Grasping Evil

Chapter 4: Can you detoxify me? !

Sifan Palace, the ice palace where Han Lao Mo lived alone, has never allowed others to enter. Ning Fan is the first exception.

Pushing the door out, the moonlight is falling, and Ning Fan stretches out.

White cloud boots, long hair bundle jade, covered with a black cloak, black and white clearly, stunned the world's son.

He is still a teenager, but in his eyes, there is an old wise.

He closed his eyes and recalled the inheritance of the Emperor. In the memory of Xiandi, there are miscellaneous classics, and there are only one part of the orthodox cultivation practice.

"Yin and Yang"! The legendary Emperor - the ancient emperor left!

This work is divided into ten layers, divided into yin and yang, and requires yin and yang to repair. Every time you build a layer, it will grow tremendously. With the fascination of yin and yang locks, when women are double-educated, they can also improve their cultivation.

According to Ning Fan's estimation, if you practice step by step, it will take at least several decades to break through the melting period. However, if you use the "Yin and Yang Change" to compete with the woman, you can at least repair the nine layers of the veins, and if you are practicing "Yin and Yang" Change the first layer, repairing a substantial increase, and it is not necessarily impossible to break through the melting period.

Ning Fan opened his eyes and his eyes were bright. There is a yin and yang lock and "Yin and Yang", and one day, one can become a broken master, and it is unimpeded in the rain!

The cultivation of "Yin and Yang" requires a woman to meet with one another, but one must engulf the flame and use the sun to fill the yin to achieve the purpose of yin and yang.

On the first floor, ninety-nine times with any woman, and devour nine kinds of fire.

On the second floor, she retired with the Yuan Ying period for ninety-nine times and swallowed nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of fire.

On the third floor, he repaired ninety-nine times with the broken female and swallowed nine kinds of fairy fires.

After the "Yin and Yang" is repaired to the third floor, you can use the lock of Yin and Yang locks in the heavens and the earth - Xuanyin.

The mysterious woman was trapped in the Xuanyin world, and Ningfan cultivated to the third floor and saved her. However, within a few hundred years, Ning Fan did not think that he could repair the broken and vain, and he was arrogant with the broken woman.

He smiled inexplicably, raised his fingertips, and his fingertips twitched with black inflammation and accompanied by dragons. This flame, formed by hundreds of ordinary fires, turned into a fire dragon body, but in Hehuan Zong, was killed by Ning Fan, swallowed.

This fire is the flame of the old devil, even though Ning Fan is still low, but with this fire, under the spirit, Ning Fan kills like an ant. This is a card and it is easy to show people.

At least devour the flame, no need to lick before the second layer, the rest, just to meet the woman, you can build the first layer of exercises.

Ning Fan looked back and heard the nightmare of paper cranes in the door. His heart is a little hesitant.

"If it is with the paper crane... it will be able to build the first layer of exercises, the strength will rise, but... she is still a child..."

Ning Fan experienced great changes, his heart was like a devil, but the paper crane was in his despair, walked into his heart and rescued him twice.

"I will not leave this woman in my life, some things, at least wait for her to grow up again..."

Ning Fan sank outside the house, but there was a sound of paper cranes waking up in the house, and then there was a cry of if there was nothing.

The paper crane woke up and rescued Ningfan twice. For the first time, he gave a jade lock and sent a steamed bun. For the second time, he lost his innocence.

But when she woke up and found herself being left alone by Ning Fan, her heart was a little uncomfortable. Why is it uncomfortable? She doesn't understand. When she was arrested at the age of nine, she was never contacted by men and did not understand her feelings. Now she is twelve years old, she lost her life for Ning Fan, and she has nothing to do with love. She just can't bear to see Ning Fan die.

But when I opened my eyes and couldn't see Ning Fan, she was uncomfortable. At this time, Ning Fan should be there, but he is, how, lost innocence, after all, can not come back.

Do not understand, do not understand.

The paper crane is petite, but the white scorpion is covered with scars. She pushes the quilt and goes down to the bed, but the lower body hurts and stands unstable and falls to the ground.

"Be careful!"

A thin arms embraced her, she was naked, but the other side had no desire.

"Wake up?" Ning Fan and Xiao Xiao smiled.

"Ah, big brother, don't look, I don't wear clothes!" The paper crane was a little flustered. She found that Ning Fan hugged her, her weak body, weaker and weaker.

She does not understand why this is, even do not understand, male and female love is a wonderful enjoyment. What left her last night was only the feeling of pain, nothing more.

"Well, I don't watch."

Ning Fan closed his eyes and hugged the paper crane back to the bed, but his fingertips groped on the paper crane.

Ning Fan's gentleness made the paper crane feel better, but she was so touched by Ning Fan that she was still very embarrassed. "Big brother, don't... don't... paper cranes become so strange..."

"I will treat you with injuries, clear the meridians, and promote blood circulation. You can sleep and get out of bed tomorrow."

This method of tutoring, passed down to the third thought of the Emperor, is the technique of the bed. For the woman who is beginning to accept the rain dew, it can make the woman's lower body activating blood circulation, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

Ning Fan's technique is extremely mysterious. If the old demon sees it, I am afraid it will be a big surprise. Just a scent of Kung Fu, the paper crane is full of flushing, exhaling like blue, she feels warm and the pain of the lower body tearing, gradually becoming slight.

She looked at Ning Fan and created an illusion. After last night's transformation, Ning Fan became strange, but it gave people a feeling of security.

"Big brother... you are so good..." The paper crane fell asleep comfortably, and the smile was sweet.

And Ning Fan covered her thin quilt for the first time, carefully looking at the paper crane face.

The virgins are confused, the little faces of the goose eggs, some tender and irritating. Under the eyelashes, the alum is tight and the sleep is sweet.

"If you are without you, I have already died twice. I am steadfast, I am a commandment, I can't believe that I can only give you a promise. If I am there, no one in the rain can hurt you!"

He palmbed the paper crane to sleep, soft, pity.

As he just said, just after the end, there was an unbridled laughter outside the house. "Haha! There is a bone, it is a disciple of Laozi! In the last sentence, Laozi likes it very much. Laozi's meridians are abolished, and it is impossible for Jin Dan in life. Laozi’s apprentice, one day, can cross the rain!”

Ning Fan frowned, laughing outside the door, is undoubtedly Han Lao Mo. He doesn't like Han Lao Mo, he feels bad, not too much, nothing more.

He pushed the door out and looked like water. This gaze fell into the eyes of the old devil. He was shocked and looked as if he was looking at himself. It was not a teenager, but an old monster, a billion-dollar old monster.

"Strange, this little rabbit scorpion, when the eyes are as sharp as the solitary little girl! Could it be that he is also a sword man? How could it be, haha, it is the illusion of Laozi."

The older the devil, the more satisfied Ning Fan is, the more his hands are holding his chest, and he nods. "The old saying goes to kill you, do you hate Laozi?"

"Ning Fan 岂 dare to hate the Master." Although Ning Fan has the memory of the Emperor, but the cultivation is still low, it will not anger the old devil. Moreover, he is also telling the truth, he hates the old devil.

"Hey, don't hate Laozi, this is the master of Laozi Master....Master - the ruler of the Dark Lord, the rules laid down. The practice of Laozi's cultivation, called "Black Devil", is only the Taikoo You can also practice the ancient martial arts, and you are also the magical pulse of the Taikoo. When you get to the spiritual period, Lao Tzu will pass on the exercises to you."

The old devil laughed, but Ning Fan frowned. This old devil is really trying to accept himself as a disciple?

"Remember, the Taikoo magic pulse is a secret, can not be revealed, when Laozi was young and ignorant, taking advantage of the ancient magical veins, causing troubles everywhere, being scrapped and repaired... also killed... Hey, in short, you can't let others know you Secret, otherwise you are dead, I don't care!"

There is a trace of sadness in the face of the old devil, and it is deep. Ning Fan has the insight of the Emperor, he can see.

"Remember, the woman who goes to bed must protect it. Don't learn Laozi... The little girl has the poison of the Acacia sorcerer. The poison is a bit powerful. This is an antidote. When she wakes up, she feeds her, Lao Tzu. In order to solve the medicine for your woman, but to kill the right side of the 'Taiwan School', was chased by a group of thieves for three days... Do not say this, right, Lao Tzu reminds you, "The Seven Plums" is finished, Returning to Laozi as soon as possible, breaking a page, Lao Tzu will make you a meat stuffing!"

The old devil threw a small jade bottle to Ning Fan, haha ​​smiled and turned away, but the back, faintly a bit lonely.

And Ning Fan, then the jade bottle, unplugged the cork, smelled the smell of Dan, the heart was slightly shocked, "Virtual Yuan Dan? Can solve the Jindan Baidu's Qidan!"

Ning Fan can't imagine, the sound of the mouth to kill Ning Fan's Han Lao Mo, will detoxify the paper crane, ran to the Taixu faction to steal the medicinal herbs, grabbed such a precious remedy.

Escaped for three days... The old devil said it was light, but Ning Fan could understand the danger. I am afraid I won this medicinal herb, and I have to be mastered by Jin Dan for a few days.

This old devil, murderous and ruthless, but to him, is really good.

"Wait." Ning Fan stopped the old devil.

"What? I want to be healed!" The old man is impatient.

"I know a method of loss, maybe it can cure your meridians." Ning Fan has a very weak tone.

"what did you say!"

In the eyes of the old devil, there was a shock. He only told Ning Fan that he was repaired as a waste. How did Ning Fan know that he was repaired as a waste because of the poisoning of the meridians!

He joined the ghosts of the sacred sect, because the sinister sect was a medical sorcerer, but he had been treated for decades by the old devil, and he only suppressed the toxicity and could not detoxify.

This poison, such as the bones of the bones, even the solution to the Jindan Baidu's virtual yuan Danzhi is not good, Ning Fan has any ability, can detoxification?

But this kid can see that he is poisoned at a glance, which is amazing. Maybe, Ning Fan really has a way to detoxify himself?

This is a bit ridiculous, but in case it is true...

The old devil has a hundred turns, he looks at Ning Fan's eyes, the ancient well has no waves, and he can't see lies or even enlarge words.

"I haven't seen it for three days. How did this kid become like an old man, so calm..."

The old devil is still hesitating, but Ning Fan has opened his mouth again.

"'Absolute Yin', ancient antiquity, harmless to ordinary people, only effective for the Taikoo magic vein. The poisoned person's magic vein was sealed, starting from poisoning, repaired as a fall, to be repaired as a fall, it is a dead period. At the beginning, the spirit was renewed, and then the character gradually became violent, and non-killing could not be calmed down. In the end, the sinister poisonous heart, the ghosts are difficult to save."

Ning Fan's tone is calm, but the old demon listens to the ear, but it is like a thunder. My own poison, the ghosts and the lords did not see which kind of poison, Ning Fan, a junior, even saw it at a glance.

The old devil does not know what poison is "sudden yin", but the symptoms of poisoning that Ning Fan said are all right!

"You can really detoxify Laozi! Who are you in the end? The secrets that the lord does not know, how do you know!" The old devil excitedly grabbed Ning Fan's shoulders and his words trembled. Among them, there were some vigilance.

"I am a Taikoo magical vein. I know some ancient secrets. It is very strange. Don't look at my low cultivation. Before I was caught in the Hehuan, I was a famous doctor who had seen many gods. If you don't believe, you can treat me. Search for souls and memories..." Ning Fan chuckles.

Searching the soul to destroy the memory, reading the spells of the other party's memory, but the side effects will make the mind of the person being destroyed or even become an idiot.

Ning Fan said this, it is tempting to test whether the old devil is really good to him or not. If the old devil really remembers the soul of Ning Fan, Ning Fan has a way to let the old devil regret it.

Because he knows a drawback of the ‘absolute yin’ poison, under the moonlight, the yin force is the strongest, and the mana is difficult to mobilize.

At this moment, the old devil, the mana has only eight layers. If the old devil is killing the heart of Ning Fan, Ning Fan can use black fire to easily kill the old devil.

But the old devil listened to Ning Fan, saying that the soul of the soul was lost, but it was gradually calm and sinking like iron. He believed in the words of Ning Fan, and he believed in three points and seven points. But let him search for the soul of the apprentice, he can't do it.

"I am a black magician, the black magic is a rule, the disciple violates the magic road, the master can kill. But if the disciple keeps the magic road, the master must not hurt the disciple. Lao Tzu accepts you as a disciple, you do not obey, Lao Tzu will kill you. But you have not made mistakes, Lao Tzu will not search your soul, destroy your memory. Even some people dare to do it to you, Lao Tzu will protect you! Because, you are an old disciple!"

After the old devil finished, see Ning Fan laughed and said nothing, how his mind, a look at Ning Fan's thoughts, haha ​​smile.

"Bunny scorpion, detoxification is really important to Laozi... I want to avenge her for her... If you really have a way to detoxify Laozi, what are the conditions, even though you say!"

"I want to be a master of the Seven Plums!" Ning Fan smiled lightly.

"Yes! From today, Qimeicheng, you have the final say! 9752 magic repairs, you are led, Dan medicine, magic weapon, Ding furnace, Xianyu, you use it casually!"

The old devil should be down, but his heart is more satisfied with Ning Fan.

Dare to raise conditions with Laozi, like a demon! It’s a pity that this kind of Ning Fan is a bit of a must for himself. Hey, it seems that it is time for him to be a master and he needs time to work together.

"Maybe, Laozi has received a magical genius! After half a year's assessment, I am afraid that the old things will be shocked! Haha, I am happy when I think of those old things." However, this little rabbit scorpion, as a small city owner, what does he want to do? Should he manage the group of mixed balls?"

("Yin and Yang" changed to "Yin and Yang"... Maybe this book can change the name of "Yin and Yang" later.)

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