Grasping Evil

Chapter 392: Blood delivery


Along with the sound of the beast, the aurora of blood is more and more strange, but all things that are swept by the aurora are frozen into blood-colored ice crystals. .

Within a few feet, the forest land, and even some innocent blood demon, are frozen in the ice crystal.

Ning Fan and others, even trapped in the ice crystal can not move.

Once it is frozen, it is difficult to get rid of it even in half a step.

Ning Fan's body is wrapped in black flaming flames, and twelve kinds of frosts are combined in one fire. This magical flame power is completely comparable to the seven products.

Once the flame has been tempered, all the ice crystals will be melted within abundance.

The three scorpions resumed the movement, and Yu worm also resumed breathing, but only shrank in Ning Fan's arms, and the fangs knew how to tremble, but they stubbornly bite their teeth, not shouting cold.

In Yu Buer's consciousness, the blood of the aurora is too terrible, and the power of the ice is afraid to reach the level of chill.

This level of ice, but was directly burned by the Ning Fan magic fire, can be seen how overbearing this magic fire.

It is also the lack of mana of Ningfan, unable to fully exert the power of this fire, otherwise... thoroughly inspire the power of this fire, and any refining imaginary does not dare to pick up this fire!

"How could he be so powerful... it’s incredible..."

Even if Yu Boer hates Ning Fan again, he has to admit that Ning Fan’s strength is undoubtedly powerful.

That kind of power is hard to get rid of when it is dangerous. When you kill, you will be shot like electricity, your eyelids will not be ruined, and you will never stop.

From the inside, Yu Buer, as a girl who is desperate to die, was suddenly saved by a young man. She could not help but feel a gratitude and affection for Ning Fan.

Zhineng Tubao, she understands.

Therefore, even if Ning Fan’s palm was pressed on her, she was blushing and did not resist.

"Can't go away."

Ning Fan’s eyes were cold and cold. Although he broke the aurora, he was caught up and blocked by the group of demons.

Looking at the black-pressed animal shadow, I felt the temperament of a strong cross to the shattered space. Ning Fan did not explain too much with Yu Buer, and directly pointed it to the yin, making it coma and earning a ring. The eyes and the war are awkward, and it is a **** battle with the group.

It is not difficult to give three heads to the three.

The rest of the gods, only to deal with themselves.

"Hey, now!"

Seven sacred gods, one black dragon smelt, were taken out at this moment.

Almost the heart of the spirit, the two sides of the next moment, all launched a tide-like offensive.

"Dust! Soon, now!"

In the face of the demon tide, Ning Fan has no fear, the five fingers are caught, the earth is moving, and it is drawn into the body, and the mana is improved again.

When the star plate was sacrificed, it turned into a huge star map, stretching for 100,000 miles, and 30,000 stars, and half of them were lighted by Ning Fan.

Within the scope of the star map, the physical defenses of all blood demons are slightly weakened.

Under the glory of the stars, the defenses of all of them, such as Qun, Ning Fan, rose to a state of horror.

Under the starlight blessing of the astrolabe, any defensive defense is enough to withstand the half-step defensive attack. .

And that starlight has the effect of rebounding enemy attacks.

Ning Fan's mana is becoming more and more tyrannical, and for the first time it is enough to use the Dingzhen disk.

In this way, this set of astrolabe is not only a defense to the treasure, but also an extremely tyrannical magic weapon, the future is bright.


A beast, or an anger, or a scream.

A few half-step smelting savage beasts suddenly found that their combined power was only enough to make the shackles of the late sacred, not enough to kill, which is unreasonable.

In this way, this group of gods is not easy to be killed, but it can delay the demon tide a little.

The three smelting scorpions, almost at the time of Ning Fan's order, Qi Qi punched, each flew the three heads of sinister beasts, and immediately stood together.

The balance of the situation, at this moment... balance!

As Ning Fan’s killings worsened, the day began to tilt toward Ning Fan and others.

In the fierce battle of nine wild animals, Ning Fan still has the strength to sweep the sword.

He is physically strong and sturdy, and his fists can collapse in the mountains and rivers. During the fist fights, the nine-headed beasts are smashed by four heads, and Ning Fan also attacks many of his bodies, but he is transformed into a smash and a little healing.

The sky above the head, suspended in five black stars, this black star shrouded in Ning Fan, faster than the avatar self-healing!

The injury caused by the desert beasts almost healed between breaths.

Ning Fan does not have a million life stars, can not be attacked by the emperor.

But the five life stars, not be killed by the beasts of the wild animals, not difficult! !

His eyes became more and more indifferent, the ink flow was distracted, and the remaining five wild animals were killed.

At this time, there was also a scorpion in the late stage of the gods being blown up by the group demon, and Ning Fan could not feel distressed, with a more surging killing, rushing to the 12 beasts of the siege.


A punch, killing the late wild animals.

One foot, stepping on the peak of the wild beast.

12 wild animals, was killed by Ning Fan, 8 heads, and the remaining four heads and half-steps of the fierce beast battle in one place.

The half-step smelting of the wild beast, the flesh is the right, and still besieged, even with the strength of Ning Fan's body, it gradually fell.

The eyes rose with a purple meaning, and the purple wind smoke suddenly dispersed. In the wind and smoke, the four-and-a-half-step smelting beast was directly weathered into smoke and dust.

Wherever the smog is, hundreds of dollars of infants and more than ten wild animals are weathered by wind and smoke.

Ning Fan slightly gasped, his first mana was not supported.

One card at a time is a loss of mana. If the mana is exhausted, even if Ningfan means the sky, there is no tyrannical spell.

Don't care about the pain of Xianmai, Ning Fan took a storage bag, took out a whole bottle of five turns and returned to Lingdan, and took all the clothes.

The huge potency, almost bursting the Xianmai, Ning Fan did not even care about the fine refining and chemical power, directly arbitrarily tempered the drug into mana, and then launched the killing.

The cost of forcing a drug is that the corner of the mouth overflows with blood and is quite hurt by guilt.

However, there is an avatar self-healing, black star surgery, Ning Fan is not afraid of injury.

Seeing that there is another post-mortem that is about to be smashed, Ning Fan stepped out, rushed into the battle circle, swept the killing, and shook the group of beasts and hurriedly back, each was amazed.


A heart-warming reminder, five thousand sensational sword peaks, rising from the ground.

Almost immediately, there were nearly twenty wild animals, trapped in the Jianfeng formation, and they were not.

They did not see Ning Fan take out the market at all, nor did they see Ning Fan’s big battle here. How can this place show a huge array out of thin air!

After all, they can't know, this is the technique of the heart of the Heluo faction. There is a picture in the heart, why do you need foreign objects to arrange!


Five thousand yuan, Jianguang, swept through the sword array.

Among the Dong Xuanjian array, a headless wild beast began to fall.

The mana flowed like a tide, and Ning Fan once again took a few more spirits, and above his palm, he rose to a black fire.

The fire is open, the fire is rampant, and a dead animal is dying under the fire of the three dragons. It is difficult to escape.

The demon tide is getting smaller and smaller, and the beasts are getting less and less. Under the magical power of Ning Fan, even the wild beasts in the distance, did not dare to come here to help.

There are only fifty wild animals left...

Forty heads... thirty heads... twenty heads...

Ning Fan’s injuries have become heavier and heavier. The sacred smelting corpses have been smashed into serious injuries. Unless they are repaired, they are difficult to reuse.

Only oneself, Ning Fan himself, and three smelting scorpions.

The other side has only three heads of refining, twenty heads of God, and the shock stands on the **** sea of ​​the corpse.

On the hand of Ning Fan, there are more than one hundred and twenty dead lives. The price is that he is at the moment, seriously injured and bloody.

Blood...mostly the blood of other beasts, the rest are the blood of Ning Fan.

After several times of forced medication, Xianmai was on the verge of swelling and could not serve Dan.

The mana is seriously depleted and has been unsustainable.

To this end of the battle, with the tyrannical strength of Ning Fan, there are some feelings of strong end.

It’s just that the more mana is empty, the more empty the mind is in Ning Fan’s mind.

Above the palm of the hand, a sword is meant to fly, and the sword is intended to kill the enemy. There is no need to spend mana.

The sword is mellow, and Ning Fan first heard the call of Feijian.

Circling around the sword, in excitement, in the desire to fight.

The blood dragon demon sword in the storage bag, in bloodthirsty, is eager to engulf all blood demon.

"Blood Dragon Demon Sword..."

Ning Fan took a storage bag and took out a crystal-clear blood red demon sword.

In the moment of taking out this sword, Ning Fan integrated all the suffocating sorrows into the Jianfeng.

The blood dragon demon sword, rising from the monsters that have never been seen before, the faint more dragons and swords.


A strange sight appeared!

At the moment when the blood dragon demon sword raised the red mans, the blood demon, including the three heads, was exposed to fear and fear.

They are blood demon, the food of the blood dragon family.

Just like in the Black Dragon Pool, a head of dark beast is the food of the Black Dragon!

The fear of falling in the eyes of Ning Fan, immediately became clear, fearing that this blood dragon demon sword, extremely restrained blood demon.

A little bit of the toe, Ning Fan turned into a shredded tobacco, the next instant, strange appeared on the back of a peak of the wild beast, a sword stabbed into his back.

With the three-footed Jianfeng of the blood dragon demon sword, piercing the back of thousands of huge beasts, it seems to be smashed by mosquitoes, which should not be painful.

But in the blood sword stabbed into the back of the beast, a raging power of swallowing came from the blood sword, only a moment, the peak of the beast, directly sucked the blood of the blood by the blood sword, crashed into the ground, became a Have a corpse!

"This sword is bloodthirsty and blood-sucking, but I am afraid that only when dealing with the blood demon will you have such a horrible blood-sucking ability."

Ning Fan’s heart must be, with a blood sword, and the remaining 19 wild animals are not afraid.

When the air sacrifices a blood sword, it is motivated by the skill of flying swords.

This is also the blood sword of the virtual treasure, and it is easy to puncture the blood demon defense.

Once Jianguang penetrates into a wild animal, even if Jianwei is not strong, you can **** the blood of the wild beast in a flash!

Just ten shorts of interest, the rest of the wild beasts, all died under the blood sword!


The three heads are imaginary, the spirits are already high, and they all have a dizzying mind.

They are all blood demon, as long as they are pierced into the body by blood swords, all blood of the beast will be sucked up by the blood sword.

Above the blood sword, there is Longwei of the Heavenly Demon Blood Dragon. This level of blood dragon, even if it is a life-class blood demon, can be sucked to death in an instant, let alone the district to refine the blood demon!

If it is normal, the three beasts may not be afraid of the blood sword, as long as they are not pierced by the blood sword.

However, after the battle with the smoldering scorpion, the three beasts are all riddled with blood and blood flowing into the river. At this moment, as long as the blood sword penetrates into the wound, the three beasts will die!

"Want to go, late!"

Ning Fan Sen smiled, stepped into a cigarette, and fell on the back of one of the murderous beasts, looking at the wounds of his beast, ignoring the beggar's gaze, a sword, piercing his back.


A **** sword light penetrated through the tip of the sword, and the murderous beast screamed and the animal body dried up at an incredible speed.

After the breath, it has been bleak.

After the second interest, it has been skinny.

After the three interest, it screamed and fell to the ground and died.

Ning Fan's eyes are hot, this is his first time to kill the smashing master, even if it is the blood of the sword.

The footsteps are faintly unstable, and the blood sword that devours countless animal blood seems to be timid, and attempts to counteract Ning Fan.

Ning Fan’s eyes sank, this sword is too difficult to control, and the pace is shaking, once again stepping out, appearing on the other side of the murderous beast, a sword!


The only remaining one is smoldering, and the chill is endless.

As a blood demon, under the attack of the blood dragon demon sword, there is no resistance at all!

It fights hard and is attacked by hardships, and struggles to escape, and Ning Fan wants to push the light to chase, but he has no choice but to find that at this moment, there is no trace of mana, and it is impossible to chase.

"Kill it."

On the order of the three shackles, Ning Fan slammed the ground and some stood unsteadily.

It was the second time that it was so hard.

As the enemy ranks higher and higher, Ning Fan has been difficult to kill again and again.

In the distance of the jungle, the screams of the murderous beasts are heard. It is not necessary to imagine that they will be besieged by three beggars. Death is a certain time.

The shackles received the dragon blood, and Ning Fan was helplessly discovered that the beasts killed by the blood sword had no one, and the blood was dry, and no dragon blood remained.

Died in the hands of Ning Fan, there are 120 wild animals, nearly 1500 drops of dragons must be handed, filled with fifteen pots.

After a scent, the eyes of the three stunned, dragging the huge corpse back. There is only one thousand drops of dragon blood in the corpse of a single beast! It is a hundred times more than a god!

Ning Fan could not help but some pity, if the other two smelt, not by the blood sword to dry up, he can also get two thousand drops of dragon blood.

This kind of thinking is just thinking about it. It was immediately dispelled by Ning Fan. Under such circumstances, there is no time to consider the dragon's blood. Only life and death can be considered.

In detail, Ning Fan has collected 107 pots of dragon blood, plus 3 pots given by Chu Lao, a total of 110 pots, if all brewed into blood wine, it is the mana of 550,000 Jiazi!

ten years! Ning Fan only has to wait for ten years to make this blood wine into a breakthrough, it is not difficult to break through the smoldering!

After receiving the dragon's blood, Ning Fan's thoughts were scattered, and the dark places in all directions, countless beasts gaze at him, and even there is no shortage of sinful beasts, but no beasts dare to provoke.

To be precise, they are not afraid of Ning Fan, but the blood dragon demon sword.

Among the demon swords, the blood dragons are too strong, so strong that they dare not resist.

Ning Fan’s gaze was a sigh of relief.

It seems that as long as you are wearing this sword, there is no animal to attack in the vertical and horizontal blood dragon pool.

I knew that I had to take out the demon sword one step ahead of time, fearing that it would not be necessary to fight hard.

Jianfeng gently lifted, Ning Fan cold eyes, "roll!"

This word, urging the blood dragon Jianwei, Long Wei a scattered, the group of beasts immediately trembled, and they rushed to escape.

It turned out to drive the blood demon, so simple...

In this way, Ning Fan is not eager to return to the first floor, there is a blood sword, he has no danger at all on the second floor.

Feel free to find a mountain peak, Ning Fan opened a hole in the house, so that San Jian holding a blood sword to guard the outside of the Dongfu, and set up a number of bans in the Dongfu, only to shake the ring, summoning Yu Buer.

Yu worm is still in a coma, and he is more stunned by the yin fingers.

Ning Fan solved his fingertips and waited for the yin to dissipate. The woman finally snorted and woke up.

"I am dead... Is it a Hades?"

She looked at the strange Dongfu, and she was confused.

"You are not dead."

Ning Fan was exhausted and sat down on the stone wall, feeling exhausted.

Killing the mana overdraft, this is his first time, this relax, he immediately noticed the scars everywhere in the week, the pain is unbearable, but it is just a brow.

Pain, he doesn't care.

"You saved me? You, how are you hurt so much!"

Yu Buer blinked and gradually became awake.

When she saw Ning Fan of the **** state in front of her, her heart suddenly became tight, and an inexplicable mind quickly filled the atrium.

How come, how come...

I look down on him, despise him, he still saves me by forgetting to die...

"I, I will help you stop bleeding."


When Ning Fan’s words were not finished, he was caught by Yu Buer’s arm. As a result of this, he was stunned and smashed.

When I saw that I made a mistake again, Yu Boer’s heart blamed herself. Ning Fan saved her, but she was so tired that her wounds were split and her blood flowed.

"I have an remedy here, you are going to take it..."

"Can't take Dan, Xianmai has been pushed to the limit by Dan Medicine. You are here for me, I sleep, blood will stop."

Ning Fan did not explain the mystery of the black star technique. There is a black star technique. As long as Yu worm does not toss him, his injury is only a matter of time.

The exhaustion rushed into my heart, and Ning Fan slept against the stone wall.

Yu worm is more and more self-blaming. She once claimed to be a princess of heaven. She has a broken body and a teacher. The talent is unparalleled.

It’s just this embarrassment, she finally knows how much the gap between her so-called Tianjiao and Ning Fan.

She used the gods to dress up - bullying the cloak, only to barely escape the group beast attack.

And Ning Fan, with a supernatural power, is hard to kill the meditation.

She did not know, I do not know that Ning Fan did not escape from the encirclement, but destroyed the fierce beast, glorious triumph.

But this does not hinder her admiration for Ning Fan.

Yu Buer has to admit that Ning Fan is very powerful. Even if he is a monk in the early days of refining, he may not be able to survive by being chased by three heads.

Yu Buer had to admit that Ning Fan, who was asleep, looked good, had no false smiles, and had no cold blood of the magic road. He was just as quiet as a neighbor.

Just seeing Ning Fan's pale, bloodless face, Yu Buer is getting more and more.

She recalled Master's words, and the past was vivid.

"Master has said that I am the reincarnation of the Emperor, and I was a parasitic worm in my previous life. I was born with a drop of blood, but it is the world's best, but only one drop in my life can be a man's life... ”

"Unfortunately, this blood is precious again, but it can't save the woman, and it can't save the mother. But this time I found the blood dragon moss, and the big disaster didn't die. It was all saved by Zhou Ming. If you don't repay, it is against this. heart…"

"The hope of my mother's recovery, the hope of my escape, is given by him. This blood should be given to him..."

Looking at the sleeping Ning Fan, Yu Buer's pretty face did not come from a red.

Gently bite the tip of the tongue, a drop of golden blood overflows, is contained in the mouth, and melts into the fragrance.

Gently biting the lip, I finally made an extremely bold decision. I took Ning Fan to sleep, kissed Ning Fan's lips and put the golden blood into Ning Fan.

The slippery tongue penetrated into Ning Fan's mouth, and this bold move made Yu Zhe's shameless.

She is so loyal to the rain temple, but also the jewel of the Yu family, so she did not know the shame, and kissed a sleeping man. Even if it is to repay the grace of Ning Fan, it is too bold...

Fortunately, Ning Fan does not know about this, otherwise, Yu Buer really does not know how to explain.

After the golden blood was collected into the body of Ningfan, Yu Buer was like a frightened deer, hurriedly withdrawing the small tongue and trying to make each other's lips.

Then Ning Fan, who was asleep, was immortal, responded to her kiss, hooked her tongue, and hooked her little tongue, unable to escape.

Under **, two tongues, Yu worms are pretty bloody, almost cried out, and my heart is smashed into one.

"Shameless, this week is too shameless! How can I kiss me when I am sleeping?"

"Yes! He must have been gentle in the township, and he can still have a physiological reaction when he sleeps. It is really shameless!"

If it is not certain that Ning Fan is really asleep, Yu Boer almost thinks that Ning Fan is deliberately taking advantage of her.

Can not escape the kiss of Ning Fan, Yu worm child helplessly succumb to the **, the surname does not escape, Ren Ningfan **.

I only want Ning Fan not to wake up in the heart, otherwise let him see that he is kissed, fearing that he will not be able to have a relationship with Ning Fan for the rest of his life.

Gradually, Yu Boer could not help but indulge in this kiss, the first kiss was gone, but this first kiss, very comfortable.


Within the cave house, the faint scent of the woman can be heard, with a rapid breath.

When Ning Fan finally put Yu Buer, the moment of lip separation, Yu Boer hurriedly retreated to the side, looking at Ning Fan's expression is like watching a devil.

Her little mouth was swollen by Ning Fan.

In the mouth, everywhere is the saliva, smell...

Yu Boer was sitting anxiously on the ground, secretly thinking, such a kiss, is not to say that her ** is not guaranteed.

"If Master knows, I am afraid that it will kill me..." Yu Boer was a little scared.

(4/6) (to be continued.)

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