has a lot to come. I am used to seeing the pulse of Dan, do not care about this point of medicine? Is there any Jindan in his family?"

Cao Kang took a deep breath and looked at the back of Ning Fan. He felt more and more that his guess was correct.

Not the descendants of the Jindan family, how could it be so expensive?

Looking at the complex and looking at the young, Cao Kang is cold and cold. "My friend is fine, you are lucky, you continue to set up a stall, you can't mention anything before anyone!"

"Yes, the younger generation did not dare to talk nonsense." The juvenile held a bottle of blood, and excitedly flew out of the eyes.

Cao Kang snorted and quickly caught up with Ning Fan.

Seeing that Ning Fan finally walked out of the area of ​​a good spirit, he had not had time to be happy, and he saw Ning Fan walk into the area of ​​the wine.

This time, Ning Fan made up his mind and thoroughly drank all the wine.

Cao Kang wants to cry without tears. He follows Ning Fan. He wants to eat spicy and spicy. He doesn't want to drink any wine. There is wood!

"Yun Xiaoyou, where the wine is not good to drink, I have a good friend in Zhuqing Palace. It is better to bring you a delicious two-pronged spirit. Would you like to take it with you? If you are happy, just buy a few bottles. Send me, it is better, rest assured, I am familiar with that person, it is not difficult to make a discount..." Cao Kang almost pleaded.

"No, I think that wine is good."

"Hey..." Cao Kang sighed heavily.

He secretly thought, Ning Fan would not understand wine, idiots know that one product, two spirits wine is better than ordinary wine, but he prefers to drink wine... not wrong, Ning Fan certainly does not understand wine, he just drinks and plays !

Cao Kang really wants to kneel down to Ning Fan, holding a yellow-level bamboo card to the second wine area to have a good time.

However, when I think that Ning Fan does not understand wine, I am worried that Ning Fan will deceive people and spend a lot of money to buy wine.

"But, I followed Yun Xiaoyou, lest he be deceived... cough, it seems that this is to protect the cloud friends, it is a wish to drink a bite of spirits..."

Cao Kang could not know what Ning Fan thought.

Ning Fan’s heart was immersed in the Wu wine brewed by the boy. He took a storage bag and took out an altar of Wu wine, which was quite exhausting.

"Good wine!" Ning Fan praised.

"You have never really tasted a good wine..." Cao Kang said.

Cao Kang cares about the potency of the wine, but Ning Fan cares about the truth in the wine.

With a sip of Wu wine, he pressed down the old grievances, coughed up the blood clots, and his mind became clear.

"Wu wine has smothered my memories, so I cough up the stagnation of blood and press down the demons. The wine can dilute the sad memories, but also retain the joyful memories. The wine can forget the worry, the wine can help. The former is forgotten, the latter is Don't forget..."

"Forgetting, it is to erase the memories. Not forgetting, it is the ice-filled memories. There are three thousand avenues in the wine, and what I saw from the wine is this forgetful and unforgettable... the way to remember!"

"Reminiscence! My new god, I think it is the word of memory!"

Ning Fan finally understood why he would promote his spirit because of drinking.

Because of his three artistic conceptions, the artistic conception after sublimation is the word of memory!

Memories are an artistic concept that is completely different from other artistic concepts such as rain and mountain.

The rain has a solid body, the mountain has a real thing, but the memories... the ethereal invisible!

If you say the nine products, it is the first step.

Then Ning Fan’s three-in-one fusion and creation of the artistic conception is the second step of the artistic conception, which is stronger than the meaning of helplessness!

This is the process of turning from virtual to virtual.

Ning Fan secretly speculated that there will be a third step in the world, from the virtual to the true!

This kind of step is in line with the way of comprehension created by Xianhuang!

The **** of rain can control the weather. The magic of the mountain can be used to develop mountains.

The memories, however, can influence and tamper with the memories of the monks, and make the monks lose their hearts.

In the wine region, Ning Fan walked through a booth.

The drinks of the tastings are all wines, which are not seen by other monks. But for Ning Fan, these wines are extremely precious and drink away.

Although these wines are ordinary, they are enough to seduce the memories of Ning Fan.

In the scene, the enemies and murders came to the fore. In this memory of alternation, Ning Fan’s recollections improved step by step.

From Dacheng, slowly and harmoniously.

His most cherished memories are precisely the most ordinary time.

What he wants to guard the most is the one who accompanied him from the ordinary to the fairy.

"Whether this wine is, there are my memories. I am a mortal, because I am not willing to be humiliated and cultivate the immortal, because I protect the mortal and against the immortal."

"The **** of rain, the magic of the mountain, and the demon spirit are three distinct artistic forces that cannot be merged. The reason why they can be merged is because of my memories... I use my memories of Qimei. Out of the scene of the snowy Han Han, in this memory, the three artistic conceptions were forcibly merged by me... The new artistic conception after the fusion is the second artistic conception of the truth... the artistic conception of memories!"

"I didn't understand before, mortals would get drunk, why would the monks get drunk, I understand now..."

"A mortal is drunk, drunk is the body. The monk is drunk, the drunk is the heart. The mana can protect the body, but can't protect the heart. If there is pain in the heart, eager to get drunk, after all, it will be drunk. What is drunk? I once asked myself, The answer I got was that I died of alcohol, but I was drunk, but I still didn’t understand what was dead. Now I know that death is... heart! If the heart is dead, the wine is not drunk and everyone is drunk...”

Ning Fan drinking all the way, the first cup is still drunk, and the next cup is completely drunk, constantly changing between drunk and not drunk.

His heart is chosen in the memory of the scene, constantly choosing to forget or not forget.

Love and hatred, these two things, he can not forget, in addition to these, he can be forgotten.

Cao Kang secretly surprised that Ning Fan at this moment gave him an illusion that he could only look up.

Ning Fan's body has a temperament, only the temperament that can be seen by the gods.

This temperament can infect Cao Kang, a temperament called the mood of the mood.

Cao Kang stood by Ning Fan, and the memories in his mind suddenly appeared like a flood, so that he could not be himself.

Juvenile monasticism, bid farewell to parents, learning is successful, parents are dead... A pile of past events emerged in the mind of Cao Kang, let him burst into tears, and suddenly only want to use alcohol to eliminate.

Gradually, he began to taste the wine, and gradually, he was a little drunk.

Because of his confusion, he was disturbed by the memory of Ning Fan.

And Cao Kang even more stunnedly discovered that his memory seems to be changing, and he seems to be tampered with by life!

He has never heard of someone who can tamper with memories.

Searching for souls, simple, tampering with memories, difficult!

What is memory? That one is the reincarnation, the reminiscence, the memory.

Memories are memories that are preserved in the reincarnation. No one can tamper with the addition of the Tiandao reincarnation!

Cao Kang secretly speculated that the strangeness in his body was caused by Ning Fan.

For the first time, he began to suspect Ning Fan, doubting him, not the pulse!

"Cloud, cloud friends, where are you sacred... Are you a Jindan predecessor! I think, you are not a pulse!"

"I am who I am!"

When Ning Fan took advantage of his footsteps, his eyes cleared and he gathered his memory. At this moment, his memory is far from the breakthrough, only the last step.

Did not continue to feel, because in front of him, there are a bunch of bustling people blocking his way.

A large number of monks faintly embraced a group of fourteen women, 12 of whom were nephews and two of whom were masters.

“Everyone quickly quits the wine region! No mistakes! Miss Yongtai wants to drink here!”

Four of them were struggling to drive out the few monks in the wine region.

The four eyes swept over Ning Fan. When they saw it, they only saw the pulse. They didn't take it for granted. When they looked at Cao Kang again, three of them were a glimpse. Only a middle-aged man sneered. It seems that Cao Kang had old grievances.

"Cao Kang, the guests are coming, you are not taking your descendants quickly, and you are out of this place!" The man named Gong Yi, Su and Cao Kang do not agree, the tone is very rude.

(1/3) (to be continued.)

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