Grasping Evil

Chapter 445: Heavenly demon

Within the Six Wings, there is a lot of joy in the rest of the robbery. .

In exchange for the burning of wings, Ning Fan accepted the attachment of the six-winged family, so that countless six-winged masters sighed and no longer worried that they would be annexed by other people.

Accepting the attachment, Ning Fan is the Lord of the Six Wings, and immediately Guangming Zhengda has evacuated the Xianyu of the Six Wings, a total of one billion.

Ning Fan became the Lord of the Six Wings and was deliberately spread by the Six Wings. Ning Fan's identity is special, even if it is the Lanling King, the Sagittarius, the Ghosts, but also a few points, will not openly deal with the six wings.

However, this behavior of similar and pro-female is unfair to the burning of the wings.

She has a peerless face, has a good spiritual cultivation, has a beautiful future, just because of the identity of the ‘konjac’, she was given to the Ning Fan by the Six Wings, and her fate is unfair.

However, in order to allow the kins to continue, the six wings are not extinguished, the wing can only silently nod and promised to marry Ning Fan as an acolyte, she has no choice.

In the bright night, I burned my wings and sat alone, waiting for the arrival of Ning Fan, and I was fortunate, and my eyes fell and I was hurt.

Although she has some good feelings for Ning Fan, she also has the pride of being a Tianjiao woman. She is not willing to become a nephew of Ningfan in this way.

She was ‘sent’ to Ning Fan, and she was not destined to be respected by Ning Fan, so she was sad?

"The konjac... It turned out that I would have been the konjac of the six wings... No wonder I was born with no slaves. No wonder I have the ability to let the people wake up the magic wing..."

"The magic wing of the Six-winged people is not born by nature, but it is thorny on the winged magic pattern. After a hundred years of cultivation, the winged magic pattern is awakened by a trace, and finally the magic wing is successfully grown. Among the same-level monks, the six-winged family The idling speed of the master is outstanding. But my ability can directly wake up the winged magic pattern, so that the people with the winged magic pattern have the magic wing instantly."

"A konjac can create a demon... The elders will marry me with Zhou Gongzi. If he follows the jade slips taught by the elders, he will use my abilities, and if he can, he will train one less than six. The demon of the wing family. Everyone who has the wing and the magic pattern can get the magic wing under my ability..."

She swallowed her own words, and her mind gradually recalled the figure of Ning Fan.

"He is a ruthless person, he will not love me, I am just his tool... Maybe for the rest of his life, even the tools are not as good as..."

The eyes of the burning wings are sad, she thinks of Ning Fan's careful care of the female body, and the intimacy of the moon volley, only to her, always like a passer-by.


When she was self-pity, Ning Fan pushed open the door and stepped into the happy room. Outside the door, the night is bleak.

"I have seen Zhou Gongzi all the time, no, I have seen the husband." The burning wings hide the color of the stunned, Yingying stood up and gave a gift to Ningfan.

Ning Fan's eyes swept through the happy room, revealing a playful smile.

This mysterious wing is interesting. Not only will he give him the wing, but he will still have a bonfire.

Tonight, Ning Fan let the moon volley to rest alone, but instead seek to burn the wings, naturally not to find flowers and ask Liu.

But the burning of the wings does not think so, she naturally feels that Ning Fan is coming to ‘favored’ her. The feeling of waiting for a favor is very uncomfortable.

She made a strong smile, closed the door, held a glass of wine, sat down with Ning Fan, and drank each other, trying to brew the atmosphere, trying to make her first night not seem so bleak and sad.

"Please fill the cup with this cup, this is the treasure of my six-winged family. Drinking this wine lightly can best help Liangzhu."

"The wine is good, but people don't seem very happy. You don't want to be my aunt?" Ning Fan smiled.

"I don't dare!" The shivering eyes were panicked, and her grievances were seen by Ning Fan.

Must not be seen, if Ning Fan is dissatisfied with her, I wonder if she will anger the Six Wings, she does not dare to make fun of the relatives.

Ning Fan has waved his hand and disapproved of it.

"I don't want to be unwilling, don't worry, Zhou will say that he will believe, and promised to protect the six wings, he will not repent, nor will he anger the six wings. You don't want to call me, you can continue to call the son. You don't May I touch you, I will definitely touch you with a finger, you can rest assured that I am not an emergency person. To be honest, I am more interested in your konjac identity than your body. According to the jade slips presented by Xuanyi Daoyou, you are a six-winged konjac with a special ability to wake up the winged magic lines?"

"Yes, it does have this ability. It has become the acolyte of Zhou Gongzi. As long as the son has a command, he will always puncture the wing and the magic wing for the son of the son. It will be trained for the son." A magic wing army. For the son, the konjac identity is very useful."

The burning of the wings heard the assurance of Ning Fan, while at the same time relaxing, but also slightly lost.

She is very fortunate that Ning Fan did not anger the Six Wings. She is very fortunate that Ning Fan respects her at least and will not rudely insult or tonic.

But Ning Fan said that she was not interested in her body... this point, after all, still made her somewhat lost.

"First wake up the magic wing for me, let me see your means. You will also stab the tattoo?" After Ning Fan swallowed a slate magic, the magic pattern behind him was advanced by a quarter, and six appeared. Wing pattern.

The six wings pattern is the winged magic pattern. If it is awakened, it can grow six magic wings and bless the idling.

The six wings after the awakening are different from the six wings of the demonized state. The six wings of the demonized state are only imitating the growth of the demon's demon body, and there is no real magic wing.

That is to say, now Ning Fan only has two detached demon wings, and does not really cultivate the six wings of the devil.

If you can cultivate the six wings of the devil, plus the support of the wings, Ning Fan will have eight wings, and the speed will rise rapidly. It is precisely because Xuanyi claimed that the burning of wings could make Ning Fan swell rapidly, and Ning Fan accepted the attachment of the Six Wings.

"Yes, it will be tattooed, but it is not proficient, it will only slash the wing of the wing. Among the four demons, the most proficient in thorns, but also the first four thorn tattooers - wind Miss Snow Word."

"Feng Xueyan..." Ning Fan remembers that the big lady of the troll family is called Feng Xueyan. It is said that the body is still not very good. It seems to be Xu Qiu Ling's sister-in-law.

"Awakening the magic wing as a tribe requires two steps. The first step is to slash the winged magic pattern for the tribe. The second step is to "cure the feathers" to help the lover's magic pattern wake up and call out the magic wing. The son is not a demon, and he has not stabbed the winged magic pattern. It is impossible to call out the magic wing. Therefore, the first step is to smash the magic pattern for the son... The most powerful wing magic pattern that can be stabbed, It’s just a step... and the thorny process is extremely painful. At that time, please ask the son to endure one or two...”

The jade box is taken out from the burning wing, which contains a three-inch bone needle, which is a high-grade thorn needle.

She took out a jade slip, and all the records in the jade slips were the magic wrinkles of the order, for Ning Fan to choose. Ning Fan wants to stab which wing, she can not be arrogant.

"The thorn tattoo technique of Miss Financing Wings is quite extraordinary. I have seen one person and will also have thorn tattoos. He said that it only takes a thousand years to master the martial arts magic lines. The young winger can stab the order magic lines. Talent is not low, and it must have suffered a lot." Ning Fan remembered the words of Shi Bing.

"Xie Gongzi applauded." The eyes of the burning wing gradually became brighter, and were praised by Ning Fan, which made her sullen mood dilute.

"I have a winged magic pattern, as for the order... I don't know if it is suitable for the order, or is it suitable for the handsome step... The first step of the tattoo can be omitted, the lady of the burning wing wakes me up this magic line and helps me grow the six wings. Just fine."


Ning Fan said, suddenly smashed the white robe, the upper body completely exposed.

The sound of burning the wings ‘ye’ did not expect Ning Fan to take off his clothes so calmly. When he saw Ning Fan’s upper body, the enchanting eyes raised a trace of shame.

Even if it is a grotesque, even if it is a konjac, she is just a woman who has not left the cabinet.

His eyes hang around in Ning Fan's body, and his wings are slightly different. Ning Fan's strength is strong. Double fists can kill the land and burn, but the body is so thin.

When her gaze gradually shifted to the back of Ning Fan, it suddenly showed a shocking color.

"Xuan, Xuan Tu magic lines! No, no... this is, this is..."

The mysterious demon is a powerful order, and this magical pattern has another special meaning for the four demons.


However, the mysterious demon pattern is different from the inferior slaves of the four slaves. It is the top slain of the Emperor Luo, and few people can cultivate.

In the history of the four major slaves, only a few masters including the four ancestors have cultivated.

Ning Fan can repair this kind of magic, and he has more than a few demons in terms of talent.

And the mysterious demon pattern has a very significant meaning for the four major slaves.

The cultivator of the mysterious demon, the ultimate servant to become the highest servant of the devil. But legend, if someone can resist the devouring of the devil, it will not become a slave of the devil, but also help the four slaves to break the slave.

The burning wings are deeply gazing at Ning Fan. Unbelievable, can the people who can lift the six-winged slaves be in front of their eyes?

Ning Fan owns the mysterious demon, and he is the hope of the four slaves to break the slave and gain freedom.

And when the swallowing wings found that the mysterious demon has been advanced to a quarter, she was even more shocked and her mouth could not be closed.

Ning Fan has completed a quarter of the Xuan Tu magic pattern, which shows that he blocked the devouring of the Emperor Luo Luo, not enslaved!

As long as Ning Fan completely completes the promotion of the mysterious demon pattern, he is likely to have the ability to break the four-nation slave pattern!

"You saw the magic lines on my back, how do you feel?" Ning Fan asked.

"I don't dare to say this secret, I am willing to send my heart to swear!" The swollen wing was a little flustered, and she suddenly realized that Ning Fan's magical pattern was a big deal.

Once known by the ghosts and the horns, Ning Fan is expected to crack the slaves for the four races. I wonder if the two races will have another mind and murder.

Such a major secret was seen by the burning wings. She hurriedly expressed her attitude to Ning Fan, and she would not leak it. She was afraid that Ning Fan would not be happy.

"I am asking you, what is the magic pattern behind me?"

Ning Fan does not matter, a magic pattern only, even if it is known by ghosts and horns? With his current strength, he is enough to protect himself in the rain world, not afraid of the two demons in the district.

"This..." The burning of the wings fixed the mind, stretched out the soft palms, and carefully rubbed on the back of Ning Fan, feeling the veins of the magic lines.

"Xuantu magic pattern is about to advance to the next level, and has completed one quarter. In the direction of the promotion, it is impossible to see through it. It is impossible to determine the pattern of the remaining three-quarters of the magic pattern. What are the patterns? The pattern is somewhat similar to the wings of my six-winged family, but the grade is much higher. Perhaps, this is a kind of powerful magical pattern that has not been recorded... Once it is completely advanced, it is absolutely not the same!"

"Yes. Use six wings and magic lines to help me wake up the magic wing. Can it be done?"

"I can do it!" The burning wing is very confident in its ability to wake up the magic wing.

Ning Fan's magic pattern is not weak, and the burning of the wing not only wants to awaken Ning Fan's magic wing, but also makes Ning Fan's magic wing order extraordinary, in order to show her ability.

Many of the demon repairs of the seven realms of cultivation have wings. The grades of the wings can be divided into three levels. Fan wing, spirit wing, virtual wing.

There is no direct relationship between the grade and the idle speed, which symbolizes the qualification of the wing.

The pulse, the spirit, the golden bud, if there are wings, most of them are the wings. Yuan Ying, the wing of the god, is mostly the wing. The wings of smelting and breaking the clouds are mostly virtual wings.

Ning Fan's winged magic pattern is quite extraordinary, and the awakened magic wing can never be lower than the spiritual wing. In order to show the ability, the burning of the wings must at least wake up the wing.

She bite the tip of her tongue, discarding a drop of blood, and reading the ancient Austrian mouth, a strange power from her body, like a whisper, like calling, actually with the Ning Fan magic pattern in the six-wing pattern has a resounding.

She pointed out a glimpse of six flaming wings, above the wings, dense and flaming.

Among the countless red feathers, there are more than a hundred feathers, the color is the most deep red, with the ability to be mysterious.

The burning wings endured a slight pain, and six deep red feathers were pulled from the wings. Immediately, a feeling of weakness spread throughout the body.

This deep red feather, is the life of the fire, connected with her god, she has just reshaped the body, the body is still very weak, rushed to tear down the life of the fire, the gods pain, affecting the old wounds.

"When you burn your wings and burn your wings, when are you weakened to this point, but you have to unplug the six basic fires, you can't bear it? If you can't make Zhou Gongzi satisfied, the Six Wings may die because of you. !When you burn your wings, you must hold your teeth!"

She talked to herself, hiding a trace of paleness on her face, a bite of her teeth, and a handful of feathers. The six feathers turned into six deep red magic fires, jumping in their palms.

With a shot, six magic fires were shot into the magical lines of Ning Fan. For a moment, the magic lines of the six wings, the lines of each wing, were burned and fired.

Ning Fan only felt that the back was hot and burning. Then, six huge illusory magic wings were born from behind, and the magic wings burned with magic fire. With the burning of the magic fire, the wings gradually turned from illusion to solidification, and gradually became flesh and blood.

This is a kind of realization of the rebirth of the fire.

As the flame burns, a trace of flesh and blood is being derived from the flame!

Among them, there is an incomprehensible truth.

"No wonder you call it a swallowing wing, I understand. Burning the wings, in exchange for a new life, a very good name, a lot of good ideas."

Feel the six wings gradually solidified, Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction, the six wings are still illusory, they have reached the level of the virtual wing.

The ability to burn the wings is really good, and has the ability to excel. If she is there, maybe she can really train a magic wing army for Ning Fan.

"Xie Gongzi praised." The forehead of the burning wing braved the sweat, ignited the magic fire, and helped Ningfan burn the magic wing. See the magic wing has reached the level of the virtual wing, revealing a smile.

Only with the calcination of the magic fire, Ning Fan's magic wings are getting more and more solid, but the magic fire is getting weaker and weaker. In the end, the flames went out, and the Magic Wing did not awaken success in one fell swoop, only one tenth of the solid.

The other nine tenths are still illusory.

The burning of the wings is a big surprise. She wakes up the wings for the ordinary Mozu, and often only folds the basic fire, and can turn out enough magic fires to help the tribes cultivate the magic wings.

The stronger the magic wing, the more magical fires are spent, but even if it is the owner of the six-winged virtual wing, the burning of the wings can only use up to five basic fires, which can help people to condense the virtual wings.

She has overestimated the magic wing of Ning Fan, and used six fires for Ning Fan, but never thought that the magic fire of six fires is enough to make the magic wing solid one-tenth...

There are some mistakes in the burning of the wings. How powerful is the magic wing, it will be so difficult to solidify, and it is more powerful than the virtual wing!

Does she have to consume sixty fires to help Ning Fan completely condense the magic wings?

After the loss of the lifeblood, through cultivation, every time you can re-grow, you can continue to wake up the magic wing for the monks.

But if you take off sixty fires in one breath, it is absolutely difficult to cultivate them back.

And with the weak body of the burning wing today, the six fires will be pulled out, and the Yuanshen will be weak. If sixty fires are removed in one breath, serious injuries are possible.

The burning of the wings was stunned, but it was decided after a while.

At this moment, it is important to make a big deal. In order to make Ning Fan's wings solid and make Ning Fan satisfied, she naturally cannot take care of her body.

One bite, want to pull off the fire again, but was held by Ning Fan and stopped.

"You have already helped me to evoke the magic wing. Next, the task of burning the wings and condensing the magic wings, just give it to me. This **** Chuang Dan, you take it!"

Ning Fan does not wait for the burning of the wings to return, directly put a medicinal medicine into the lips of the burning wing.

Is it a concern to burn her wings? Are you afraid of her injury?

The soft lips were touched by Ning Fan's fingers, and her face was reddish, no longer speaking, and refined the medicine.

She did not ask much, and Ning Fan did not answer.

However, seeing Ning Fan suddenly stood up, behind the six illusory magic wings, suddenly burning a terrible magic fire.

That magic fire is a fusion of countless days of frost.

That magic fire, the grade is comparable to the magic fire of the fairy!

The magic fire, a sense of suffocation for the burning of the wings, she has never seen such a powerful magic fire in her life!

Under this tyrannical magic fire, Ning Fan's six wings are reborn in an amazing speed!

The power of the virtual wing, under the nourishment of the magic fire, is rapidly increasing!

At a certain moment, Ning Fan suddenly summoned the demon wing, the eight wings, and burned in the magic fire, gradually burning the dark color of the magic fire!

"This is, this is the demon wing! This demon wing, it is also the level of the virtual wing!" The burning wing has a great research on the wing, and she can see at the same time that Ning Fan is both pregnant with the demon wing and the magic wing.

She can't understand that the demon wing and the magic wing are two very different wings, they can't coexist, why can they exist in Ningfan's body at the same time.

She can't understand, Ning Fan actually has a pair of virtual wings!

All this, she does not understand, but can feel more and more heavy wings from Ning Fan.

The wing of the virtual wing level, and the six-winged magic wing of the virtual wing level, there are signs of integration, the pressure of the wing, and began to break through the limits of the virtual wing.

"The demon eight wings... give the deity!"

A tyrannical momentum suddenly spread from the body of Ning Fan, sweeping the entire six-winged family.

At this moment, behind the Ning Fan, the demon wing of the black magic fire, the shocking power of the people.

At this moment, all the winged tribes of the Six Wings felt that their magic wings were shaking and fearing.

It seems that all the magic wings in the world are not as strong as those of Ning Fan.

It is a kind of pressure from the wings, which is stronger than all the spiritual and virtual wings of the seven realms.

This kind of wing power has exceeded the virtual wing too much. It can't appear on the monks who cultivated the truth. It usually only appears on the wings of the demon and the demon.

This pressure has reached a higher level than the virtual wing!

Xuanyi's face changed greatly, looking at Ning Fan's new house direction, unbelievable. It’s not wrong, this wing of the wing that makes the heart of the chaos is absolutely out of the way.

Is it tonight, Ning Fan did not burn the wings for a night*, but let the wing of the wing wake him up?

"The demon of the sky demon! Wrong! The magic wing that Zhou Daoyou condensed has reached this level!"

"If Zhou Daoyou devote himself to cultivating this magic wing, step by step to improve the speed of the magic wing, there is a glimpse of this, the speed of this magic wing can match the demon of the demon! This is the promising treasure wing!"


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