Grasping Evil

Chapter 474: Against the sky

Ning Fan temporarily stayed in the guest building, serving more than a dozen servants of the gods, including the old surname of Qu and the Red Moon Monarch, all respectfully outside the building.

In the middle of the building, there is a line of thoughts. Ning Fan took the bird to sit in the building and asked the latter about the experience of these years.

This little girl, after Ning Fan left the country, also slipped out of the cemetery and went to the endless sea alone.

When she left Vietnam, she was only the little Dan of the Golden Dragon Peak, and now she has become the early existence of the god.

According to Mingque's self-report, she has never been practicing any more, but she has taken countless elixir and remedy, and she has broken through the sacred period within a few decades.

This enchanting cultivation of physique makes Ning Fan self-proclaimed.

The Mingque is a combination of the Taikoo and the Dan, and is naturally sensitive to Tianmudibao. He travels all the way to the endless sea and collects countless elixir.

The identity of the Taikoo Birds gives the blood of the Mingque King's blood level, and has the speed of cultivation that the ordinary Yaozu can't match.

The identity of the Dan Devil gave another special physique of the Mingque. The essence of the Dan Devil is a medicinal herb. As a Dan Devil, it can absorb the medicinal power of other medicinal herbs to enhance the rank of the Dan Devil.

Strictly speaking, today's Mingque is not actually a true monk in the early days of the gods, but should be counted as a five-turner.

The grade of the medicinal herb is the repair of the Dan magic. In order to improve, the actual drug is constantly being promoted.

At the time of the burial mound, the Mingque was a five-turner, but at that time, she did not absorb enough of the medicinal power of the medicinal herbs, and could not completely stimulate the full power of the five-turned sage.

Mingque is a standard little Dan. No matter whether you take any medicinal herbs, you can absorb the medicine and improve your training. Even poisonous Dan. As long as the poison does not die, she can improve and repair, and this constitution is really against the sky.

As long as it is a medicinal herb, the people who come to see it are not rejected, regardless of the type, eat and lick...

Others use wound medicine to heal, and she can increase her mana by taking medicine.

Others eat Yi Rong Dan Yi Rong, she can still improve her mana when she eats Yi Rongdan.

Someone poisoned her. As long as the poison dan dying does not die, she will be absorbed by her to improve her mana.

Any medicinal medicine can be a medium for her improvement.

Coupled with her ability to search for Tiandi Dibao, along the way through the barren hills, I can always find some precious elixir, after serving. It can also increase mana.

The enchanting Dan Deer's physique made her work for only a few decades. She ate all over the sky and completely adapted to the identity of the five-turned Dan Devil. The mana broke through the early days of the gods.

Ning Fan can imagine that as long as this little Dan magic eats enough medicinal herbs. In the future, it will be a matter of morning and evening to break through the smoldering and smashing.

Of course, with the improvement of Mingque, the ordinary medicinal herbs and elixir cannot be upgraded.

She is now a cultivator of the early days of the gods, and she has to turn down the next product, only to take the Wannian elixir or five or more medicinal herbs. Only then can you continue to improve your training.

She is not an alchemy teacher. Naturally, it is impossible to have a lot of five-way medicinal herbs. You can only retreat to the next level, and eat a million years of elixir.

The reason why the sale of the tang fruit is really because the snack goods have no money to buy the eternal medicine.

"Dan magic body is really a kind of anti-celestial physique, as long as you give you enough six turns, seven turns of remedy, breaking through the broken virtual is only a matter of time..."

Ning Fan sighs, he does not have any physique, if not experienced countless dangers, vying for countless opportunities, the speed of cultivation is definitely not comparable to the small bird.

There is no questioning too much on the issue of physique. What Ning Fan is more concerned about is the purpose of the infinite sea.

He can be sure that the infinite sea is not to find him, there should be another important purpose.

"Say, why are you coming to the endless sea? Who is the old man of the song?"

The identity of the old surname of Qu, Ning Fan must figure out that if it is harmful to the bird, it is natural to remove it.

"Qu Agong is the high priest of the Inner Sea 'Sikong Demon Island', and because I can eat, I was appointed by the Qu Agong as the 'Swallow Island Master' of Sikong Demon Island. Those who are servants of the gods are all scattered by the Qu Agong. Repair it. They are all planted under the enchantment, they must obey my instructions, or I will repair them."

Mingque was eating a million-year-old purple ginseng while raising a little pink fist, smiling at Ning Fan.

Ning Fan married the Red Moon Monarch to her as a servant, and she was able to adjust, and she was very happy.

In the same year, the little Dan Demon, who was just like a paper, was faintly obsessed with the habit of the magic in the endless sea.

"Sikong demon island...high priest..."

Ning Fan shook his head without words. He didn't think that the old man named Qu surnamed Mingque as an island owner because Mingque could eat.

Take a storage bag and take out a volume of ancient books. The name "Hai Guozhi" is stolen from the ghost family. It is an ancient book of the ghosts of all the islands.

The ghost family is the endless sea hegemon before the thunder, and naturally has information on all the islands of the endless sea.

In "Hai Guo Zhi", a total of 103,000 islands of infinite seas were recorded, and 103,000 islands were divided into six islands. Sikong demon islands belonged to five-level islands, and they owned the gods.

According to the book, the monks of Sikong Demon Island are all demon repairs. The island is enshrined with an ancient giant statue. It is said to be the master of Sikong Demon Island, and is a powerful monk of the demon family.

The genius demon, named ‘Sang Cang’, is said to be a generation of princes of the Taigu Finch family, with the horror demon blood of the ancestors.

All the demon repairs of the Sikong demon island can be regarded as the descendants of the demon slaves of Si Cang, who have been waiting for the return of the king.

There are only high priests on the island, no island owners, because only the king is the only one who can be the island owner.

After reading these information, Ning Fan Meiyu sank, and sure enough, Xiao Mingque was silly to become the island owner of Sikong Demon Island, which has another mystery.

Sikong demon island from the island owner, Mingque can become the island of the demon island, only one explanation.

The old surname of Naqu, the Mingque is regarded as the king of the king!

"You know... Si Cang!"

Ning Fan put away the "Hai Guo Zhi", a faint question, this plain words fell in the ear of the ear, but immediately let her face. Stopping the act of eating the eternal elixir is awkward.

"King brother. How do you know this name? It's weird. Qu Agong said, I used to call Si Cang in my previous life, but this is a secret, can't talk nonsense..."

"Previous life?"

Ning Fan looked at Mingque, this little Dan, and the past and present?

He suddenly remembered the bones of the huge bird in the grave. The little Dan magic absorbed the bones of the bones and had the blood of the king's blood.

perhaps. The remains of the bird are the ones left by Si Cang.

From this level, the post-mortem Si Cang will force into the medicinal herbs to form the Dan Devil, then this little Dan Demon can also be regarded as the reincarnation of Si Cang.

These secrets. Xiao Mingque knows that the time is not short. If it is not for Ning Fan to ask, she will not take the initiative to explain.

"You didn't mention the secrets of Si Cang before, but I can't believe me, so I don't tell me these secrets?" Ning Fan looked at Mingque and asked.

"No, no! Of course not! The brother of the cake is the most important person of the Mingque. How can the Mingque believe in his brother! Qu Agong said. The less the secret knows, the better. If you tell your brother, it will put your brother in danger, so I I dare not say, I am afraid that I will be tired of my brother... but my brother is relieved. Qu Agong is my demon slave and will not harm me. He is a trustworthy person."

Mingque spit in spit and spit out his tongue, looking at Ning Fan with a good look, explaining in a panic, for fear of being angry.

Ning Fan nodded, indicating that the bird does not have to be nervous. Although he did not know the status of the ‘Women’s priest’s in the Taikoo, it also favored the actions of the old surnames who kept secrets. These secrets are indeed the less people know the better.

Whether the old man surnamed Qu has any bad feelings about Mingque, in the future, Ning Fan will go to Sikong Island and see it naturally.

Ning Fan is also willing to believe that the monks of Sikong Demon Island are just a group of demon slaves waiting for the return of their masters. They are the loyal servants of Mingque, and they have no two hearts. This is the best.

However, if the people of Sikong Island are speculative about Mingque, Ning Fan does not mind letting Sikong Island pay the price of blood.

Knowing the cause and effect of the endless sea of ​​Mingque, Ning Fan is silent, sorts out his thoughts, and secretly thinks about it. Now, when he meets the bird, he will bring the bird to the side, and take care of her, so that this little girl is not allowed. harm.

Xiao Mingque is chewing a 60,000-year-old moon blue grass, which is the one that Ning Fan just bought.

Although the bluegrass year is high this year, it can only refine the immortality of the realm of the gods. It has no use for Ning Fan, and it is allowed to eat it.

What Ning Fan cares about is the moon-colored marble associated with the blue grass of that month, the palm-sized stone, sparkling with a touching luster.

This is not an ordinary stone, which seals the life of a strong man's life, and the energy is no small feat.

This time, if the bird does not recognize the stone and bids for 100 million bids for the blue grass, Ning Fan may not notice the mystery of the stone and will miss this good thing.

With his eyesight, it is estimated that the sum of the power of the moonlight passed down in this stone is equivalent to the full mana of a sinister monster!

If a monk who has cultivated the moonlight-like exercises, absorbs the moon's power in the stone, and refines it into his own mana, you can fully gain the mana of the level of the emptiness!

If it is changed to Mingque Xiaodan Devouring this stone, although she has not cultivated the moonlight exercises, but with the metamorphosis of the Dan Deer, it can absorb nearly one percent of the monthly force, enough for her to break through the middle of the gods.

If you are a normal monk like Ning Fan, you can't get any benefit from the stone.

After recognizing the usefulness of this stone, Ning Fan almost confirmed the use of the stone.

Let the bird eat this stone, it is a waste, and if it is eaten for the moon volley, the effect must be extremely significant.

Ning Fan urged the black fire, calcined the stone, extracted the moon force one by one, and finally extracted a moonlight gem of the size of the nail shell from the stone.

This little piece of moonlight gem, the power contained, is equivalent to the sum of the mana of a tyrant!

Under the service of the monthly volley of the virtual Dan, the breakthrough is just around the corner. If you then take this moonlight gem, I wonder if there is a chance... Breaking too virtual!

This time I participated in the auction, I was able to get such a piece of moonlight gem, which was really a windfall.

Mingque looked at the crystal clear moonlight gem, swallowing a small mouth, really want to eat this gem.

Ning Fan looked at her embarrassing appearance and gently bounced her forehead and spoiled her words. "This is for you to eat. It is only equivalent to the power of dozens of five-way medicinal herbs. Some of them are small and small, and this thing I have another. Use. You can eat these medicinal herbs for a while. You can break through the middle of the gods. As a compensation for taking this moonlight gem."

Take a storage bag and take out a few bottles of five-dose medicinal herbs and hand them to the bird.

Even with the jade bottle, the bird can still smell the medicinal herbs in the bottle, and immediately reveals the cute expression of the pout.

"Wow, there are so many Dancakes! Are they for me?" Happiness came too suddenly, and some of them were unbelievable.

"Well, these Dandan cakes are for you. After that, you follow me, don't run around again. I often give you alchemy to eat, is it good?" Ning Fan played Danbao and seduce Xiaodan.

"Okay! I will follow the cake brother in the future, and I will not run anymore! But my brother said it is wrong. This is not a Dandan cake, it should be a Dan cake."

Ning Fan is no matter what kind of cake, no matter what the black cake is, can comfort the little Dan, let her not run, it is a good cake!

It was too late, he took a small head of the bird. Get ready to leave and let her rest early.

Only he had not left the door, and suddenly he was stopped by the Mingque.

"The brother of the cake, there is a bad cake inside..."

"Bad pie?"

Ning Fan was able to guess the bad cake called by the bird. It is a broken remedy.

Along the fingers of the bird, a sly medicinal herb was quietly placed in one of the jade bottles. Xiao Mingque does not need to open the jade seal. Can smell the variety of the drug inside, good or bad, the sense of smell is really against the sky.

The remarkable medicinal herb was the third round of Dan Dian in the same day. The Liancheng Dan, who failed to refine the refining system, was taken up by Ning Fan’s mind and brought to his body.

This time, I took out the medicinal herbs and gave them to the bird. I accidentally mixed the Dandan bottle of the waste Dan and took Liancheng Dan wrong.

"This is a waste Dan, can not eat. Liancheng Dan is quite rare, the efficacy is more mysterious, can enhance the strength of the alchemy spirit of the alchemy, but unfortunately Moss made into waste Dan, otherwise if I take this Dan It is beneficial to break through the six-turn Dan."

Ning Fan reached out to retract the Dan bottle, but was held by the small hand of the soft and smooth hand of the bird.

The bright big eyes of Minque, flickering and flashing, with the mysterious smile of God.

"Does my brother want to eat this cake? I have a way to make this bad cake into a good cake."

"Become a good cake? Really?" Ning Fan can speculate that the so-called good cake, mostly refers to the good medicine.

The meaning of Mingque is that she has a way to turn waste Dan into a good medicine?

As long as it is an alchemy teacher, there will always be a time when the hand is broken, and the waste Dan will be refining. The refining medicinal remedy is more toxic than medicinal and worthless.

It is rumored that at the time of the ancient times, some of the Dan magic had the magical power to purify the waste Dan, which can make the waste Dan pure as a good medicine.

However, the Dan magic is rare, and it can purify the Dan of the dead Dan. It is said that there may not be one person among the millions.

If Xiao Mingque can really purify the waste Dan into a good medicine, it is really too bad.

"of course it's true!"

Mingque swelled his face and was very dissatisfied with the question of Ning Fan.

She unsealed the Dan bottle, took out the burnt waste, and placed it on the soft palm.

A small hand rises above the palm of his hand and immediately raises a clear silver starlight.

Starlight raised the mysterious vortex, and traced the toxicity and phlegm within the waste.

Under the gaze of the stars, the color of the burnt on the waste Dan gradually disappeared, replaced by a rounded luster.

After a musk, the burnt remedy, turned into a intact Liancheng Dan!

"Give you!" Xiao Mingque will hand Lian Cheng to Ning Fan, a look of waiting for praise.

Ning Fan looked at the Liancheng Dan, and he sighed.

This Liancheng Dan is purified from the waste Dan, and the Liancheng Dan, which is naturally refining the drug strength, is probably only 70% of the original potency.

This is the case, this purification of the waste of the Dan, but also let Ning Fan open his eyes, this magical power he only heard in ancient books, this is the first time I saw it.

The heart feels more and more, the body of Xiao Dan Mo is somewhat against the sky.

The blood of the ancient blood of the king's blood, if there is an opportunity, it is even possible to break through the blood of the ancestors and become the ancestors of the Mingque family.

The dan physique of eating and licking is not only physically strong, but also invincible in the same level, and mastered the magical power of purifying the waste.

This snack is really too bad.

If this snack food grows up, the future is simply limitless...

"Appreciating me!" Xiao Mingque saw that Ning Fan did not praise her, and raised her face, indicating that she was very dissatisfied.

"be good..."

Ning Fan patted the small head of Mingque, and Xiao Mingque had a very useful expression, showing a sweet smile.

She decided, and later followed Ning Fan, and did not leave.

Ning Fan is about to break through the news of the six-turn Danshu, without concealing the Mingque.

As soon as I thought that Ning Fan was about to become a 'six-turning clerk', the little Mingque showed his expression and couldn't swallow.

If you can eat the cakes of Ningfan refining every day, it must be the happiest thing in this life.

(2/2) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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