Grasping Evil

Chapter 453: Brother, don't


The little snowman moved, and his life disappeared in front of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan is not in a hurry to chase, the palm of the hand in the snow and snow, recalling the power of the artistic conception, the dissipating breath and footprint, gradually clear and distinct.

Looking for a direction, Ning Fan takes a step like a cigarette and floats to the top of a snow-capped mountain.

The snow-capped mountains are more than seven thousand feet high, and above them, there is a small snowman.

The little snowman was sore and sullen, and it seemed to be white. It seemed that the technique of shifting was just too heavy on her body.

Seeing Ning Fan chasing again, the little snowman hurriedly fled and moved away.

This time she fled too quickly, she didn't notice a reel falling from her and falling on the snow.

Ning Fan evokes a playful smile. This little girl runs very fast. The average person can't find her. Even if she finds it, few people can catch up with her.

Did not chase immediately, but casually picked up the scroll, laughing and shaking his head.

"I don't know if something is falling..."

When the language is spoken, Ning Fan’s eyes are suddenly stunned. From this scroll, he perceives a trace of magical power, but makes his blood tremble.

Not eager to chase the snowman, but to open the scroll, a glimpse.

This scroll is made of some kind of monster skin, very ancient.

In the scroll, a piece of the broken magic was recorded. The magical scripture is a bone totem, with a clear hand but a windy bone. The writer should be a woman. From the age of writing, the writer is an ancient monk.

I don't know why, Ning Fan always felt that the scroll was a bit familiar, and I thought it was the same as that seen on the stone monument outside the Snow Pavilion.

"It is the troll ancestor who recorded this magical..."

Ning Fan went to see the magic scriptures carefully. This magical scripture is difficult to understand, but the contents of the records make him feel familiar.

His mind turned and immediately understood why this familiarity appeared.

Some of these verses are in line with the magical content of the six-wing slate...

"Where do these magical scriptures come from? When the troll demons, why aren't they like the tribes, there is a vision of magic blood staining the blue sky... Can there be a connection between the two?"

"If there is a connection, the magical matter is very important, how can it be placed on a little girl... What is hidden?"

Ning Fan imprinted the magic scripture into another jade slip, and took the reel into the sleeve, taking it one step at a time and chasing it toward the little snowman.

If you think about it, if the troll family has a slate magical demon and keeps secret to the outside world, will he want to grab it...

However, the troll family has not lost him. If he is a troll family, he is against the Tao. It is important to let go of this matter and find the little snowman.


Ning Fan chased again, this time, staying in a snow valley thousands of miles away.

Among the snow valleys, there are a lot of snow shovel, each one has the strength of Jindan.

After the little snowman broke into the snow valley, dozens of snow scorpions immediately surrounded her and tried to attack her.

The little snowman seems to be a little confused, not thinking about being besieged by the monsters here.

She was sore and violent, and seemed to be unable to escape. She looked at the monsters that were approaching, and I was afraid.

"Do you know what?"

Ning Fan walked into the snow valley without hesitation, and the faint words spread out with the hustle and bustle of the sky.

He didn't even shoot these low-level snow scorpions, and all the snow scorpions noticed the arrival of Ning Fan, and the beasts had a terrified expression.

猿 The most common surname, these ferrets feel the uncomfortable feelings of Ning Fan, one by one wanting to die, not escaping.

Ning Fan is not chasing, not benevolent, just some concerns, do not want this little snowman to see blood.

"If you run away, if you are in danger, I will not save you. I am here to take you back..."

Gently pointed at the snowman's eyebrows, a soft brilliance spread, a layer of ice and snow melted, revealing the girl hidden in the snowman body.

She wore a plain white dress and looked like a 14-year-old girl. She looked at Ning Fan, who was close at hand. The girl said that she was not afraid to be deceiving. Ning Fan’s arrogance was really terrible and she could scare away the brutality. The beast is imaginable.

However, she was very calm, silent, looking up and staring at Ning Fan, but she was a bit timid.

Her long hair is as white as a snowflake, and her white hair is not a big snowy white down.

The little face was slightly pale, and the ankle on the right was still light.

Seeing the girl does not escape, Ning Fan nodded and smiled, this woman is not high, courage is good, do Xu Qiu Ling such a strange woman's sister, but also qualified.

"You are the wind and snow?"

"..." The girl nodded.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"..." The girl wanted to nod, but hesitated and shook her head.

"You can't talk?"

"..." The girl nodded, her eyes were somewhat self-inflicted, but she was faintly hidden.

"It is a poor man."

It is indeed pitiful. It has ten layers of pilgrimage, no thoughts, no words, and basically no dialogue with people.

Although this woman is pitiful, Ning Fan’s concern for her is also based on Xu Qiu Ling’s request.

He reached out to pull the wind and snow, intended to take her back to the county, but she was gently retreat to escape, shaking her head, the meaning is very obvious, she did not want to go back.

"Are you worried that the son of the Shile Lord will bully you?"

Ning Fan's faint words fell into the snow and ears, and immediately turned into a strange color.

Feng Xueyan was very surprised. The young man in front of him looked at her not much bigger than her. How could she be so powerful and know everything.

That night, the son of Shile’s lord was unscrupulous and sneaked into her room. She found someone outside the door and immediately fled and fled. When Ning Fan was not present, how could he know?

Although Ning Fan cannot communicate directly with the girl, it will steal the words. The girl can't talk, but he can see what she thinks.

"Reassured, everything is gone, you can rest assured that I will go home with me."

"..." The girl instinct took a step back, and some looked at Ning Fan with fear.

For this gentle young man, she instinctively has some good feelings, but after all, she is a stranger. It is impossible to believe it casually. He said that he would go with him when he walked with him.

"I am the husband of Qiu Ling, this time, but she asked me to pick you up, afraid that you are hungry."

Ning Fan took out a small shoe from his sleeve and bent down and smiled. "Let's lift your foot, I will wear it for you."

When I heard Ning Fan mentioned Xu Qiuling, she even had her embroidered shoes as a token. Feng Xueyan could not help but believe that Ning Fan was a bit, but there was still some alert in the depths of his eyes.

She looked at Ning Fan carefully, and she felt more and more familiar with it. It seems that the portrait that Xu Qiuling showed her is very similar.

Xu Qiuling and the wind and snow words accompanied by the blind, always telling Ning Fan to the wind and snow, and once saw the true meaning of Ning Fan to Feng Xueyan.

The original defense against Ning Fan was gradually faded, lifting the right ankle of the light, and Ren Ningfan put on his shoes.

"Thank you..." Her lips twitched, but she couldn't make a sound, her eyes were slightly dark, and she turned to a calm color.

That calm, just like Xu Qiuling was a terminally ill, he was faint and dead.

There are similarities between the two female surnames, no wonder they will become sisters.

"Reassured, I can hear your voice. You are saying ‘thank you’, are you?”

"How do you know..." Feng Xueyan still can't make a sound, only lips, but Ning Fan can hear her heart.

"This is a secret. I have a chance afterwards. I will tell you slowly. Let's go, it's time to go back."

"Brother, wait a minute... my things are lost..."

Feng Xueyan was anxiously biting her lip, and she discovered that the reel in the sleeve was gone.

Ning Fan’s body was slightly stunned. He was the first time to listen to his brother-in-law, even if Feng Xueyan was called in his heart.

Looking at the wind and snow words, the more soft, smile, take a reel from the sleeves, handed to the wind and snow.

"Occasionally. Now it's okay, can you go back?"

"Well, thank you brother-in-law, I am so hungry..."

Feng Xueyan's stomach screamed, confirming her heart.

Ning Fan laughs, this little girl, how can there be a half of the monk's appearance, if this is not a valley, retreat for a year and a half, is it not directly starved to death?

Well, people screamed at him a brother-in-law. If there is a chance, he should help her to refine and cure the disease, and how to say that there must be a spiritual practice. How autistic, how boring.

Holding the girl, Ning Fan stepped into a cigarette, and was about to return. Suddenly, the wind and snow fell on the snow, and the whole body shrank into a ball. The small face was full of sweat and the body was hot and burning.

"Sister-in-law, pain, pain..." Feng Xueyan shouted helplessly, and made Ning Fan look at it.

God read the wind and snow all over the body, immediately, the usual calm eyes, revealing a slight anger.

"this is!"

Ning Fan squatted down and put the wind and snow into her arms, causing her to face herself, slamming her clothes, revealing that the clean tube top was not taken off, only staring at her back, and the chill in her eyes was deeper.

On the white, innocent back of the wind, the seal with eight black fire patterns is burning on its back.

These eight seals, each of them, are all refining the monks and trying to do everything, and the eight seals are one, even if they are broken and old, they may not be able to break!

The eight seals were planted in order to seal something in the wind and snow words!

The seal can shield all exploration, and no one knows what is hidden in the wind and snow.

But Ning Fan perceives... The seal is a drop of blood that burns like a fire!

The blood of the demon Luo within his **** is almost exactly the same, only slightly inferior in strength, and a little bit sturdy, not pure.

Feng Xueyan is different from Ning Fan. She is only a pilgrimage monk, and she has no high-level mana of Ning Fan. How can she withstand the suffering of the blood of the demon?

Is this woman suffering from all the pain, is this blood brought by the blood of the devil?

Ning Fan explored and looked colder and colder. He finally understood the poisonousness of the eight seals.

The person who seals the blood of the blood is not a blood, but a nourishing blood!

The blood of this demon, at the beginning of the seal, is not a complete drop of blood, perhaps just a bloodshot.

Some people sealed the blood in the snow and snow words, using the wind and snow words to raise the blood, so that the blood gradually grows to achieve its purpose.

After the magic blood is fully developed, the final step is taken at the expense of the sacrifice of the wind and snow, and the blood is removed and the blood is taken out.

For the wind and snow, the people who seal down and raise the blood of the devil are really poisonous.

But who will do this kind of thing?

What is their purpose?

Why did they choose the wind and snow?

Ning Fan took the wind and snow and said that he closed his clothes and constantly entered the mana, so that her breath gradually subsided.

At the moment when the two men reached each other, the feeling of being connected to each other suddenly came to mind.

This feeling, Ning Fan only felt in the burning of the wings.

For a moment, Ning Fan seems to understand why Feng Xueyan will be stared at and raise the blood in the body.

"She is the konjac of the troll family!"

Ning Fan's mind is a hundred turns, but the mana in his hand is continuous input.

The pain in the body of Feng Xueyan gradually dissipated and slowly awakened.

When I saw myself lying in the arms of Ning Fan, the clothes were half-solved, the light was venting, the eyes were clear, and there was a hint of fear.

"Brother, don't be indecent as I..."

Her lips are moving, her hands are on her chest, and she is scared.

Ning Fan laughs and laughs, is he like a bad person? Even the little sisters are not let go?

Maybe, it’s like... he’s not sure, because he’s really notorious now, people are scared, the beast sees the beast...


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