Grasping Evil

Chapter 428: Butcher's Tower (4)

The group repairs are shocked, and the big battle of winning the life is simply unheard of!

It is the technique of the avenue to capture the life of the Yuan, and the true fairy may not be able to perform this technique. This fairy illusion simulates this technique!

Within the thunderstorm, among the big arrays, one by one, no one is indifferent to the enemy, and Shouyuan is rapidly decreasing, white and white, and the appearance is getting old. .

A few of the masters of the Shouyuan are close to this one, and they lost the last shouyuan, and they fell.

Other masters, trapped in the battle, and being killed in life is only a matter of time.

Amazing big battle!

Lei eleven and other masters, do their best, want to blast the array.

In this case, the array of light, this is the illusion of the illusion, after absorbing the power of the life of the people, the defense is raised to the extent of terror, so Lei and eleven can be blasted.

"Don't I really want to go with this candle, here in the same place!" Countless masters are desperate.

At this moment, the candle wind has sacrificed life and is in a state of killing and dying.

The big array can't be broken, and the entire Zhongshan Mountains are big arrays. Every drop of thunderstorm is a ghost of soul.

The candle smirked and everyone’s panic fell in his eyes.

Yes, it is better to be like this!

He wants these people to feel the despair before him!

Every desperate expression is the greatest comfort before death for the candle that must die after the sacrifice.

However, when the gaze of the candle wind swept through Ning Fan, he suddenly became angry.

"Why is he so calm, this is impossible!"

The candle wind was furious, and he fell to the end of the game. The culprit was Ning Fan.

What he wants to see most is the expression of Ning Fan's desperation, so that he can be happy.

However, Ning Fan was trapped in the battle, but there was no fear. Instead, there was a wave of ancient wells. After a while, he was slightly stunned, leaving only three scorpions and one body to protect the law.

Any black hair is a little white, and the skin is a trace of dry wrinkles, and the back of the spine is a trace of silk.

Ning Fan did not resist at all, and Ren Dazhen took his life.

Shouyuan is the upper limit of a monk's life. Shouyuan was taken away and did not affect bone age.

Some monks have lived for thousands of years, but they are still young, only because Shouyuan is still abundant.

As Shouyuan loses, the monks will begin to grow old. Of course, there are also monks who like the old man's appearance, deliberately illusory, and unusual.

Ning Fan has been practicing since then, and he has been practicing time and time again, but he is only 500 years old. As a **** of the gods, he can live for five or six thousand years, and his life is sufficient.

However, as Shou Yuan went into the big battle, it was lost. Even if it was Ning Fan, it would not be easy to show the old state.

Although the Xianxu big array is powerful, Ning Fan can completely tear the crack by the wind and smoke, and grows away, but he did not do so.

He stayed here, did not break, did not flee, for his own reasons.

His heart, in line with this array, he seems to have realized something, and drifted away.

The blood of the time is born by the phagocytosis of light, but at this moment, there is a slight increase.

"What time is it... If I can control this blood of the time, I will not be taken away by the ray of life, but will be reversible!"

"I am not old, how to realize the time... This time for the old, for me, it is the best time to understand the blood of the time."

Ning Fan’s heart decided to remove the defense and take the battle to take away Shouyuan.

Even he tried to counter the power of time and sent Shouyuan out of the light, so his old speed was almost ten times that of others.

Seeing Ning Fan pretend to be calm, the candle is half-smoothed to the ground, showing sneer.

In his view, Ning Fan's pretense is calm, but it is just a mystery.

He never thinks that Ning Fan can break the dazzling fairyhood!

No one can kill the candle, he is also weak enough to use half a mana, and can't attack anyone.

He only wants to go with all the enemies, so he can barely get the pleasure of revenge.

Ning Fan’s Shou Yuan quickly passed away, from the 20-year-old youth to the middle-aged in his 30s and 40s, and then entered the 60-70-year-old old man’s appearance.

His heart, the understanding of the time has deepened step by step.

Thirty stands, forty does not confuse, fifty knows destiny, sixty ears, seventy from the heart...

His heart, as the appearance changed, also experienced an old age.

He was full of white hair, wrinkles, and old man. He opened his turbid eyes, and glimpsed a thunderstorm, but his eyes were full of joy and no sadness.

Be humiliated!

In this short and old state, Ning Fan’s state of mind has been greatly improved!

"What is the time? The monk's poetry, 'the lighter, the EMI of the dynasty'... The length of the monk's life is the mortal patriarchal. For the monk, the time is the year of sorrow, that is, Shouyuan. For the mountain, Time is a crack engraved on the stone, which is the engraving of weathering. For the Chuanliu Lake, the time is the change of the Bohai Sea into a field..."

Ning Fan said to himself, in his dantian, a trace of time and blood was slowly stripped, and was swallowed by his god, who was wearing a golden armor.

Once upon a time, he could not devour the blood of time as he wished.

At this moment, he was old all night, but through the mind and body, he realized the mystery of time.

There are some things that you don't experience in person, only relying on closed doors to build a car, you can't realize it in your life.

For example, running water, such as time.

Ning Fan's turbid and old eyes, flickering through a fine light, he touched the trajectory of the flow of time!

"I realized the time, but I still can't control the time. All of this is because my realm is too low to understand the fairy of that series..."

"But from this big squad, I have glimpsed a hint of the means of controlling the time. Taking the life of the people can make people old and win the world, and the world can be old. The way to win the life is to take away. The 'time' of others, to make up for the 'times' that they have passed, to balance..."

"This big bang is just because it has been integrated into a long time, so it can win the life of the Yuan, I have a little time and strength, and can also win the life!"

Ning Fan’s white hair is like snow, and his calm eyes sweep over the candle, indifferent,

"Your gift, I accepted it!"

"Grand ceremony? Hey! What are you talking about, when did I give you a gift, what I gave was just a life-killing robbery, a murder!" The candle sneered, he thought that Ning Fan must be dying. The head is confused and talking nonsense.


Ning Fan did not answer, he told the candle wind with practical actions, and the candle wind sacrificed the life to open the big array. For Ning Fan, it was a big gift!


The voice of Ning Fan’s old voice rang through the bells, and in the eyes, he suddenly shot a golden silk.

The golden color is neither a sword nor a gold mine, but a strange and unpredictable force.

That kind of power is not as good as the reincarnation, but once it appears, it has made Lei 11 and candlelight incomprehensible.

Especially the candle wind, even more exclaimed,

"What is this! A terrible power! But even if this power is terrible, there is only one light, and it will definitely not break the big battle..."

He said half of it, suddenly stunned.

Above the night sky, the pure gold line of time is like acupuncture tofu, ‘嗤’, a light, easy to penetrate into the light.

In the next moment, the big bang banged and rebelled. It was only taken away by Ning Fan because of the slight force of the blessings in the array!

The power of that time and the strength of the blood of Ning Fan is not much different, but after all, it is slightly inferior, but it is the legacy of the founding master.

The time he spent in this battle was swallowed up by Ning Fan, not cheaper, what is it?


Putting the blood of the time into the array of light, Ning Fan thought of a control, began to devour the power of time in the array of light.

In the case of Zhongshan, the effect of extracting the monk Shouyuan gradually weakened. At the end of the day, it was impossible to take away Shouyuan.

Ning Fan five fingers caught, the array of lights crashed, a trace of gold wire was recalled to his hands, swallowed into the abdomen, refining into the gods. And within the Yuanshen, a gold line, divided into two blood of time.

One more!

This extra one is naturally swallowed up from the array of lights!

"Impossible! The fairy squad is actually broken by a golden light. What is the golden light?" The candle was shocked, looked up at the sky, above the sky, floating a piece of dark red crystal, each crystal There are hundreds of hundreds of years old, and there are thousands of them!

Those crystals are all condensed by the longevity of the masters who have been taken away.

Those crystals can be taken away, but they cannot be swallowed back, because these monks are not proficient in the power of time.

The candle wind is unbelievable, from the unsuccessful fairy squad, why is it broken by a **** of the gods!

With the bursting of the big bang, the candlelight sacrifices the limit of life has come, and screams, and the death is not eye-catching. Leaving Yuan Lei Jinyu, it is still cheaper and more

At the moment of his death, within 100,000 miles, the mountains and mountains of Zhongshan fell and the thunderstorms stopped for the first time.

Big array, no more!

On the night sky, a piece of Shouyuan crystal is gradually disappearing into the sky because it is unrecognizable.

The so-called flower has been reopened, and there are no more people. For example, Ning Fan’s general-looking monks are unable to regain their life and restore their youth.

Ning Fan looked up at the sky, he will always be the power of time, you can refine these crystals! If you swallow these crystals, he will not only be able to recover young, but also earn more than 100,000 years of life!

In my heart, I recalled the understanding of the Zhongshan array. Ning Fan raised his hand and urged the power of the heart to draw a picture in the sky.

His heart is not enough to sketch out the fairy map, but it simulates the Zhongshan big array and creates a formation of a peak.

Although the grade has not entered the virtual level, it is deeply rooted in the mystery of time.

The flash of light flashed, and all the crystals of Shouyuan were swallowed into the array and refined into the body of Ningfan.

Ning Fan stepped into the sky, every step, more and more young.

From a white-haired old man, gradually return to a white youth.

Not only looks young, Shou Yuan adds 100,000 years old!

A hundred thousand years old, only a broken old man can live for so long. Ning Fan has not broken into a virtual, just to turn God, but has been able to live 100,000 years old.

And as long as he is willing, he can still use the power of time to win the life, even if the immortal life is not dead, it is not difficult!

The power of time, really against the sky!

If other old geeks have such a chance, understanding, gaining the power of time, condensing the blood of the time, understanding the glory and glory, the heart of the refining and sorrow... those old blame, must also live forever!

It is a pity that they dare not steal the light, and they cannot understand the power of time and light, and they have no heart.

For the seven steps of comprehension, the longevity may be precious, but for the immortal, everyone can live forever, and the so-called longevity is simply not proud.

For Ning Fan, Shou Yuan is just a chicken rib. He does not lack Shouyuan. He only lacks time. He is too hasty. His time is too urgent and too little.

"Zhou Daoyou, good means! What have you done, even this one has been broken! Also, those Shouyuan crystals... Didn't the small friends swallow up?" Lei eleven wondered.

"Lei Ge thought that I can swallow those crystals?" Ning Fan did not answer.

"Oh, it’s the old man who asked the abruptness, can the Taoist devour the crystals, and the old man?"

Lei eleven quickly waved his hand, indicating that he did not inquire about the meaning of Ning Fan.

The candle wind is dead, and his great hatred has been reported, very happy. The reason why he can report great enmity is because Ning Fan helps.

This love, Lei eleven must remember, so he will not go to explore the details of Ning Fan, doing such a rude thing.

Taking advantage of life and swallowing it for yourself, this anti-day means is enough to make countless scums of endangered life... crazy!

Whether or not Ning Fan has such a magical power, Lei 11 will not ask, and if he asks, it will only add trouble to Ning Fan.

Zhongshan Leigong, the dying of the dying, Wanbaoge fell to the ground and killed, and eventually settled Zhongshan.

One piece of Lei Yu, all used by Lei XI, including the gold jade obtained by Ning Fan, also gave Lei XI.

As for the thunder of the gods, they all belong to Ning Fan, and each takes what they need.

If there is no thunder and eleven help, Ning Fan wants to kill Zhong Shan alone, it must cost a lot of effort. The gift area is Lei Yu, not worth mentioning.

The death of the Zhongshan Thunder Palace, swallowing countless Yuan Lei, the Leijia distance breakthrough, only 4,000 yuan Shen Lei.

If you fold into a smelting element, only 40 will be enough.

"How do you want to kill the twenty-four layers all the way? You still need the help of the old man." Lei eleven bite his teeth and finally asked.

"Oh? Lege is not afraid of the Dragon King, do not dare to help Zhou? How is it not afraid at this moment?" Ning Fan looked at Ray eleven, and can see that Lei 11 has struggles and fears on his face.

Before, Lei 11 was afraid of Ying Long Wang, only to help Ning Fan to kill the candle.

At this moment, Lei eleven still fears Ying Long Wang, but is willing to help Ning Fan into the twenty-fourth floor.

This person seems to want to repay.

"The old man is still afraid of the Dragon King, but... if there is no help from a small friend, the old man and other masters of Wanbaoge have already died in the hands of the candle, and the glory of the people is too powerful. If it is not a small friend, no one. It can be broken... This is the life-saving grace, when it is still! My Wanbaoge people have died once, even though the little friends are not invincible with the Dragon King, I am willing to help, and a small friend will die!"

"The owner said very much! I am willing to help Zhou Daoyou, killing twenty-four layers!" Chu Nanfeng, Mo Feiyun are responding.


Ning Fan was silent for a while, and this Wanbao Pavilion knew that it was rare to find the Entu newspaper.

With the help of Wanbaoge, he will enter the twenty-fourth floor and it will be much easier. He will never refuse.

After cleaning up the battlefield a little, after the rehearsal, everyone prepared to cross the transmission array and enter the 12th floor.

At this time, outside the Zhongshan Mountains, a group of monks were imposing and smothered.

Screaming and shouting,

"I waited for ten voyeurs to come back late, and I hoped that the candle will be forgiven! Oh, this kills Zhou Ming's great deeds, but you can't let you alone!"

Ten voyeurs, thousands of gods, are really coming to grab the power.

The people rushed to the place from the tenth floor without fear, and they were afraid that they would come late and could not steal the power of killing Ning Fan.

However, this time just came to Zhongshan, one by one, the old blame is dumbfounded.

what's the situation! What's happening here!

The 100,000 miles of Zhongshan became ruins, countless dead souls died, and blood flowed into the river.

Among those corpses, there are Yuan Ying, there are gods, and there are more...

"The Ma Renwang is dead, the devil is dead, Yan Daozi is dead, and there is a lonely..." The ten-layered thunder’s forehead was cold and sweaty, and could not believe the sight.

When his gaze fell on the head of the candle, the heart almost jumped out of the throat.

Including the ten-layer Lei, the ten voyeurs are all shocked.

"Candle wind?! The candle is dead! This is impossible! He asks the old man, how can he die!"

"Why? Hey, after you die, ask him directly, it is not better!"

Lei eleven wry smile, with Wanbaoge everyone, surrounded by these masters.

These people are all dispatched by Ying Longwang. Killing the candle, Lei eleven can still use old grievances to block. Killed these people, but completely turned over with Ying Longwang.

However, Lei eleven is a decisive person. He promised to help Ning Fan to deal with Ying Long Wang. He would not regret it. One of these people would not let go.


Ning Fan stepped into the sky and recovered. After the restoration, he was able to display the technique of my phase again and split two golden shadows.

One person, two shadows, one corpse and three corpses, Ning Fan, one person, equivalent to seven voyeurism, the six people, can count as the slave of Ning Fan!

One person and six slaves immediately stabilized the ten-layer mine and launched the most violent offensive. Only one moment, they seriously injured the ten-layer mine.

"Impossible! At that time I chased you, you obviously have the power to escape, why is it so strong now! Ah!"

The ten-layer Lei was not convinced that he was besieged by Ning Fan and his six slaves. He was seriously injured in a moment.

In the next round, the injury is already deadly and screams and dies.

He couldn't understand until he died, only a few miles in the past. How can Ning Fan's strength soar?

Death is not eye-catching! Regret!

I knew that Ning Fan’s idea was so hard, and his head was caught by the door to chase Ning Fan.

I knew that Ning Fan was so strong that when he got into the water, he would rush to reincarnation and usually rushed to the eleventh floor to die.


(2/5) (to be continued.)

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