Grasping Evil

Chapter 486: Repression of the corner

(The 485 chapter has been greatly changed. The 2000 chapter was changed to 7000. The mobile client did not display any changes. If the last chapter can see the plot of Ning Fan's killing of the three repairing kings, it is the correct chapter.)

Many years later, some of the inner sea magic repairing old monsters, when recalling the first devil in the inner sea, can not help but think of a white youth.

The white-shirted youth, a face-to-face instant killing of the three repairing kings, a smashing pressure made millions of Jin Dan Yuan Ying pass through the coma, ordinary people can not even be awake by him.

The horned horns, the baht city.

Ning Fan Mo Wei opened, and there were countless strong people. As he promised Su Yan, there was no low-level people.

But for the killing of the rhinoceros, Ning Fan has not hidden a little.

Among the baht city, there are three horns, including the rhinoceros, the ghost horn, and the Yingong. There are also 22 horns gods, including six elders. There are still 9 people in the inner sea. The little bird finch brought a line of servants.

These strongest survivors, one by one looking to Ning Fan, are full of stunned expressions. Especially those who are gods are even more frightened.

"Zhou Ming, Su Yan is my shofar, today is my private affair, you really have to intervene!"

The rhinoceros looks gloomy, and his words are directly ignored by Ning Fan.

"Zhou Ming! If you withdraw from this, the patriarch may not be guilty of you. If you murder your patriarch, I will not die with you!"

The rhinoceros continues to threaten and is still ignored by Ning Fan.

"Zhou Ming! Tell you, the head of the family. But sign a contract with the million spirits, if you provoke me again..."


Ning Fan patiently used up. The whole body is turned into a hollow tobacco, with a horrible magical power, approaching the rhinoceros step by step.

At the sight of Ning Fan, nine unrelated gods hurriedly left the city of Taihao.

Xiao Mingque also took advantage of Dan Wan, with a large number of slaves, stepping on a white cloud baby, floating away from the city of Taihao, and moving closer to Su Yan.

22 horns of the gods. Blocking in front of Ning Fan, one by one launched an attack, swearing to defend the rhinoceros.

Ning Fan does not have a half-hearted meaning. Since these gods have shot him, they must have a sense of death!

"Wan Jian style, shadow!"

Ning Fan Jing gas is poured into the sword and dances away. The original light blade, suddenly appeared innumerable swords.

He can smash 50 million swords in one sword, but he has to deal with 22 gods in the district. Since he does not have to work hard, only one sword stabbed ten million swords and played one-fifth of the power.

This is so. This sword is divided into millions of swords, and Jianguang is only swept away. 22 of the gods are all drowned by Jianguang, and there is no bone.

Su Yan closed her eyes sadly and couldn't bear to look again. Once upon a time. After dying under the sword of Ning Fan, she could not completely stop the water.

But when these tribes abandoned her. She has no entanglement with the horns, and the life or death of these gods has nothing to do with her.

When she opened her eyes, she thought that all 22 people had fallen, but she was surprised to find that 22 of the gods did not die.

Although Jianguang annihilated their bodies, they deliberately left the gods not killed. Their gods are condensed into the line of mana by Ning Fan, dressed in a string.

Seeing 22 of the gods and even blocking the steps of Ning Fan can not do it, one by one, the gods are shocked.

Seeing Ning Fan holding 22 people, but not killing, but instead of stringing up the gods, extremely humiliating, rhinoceros and other three smoldering complexion is even more ugly.

"Zhou Ming! There is a kind of killing the old man! The old man swears to defend the rhinoceros adults!" A aging **** elder yelled, but it was a bit hard.

"Su Yan filthy rhinoceros adult words, Laozi half sentence does not believe! Zhou Ming! Unless you produce evidence to prove that the rhinoceros adults have murdered Su Yan, otherwise you have any reason to shoot the rhinoceros adults!" Another old man Hate.

"Killing Laozi!"

"I will go with you!"

One by one, the blasphemy of the gods can not let Ning Fan reveal a little emotion.

"Kill you, it's too cheap for you, the deity must plant the slaves for the er, etc. From today, after the er, the people will be the devil of the deity! Broken!"

Ning Fan’s words are only one sentence, but immediately let all the elder elders look terrified,

The slave pattern is the banned magical power of the ancient demon. It is a kind of lost magical power. It is widely used by the ancient devils, such as the Emperor Luo Luo, and the slaves to control the four major slaves, so that the four generations can not escape the fate of slavery.

The method of scabbing has long been lost, and the four major slaves are still looking for ways to crack the slavery. They don’t think that Ning Fan will be slavery, only that Ning Fan is scaring them.

Ning Fan is too lazy to explain, the palm of the hand scatters a ancestral force, directly into the 22 yuan gods, and instantly, the magical slaves in the body of the gods are wiped out one by one.

At this moment, the worldview of the 22 gods collapsed! The slavery that they have suffered for a lifetime has been wiped out by Ning Fan?

The method of breaking the slavery recorded in the slate is to use the power of the ancestor to wipe out the magical slavery. Other than Ning Fan, other people do not know.

The 22 gods and small faces are all scared, and there is no such thing as a crack in the sorrow.

They have struggled for a lifetime, and many people are eager to get rid of the magical slaves.

As long as the slaves are not cracked, all of their descendants will have magic lines in the world, and will always be the slaves of the devil!

They used every means to make it hard to eradicate the magical slavery. It is easy to think that Ning Fan would wipe out the slavery.

This should be a happy event, if Ning Fan does not replant another slave pattern...

After erasing the slavery, Ning Fan urged the power of the ancestors to smear with the essence, in a body of 22 gods, a kind of full-faced slaves.

The slave pattern is a kind of ban that is different from the demon enchantment. The effect of controlling the Mozu is better, and it has the effect of passing on from generation to generation and never annihilating.




Twenty-two little gods are screaming and screaming, unable to struggle, one by one in Ning Fan to plant a slave.

From this moment on, they could no longer raise a little bit of rebellion against Ning Fan. Once they resisted, slavery attacked!

The slaves are the same as the magical slaves, and will last forever. The slavish slaves and all their descendants.

Since then, these 22 people. Can only be a slave to Ning Fan, if rebellious, then die!

"Don't! The old man should not be loyal to you, the old man must be loyal to the rhinoceros adults...ah!"

A Yuanshen tried to resist the slavery, but immediately the slaves attacked, and they were tortured by irresistible pain and screamed.

After the interest rate, the **** shouted out. It is already weak, and the eyes are full of pain and fear.

He wants to kill himself, but finds that once he raises this idea, his body will lose control, he will not be able to do it himself, and he will feel more severe and more uncomfortable than death.

If the slave pattern is attacked. Those who are in the middle can't live, can't die!

Originally hard, he gradually surrendered, fell to the void, and refused to plead with Ning Fan.

"The owner spares his life, forgives his life... he is willing to follow the master. Kill the rhinoceros... ask the master to stop the slavery attack..."

The other 21 gods, one by one, pale, they are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of slavery.

Because once the slaves are planted. Life and death are not allowed to be their own, and their descendants will not escape the fate of slaves.

"Is this the slavery of the four slaves? It is actually very useful..."

Ning Fan continued to motivate the power of Zu Fu, subdividing the power of a ancestral ancestral into millions of copies, such as the same golden rain of light, spilling the city of Taihao, and plunging into all the coma.

This scene fell in Su Yan's eyes, only a sigh, not much to say.

But in the eyes of the three people, such as the rhinoceros, it turned into an unstoppable shock, and a hint of instinct for slavery.

They don't understand why Ning Fan knows how to plant slavery, but he understands that in Ning Fan's moment of cultivating all the horns, no one in the horned horn is under the trio. Helping me.

"You actually planted slaves to the 22 strong people of my family! You have planted slaves for millions of people in my corner! Zhou Ming, you are daring! You have enslaved my horns, you **** it!"

"Fighting? The deity not only wants to enslave the horns, but also let the horns eternal life imprisoned in the secluded sea, suppress it! Swallow!"

Ning Fan's eyes are cold, and the use of ancestors is not only for blood smelting, but also for slaves, but also for the slaves!

Every slave scorpion's body slaves contain the power of Ning Fan.

In the moment when Ning Fan urged the power of this ancestor, all the horned people who became slaves were swept away by madness and passed on to Ning Fan's body.

The magic of the original Jin Dan realm, fell and melted. The magical repair of Yuan Ying’s realm fell to Jin Dan. And the 22 gods, horrified to find that their cultivation, was swallowed and deprived, fell to the Yuan Ying period!

The repairs lost by millions of monks were used to enhance the essence of Ning Fan, and the increase was not even for 10,000.

One stunned monk, awakened by the pain of deprivation, was desperate to discover that everyone was planted with slavery and deprived of cultivation!

For a militant and self-reliant demon, repairing is deprivation, condescension is slavery, and it is more painful than death.

Ning Fan can not kill the horns, but for such a demon who betrayed Su Yan, he must give a lesson!

The lesson is to be a big slave to the ancestors of the ancestors!

"With the devil's order, all the slaves who planted the slaves, deprived of the repairs, and the prisoner is here. You must not leave the city of Taihao half a step, otherwise the slave pattern will be worse than death!"

Ning Fan gave a command, the magic is soaring, and millions of horns people feel that the slaves in the body have planted the order of Ning Fan.

After the order was issued, almost no one dared to leave the city of Taichung for half a step, and he would be imprisoned by the slaves and imprisoned in the city of Taichung!

Numerous original hostile shofars, at this moment, stumbled to Ning Fan one by one, unable to follow.

One by one, the gods of the gods are stunned. They saw such a hegemonic ban for the first time, and they can control millions of slaves at the same time. They can deprive the slaves of cultivation. This is really horrible!

"Next, it's your turn!"

Ning Fan's body exudes the power of the ancestor, and the power of the ancestors' blood makes the rhinoceros, the ghost horn, and the Yin Gongju feel suppressed and panic.

When the rhinoceros bites his teeth, he is so clear that he realizes that this moment of Ning Fan is somewhat difficult to deal with.

"You are guarding the law, you will meet him in the future!"

The rhinoceros does not claim to be a horned patriarch. The demon of a family has been accepted as a slave by Ning Fan. He is already a lonely man, and the general trend has gone.

Although Ning Fan instantly kills three kings of repairs and is proficient in slavery, the rhinoceros still does not think that he will lose to Ning Fan.

He still remembers. A blow with Ning Fan on the bomb three months ago, that time. Ning Fan is just enough to take his attack.

As usual on the same day, the rhinoceros pointed out, the whole body magic rolled, one finger pressed, the magic gas turned into a giant Juyue, Chao Ningfan head suppression.

This is a huge stalwart, the power of repression is a real blow, the power can not be underestimated. Even the three kings of repairs can't take this attack without injury.

In the face of the same attack, Ning Fan's eyes are disdainful. When he is not in the wild, he can take the rhinoceros.

Nowadays, Ning Fan is already in the midst of the middle of the devil. The physical body surpasses the general body of the second body. It is still a punch to stop the magic mountain, but the power of this boxing is no longer the same!


A series of collapse vortexes spread out from Ning Fan Quan. It is easy to crush the magic mountain, and Yu Wei does not reduce the head of the rhinoceros as the head of the town, only a punch, there will be the power of seriously injured rhinoceros!

The rhinoceros stared at the earthquake, and he never thought of it for three months. Ning Fan was strong.

A powerful punch made him suffocate. He did not think about it, took a shot of the storage bag directly, took out three ancient jade slips, and shredded one.

Immediately, the three jade slips were broken. And each of them had a slap in the face, and Ning Fanquan slammed a hit.

Under the blockage of three blitz attacks. The rhinoceros scorpion escaped from the boxing range of Ning Fan, and the square inch was chaotic.

Three months ago, he was at least barely able to keep a tie with Ning Fan.

After three months, he couldn’t even pick up Ning Fan’s fist...

The eyes are full of Sui and Tang and unwilling, and the rhinoceros commands the two masters behind him.

"Ghost horn, Yin Gong, you are on, delay him a little! I will unblock the jade slip of the rush, help you from the side!"


Ghost horns and Yin Gong are all knowing. If they don’t destroy Ning Fan today, they will not die. They will be suppressed by Ning Fan as slaves, deprived of cultivation, and not as good as death...

Even if you know that Ning Fan is very strong, they can only fight, there is no way out!

The three men went out and surrounded Ning Fan on three sides, dripping water.

Ghost horns and Yin Gong are all means of martial arts. The magic spells are all out, besieging Ning Fan, and careful to open the distance with Ning Fan, for fear of being killed by Ning Fan.

I have to say that Ning Fan has killed the three kings of repairs and has left a shadow on them. This shadow is infinitely expanded after defeating the rhinoceros in an instant.

The two were extremely afraid of Ning Fan, and they did not dare to fight against Ning Fan.

The rhinoceros takes a storage bag and takes out countless jade slips. Choose one of the ancient jade slips, which has a vast and vicissitudes of ancient magic.

"This is the guardian jade slip left by the 'nine generations of ancestors' in my horns. According to the broken jade, you can launch a ancestor's blow! This will not believe, you can compare with the imaginary, you can take a bang !"

Among the jade slips, the momentum that smashed the peak of the smashing peak, shocked all the gods.

Ning Fan's eyes are slightly condensed. The strength of the rhinoceros is not so good, the preparation is very full, in order to become a patriarch, got a lot of good things to protect the body.

With Ning Fan's eyesight, one can see that every jade slipper held by the rhinoceros is a blow to the ancestors of the ancestors.

After countless years of lapse, those one-strike forces have passed away most of the power, so that many of the jade seals of the spell attacks can not be underestimated.

For example, the ‘9th generation ancestor jade simplification’ that the rhinoceros is unblocking is the guardian of the ninth generation of the ancestor’s ancestors.

It is rumored that the ninth-generation ancestor of the Qijiao is a true-class ancient demon. The fine-ventilated wood-based supernatural powers, the guardian’s one-off hit is a true hit, but the years passed, and the true fairy hits only Chong virtual power.

This is the case, this spell attack must not be underestimated.

What Ning Fan cares about is that there are many jade and rhinoceros.

There are even a few too many hits in the hands of the rhinoceros, and a broken blow!

This jaunted jade slipped a little confidence in the corners of Ghost and Yin Gong and began to attack Ning Fan.

The reason why the two are willing to rely on the rhinoceros is to know that the rhinoceros is carrying a lot of jade attacks, and the means are extremely strong.

These jade slips are that the rhinoceros is occasionally obtained from a secret place in the family.

With these jade slips in the body, the rhinoceros does not think that it will lose to Ning Fan.

Although he did not understand, Ning Fan and Su Yan escaped from the thousands of magic spirits to kill and escape from the corner.

Although he did not understand, why can't the ten thousand magic spirits and the fifteenth refining contract in the remnant world be linked.

But the rhinoceros believes that as long as he motivates this smashed jade slip, killing Ning Fan is more than enough.

Just give him 3 interest to promote jade, Ning Fan will die!

In the eyes of the rhinoceros, by the ghost corner, Yin Gong joint force shot, delaying Ning Fan three interest, still can do it.

The rhinoceros closes his eyes and fully unblocks the jade, and the ears are all the ghosts and the roar of the spells that Yin Gong hits.

In the face of the two-person attack, Ning Fan's eyes remained unchanged, only raising his hand and grabbing it, pulling five moonlights from the sky and turning them into claw marks.


Five fingers into the claws, tearing off the five sections of Yuehua, each piece of gentle moonlight has a terrible lethality.

The sky is full of glory, and it is the technique of the dragon tearing the moon. As soon as this technique came out, all the attacks of Ghost Corner and Yin Gong were broken one by one.

This is something the rhinoceros can't do!

Looking at the sinister horns, all the magical powers of the spells collapsed under the claws of Ning Fan, and even his own, he fell directly under the claws of the moon.

Only one god, by Ning Fan, fell into the palm of his hand, but he gave birth to slaves, deprived of cultivation, and enslaved the gods!

Seeing how the old monsters are, in front of the ancestors, they are only slaves!

"No, don't!" The ghost sorrows, and he is a singer, and he has become a slave to Ning Fan. It is really worse than death!

When asked about the imaginary Yin Gong, the magic weapon was smashed by Ning Fan, only the Ning Fan half-claw, and the other half of the claw directly caused Yin Gong's body to collapse.

He only escaped a god, and he couldn't stop the power of Ning Fan. The dragon's tearing technique was performed by Ning Fan in the middle of the savage, and the power was too horrible.

The rhinoceros suddenly opened his eyes and saw the Yin God’s **** of blood rushing to the blood and rushing toward him.

After Yin Gong's body, Ning Fan is catching up slowly, and the clouds are light and windy. It seems that it is only a common thing to kill the ghosts and hurt the Yin Gong.

The rhinoceros can't believe it, even if Ning Fan is asking the virtual realm, it should never be so strong.

The three kings of repairs can't stop Ning Fan for a moment.

Ghost horn plus Yin Gong, even the same is not an opponent!

The two of them did not win the time for the rhinoceros at all, and even the half interest could not be delayed.

"You are not ordinary, you are asking for invincible strength!"

The rhinoceros just realized this, and Ning Fan, who was chasing after Yin Gong, suddenly grabbed the Yingong god, planted the slaves, and deprived of cultivation!

Ning Fan speeds up, and instantly crosses countless distances. He appears in front of the rhinoceros, and his fist is degraded and merciless.

Only a punch, the rhinoceros magic armor is broken, the magic bones are folded, like a broken kite, was shot by Ning Fan, vomiting blood, falling in the city of Taihao, by Ning Fan stepping on the soil If you step on a dead dog.

Ning Fan did not give the rhinoceros a time to attack Yu Jian!

The rhinoceros remnant is holding jade, too unwilling, but unable to mobilize the semi-divided force, unable to counter the strength of Ning Fan.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to return the position of the patriarch to Su Yan! The Sui chief saved me, and the subordinates got it wrong!" The rhinoceros looked at Ning Fan, who was approaching step by step, coughing blood and pleading.

Su Yan Xing Yu was covered with frost, and she couldn’t bear it. She just couldn’t bear the death and injury of ordinary people, but she wanted to kill the rhinoceros and then quickly.

Ning Fan is even more unlikely to care about the rhinoceros's pleading. He is not even prepared to enslave the rhinoceros and kill the best directly.


With one foot down, the power of the middle of the devil, directly shattered the body of the rhinoceros into countless rotten blood.

A handful of rhinoceros gods, Ning Fan does not say anything, eat raw directly, kill it in the abdomen.

Standing in the city of Taihao, Ning Fan is enchanting, and the ancestors of the ancestors are full of binoculars and glance at the city.

"From this moment on, the horned devils, the slaves of the devil, the slaying and killing, are all between the devils!

Many inland Jindan and Yuan Ying have also awakened.

When I heard Ning Fan’s demon command and looked at the millions of horn-horned people who bowed to Ning Fan, all the in-house monks who were present were shocked.

Scorpio, what happened to the baht city when they were in a coma! One of the four ethnic groups in the secluded sea, the horns, was actually accepted by Ning Fan!

If this matter is heard, it will surely alarm the endless sea. No... it will surely make the rain world sensational!

In the rain world, in addition to broken old people, who can suppress the four seas?

Ning Fan is the second monk who successfully suppressed the Weihai Mozu after the Lei Emperor!

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