Grasping Evil

Chapter 484: Crushing the remnant

People are contemptuous and need to constantly play pigs and eat tigers.

It is chilling and only requires a grand killing.

Tens of thousands of Jindan Yuan Ying Devils were stunned by Ning Fan Mo Wei and fell into a coma.

Being able to stay awake under the momentum of Ning Fan, only eight hundred gods, eleven meditation.

Eight hundred gods and gods were scared by Ninfan’s murderous murder.

One by one, the gods and grotesque, hard to climb from the ground, but can not stop the trembling.

"Ghosts, we are not the devil's opponent, what should we do? Inferior, withdraw it..." The countless gods and gods proposed to the devils.

"..." 10 deciduous all fell into silence, only after the ghosts looked at Ning Fan deeply, the fear in the eyes gradually disappeared a lot.

"You don't have to withdraw, the old man is sure to kill this child!"

The promise of the devil is absolutely amazing!

Before the ghosts were afraid that Ning Fan would die, but this moment he said that it is hard to be convinced to be sure to kill Ning Fan.

Eight hundred gods are savage, and no one feels that the ghost is a rival.

But after the other ten refining gods swept over Ning Fan, they were like ghosts, revealing the color of ignorance.

"It turns out! This son just hit that palm, killing three voyeurs, and ruining a 'mana' by half! For such a spell, he can only issue a second palm at most, impossible to play the third palm. !"

These old blame said that the mana is not good, naturally refers to the essence of Ning Fan.

The devil's palm is really powerful, but the depletion of the essence is also very much. In the past, Ning Fan, one palm will exhaust all the essence.

Now his spirit has almost doubled, reaching nine million A, and at most he can only issue two palms.

At this moment, almost everyone decided that Ning Fan would take another hand, and he would run out of mana and let him squeeze.

In this way, as long as the second palm of Ning Fan is forced out. Deplete his mana. Even if Ning Fan is stronger. As long as the mana is exhausted, it can only be slaughtered!

"Eight hundred gods, listen to my orders, and knot the battle of the troupe! Fight to kill this magic!"

Under the command of the devil, the eight hundred gods turned into a stream of light, and the stars changed, and a big array was formed.

This array brings together all the powers of the Eighty Gods. The ranks of the big arrays are actually the top grades, which can hurt the rush!

The devil is a good idea, and the eight hundred gods counteract the power of Ning Fan. Then, kneading the mana that was exhausted by mana.

"Zhou Daoyou. No, master, they want to use your big manpower to wear out your mana, don't take them, this fight turns into a big battle, Su Yan to break, the master quickly restores the mana."

Su Yan gently walked out of Ning Fan's arms. Definitely, she is already a Ning Fan konjac, and naturally she needs to help Ning Fan block a gun.

She took the risk and responded to the big battle alone, only to save Ningfan mana and restore mana.

"You have the strength to clean up the traitors' rebellion. I will come here."

Ning Fan pinched Su Yan's chin. One step toward the big battle, the eyes are calm as water.

He urged the power of the heart, he saw at a glance that this fight is a real array of eight hundred gods, in addition to this there are more than 6,400 virtual eyes.

The trajectory of the pattern is like a versatile star map, and the eight hundred gods change positions in the array, urging the mana, such as the stars moving on the star map.

The power of a trace of the blue-and-white movement of the stars has turned into a myriad of meteors and meteorites, and each of them has fallen to the heights of the stars. Each one has a size of a thousand feet, and it has the power of a powerful blow.

"If you use the previous palm and break the big battle, you must exhaust the mana. If you don't want to wear out the mana, even if you break the big battle, you will definitely be injured, and the combat power will be greatly reduced! How will your magic power be stronger? To be embarrassed for the old man!" The sneer of the devil rang through the clouds, intended to anger Ning Fan, distracted him, and was wounded by the battle.

Ning Fan does not look at the dry ghosts. In the face of countless meteorites falling, he only lifts his palms, ignites the spirit, and the power is fully open. Immediately, the heavens and the earth are trembled.

"One hundred and eight seals, the devil's palm!"

A palm shot, a layer of palm prints spread out to the sky, the magic of the sky to cover the sun, like a hundred and eight heavy magic days.

The power of a palm, and the time of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor.

The power of a palm, there are 108 stunning voyeurs!

He is not asking for emptiness, but... the middle of the devil!


The stars of the eight hundred gods were smashed by Ning Fan, and countless gods dyed the sky, the sky was broken, the meteors shattered, and the blood fell like a rain to the 100,000 mountains, just like the end of the day!

The ghosts and other spirits were shocked, and they once again saw the horrible power of the criminals.

Then everyone showed a look that was overjoyed, and they rushed to Ning Fan without fear of death. They did not go to the eight hundred gods that fell mournfully.

They only care about one problem, that is, Ning Fan hits the second palm, the mana is exhausted, not afraid!

"The arrogance is arrogant, and I dare to stop me from killing Su Yan. Today, the old man will let you know the end of nosy! Kill!"

The devil is the first to take the lead, he laughs and walks through the air. Every time he takes a step, his body will increase by a thousand feet. After six steps, he is already a giant of six thousand feet.

He is huge and huge, and Ning Fan is small. He disdained overlooking Ning Fan, lifted his foot and stepped down to Ning Fan, and had the strength to step on the mountain river!

He decided that Ning Fan's mana was empty, and he decided that Ning Fan lost all his combat power!

At this moment, Ning Fan’s eyes flashed in the cold, and Zhang mouth sucked, such as swallowing the sun and the moon, swallowing the blood in the belly.

The blood of the three gods, and the **** rain of the eight hundred gods, have turned into the majestic spirit of Ning Fan!

Only for a moment, Ning Fan regained fullness, and he used the technique of killing, killing and replenishing!

Looking at the calm, like a secluded pool, Ning Fan, the ghost is getting more and more uneasy, his foot is like a giant Yue, he is at the top of Ning Fan. However, in the direction of Ning Fan’s top three feet, the foot could not go anyway.

The temperament of Ning Fan’s horror formed an invisible barrier that made it impossible for the devil to break through the barrier and launch an attack.

At this moment, Ning Fan suddenly looked up and looked at the ghosts.

At this moment, a mortal crisis emerged in the heart of the devil, and he clearly felt the full mana momentum from Ning Fan!

"No, it's impossible, you obviously have lost your mana! Why..."!

After the dry words were not finished, I only felt the pain in my legs.

The one who stepped on Ning Fan was stunned by Ning Fan and suddenly tore off, and the life was torn off from the body of the devil. Countless black blood sprinkled the sky from the broken legs of the devil!

What is he? Also dare to step on the heavens!

Ning Fan has a spit. The broken leg of the giant burst into a blood fog, did not give the one-legged giant escape time, countless spirits to promote the black fire, turned into a hundred and eight heavy fire to quit the sea, and drown the one-legged giant with all the other 10 smoldering!

Everything is imaginary, the art of inflammation!

In the past, Ning Fan did not have enough repairs to fully stimulate the power of the fire.

Now his realm has risen sharply, and the fire of the frost has become a top killer in his hands.

108 heavy fire and rain, the countless comatose Jin Dan, Yuan Ying life. Through constant killing, the source continues to complement the essence of Ning Fan.

The devil at the 108th Yanhuan Center. Shocked, too late to beg for mercy, it has turned into a fly to burn.

He did not understand until he died, in order to clearly understand the mana cost of Ning Fan, after killing people to swallow blood, will fill all mana.

He didn't understand until he died, it was not mana at all. It is the essence. He did not know that he was challenging a savage demon, a mid-term sorcerer, a demon who could defeat the young emperor!

The ghost died, his life added the essence of Ning Fan.

The 10 refining murders were shocked by the shocked eyes. Everyone decided that the devil could kill Ning Fan, but the situation was reversed. Instead, the devil was killed.

Ten people were trapped outside the sea of ​​fire. A scream began to spread.

In an instant, there were 3 voyeurism and 4 murders in the sea of ​​fire. Their lives complemented the essence of Ning Fan.

Two people with a guilty conscience and one voyeuristic escaping escaped from the flames of the fire, one by one, and they were seriously injured, such as the dog who lost their family, almost escaping from the fire, and they each died.

The fire and rain are still falling, the end is still coming, the 100,000 mountains are drowned by the sea of ​​fire, all the devils stunned in the earth are all burned, and even the konjac pool is steamed.

The original broken corner of the horns, once again had signs of collapse, Ning Fan faintly swept away three remaining smoldering, to Su Yandao,

"You kill voyeurism, I kill and ask for emptiness, remember to search for souls and kill memories after killing, find an exit that leaves the remnant."


Su Yan whispered a slap in the air, and moved to the emptiness of the demon spirit.

Ning Fan’s shocking means shocked her, and she also cleverly followed Ning Fan’s orders.

Ning Fan called out the black fire eight wings, chasing one of the vacancies with a rushing speed, only for a moment, appeared in front of the virtual demon, blocking its way.

"No, don't kill me, I will be your slave, all my life, allegiance!"

"No need."


Ning Fan took one step and turned it into a black incarnation. The whole body turned into a black sword light, and at the speed of the incredible sniper, he made the two sides of the question.

Jianguang San, Ning Fan appeared in the black body, shot like electricity, will ask a virtual **** in his hand, it is the **** of the virtual devil.

"No, don't kill me, don't!"


Ning Fan’s eyes are impatient, directly searching for souls and destroying memories, ignoring all kinds of screams of the gods.

After a long time, the Yuanshen gradually became quiet and became an empty idiot.

Ning Fan’s eyes wrinkled, and in this memory of the blame, there was no record of the export of the remnant...

According to this old geek, the only one who knows the export is probably only one ghost, but the ghost has been killed by Ning Fan, and the **** does not exist...

"And look at the memory of another person, whether or not you don't know the export of the residual."

Ning Fan will ask the **** of the evil spirits to swallow and chew, not to eat, but to take it by himself.

With the ancient demon ancestor to refine and refine the illusion of the gods, a smoldering blame can also improve the essence of 10,000 A, he killed these dozens of smoldering, at least 100,000 liters.


When the light flashed, Ning Fan went straight to make a demon spirit.

I noticed that Ning Fan was chasing, and that the demon spirit was almost scared to death, while fleeing, while he was jealous.

"I am the general of the Rhinoceros general, you dare to kill me, the rhinoceros will never let you go!"

"Rhinocero? I want to see, how can he not let me go. Off!"


Ning Fan, a three-in-one fire palm, and a black-burned palm print, will ask the demon spirit to burn out, just not burning the god.

Asking the imaginary **** to be horrified and desperate to escape from the black fire, he has instinctive fear of this black fire, and a black fire group kills 7 smelts. In that scene, he will never forget!

No, he has no eternal life. He has no chance to live.

"Search for the soul!"

Ning Fan did not give him the opportunity to open a monk. Search for souls directly to him.

After a scream, the imaginary demon became an idiot and was swallowed by Ning Fan.

And Ning Fan frowned again, this question also did not know the export of the residual.

It seems that the only one who knows the export of the remnant is the devil, and the devil is just killed by Ning Fan.

"Can't know what to export?"

Ning Fan gently shook his head, and the eight wings fluttered, and went to meet with Su Yan.

Su Yan is a vulgar monk, killing a serious injury and voyeurism is easy. She has completed the task of Ning Fan's account, and she has lost her memory of the sneak peek. But what disappoints her is that the glimpse of the imaginary does not know the export of the remnant.

After the two people merged, they exchanged incomes, and there was no news about the export of the remnants.

"Master, what do we do now, can we still go out?" Su Yan's tone was dull, she thought about it. In fact, even if you can't go out, it's not a bad thing.

She can live with Ning Fan forever in the corner of the corner, perhaps one day is enough strength, broken the broken border, and cross the void to leave.

Even if you don't leave, it's a good thing. If you are with Ning Fan, you can be trapped in this world.

"Of course. But since you don't know the exit, you want to go out, you have to resort to some means... to destroy this remnant!"

"What?" Su Yan thought she had got it wrong. Ning Fan had to destroy a small world. Even if this small world is a remnant, it is not a question that the monk can be destroyed.

"The ancient magic road, broken bones into soldiers!"

Ning Fan bites the little finger and changes the magic weapon of the six million gold but the realm.

The little finger is self-healing, but Su Yan is eclipsed.

"This is the lost ancient gods and gods... broken bones into soldiers!"

The bones of the soldiers, taking the devil's bones, can create a group.

This is a great supernatural power. Ning Fan has six million magic soldiers. Six million magic soldiers are all vacated under the command of Ning Fan. They continue to launch attacks against a certain sky.

One day, two days, three days... After ten days, the sky that was concentrated by six million people gradually showed signs of spatial instability.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s eyes flashed, and six million magic soldiers were scattered. He grabbed Su Yan and rushed to the sky, directly slamming into the unstable space.


Ning Fan is the middle of the wild, the physical strength, far better than the ordinary golden body. The force of a collision directly shakes the entire interface, and the weak point is even more blasted by the students.

"Look, we are out." Ning Fanyu laughed, Su Yan was shocked and could not close her lips.

The figure of the two appeared in the city of Taihao. For a moment, the two people’s enthusiasm swept away and alerted countless Thai monks.

"Rhinocero, come and die."

Ning Fan's tone is dull, but the words spoken have made countless horns people furious!

The ruins of the horns collapsed, the patriarch’s life and death were unknown, and the rhinoceros was the new patriarch of the horns.

Nowadays, some people dare to insult the patriarchs in the horns, even if they ask the imaginary momentum, the horns will not forgive this person!

"Bold mad, come to my horns and trouble, find death!" Countless horns people vacated, but when they saw the people who were guilty, Ning Fan and Su Yan, all of them were stunned and overwhelmed.

what happened? Former patriarch Su Yan did not die?

what happened? Provoking the majesty of the corner, it turned out to be the rain temple Ming Zun?

In the city of Taihao, the rhinoceros patriarch who is talking with the two corners of the sacred sorrow, the moment of gaze is gloomy.

"How is it possible! How are they still alive! The devil is not saying that Su Yan has died in the dead!"

The rhinoceros tried to motivate the body contract, contacted the ghosts and others, but found that the contract was completely invalid!

"What happened? Why can't you contact the ghosts and other people, are they all dead? Just kidding!"

In the city of Taihao, a little girl who was bored with five remedies, suddenly lifted the alum, revealing a happy color.

"The brother of the cake is back. But his breath has become stronger and gives me a familiar feeling..."

In the left eye of Xiao Shantou, there is a trace of demon power.

That kind of demon, and now all the demon power is different, it is a demon power of the ancient demon, and Ning Fan's ancient magic atmosphere.



I went to Zhengzhou last week. I just went to Chengdu yesterday and gave my grandfather an 80th birthday. Yesterday, I finished the second one. The network was broken. I only had a net in the morning. Not my own computer, not my own network, the update is very troublesome, the second is later, the ink apologizes.

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