Grasping Evil

Chapter 469: The third slate!

If the city of Guanxin City is subdivided, it can be divided into the 12th floor and the 12th city. The heavy defense is extremely strict. After all, it is the main city of the magic country of the ghost family. Can you just sneak into it?

It is a pity that such a strict defense has encountered the alternative of Ning Fan, which is simply ineffective.

But see a misty purple-gold smoke blowing gently, even if there is no other movement.

The ghosts and monks who guarded the 12th floor and the 12th city did not know that Ning Fan had sneaked into the highest forbidden land of the ghost family when he was not aware of it.

In stealth, Ning Fan looks at one direction and runs non-stop.

As he entered the city of Guanxin, his heart rose to a sense of heart and soul.

This kind of induction has appeared in the burning of wings and wind and snow.

Ning Fan knows that at the end of this induction, there must be a ghost konjac hidden!

And if you find the konjac, the slate is at your fingertips.

In the Weiyang Building, a beautiful woman in a black dress, with a browed eye shadow, has a enchanting beauty.

This is a standard Mozu woman, revealing thousands of styles.

She sat quietly in the attic, above the bookshelves in the boudoir, filled with ancient jade slips, all of which are recorded in the magic pattern of the scorpion.

She is the konjac of the ghost family, named Gu Shi Niang, she is good at the magical pattern of the thorns, almost one-third of the ghosts, once asked her to tattoo.

She is better at awakening the konjac magic pattern, and many masters have asked her to wake up the magic pattern.

But she has never been happy, her gaze. Not only is there loneliness and loneliness, but there is also a deep hidden hatred. That hatred, hate is the ghost family, she and the ghost family, there is no endless hatred.

Outside the window, there are four long-lasting Mozu female guards, each of whom has a horror repair on the peak of Yuan Ying.

As a demon konjac, Gu Shi Niang is restricted from all freedoms, and all her values ​​are for the monk thorns.

Suddenly. The sound of rustling sounded outside the window, and immediately, the sound of the four ghostly female guards was stunned.

"who is it!"

Gu Shi Niang hurriedly pushed open the door. She found that there was no movement outside the door, but the four female guards outside the building were all missing.

She is very surprised. When I turned back into the room, I suddenly found out that I didn’t know when to start. Next to the tea table in the room, I was sitting in a white youth.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with me?"

Gu Shiyan instinctively feared this white youth, she understood. A person who can sneak into the forbidden place, and God does not know how to take away the four ghosts, the strength is not something she can imagine.

But in the midst of it, Gu Shi Niang has a sense of dependence on Ning Fan's instinct, which is the surrender from the blood.

"I want to take you away, of course. The slate you care for is also what I need." Ning Fan's tone is dull. He easily broke into the highest forbidden land of the ghost family, and then took four ghosts to repair the horse.

He appeared here, only for the slate, and this konjac can also be taken away.

If Gu Shi Niang does not want to leave with Ning Fan, Ning Fan can use strong.

"Well, I am going with you. If you help me with one thing, I will not only give you the slate, but I will also swear by my heart, and I will be your konjac for the rest of my life."

Out of the expectation of Ning Fan, this Gu Shi Niang seems very willing to leave with him.

"Oh, do you want to be my konjac? If you are coming tonight tonight, are you other men, are you willing to be his konjac?" Ning Fan asked with a smile.

"No." Gu Shi Niang is willing to go with Ning Fan, one is to detect that Ning Fan has the ability to avenge her, and the other is that the blood has a good impression on Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was a little silent, and looked deeply at Gu Shi Niang, who seemed to see the hatred in her eyes.

"What do I need to do for you, will you be willing to surrender to me?" Ning Fan asked faintly.

"I want you to kill a person. He is a four-year elder of the ghost family. He has a voyeurism...he is my killing father."

Gu Shi Niang did not talk much about her past, her eyes were faintly sentimental.

Ning Fan can guess that this woman has become a konjac of the ghost family, and she is under house arrest. She has a dispute with the ghosts and her past. Perhaps her father was killed by the ghosts at that time.

"Your past, I don't ask. The slate is in your hand?"

"Yes." Gu Shiniang nodded, took a piece of magic stone slab from the storage bag and handed it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan sifted through the slate, saw all the magic scriptures, secretly remembered in the heart, and did not study the contents of the magic.

At the same time, the third magical power was swallowed up and merged into the magic pattern. There was no immediate refining, but the waist and limbs of Gu Shi Niang's slender snakes were suddenly caught, and the cloak of the bully was taken out. One step was stealth and disappeared without a trace.

Gu Shi Niang's flower changes slightly, and she was amazed at the stealth ability of the cloak, but she did not ask much.

"You lead the way, I kill." Ning Fan's tone is extremely dull, no matter which master of Gu Shi Niang let him kill the ghost tonight, he will not have a nonsense.

"This side..." Gu Shi Niang gently took a breath and tried to calm her mood. She suddenly met a person who was willing to take her away and was willing to help her revenge. She was very grateful, but felt that it was too unreal. Just like a dream.

She dreamed of getting rid of the cages of the ghosts, and the environment here made her breathless.

Snuggling in Ning Fan's arms, it is the first time that a man is touched, but she is not disgusted, probably because of the sense of dependence in the blood.

The rouge gouache taste that comes from the face, but can not conceal the faint scent of the place, like a poppy, can seduce all men in the world.

Ning Fan is not moved by her fragrance. The black wings are quietly opened behind her back. She has been idling very fast. In the direction of Gu Shi Niang, she has crossed more than half of the ghosts and reached another garrison. Strict palace.

Outside the palace, the guards of countless guards, one by one arrogant, apparently living in the palace, is not a leisurely person.

Inside the palace, Shi Guanzhong, within the space of a cave of heaven, the four elders of the ghost family are retreating, sprinting to ask the virtual bottleneck!

His strength is slightly worse than that of Shile. But it is not much worse.

He did ask the vain, with the help of the power of the vain. Almost has to break through the realm of questioning.

The four elders just finished running a mana week and uttered a sigh of breath.

In front of me, I remembered the graceful figure of a woman in a black dress, licking her tongue and revealing a rather sinister look.

"Gu Yu Niang, hey, you, destined to escape the old man's palm, even if you are konjac identity!"

"The ghost ancestor has promised to the old man. Once the old man breaks through the question of the virtual realm, you can take possession of it! Your father blocked it, he **** it. Now if you still don't know how to lift it, this time, the old man doesn't mind playing with you, will You reward many subordinates and let them taste your taste."

These four elders. I have always possessed the evil thoughts of Gu Shi Niang. It is only because of the konjac identity of Gu Shi Niang, she is not afraid to move her. She has not moved her finger yet, and she can only be obscenity.

If the four elders break through the question, his position in the ghost family will surely rise. At that time, he has great value to the ghost family, and is qualified to truly occupy Gu Shiniang!

The four elders never expected that after today, he will no longer have the opportunity to break through the doubts in his life. There is no chance to take care of Ten Niang Xiangze.

In the cave space, gently tremble. Send out subtle fluctuations.

The eminent four elders, suddenly shocked, immediately got up and took a palm to the space fluctuations.

At the beginning of the palm print, there was only the size of the palm, and suddenly it was windy and long. In the end, it was almost as big as it could kill all the gods.

"Oh? It doesn't feel too slow."

Ning Fan fainted out, taking Gu Shi Niang's appearance and the space inside the cave, no longer invisible.

In the face of the huge oncoming palm prints, there is not much expression, only a single boxing of the black dragon virtual shadow, a punch, the space is fierce and fierce, a few want to crush!


The punches and palm prints were on the bounce, and the palm prints were shattered by Ning Fan.

The four elders were shocked and instinctively, the fists of the mountains were slammed into the body, and all the black dragon shadows were in all directions.

A layer of heavy armor was smashed under the shadow of the boxing.

The four elders’ chests were severely hit, and under the pain, they were like a broken kite.

Good life is easy to stabilize, but although not seriously injured, it is not hurt.

The four elders showed a shocked expression. He finally saw the appearance of the comer and recognized who was who broke into the hole.

"Zhou, Zhou Ming! My ghost family and you well water do not make river water, why do you sneak into my ghost family, break into the old man's cave space, is it to kill the old man? You do not fear to be with my ghosts Under the end of the hatred of hatred!"


Ning Fan’s eyes flashed a hint of disdain, screaming at Gu Shi Niang, and the eight wings fluttered. In an unimaginable speed, they appeared in front of the four elders, and they were shot by a dragon.

"I am killing you, it is easy, no one knows, why come to hate?"


This punch directly slammed into the chest of the four elders, and the punch was too fast, which made him unable to escape. He only slightly sideways, after all, Ning Fan punched the right shoulder bone.

With only one punch, the four elders felt like they were squatting on the shoulders, and the pain was difficult to understand.

The shoulder bones were smashed in a moment, and a good arm was directly smashed into blood.

The four elders were in pain, and their hearts were lost. They desperately opened up distance with Ning Fan.

He couldn't understand. He clearly didn't know Ning Fansu, and he had no hatred. Why did Ning Fan suddenly appear in his retreat, and he looked like a murderer!

When he fell on Gu Shi Niang, he was immediately shocked.

"You dare to take away the konjac of my ghostly family. If the ghost ancestor knows, you will be ruined!"

"Yes, I understand! The reason why you kill me is to be instigated by this monk! Haha, want to kill me, you have to pay the price! Konjac, cover the sky!"

The four elders are not fools. They instantly guessed that Ning Fan’s killing of him came from Gu’s request.

He knows that he is not a rival to Ningfan. Only when he is killed and hurts, he has a chance to escape from Dongtian.

Only if you can escape from the hole, you can call countless ghost masters to help, you can escape a dead robbery, this fights a blow, he must not have a little bit to stay!

A circle of mana fluctuations, scattered from the four elders, turned into a strange voice of the Mozu chanting. His slightly obese body suddenly rushed to dry, and all the flesh and blood did not know where to go, almost skinny.

And his one-armed palm suddenly broke a **** mouth, and in the **** mouth, he grew a **** eye.

The eyeballs shot a black mans to Ning Fan. The black mans are the darkness that swallowed all senses. At the moment of shooting, all the sky turned into a night wherever the eyeballs were.

Ning Fan is standing in the night, knowing that this night is actually an illusion, which can seal the five senses of the monk. Once you lose your sense of the five senses and cannot perceive all attacks, the monks in the fight will undoubtedly fall into danger.

This technique of covering the sky is enough to cover any five senses of the voyeuristic monk. The four elders want to perform this technique, and the price paid is absolutely not small, almost exhausted.

Seeing the technique of covering the sky to cover the five senses of Ning Fan, and Ning Fan is like a wood carving, standing in the sky, the four elders know that this is the best chance to attack Ning Fan, but they bite their teeth, fear the means of Ning Fan, dare not dare Rushing close to the sneak attack, he immediately turned around, intending to escape from the space of the cave, and then called people to deal with Ning Fan.

In the moment he turned around, the darkness of Zhou Tian suddenly broke like a glass.

In the broken darkness, Ning Fan left the eye to help, and the right eye was demon, and the eyebrows had a more eye-catching eye.

With three eyes open, you can wear everything to ask Unreal, and you can see the illusion of illusion.

It is easy to crush the illusion of the sky, and Ning Fan has a vibrate appearance, like a ghost, appearing behind the four elders.

The four elders who are squatting with one hand can't think of Ning Fan's illusion that he is proud of.

Only a tearful pain was heard from the one-armed arm. For the next moment, his one-armed arm was torn off by Ning Fan, and his palm was broken.


The four elders were destroyed by their arms, their blood was greatly damaged, and they were not hurt. They were entangled in Ning Fan, and they only felt that Ning Fan was like a skeleton, and could not be smashed.

I also want to use other means to escape. Ning Fan did not give him another chance. One finger pointed out, within the cave space, the collapse of Qianshan, the collapse of the darkness of the sky, the collapse of the void and the collapse of all the forces of collapse. Sword mans.

With the finger force of the Emperor's phalanx, a sword penetrated out and immediately turned into a billions of swords, and Jianguang immediately drowned the four elders.

Crashing the sword, the third collapse!

The four elders' strong body, but no resistance, the raw smashed into meat.

His seriously injured Yuan Shen avoided Jianguang and his words were extremely fearful.

"What kind of spell is this! This powerful power is definitely not a question! Ah!"

He hurriedly escaped from the room, and he did not pay attention to it. He was settled by what was strange, and then Ning Fan, who suddenly appeared behind him.

The little god, by Ning Fan in the palm of his hand, the four elders trembled, he felt a sense of indifference from Ning Fan's eyes.

"No... don't kill me..."

"Reassured, I won't kill you for the time being. Hey, now!"

Ning Fan called out a glimpse of the four elders, so that he was seriously injured and stunned, and thrown into the mouth.

Once you leave the ghost family, you will let the **** eat this god.

The reason why I did not immediately kill the four elders was that I did not want the four elders’ slogans to be smashed at this time, and they were shocked by the ghosts.

His work in the ghost family has not yet been completed, and the ghost warehouse, the fairy jade, and the dark golden pagoda of the ghost family are all he wants to steal.

Gu Shi Niang in the arms, shocked and closed mouth.

She is under house arrest all the time, and she does not know that Ning Fan is famous.

She did plead with Ning Fan to kill the four elders, but she did not expect that Ning Fan would readily agree, and did not expect Ning Fan to kill the peeping monk, so easy.

"From today, you are my konjac." Ning Fan's faint tone is like an order that cannot be rejected.

Gu Shiiang’s eyes flashed slightly, and Ning Fan helped her to report her great hatred. She was willing to follow Ning Fan’s.

The ghost family has long chilled her.

"Yes, since Ten Mothers, it is the konjac of the master, life and death."


Within the ghost family, Lanling Wang and the ghosts do not know that a great change has already occurred.

Their negotiations will soon be destroyed by Ning Fan, and the dark golden pagoda will also be easy to change.

(3/3) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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