Grasping Evil

Chapter 476: Returning to the ancestors (1)

Su Yan Wan Wan unexpectedly, once into the corner of the corner, will actually encounter the interface collapse, but will be locked by thousands of magic spirits, all the magic spirits, even rebellious? !

She tried to spur the contract, but could not sense the existence of the contract, it seems that the contract has been destroyed. .

If there is a contract, she can execute all the evil spirits of the rebellion. If the contract is destroyed, the devil will return to freedom and will no longer listen to her orders.

However, the demon of the ruins of the horns, only the patriarch can plant and destroy the contract by the konjac pond, the devil itself cannot violate the contract.

Su Yan is not a fool. She immediately recognized the inference of Ning Fan. This time, the collapse of the remnant and the rebellion of the devil are not an accident. Some people are murdering her!

"After the birth of each demon spirit, they will enter into a contract with the patriarchs of the dynasties, and they must not violate the orders of the patriarchs. These groups of obstacles can destroy the contract and rebel against me. The reason for this is not simple!"

All the contracts have been erased!

At this juncture, Su Yanzhen can not understand that the remnants of the world have changed, the devil's contract, can not disappear without reason! Who is the person who murders her!

"How is your magical contract erased!"

Su Yan asked coldly, and the cold voice passed through 100,000 miles.

"Oh, who said that our contract has been erased? Our contract only transfers the owner, and has a new affiliation. Now the million spirits of the corner of the corner are no longer loyal to you, only loyal to another person! A person who can give us the future and freedom of the devil! A person who can make the horned horns grow up!"

More than ten sounds of yin measurement came from the far air.

In that direction, fifteen refining demon spirits are extremely fast, from far and near, all of them will kill Su Yan and sneer.

As for Ning Fan, fifteen old geeks just glanced at them and saw that they were only half-step smelting juniors, they no longer pay attention.

Hearing that these magical spirits did not erase the contract, but transferred the contract to another person of the 岚角族, Su Yanmei was shocked. This time, the demon rebellion turned out to be that her ethnic group was murdering her.

"Your new owner, who is it!"

"It’s a rhinoceros adult! Since the Sui chief came to the remnant, you don’t have to leave. I’ll wait for the rhinoceros general’s order, so be sure to leave the Sioux’s life here!”

When Ning Fan’s eyes were cold, he finally understood why the rhinoceros obstructed him from entering the remnant. It turned out that he did not want him to intervene in the act of murdering Su Yan.

Su Yan bite her lip and almost bite the blood. Her heart feels cold and cold. Although she has always been out of harmony with the rhinoceros, she treats him as a tribe.

She always knew that the rhinoceros was dissatisfied with her, but did not expect that the rhinoceros would betray her, murder her, and dare to count her surname

Su Yanmei is covered with frost, and the behavior of the rhinoceros rebel is hate to the extreme.

"Rhinoceros, oh! If the patriarch is not dead, he can leave this remnant, and he must pay the price of the rhinoceros!"

"Haha, that's why you have to leave!"

boom! boom! boom!

A tyrannical sinister attack, from all sides, violent spell fluctuations, shredded pieces of space, and more Su Yan surrounded the retreat, dripping water.

Even if Su Yan had asked for vain, and it was close to breaking through, but facing the siege of fifteen refining, it is still not an adversary.

In the face of fifteen nucleus attacks, Su Yan has no fear and is heroic.

She took a storage bag and prepared to take out the magic weapon to counterattack, but was surprised. I was horrified to find that all the magic weapons in the storage bag were gone.

She had retired before, and the storage bag had been handed over to the elders who had been savvy, and the ghost horns helped her to repair the magic weapon. After the auction, the ghost horn had returned to its storage bag.

Today, Su Yan is not able to treasure, naturally it is the hands and feet of ghosts.

It seems that this time, the masters of the rebellion in the horns, not only the rhinoceros, but also the ghosts!

There is no magic weapon in the body, but also the rebellion, Su Yan first exposed desperate helpless expression, I do not know if this can block 15 people.

Even if it can't stop it, how can the residual world collapse and I don't know if there is any exit to the outside world.

Even if there is, for a moment and a half, Su Yan can not find an exit; even if it blocks this blow, it will continue to be attacked by fifteen refining, besieging to death.


Su Yan lightly opened the lips of the lips, and a purple light was emitted from the mouth. It was an aura of copper.

It is a defensive magic weapon for all kinds of imaginary goods. It is enough to defend against the sham. Before it was damaged, it was left in Suyan Dantian to be protected by mana. Now it has become the last life-saving magic weapon of Su Yan.

The small shield turned into a purple rainbow, and opened a layer of purple light curtain in the sky.

The fifteen nucleus attacks were hit on the light curtain, and a heavy light curtain shattered, and the tyrannical collision turned into a hurricane, sweeping over 100,000 miles of land.


Fifteen smashing smash attacks, breaking the small shield and heavy defense, and finally blasting over the shield, causing numerous cracks in the shield.

Seeing that the small shield is difficult to defend, Su Yan gnawed his teeth, and the guide blew a small shield. The magic weapon of the imaginary goods blew himself up, and set off a heavy fire wave, finally barely blocked 15 attacks.

But Su Yan had a sweet throat, coughed sweet blood, and her life shield was destroyed. She was absolutely not light. The breath is stagnant due to injury. For a time, a mana can only play 30%, and there is no chance to escape.

The heart knows that it is difficult to get out of the way, and Su Yan’s only embarrassment is that he has been tired of Ning Fan’s outsiders.

She smiled apologetically to Ning Fan, and she had already shown her death in her eyes. As a family leader, she is also a female hero, and she is not afraid of death.

"Zhou Daoyou, I am sorry, this time I was tired of you. I knew that, I shouldn’t let you enter the remnant. I will ignite the gods and try my best to stop them. The Taoist friend quickly escapes with the patriarch's token, and may have the opportunity to find an exit elsewhere in the remnant, urging the patriarch's token, perhaps to escape the birth day."

Su Yan put the patriarch's token into Ning Fan's arms, and the lotus step moved lightly, keeping Ning Fan behind him, leaving him only a back.

This back is clearly weak, but it has set off a family's destiny many times. In the future, it is necessary to shelter Ning Fan from escape.

Ning Fan holds the token and his eyes flash in a different color. Su Yan is a good woman, it’s a pity to die here.

He suddenly strode forward, grabbed Su Yan’s waist and smiled.

"Sue girl hasn't brewed the magic wine for Zhou, but can't die here. I will take you away, how?"


Behind Ning Fan, a huge black fire wing suddenly emerged, and the fire wing spurred, and it was able to gallop in a certain direction with a idling speed.

The attention of all the devils is concentrated on Su Yan, and no one pays attention to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan’s sudden violent shock shocked everyone. One by one, the old blame looked at Ning Fan unbelievably. No one wanted to get it. Ning Fan, who was half-step smelting in the district, had an idle speed.

What is even more unbelievable is that Ning Fan’s eight wings are idling faster, and they are on the line more than the seven people in the room. No one can catch up with him!

Of course, the most surprising thing in this place is the number of Su Yan. She is not surprised at the strength of Ning Fan. In her impression, Ning Fan should be a devil who can't afford to be early, and most like to get into trouble.

She clearly made a promise to give Ning Fan the opportunity to escape. Ning Fan’s selfish person would not run away, but instead took her to escape. This is simply unscientific.

“Why?” She seems to be asking Ning Fan and asking herself.

Her people betrayed her, but Ning Fan, this stranger, did not leave her, this is why.

"You are my konjac, life and death are decided by me, others can not kill you. Guide the way, take me to the magic pool."

"Magic! How do you know!" Su Yan did not understand why Ning Fan knew her konjac identity.

She did not understand that this identity has anything to do with Ning Fan’s rescue of her.

She has too many questions to ask, but at the moment, there is no chance for her to speak.

One by one, the devil is smoldering, and seeing Ning Fan wants to take away Su Yan, they all show murder.

"Block them! Don't let them go, or I can't tell the generals of the rhinoceros!"

"Kill! Desperate, kill them!"

At the head of the whimsical whisper, all the magic weapons and magical techniques of the lower-order magic spirits are directed to Ning Fan.

Fifteen smelters are not attacking. With Ning Fan’s idling speed, it is as fast as a fly that flies. It is difficult to attack him.

The fifteen people joined forces to open the enchantment and block all the space within 100,000 miles to prevent Ning Fan from escaping and escaping.

The enchantment blocked the return of Ning Fan, and there were countless low-order magic spirits in all directions.

A low-order demon is just approaching the direction of Ningfan, and then blew the flesh, and he will not block his life to block Ning Fan from going to the road, and he will not be afraid of death, which will make any monk move.

This is a crazy battle, even Su Yan is shocked by the devil's decision, but Ning Fan has long been accustomed to this all-out killing.

This is a deadly fight, not that you are dead, that is, that I am dead, and I must not be soft-hearted.

Ning Fan madly spreads the mind, and the sword is turned into countless thick inks and dotted on the sky.

A heavy ink color sword, rendered open, scattered in the sky into thousands of ink color sword light, just the sword after the wave, it will kill countless low-order magic.

laugh! laugh! laugh--

Thousands of low-level devils, even if there is no chance of self-destruction, they will be killed by Ning Fan in pieces and turned into a piece of blood.

Ning Fan’s suffocating unreserved release, **** and Yinhong dyed the whole sky, all the low-level magic spirits within 100,000 miles, did not dare to attack Ning Fan again, completely frightened by the fierceness of Ning Fan. .

Each of the gods and devils blocked in front of Ning Fan and dealt with these demon spirits. Ning Fan directly idling all over, the body resembled a cannonball, and directly hit the gods of the gods.

But all the magical spirits that were on his way back were all smashed into **** patties, and none of them survived!

"What! A half-step smelt in the district is so powerful!"

The fifteen refining demon spirits were all moved. They have already seen that although Ning Fan did not refine the imaginary, the strength is not a god.

Fifteen people left five to maintain enchantment, and the remaining ten went after Ning Fan.

As long as the enchantment is still there, even if the speed of Ning Fan is fast, he can't escape. In the view of the refining, it is only a matter of time to kill Ning Fan.

"Kid, let go of Su Yan, be the slave of the old man, the old man can spare you not to die!"

A refining demon spirit wraps around Ning Fan, blocks in front of Ning Fan, and sneers at Ning Fan.

He is called a shepherd, a voyeuristic, powerful and arrogant. Although I know that Ning Fan is powerful, I don’t think Ning Fan can match him.

The shepherd ghost stopped in front of Ning Fan alone and did not realize how dangerous this was.

He used his mind to control the magic weapon. It was a cactus-like magic soldier. There were countless acupunctures on the blade. Under the control of the shepherd, all the thorns that were needled into the thickness of the arm grew and blocked. Going on the road.

He held his hands and stood up. He sent a predecessor to the high school. It seems that as long as Ning Fanyu puts down Su Yan, he can spare no one to die, otherwise he will kill Ning Fan.

"The old man gave you a half-hearted consideration!" The shepherd ghost sneered and threatened, and the one who had set the expression of Ning Fan.

But in the next moment, all his smiles turned into shock.

However, I saw a skyrocketing black dragon shadow, which was shot from Ning Fan.

For a moment, Ning Fan’s golden light floated, punched out, and the heavens and the earth trembled.

Virtual surgery, Ssangyong!


Ning Fan flashed a cold light in his eyes, and there was no thought of nonsense with the ghosts. He directly punched the black dragon.

Unbeatable punches, on the sacred magic weapon of the shepherd, directly smashed this great good magic weapon into pieces.

The shepherd was shocked and chilled. He couldn’t take it. He wanted to escape. It’s too late. He was shot in the chest by Ning Fan, and the whole body was turned into a blood mist.

The little god, helplessly wants to escape, but was smothered by Ning Fan, swallowed directly, chewed and turned into a rich magic, and merged into the magic.

All the devils are chilling at this moment. The punch of Ning Fan is too strong. Even if the seven are in doubt, they will not be able to block Ning Fan’s attack without injury!

"This is just a half-step simplification, but it can kill the voyeur, this is impossible!"

"That is golden, it is a vision that a golden monk can have! Although he has not really broken through the realm of gold, but the power of a punch is hardly weaker than I asked the old man!"


In the moment when the old people hesitated, Ning Fan had approached the enchantment, and a smoky wind was entangled between the fingers. The purple-golded wind smoke turned into a giant claw, and the enchantment suddenly rips away. All the enchantments are weathered. dissipate.

"What! He broke the enchantment that I had to work with!" This is absolutely impossible!"

The only remaining 14 old monsters were shocked again by this scene.

Ning Fan’s cultivation is not high, but the means are too much against the sky, and must not be underestimated.


Twelve of the refining demon spirits, Qi Qi launched the strongest blow, and they saved the heart of Ning Fan.

Even in order to speed up the spell, make sure that it is enough to hit Ning Fan, and several old geeks pay the price of self-damage and increase the power of the spell.

The combined force of the fourteen smelt attacks is enough to kill any doubts, even if it is rushing to be injured!

Everyone believes that Ning Fan will fall along with Su Yan and fall under this attack.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s thunder was revealed, and he suddenly called out the Yuan Lei.

Jinjia added, white robe blood, Ning Fan like a god, looking back and coldly looking at the fourteen attacks, look disdain.

"If I want to go, with you, I can't stay!"

boom! boom! boom!

A series of attacks hit the Ning Fan vest, Ning Fan is hard to attack with the Lei Jia.

The third-order gold armor is enough to withstand a smashing blow. Ning Fan's Thunder has cracked countless cracks, but it is hard to break, blocking the joint attack of fourteen old monsters.

At the moment of leaving the enchantment, Ning Fan called out the bully cloak, and his life disappeared in front of the old geeks.

With the strength of the 14 imaginary blame, no one can see Ninfan stealth!

All the devils are stunned.

Ning Fan relied on only one person to kill the encirclement of thousands of devils.

It is the devil's side, which has damaged a glimpse of the old man.

At the thought of this, all the devils are red and sullen, roaring,

"Check! This person must not leave the remnant, find out that his whereabouts will smash his corpse! This son can never stay, Su Yan must die!"


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