Grasping Evil

Chapter 501: God has a risk, cutting stones need to be cautious

"Yes, the old man has a group of unopened gods, which are stored in the Zixiao Palace. The old man is low-minded and cannot open these gods. He wants to ask the friends to help open. Of course, it is difficult to open the gods. Even if the Taoist friend fails to open, it does not matter. However, if the Taoist friend opens successfully, the old man is willing to share this collection with the Taoist friend. I don’t know if the friend can give it a try?"

Dan Zun’s eyes flashed a few minutes of color. He knows that Ning Fan is extraordinary, so he will ask for help.

Of course, for Ning Fan to open the gods, Dan Zun is not very sure, just holding the heart of the trial.

"Daoyou is kindly invited, Zhou is naturally willing to try. As for whether or not to open the gods, you can only do everything and listen to the fate. Only Zhou has a question, the ancient gods have long been destroyed, the ancient gods also It is very rare. I don’t know where the friends have found these gods?” asked Ning Fan.

"These gods are all found by the old man outside the 'burning the valley'! Oh, please come with me."

Dan Zun laughed and led Ning Fan to the direction of Ziyan Palace.

Ning Fan’s eyes were slightly shocked, but he was shocked by the name of the Burning Valley.

Although he has not been to the rain world to repair the country too much, but the fierce name of the burning fairy valley has been heard.

The Burning Valley is an ancient forbidden place in the Xiyin State, a virtual-level comprehension country. It is said to be a site left after the destruction of the ancient sect. There are quite a few chances in the valley, but it is more dangerous.

Many rainy powers will go to the Burning Valley to seek opportunities. Unfortunately, the monks who are below the Yuan Ying realm cannot enter the outer periphery of the Burning Valley.

And the monks who can enter the periphery, ten people go in, nine people may die in it.

If you want to enter the valley, at least you need to repair too much above the virtual, in order to break through the valley. At least Dan Zun is unable to enter the valley and can only search for treasures on the periphery.

It is rumored that in the deepest part of the Burning Valley, there is a ‘fallen heart’, which was banned by a sea of ​​fires that are heavily entangled in fairy fires. Even those who are broken and weak can’t enter even if they enter forcibly, it’s also a life of nine deaths.

Ning Fan has always suspected that the reason why Yuhuang is so heavy about his ‘non-extinguishing body’ is that he wants to enter the land of the fallen sea and search for something.

Of course, this is just a guess of Ning Fan. Rain King specifically needs him to do something, not that he can make a final conclusion.

Now Dan Zun brings out a few pieces of gods from the periphery of the Burning Valley, which inevitably makes Ning Fan somewhat interested.

During the thought, the two have arrived at the Purple Palace, which is a deep mountain forbidden palace covered by purple clouds.

The spirit of the Purple Palace is not superior to the Yuan Palace, but there is a large array of defenses outside the palace, and many Dan Island strongmen guard this place.

Obviously, Dan Zun attaches great importance to the defense of this place.

"I have seen Dan Zun! I have seen Mingzun!" One of the Dan Island monks came to see Ning Fan and immediately bowed down.

"Excluded! Zhu Qing, you guard this place, let no one enter the Zixiao Palace. The old man wants to merge with Ming Zun into the palace, do not want to have any interruptions." Dan Zun said.

"Yes!" The head of the monk who guarded the place immediately opened the array of lights and did not dare to be scornful.

Until Ning Fan and Dan Zun have entered the palace, Zhu Qing is re-closing the big array, but there is a shock in the eyes that is difficult to conceal.

This shock also emerged in the eyes of other monks.

"In the Zixiao Palace, only three pieces of Shenzang Danzun and Mingzun were brought together, and it was impossible to open the gods!" A young monk guessed.

"In the past few hundred years, Dan Zun has also invited several sturdy and powerful people to open the gods, and they have not been successfully opened. Now they invite Mingzun to open the gods, and most of them can't succeed?" An old man shook his head. Road.

"Cautious! The figure of Ming Zun, is it that you can talk privately? You can't stop at the speed!" Zhu Qing ordered, and the gods were under pressure, and everyone dared not speak.

In the Purple Palace, Ning Fan followed Dan Zun and looked at the exhibition in the palace.

The palace has a ‘return’ structure and is divided into two inner and outer halls. The palace is paved with turquoise, illuminated with moonstone and magnificent.

In the outer hall, there are a pair of guards on both sides of the road every tens of steps.

After entering the inner temple, there were a total of 16 guards on the four sides of the inner hall.

The inner temple was heavily blocked by the mass squad, and no one except Dan Zeng himself could enter.

In the large array, there are three white jade platforms, each of which is equipped with a huge bluestone.

The bluestones are round and about ten feet high. They look like stone eggs at a distance.

The surface of the boulder has a dense blue rune, revealing the ancient atmosphere, shining with immortal brilliance. With these runes in it, the boulder is extremely strong, and even if it is a smashing blow, it can't break the boulder.

These three megaliths are three pieces of gods, and each of them is sealed with some secret treasures.

"This is the bronze quality of the gods!" This is the first time that Ning Fan saw the gods with his own eyes, and the strange light flashed in his eyes.

Among the ancient gods, the gods are also divided into three or six, etc., the name of the bronze seal is called bronze, which is generally the most inferior secret treasure. Above the bronze gods, there are generally silver gods, gold gods and so on.

However, for the later monks, the most inferior bronze gods have invaluable value.

"Daoyou has experienced extraordinary experience and knows the points of the gods. It is true that these three gods are the bronze gods. They are all found by the old man from the outside of the valley. Seen with the three bronze gods. It’s got the flames, and it’s the flames that the old man is boldly guessing. The ancient monks who left these three gods are the alchemists! Therefore, the treasures of these three treasures must be Related to alchemy!” Dan Zun explained.

Ning Fan was silent, and he was seen by the flame. He was the first treasure of Dan Island. I couldn’t think of it with the three gods.

The flame light has the effect of distinguishing the medicinal herbs, and it is of great value, but it has not been included in the gods. In this way, the things hidden in these three gods are even higher than the flames.

"On each piece of the gods, there are the magical runes left by the ancient gods. With this rune, it is difficult to open the gods and get the stone treasures."

Dan Zun sighed and took out a fiery red flying sword. He suddenly jumped up and flew to one of the gods. He seemed to want to show Ning Fan how strong the gods are.

The flying sword he held was a half-step virtual treasure. A sword gave birth to countless flame swords, and the power was different, which was enough to hurt the half-step.

Numerous swordsmen slammed on the first piece of bluestone gods like a raindrop, but they made a crisp crash, and they could not leave a slight scratch on the bluestone.

"As seen by the Taoist friends, the sturdiness of this god, even the half-step sacred attack can be ignored. Even if the old man uses the soul to sneak a sneak peek, he can't smash the bluestone, and take out the sacred old man. I have been invited to ask the monks to open the gods, but they all return without success."

Dan Zun’s words made Ning Fan silent again.

The so-called gods are only treasures in the stone. As long as you open the bluestone stone, you can get the secret treasure. But trying to open a stone suit is not an easy task.

"Don't leave, force!"

Ning Fan stepped forward to the first piece of bluestone, suddenly a little eyebrows, took out the sword and hand in hand.

The fine gas was poured into the arm, and as soon as he raised his hand, he pulled out a sword of the mountain river toward the first piece of bluestone.

This sword moves to Jane, seemingly unremarkable, but the spur of the giant force, but even the blame can be seriously injured.

"Good swordsmanship!" Dan Zun's eyes trembled. If this sword is his, he will die! Ning Fan's strength, farther than Dan Zun's expectations!

In the eyes, I couldn’t help but reveal the color of expectation. I hope that Ning Fan can open a bluestone stone coat with a sword.


The first piece of bluestone was hardened by a sword, and it completely withstood the terrorist power of Ning Fan’s reclamation.

The white jade platform of the bluestone base was shattered by the force of a sword, and the bluestone fell to the ground.

But this is so, only a hairline-like sword scar appears on the stone jacket. And after the moment, the rune on the stone coat moved, and the sword marks healed, as intact.

The huge sniper force caused the entire Ziyan Palace to sway violently, and it was shocked to see all the Dan Island monks who guarded the Zixiao Palace, but no one dared to enter the palace.

Ning Fan saw that a sword could not smash the stone jacket, and he could not help but frown slightly. "It is very hard."

Even the invincible blow of the force can only leave a silky scar on the bluestone.

According to Ning Fan’s estimation, even if it’s a broken old man’s personal shot, it’s not likely to open this green stone coat.

And even if the shell is shattered by tough means, the secret treasure of the collection may be implicated.

Ning Fan gradually realized that forcibly smashing the stone clothes outside the gods is not the real way to open the gods.

"Don't even be able to open the bronze gods with the sword!"

Dan Zun showed a disappointing expression, deeply sighed, but suddenly accepted the sigh, noticed that Ning Fan has the next move.

After a sword has no fruit, Ning Fan took back the shackles, silenced a little, and immediately slammed a mouth, squirting a group of black magic fire, wrapped bluestone into it, forcibly calcined.

Dan Zun’s eyes are bright, and this magical fire is far superior to his imagination, and it is extremely powerful.

But what disappoints Dan Zun is that such a powerful magic fire is still unable to burn the stone stone of Qingshi.

This bluestone **** not only has no swords and no injuries, it seems to be the texture of water and fire.

"Oh, it seems that even the Taoist friends can't break the bronze gods." Dan Zun is another sigh.

Ning Fan ignored the sigh of Dan Zun, took back the magic fire, and stood quietly on the side of Qingshi.

If you say that the first attack on the bluestone is to open up the gods. Then the second time to display the magic fire, but only a temptation.

Ning Fan did not expect the magic fire to burn the bluestone, but stared at the bluestone after the burning, showing contemplation.

The power of the magic fire is extraordinary. Even if it is impossible to burn the stone coat, it leaves a little ambiguity on the stone coat.

But after the blue rune flashed, it seemed to flow, and all the damage on the stone coat was filled.

Ning Fan seems to have realized that the reason why it is impossible to open the bluestone is not how strong the bluestone itself is, but the rune on the stone coat is too strong.

The finger touches the flashing rune, and for a moment, the rune stops flashing and returns to its original state.

But from that rune, Ning Fan heard a strange singer's voice, which is the source of strength to prevent the destruction of bluestone.

This rune is without a doubt a gods rune of the ancient gods.

"In the ancient gods, there is a sound of the voice, will it be the strong reason of the ancient gods?"

"Do you want to break the bluestone gods, do you have to cut the stone by the power of the road?"

Ning Fan seems to have income, but he can't comprehend.

Seeing Ning Fan’s two shots, he couldn’t smash the sacred stone clothes. Dan Zun has some want to give up, and comfortably said, “The sturdiness of the gods is far beyond the imagination of the old man. It seems that even the Taoist friends can’t open the gods. The stone coat is gone, the Taoist friend does not need to try again, the old man already knows the result."

"Dan Daoyou don't have to rush to give up, don't you ever hear ‘Sincerely, the stone is open?'”

Ning Fan is a deeper, he has found out the way to open the gods.

A glimpse of the power of the mood is entwined in the whole body, like a piece of black goose feather snow.

However, seeing Ning Fan's five fingers, all the black snow gathered in the center of the palm, and it became a short black sword like a snow.

The sword is not too long, and it reveals the swordsmanship of the Zhongyong Tibetan Mastiff.

Ning Fan waved a short sword and went to Qingshi Shishi everything. Only a light cut, he cut off a thin piece of stone.

Dan Zun is a bit stunned.

The sturdiness of the bluestone is that Ning Fan can resist with a full blow. Why is the stone garment that is strong and can not withstand the softness of the Wujin short sword.

He stared at the short sword, and suddenly he saw something, and he was shocked.

"This is a Taoist!"

The so-called Taoist soldiers are the soldiers of the avenues that have been cultivated to achieve the second step.

Bluestone can protect against spell attacks, but it may not be able to defend the avenue.

This Wujin short sword is the soldier of Ning Fan's avenue - Yi Yi Daojian.

See 斩 道 道 剑 剑 可以 可以 可以 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 ?

Thinking in my heart, but not stopping in my hands, I will cut off all the stone clothes of the first god.

In the fine stone pattern, the edge of a wooden box is faintly cut out, which is the material of the rosewood.

Ning Fan carefully cut the bluestone along the edge of the wooden box, cut the wooden box on the surface, and finally took out the wooden box.

After that, Ning Fan continued to cut the stone and cut out a delicate pottery altar. Except for these two things, no other items were found in the stone.

Looking at the rosewood box and the pottery altar, Dan Zun’s breathing began to become urgent, and he was excited about Ning Fan.

"Look at what these two things are!"

In Dan Zun's view, what can be collected in the gods must be a good thing.

Ning Fan opened the rosewood box, Dan Zun opened the pottery altar, and immediately, the two looked strange.

Among the pottery altars, there is an altar of ashes.

Among the rosewood boxes, there is a sandalwood wooden sign, which seems to be the famous brand of Zongmen monks. In particular, Dan Zun was helpless. The name of the Zongmen and the monk on the wooden sign was written in ancient Chinese. He didn't even know the text.

"Unexpectedly, among the first gods, there is only one ancient monk's life card and ashes!" Dan Zun was greatly annoyed. An altar, a famous brand, has no value.

Ning Fan was also slightly disappointed, but when his eyes swept over the famous brand, his heart suddenly moved.

"God book?!"

Dan Zun does not know this ancient character, but Ning Fan, who has experienced it, knows it.

On that brand, only five words were written.

Shelan Zong, Wei Yang

It seems that the owner of this ashes was once a disciple of the ancient Zongmen Shelanzong, named Weiyang.

As for the name of Shelan Zong, Ning Fan has never heard of it, it is not surprising.

"Please continue to cut the second gods! The old man will not believe, the second **** will also be ashes," Dan Zun urged.


Ning Fan nodded. He was also prepared to divide himself with Dan Zun. Naturally, he hoped to cut out some good things from the gods, but he didn't want to cut out the ashes.

Waving again, remembering the sword, Ning Fan carefully cut off the stone jacket.

In this second piece of God, there is a collection of storage fingers and a lot of sundries.

Among these sundries, there are Dan furnace, Daojing, medicinal herbs, Danfang, ancient scriptures, and a purple flaming fan.

Among the storage fingers, only forty-two elixir were stored, but they were all 100,000 years!

Although the storage finger is rare, it is not worth mentioning. But the 100,000-year-old elixir made Dan Zun look hot.

After carefully examining the elixir, Dan Zun discovered that these 100,000-year-old elixir had all been eroded by the magic gas and had been filthy. It could no longer be used in alchemy to take medicine, which made Dan Zun annoyed.

Those Dan Fang and the ancient scriptures are all gods, and Dan Zun does not know a word. It is a pity.

There are two hundred Daojing, which is equivalent to one billion jade, but the money can not touch the heart of Dan Zun.

However, the Dan furnace, the Pu fan and the six-turn medicinal herbs made Dan Zun smile and apparently very satisfied.

"This Dan furnace is the 'Shen furnace' that the ancient **** Dan Xiu will use. It is superior to the Dan furnace of the ordinary artistic conception. This Pu fan is a virtual treasure of the illusory product, although the grade is not high, but the grade is not high, but If there are a few fan on the fan of alchemy, there is a slight improvement in the quality of the flame. These two magic weapons are things that were only available in ancient times. I don’t think the old man actually had a chance to see it. This is really a haha. There are twelve six-turn Dan. Medicine, medicinal herbs, it is not so precious. Do you think that these things should be distributed?"

Dan Zun only included Dan furnace, Pu fan, and Liu Zhuan medicine in the distribution. Other things are not useful because they are useless to him.

Dan Zun means that some want Dan furnace and Pu fan.

For Ning Fan, Dan furnace and Pu fan are chicken ribs. Six-pass medicinal herbs are very desirable, but they are not essential.

On the contrary, Dan Zun’s invisible Dan and the ancient medicine and pollution of the elixir caused the interest of Ning Fan.

Mingque has the ability to purify medicinal herbs, and I don’t know if I can purify 100,000 years of elixir. If you can, Ning Fan will have enough elixir to wake up Luo You and get a broken hand to protect himself!

That Dan Fang ancient classics, all of them are gods, Dan Zun does not know, but Ning Fan knows. If you take the ancient scriptures, I don’t know what information I can get from the ancient scriptures.

"Daoyou seems to be very fond of the beauty of Dan furnace and Pu fan, the adult of the gentleman, not the evil of adults. Dan furnace and Pu fan return to the Tao, other medicinal drugs belong to me, how?" Ning Fan said with a smile.

"Daoyou's words are true!" Dan Zun showed a big surprise.

If you can get two alchemy magic weapons of ancient Dan Xiu, you may realize the Danzhi Avenue of the ancient monks. For Dan Zun, these two treasures are related to Dan Dan, which is more precious than anything.

He was afraid that Ning Fan would take away the two treasures, and he could not help but be grateful for the distribution of Ning Fan’s beauty.

"Dao You is really a cool person!"

"Yes?" Ning Fan smiled a little, and the so-called needs are all happy, probably this is the case.

"Do you want to cut the third piece of gods and see what treasures are there?" Dan Zun was full of excitement.


Ning Fan waved and recalled the sword and began to cut off the third piece of stone clothing.

It was only this time that the stone was cut off, but it gave him a feeling of uneasiness. This is the feeling that the two pieces of the gods did not have.

"What is hidden in this god?"

Ning Fan hesitated in his heart, the third piece of God, he cut from the bottom.

After cutting a quarter of the stone, a hoof was revealed among the boulder.

At the moment of exposing the air, the animal's hoof suddenly trembled and seemed to be a living thing.

"It's not good. In the third piece of the gods, the ancient creatures are stored! From this breath, this creature is actually asking a virtual creature!" Dan Zun suddenly reminded him, never expected to meet in the gods. These creatures are hidden.

God possesses risks, and cutting stones requires caution. The ancients do not deceive me. If you cut out a broken creature, wouldn't everyone have to finish it?


Within the third piece of the gods, a voice of the beast was suddenly heard.

The beast hoof slammed and shattered all the stone garments from the inside out, revealing the great body of the ancient creatures, and immediately swayed in the wind.

It was a half-human and half-horse animal, with two bronze arrows and arrows. At the moment of appearance, the eyes of the two eyes shot a blue-colored flying sun to Ning Fan and Dan Zun.

The arrow of the blue-colored flying sun is a slap in the face, and the power is not the same.

In the case of Dan Zun, he was attacked by a beast. In the face of a sham, he changed his face and hurriedly displayed the technique of the soul dragon. He tried to resist the false arrows, but how could he wait?

Only one arrow through the body, Dan Zun has already vomited blood and seriously injured, can not pick up an alien beast.

In the loss, Dan Zun shouted, "Ming Ming save me!"

However, after calling for help, Dan Zun was shocked by the arrow and was directly shocked.

In Dan Zun's view, only Ning Fan has the strength to counter this question. He was fainted and could only rely on Ning Fan.

Ning Fan faces an empty arrow, naturally it will not be as good as Dan Zun, just a handful of sleeves, the vastness of the rush, directly shattered into a myriad of powder.

Cold and cold to the stranger, lifted his hand and sacrificed a golden stove.

As soon as the fingerprint changes, a circle of light gold auras in the oven is exhausted.

The aura bombarded the beasts, and asked the imaginary beasts, but they could not resist the light golden aperture. After the screams, they screamed with anger.

"The key to winning the house is dead!"

When the figure trembled, it suddenly blew itself up and turned into a heavy fire.

Ning Fan rushed out of the Yuan Lei's armor, blocking the self-destructive attack of the alien beast.

The radiant light faded away. After a long time, only a few pieces of minced meat and a bronze key were left in the original place.

Ning Fan picks up the key and sees the boulevard pattern on the bronze key. It seems to be extremely extraordinary, but I don't know where it is.

"What is the key to Shelan?"

Ning Fan put away the keys, squatting in the wind, and using the magic to rescue the unconscious Dan Zun.

"Cough and cough can't think of the third piece of gods. It is really a terrible creature. What about the beast?"

Dan Zun looked at him and looked around.

When I saw the ground flesh, I immediately shook it.

"Does the friend of the road kill the singular beast?!" Dan Zun only felt incredible.

"It’s just that you have just reached the shackles of asking questions." Ning Fan did not think so.

The question of his murder is not the first one. Even the white tigers of the rushing level are killed. This animal has just reached the threshold of asking questions, not powerful, even if it is handed over to Su Yan, it can be easily hit. kill.

"‘just’ just reached the question of emptiness.” Dan Zun immediately looked at the monster and looked at Ning Fan.

That strange animal meets Ning Fan, it is also unlucky.

Dan Zun did not know that Ning Fan had obtained a bronze key after killing the beast.

At this moment, Dan Zun was grateful to see Ning Fan, and if he was not shot, he would die in the hands of different animals.

"The friend of the road saves the grace, the old man will never forget!" Dan Zun was grateful. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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