Grasping Evil

Chapter 512: Megatron Baizong (six)

On the one side of Yutai, Lanling Wang looks beautiful, and wears a purple robes, wearing a purple crown, dressed like a young emperor, with a little cinnabar, and adds a bit of temperament.

He stood in the snow, and there were countless orchids falling around him. It was like a child of the gods, and it was a heartfelt girl.

Compared with the beauty of Lanling Wang, Ning Fan's costume is slightly simple and simple. He is wearing a black and white dress, and his black hair is empty. The cold eyes are not visible in a secluded pool.

Above the white clothes, bloodstained, above the eyebrows, the stars are enchanting, adding a bit of silence.

The arrogance of a savage demon condenses in the eyebrows. The powerful force makes ordinary monks unable to breathe, and many women are enamored.

Lanling Wang is the first person under the broken realm of the rain, and Ning Fan is the first demon in the inner sea. If you don’t use the broken jade, if Lan Ling fights with the second god, who will fight? Victory!

Perhaps Lan Ling Wang Sheng face is bigger, after all, the deity of Lan Ling Wang is the first master under the rainy world! His second **** is strong in strength, is it that Ning Fan can compete?

One hundred hundred monks did not dare to breathe, and they were all staring at Yutai.

Today, eleven people have died in the hands of Ning Fan, and this will surely alarm the world! And after seeing the horror of Ningfan, who dares to make a snowy idea

Ning Fan’s eyes are always calm, like an unpredictable abyss.

Obviously to kill the ghosts, the Ming Dynasty against the Lanling King is also winning, but Ning Fan still has a trace of anxiety

That restlessness is like missing an enemy, so that these enemies are still plotting conspiracy in the dark.

"Big brother's strong shot, suppressing the ghosts, so that the original hundred guesses are extremely deep, do not dare to shake, today's Xueyan sister's disaster, fear that it should be passed, just why, I still have a trace of anxiety" Xu Qiuling Worry, she actually felt the same strange atmosphere as Ning Fan.

The wind and snow words can really end this?

"Hey? Sister, she is doing what she is doing?" Xu Qiu Ling suddenly stunned, took out a jade, and left a scent of moon volley, can know her safety and whereabouts.

Above the jade, the breath of the moon volley seems to have passed.

"Mr. Sister broke through and asked if she succeeded, but if she went out, why didn't she come to us, where did she go now?" Xu Qiu Ling did not understand.

At both ends of Yutai, Ning Fan and Lan Ling Wang are separated by each other, and each confronts each other and the momentum meets.

Lanling Wang is only the second **** to come, the momentum is not strong, and Ning Fan Lianhua eleven smelt, which even includes the emptiness of the realm of the virtual realm, its strong suffocating, almost suffocating the Lanling King!

Just with Ning Fan's view, Lan Ling Wang can no longer bear the momentum of Ning Fan, taking the lead.

He walked in the footsteps and heard the sound of snoring on all sides. Apparently everyone saw that the Lanling King lost to the Ning Fan in the battle of the momentum and the speculation before the crowd did not seem to match.

Lan Ling Wang Junmei's face is burning and burning, as if the imposing defeat to Ning Fan is subject to great humiliation.

His figure was swaying, his feet were hollow and rippled. He only crossed the distance and reached the other side of Yutai. He raised his hand and pressed it against Ning Fan. He pointed to the sword as a sword, and the power almost reached the power of rushing. !

He wants to defeat Ning Fan with a single blow and save his reputation!

"You said that you and the king do not need to use broken jade Jane? Hey, this king sees you are not jade simple! This is also good, if you have no broken jade, the king kills you, such as pinch Ants are easy!"

"This is a vain pace!" Someone recognized the sorcerer of Lanling Wang, which was not weaker than the emptiness of the ordinary sinister monk.

"Bai Lanjian refers!" Some people also recognized the command of Lanling Wang, the power of this finger, and asked the people who are imaginary to take it!

Looking at the oncoming **** Jianguang, Ning Fan's eyes are a little pleasant.

On the same day when the Sixth Wings first met the Lanling King, Ning Fan still felt that this person was as high as the mountains and could not be defeated.

Looking at Lanling Wang now, I feel that this person is strong but weaker than himself.

The white-blue sword, which is as fast as a thunder in the eyes of countless people, is a bright white awn, almost more dazzling than the sun.

But in the eyes of Ning Fan, the sword mans is slow but stagnant.

It’s not that the Lanling King is weak, but that Ning Fan is not the same!


Ning Fan's backhanded one finger, the shot is like electricity, and the display of the long-unused collapse of the sword means that the mountains and rivers between the heavens and the earth are beginning to collapse, and the power of collapse is the force of Ning Fan.

A collapse of the island and the river, two collapsed in the dark, three collapses and dead bones. In a moment, Ning Fan successively displayed the sword to the first, second and third collapse!

The first collapsed sword refers to the electric shock of Mang Ruo, which is exactly offset by the Lan Ling Wang Bailan sword.

The face of Lanling Wang changed. I didn’t expect the Bailan sword to be so easily broken. The second one was the Jianguang, which surprised him. He raised his hand and pointed out the second Bailan sword. The power of the second collapsed sword light is fifty or six percent, and the remaining Jianguang is banging on the chest, smashing its spiritual armor, and even fading dozens of steps!

He has not yet stood firm, but the third collapsed sword light hit like a skeleton, making him vest cold sweat!

In this third collapsed sword light, he seems to see countless voids coming to him, and his flesh and blood is a little decayed!


The third sword hit the Lanling King without any deviation. He vomited blood and even stood back for a thousand steps. The orchids scattered around the body, only to remove some of the finger force and avoid serious injuries.

But the purple gold crown smashed, and the hair flew away. At this moment, Lanling Wang described the extremes of the wolf. Although it was not seriously injured, the injury was not light, and there was a little bit of shame before!

"How can it be!"

One hundred hundred monks were shocked and inexplicable. Only one confrontation, Lanling Wang almost lost in Ning Fan!

Such a disparity in the strength gap, Lan Ling Wang actually put a big slogan, saying that killing Ning Fan, such as pinching the ants, seems to be a mouthful

"This king does not believe! You are asking for emptiness, and this king is also asking for emptiness. In the same class, this king will be defeated to you! 殉天尺!"

Lanling Wang took a foot and sacrificed his feet to Ning Fan.

It is a long-established ancient ruler, like jade and non-jade, like gold and gold. Once it is sacrificed, it will be turned into a 100,000-foot shadow and will be played by Ning Fan, and the sound will be like the sky.

Above the ancient ruler, there is a kind of virtual supernatural power, which is more confusing.

Ning Fan’s heart sounded countless to the sounds of ancient scriptures, and countless ancient scriptures seemed to be confusing Ning Fan, burying the heavens and the earth, and died by the shadows.

The ancient ruler of the high sky suddenly dissipated and turned into a huge halo ring, and there was a hint of heaven in the ring shadow!

"This is the legendary ring of heaven!"

Ning Fan blinked and recognized the origins of the ancient ruler.

The heart is already clear, and this heavenly ruler is a magic weapon containing Tianwei, which can hurt the enemy by the power of Tiandao. Those who hold the ruler will be fined on behalf of the day. If you are against the ruler, you will reverse the ring.

If a normal monk is faced with a squat, he will be photographed by Tianwei.

But Ning Fan never feared Tianwei. For him, the heavens and the earth are just a cage.

This cage, who could not stand him as a helper, could not stand him as a demon, and he could not stand him as a butterfly!


He suddenly raised his fist and slammed into the sky, the magical sky, the heavens and the earth are the magic dragon fist shadow!

In the hands of Ning Fan, Ssangyong virtual surgery has been so well-lit and without traces.

A fist out, the ring of Heavenly Road suddenly shattered, 100,000 feet of shadow gray smoke and smoke, under the giant force, the entire northern cool country is in a violent earthquake!

Only a punch, the power of the sky is so bad!

The Lanling King and the 殉 尺 性 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相 相

He unwillingly looked up and couldn't believe that Ning Fan was so calm and blocked his blow.

Even if he does not want to admit it, he has to admit that Ning Fan’s strength is far above his second god.

A glimpse of the heart, born in the heart of Lanling, is like his 嫉妒天天诀.

That hateful heart eventually turned into the most aggressive killing!

He summoned a treasure that is infinitely close to the gods. Although it is not as powerful as the ghosts of the heavens, it is stronger than Ning Fan’s Yuan Lei, and no longer fears any attack.

"The king of Lan Ling, the most powerful technique and illegal treasure or spell, but a god. An orchid, can contain all the moments of the world, this is the way of the king! Lan Weidao, Zunlan, the road, Shelan Therefore, the road is lost, the road should be like Lan."

The momentum of Lanling Wang suddenly changed, and there were countless purple orchids falling in the sky.

"One Lanyi, one life and one death, the seven orchids!"

Lanling Wang grabbed a handful, and the countless orchids in the heavens suddenly condensed and condensed into seven giant purple orchids.

At the moment when the seven orchids emerged, hundreds of high-ranking monks were exposed to horror.

But the high-ranking monks who are in the eight hundred repairing countries, which one does not know the terrible technique of Lanling Wang Qilan

It is not a spell. To be precise, it is a technique of using the power of God.

The orchid is unbeaten, the enemy is not dead, the orchid is thankful, the enemy is dead.

"Life and death!" Lanling Wang raised his hand and pointed to Jianguang, smashing a giant orchid in the sky.

For a moment, Ning Fan’s chest was sore and painful, but I was already injured because I didn’t know why!

At the time of Ning Fan’s injury, Lan Ling’s injury was actually better, just like transferring his injury to Ning Fan.

"Two lives and two deaths!" Lanling Wang sneered, raised his finger into a sword, smashed the second blue, Ning Fan knew the sea a pain, a slight retreat, and his eyes flashed.

He already saw that the so-called Seven Blues technique is a spell similar to the curse of the mortal.

Among the mortals, if they hate one person and are not allowed to take revenge, they will take the vengeance of the eight-character, the book and the grass, and use the needle to understand the sorcerer. Seven hands and seven days can kill one person.

In the realm of comprehension, there are also seven arrows and other magical powers.

Undoubtedly, this Lanling King’s display must be a kind of martial arts, but it is sinister.

He took a step and wanted to attack, but he saw Lanling shot faster and raised his hand to destroy the third orchid.

"Three lives and three deaths!"

In the moment when the third blue smashed, Ning Fan Dan Tian had a pain, and the lips and corners slightly overflowed with a trace of blood.

But he looked up at the remaining four giant orchids, but there was no anger, but he thought about it.

At the moment when Lanling smashed the third orchid, Ning Fan’s heart seemed to have a kind of enlightenment.

He recalled the words of Lanling Wang: Lan Weidao, Zunlan got the way, Shelan lost his way.

There is nothing to discuss in this statement, but after seeing the post-Qi Lan's postoperative operation, Ning Fan suddenly discovered that the word Shelan was familiar.

Shelan Zong!

If Ruolan is the avenue, Lanling Zong is naturally Zunlan. The gist of this Qilan technique is to take, to grab, to impose his own wounds on the enemy, and to deprive the enemy of their lives when they annihilate the orchid.

And Shelan Zong, naturally is Shelan. All the essentials are first and foremost, contrary to the purpose of Lanlingzong, but they are so similar.

Ning Fan raised his gaze and was still calm. If Qi Lan is exhausted, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Lanling is poisoned by heart, but Ning Fan is not a good class. Will he let him smash all the orchids?

There was a glimmer of cold light in his eyes, and Ning Fan suddenly raised his hand and licked his ancient finger.

When the Lanling King smashed the fourth orchid, Ning Fan suddenly displayed a spell acquired in the gods.

Total death!

"Four lives and four deaths!" Lan Ling sneered, he wants to see is the scene of Ning Fan slowly dying.

However, he did not think that after the smashing of the fourth orchid, Ning Fan was hurt, but Lan Ling did not recover from the injury as expected, but he was injured together with Ning Fan!

A huge ancient map, suddenly covered with Wanzhang Yutai, the picture depicts countless orchids.

At the moment when this picture appeared, the orchids that Lan Ling Wang had fallen around were suddenly ruined, and he suddenly found that the number of lives suddenly decreased rapidly!


Ning Fan coldly read the two words, pointing to the mammoth, the horns more than a white hair, is a sign of life.

This time, Ning Fan reduced the number of years of life, and Lan Ling Wang suddenly found that he actually reduced the life of 1300 years!

"The spell of Sheslan Lanzong! This is the technique of total death!" Lanling Wang was shocked and could recognize the origin of this technique. He would have to escape from Yutai if he was afraid.

He can't escape, his second Yuanshen cultivation is extremely hasty, only less than four thousand years of life, can't bear this life-long spell for death!

Even though he is wearing a half-step sacred treasure, he can't defend the dying!

Baizong Xuan Xiu is stunned. He does not know what is the technique of dying, and he does not know the terrible technique of dying.

Just seeing the expression of the fear of Lanling Wang, one by one guessing what magic is used by Ning Fan.

In Lanling Zong, the Lanling elders who were ruined by the emptiness were prepared to help Lanling Wang, but when they saw the death of the total, the fear in the eyes was more than that of Lanling.

Lanling Wang is only the second god, and he will die when he dies. But he is a living person, a life-threatening grotesque, with less than 2,500 years of life.

How dare he face Ning Fan's dying!

"Want to go, set!" Ning Fan backhanded, once again settled Lanling, and then squatted again.

"Two thousand years!"

This time, he gave up a total of two thousand years of life. Lanling Wang’s pain was difficult to understand. He lost two thousand and seven hundred years of life. All the black hair became white. The original beauty of the face has turned into an old man. By!

And because of too aging, a mana has become difficult to mobilize.

At this moment, Lanling Wang is afraid!

He used the technique of Qi Lan to count Ning Fan, but Ning Fan used the technique of co-death to count him!

"Maniac, this child is a madman! Even if it is the sacred blame in the history of Shelan Zong, no one is willing to give up the three thousand years of life!"

"The king lost four thousand years of life, the second **** can not fight with aging, this child abandoned three thousand birthdays, why is it just a few more white hair, no old state!"

"How much life does this child have!"

Ning Fan folded off a few white hairs of deafness and did not agree.

For him who has a life of 110,000, the three thousand life is not a trivial matter.

He stepped closer to Lanling Wang, killing the machine, and already solved the problem. However, the Lanling King was soft on the jade platform and could not move. It was already on the verge of death, and there was no resistance against Ning Fan.

"Boldly, I am afraid to hurt my Lord!"

The elders of Lanling, who had been ruined, only dared to swear, but they did not dare to go forward.

He is not only afraid of Ning Fan’s broken jade, but also fears Ning Fan’s dying

Under his scolding, only a few hundred-year-old Lanling monks rushed to the jade platform, intending to protect the Lanling King.

These monks have not yet been close to Ning Fan, but they have been swept away by Ning Fan, and all the blood has died in Yutai.

Lanling Wang raised his old eyes and looked at Ning Fan. He only felt that Ning Fan at the moment seemed to be an invincible demon.

"Never provoke me. This time I die is the second god, and the next time, the death is the deity of your Lanlingzong!"


Ning Fan raised his hand and stepped on the second element of Lanling Wang Cang's old **** to die, and Qi Lan's technique did not break.

Before the death of the second **** of Lanling, there were both panic and resentment in his eyes.

However, listening to the threat of Ning Fan, but can not afford to retaliate. By means of Ning Fan, if he enters Lan Lingzong, can he retreat the healing deity to resist the smashing and co-death

"The sovereign has lost!"

All the people in Lanling Zong are afraid of their hearts. They want to know if Ning Fan will kill them these ‘Lanling Yu’s.

The hundred monks were immersed in the shock one by one. This shock was only because Ning Fan simply killed the second **** of Lanling Wang without the help of broken virtual jade.

Asking Ning Fan of the virtual realm, you can kill Lan Ling and kill the ghosts.

If this child grows further, who can get it? ! I am afraid that it is a broken old man who is not willing to sin this!

"I am waiting to stay in the troll family. It seems that there is no meaning. There is Zhou Ming, no one can take the wind and snow."

Xu Qiuling’s frowning does not show up in the wind and snow. Can it really be so simple?

Why, her heartbeat is faster.

In fact, Ning Fan also discovered that after he killed the Lanling King, his heart was uneasy and suddenly added fear.

His calculations were not so profound, and he could not figure out the reason for this uneasiness, but he knew that there was a change, so there was no first time to kill Lanling.

At the time of his thoughts, a huge gap suddenly broke out above the snow.

Suspended in the sky of Dan Island, was suddenly shattered into two halves by the sudden gap!

Under the shock of countless Dan Island monks, it turned into a dawn, a magical foot, and flew down to Dan Island.

Above the sky, they are all the boulder falling in the broken island of Dan Island!

"what is that!"

Numerous monks looked up at the sky, and at the huge sky rip, suddenly there was a huge, blood-colored giant tree that seemed to grow flowers and had not yet produced fruit.

Under the blood tree, there are suddenly six blood seas.

In the northern Liangdu County boundary, eight huge magic columns suddenly rise under the earth, and one of the magic columns is located in the seat of Lanlingzong. The magic column was pierced from the ground and directly stabbed Lanling Zong nearly 10,000 low-ranking monks!

The blood of the death monks all rose and fell into the six bloods.

And some hundred monks who are close to the magic column, one by one, died without any warning, blood snow

As for some monks of the troll family, even if they are far away from the magic column, they will die without warning. The scene is extremely terrible.

"Who is so bold, even killing me hundreds of monks at will!"

One by one, the ignorance of the old blame is swept away to Ning Fan, and it seems that he is skeptical that Ning Fan has shot and killed. But fearing the fierceness of Ning Fan, no one dares to ask Ning Fan.

Ning Fan feels helpless, as long as someone kills innocent people, others will doubt him?

He naturally does not need to explain anything, because under the six blood seas, there have been eight figures of the refining powerhouse, which is undoubtedly the initiator of this matter.

Ning Fan also found that all the uneasiness in his heart was more intense after the appearance of the Eight ancestors.

"Let them miss it!" Ning Fan reveals the cold.

"Eight ancestors, this is what it is!" The giant looked incredibly at the Eight ancestors.

Are the eight ancestors not planning to make a big event and refuse to show up?

So why did you shoot again?

And since the shot, killing the hundred monks will kill, why even the troll monk will kill!

"Nothing, but it is a sacrifice of blood sacrifices. Of course, the biggest sacrifice is naturally the wind and snow."

The giant deer king smiled indifferently, suddenly across the distance of tens of thousands of feet, pointing downwards.

For a moment, the fake demon blood in the wind and snow words burned up, causing her to scream.


The giant can not believe the facts at hand, the eight ancestors will actually shoot the wind and snow!

What makes the giant unbelievable is the indifference of the giant deer king.

"Open the horizon of the Bohai Sea, and use this place as a sacrifice for the blood, until the ancestors blossom!"

"What!" Countless trolls are unbelievable. This is the eight smelt that appears out of thin air.

Some of the trolls who have seen the portraits of the ancestors have even faintly recognized the eight sacred ancestors, but the eight ancestors of the trolls.

How can they believe that the eight ancestors will kill the Yi people!

"Bohai, open!"

Eight magic columns and six blood seas scattered a heavy array of light, blocking the heavens and the earth here, and encircling everyone in the array.

Within the gust of light, one monk was repaired as a bad, and all began to become pus and died.

There aren't hundreds of monks attacking the guise, but even if all the hundred smelts are combined, they can't smash the guise.

Ning Fan protects her in front of the wind and snow, but she can't make her blood in the body go out.

His eyes are anxious, if the blood of the devil burns down, as long as half an hour, the wind and snow will burn to ashes.

He wanted to save her, but in the end he found that even if he had the devil's ancestors, he couldn't crack the magical blood of the snowy words in half an hour.

He could not save her!

"Why, why! Father, how can you bear to treat snow words like this! Treat me to the troll family!" The sorrowful cry of the giant engine is not against the giant deer king and so on, but only against the giant words.

The giant words closed their eyes and did not explain anything.

For the survival of a family, it is a helplessness to sacrifice the descendants of the tribe.

The body of Feng Xueyan was shaking, and the trembling made Ning Fan unable to anger.

He destroyed the ghosts, destroyed the Lanling, and smoothed all the enemies.

But when I come down, I hurt the wind and snow, but it’s the loved ones.

Perhaps the heartache of the wind and snow is more painful than the blood-burning body.

"Troll ancestors, die for the deity!"

On the top of the Ningfan fist, covered with purple-gold smoke, a fist hit the horizon of the Bohai Sea.

Only a punch, the unbreakable Bohai sea has no time, and the whole big battle began to weather!


There are not hundreds of monks shocked.

The most unbelievable is the troll ancestor!

This punch contains Ning Fan’s understanding of reincarnation.

This punch contains the obsession and determination of Ning Fan!

Ning Fan does not know how to save the wind and snow words, but if the wind and snow say death, he wants to let all those who have hurt her to bury!

And the troll ancestors, do not deserve to be the ancestors of the wind and snow words!

He turned into a world of dawn, rising to the sky, the momentum, with the determination to destroy everything!

One of the eight ancestors, the vague woman who always dismissed Ning Fan, cold eyebrows greeted Ning Fan, and he was a good man. He shot a sword and wanted to kill Ning Fan.

"The ancestors of the 妾 巨 巨 ' ' ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , You, like an ant!"

"Zu Shu?"

Ning Fan’s eyes are cold, and a fist smashes the flying sword. He turns his hand to push the yin and yang lock, and condenses a half-black and a half-non-gold and non-iron rope in the palm.

This is a kind of charm that is recorded in the yin and yang changes. It is more advanced than the yin finger, but at least it needs to be used to refine the mana.

He did see that the ancestral tree appeared at this moment, and the tourmaline ancestor had a strange atmosphere in his body, as if he had killed many times. But how is it!

He suddenly raised his hand, and the black and white rope was tied to the tourmaline at an incredible speed.

"Prisoner's sorrow!" Ning Fan cold and cold.

The tourmaline ancestors saw Ning Fan's broken flying sword, which was shocked, but seeing Ning Fan's picture tied her with a rope, and then exposed the sarcasm.

"It’s ridiculous to tie me up with an unknown rope!"

She pulled out and flew back, but the prisoner suddenly accelerated, faster than her speeding back, and tied her to death!

In the moment when she was bound by this rope, she lost all her mana and could not mobilize any mana!

Her undead state at this moment should be counted as immortal, and she should not be afraid of Ning Fan.

According to common sense, even if it is bound by the general magic weapon, she can also reincarnate under the ancestral tree and escape any restraint by the connection with the ancestral tree.

But this prisoner's sorrow is too terrible, and once she is bound to her, even the connection with the ancestral tree is cut off.

If she is killed in this state, she will never be able to reincarnate the ancestral tree!

"Don't kill me!" Bixi ancestors even begged for mercy.

"Kill you? You will become the deity of the deity, life is better than death!" Ning Fan shakes the prisoner's rope, throwing the tourmaline into the ring of the dragonfly, and keeps rushing to the other seven ancestors.

Raise your hand and take out the fifth piece of broken jade Jane, one by one!

Suddenly, a shattered scream came out, not attacking the other seven ancestors, but attacking the ancestral tree above the crack.

Ning Fan does not know how to save the wind and snow, but after confrontation with the tourmaline ancestors, he has been keenly aware that the ancestral tree is somewhat weird and must be destroyed immediately.

Perhaps ruining the ancestral tree, you can save the wind and snow, maybe not, but he has to try!

For a time, except for the giant deer king, the six ancestors were furious.

"Zhou Ming, you dare to attack the ancestral tree, bad me trolls, I will let you die without a place to die!"

Only the giant deer king seems to have expected that Ning Fanzhi is destroying the ancestral tree, and sneering out a jade slip, but it also contains a broken blow!

Above the sky, two giant ghosts appeared, one incarnation troll, one incarnation, and each of them shattered and shattered!

Under the bang, the heavens and the earth collapsed, but the ancestral trees were not destroyed at all.

"Zhou Ming, you can have more than one person! You want to destroy the ancestral tree, be an enemy of the old man, and be tender."

The giant deer Wang Zheng was arrogant, and suddenly, under the ancestral tree on the cracked air, there was a long-lost laughter.

"Gherkin, don't worry, you want to cut trees, the old lady will help you, don't want to cut this tree in minutes!"

Under the ancestral tree, the monthly volley suddenly appeared, which was beyond the expectations of everyone.

She raised her hand and waved a moonblade to the roots of the ancestral tree. For a moment, the giant deer had never had a roar.

"No-" (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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