Grasping Evil

Chapter 515: What is virtual!

There are only a few hundred people living in the snow lotus department, and there are no mortal souls without any cultivation.

Ning Fan, with a huge wooden fence, glanced at it, and saw the tall wooden frame at the center of the tribe, with a bonfire.

At the campfire, some young herdsmen in the snow lotus department slaughtered the roasting of cattle and sheep, and many Husband women danced around the campfire.

Whether it is a man or a woman, the eyes are as pure as snow and ice on a snowy mountain. There is no city.

Looking at this scene, Ning Fan’s heart suddenly felt a tranquility. The snow lotus department was a hospitable, peaceful tribe, and there was no dispute with the world.

Stay away from the battle, stay away from the hustle and bustle, and stay away from the intimate places, but unfortunately not belong to him.

"Ning Big Brother, you turned out to be a fairy teacher? It’s really amazing! Will you summon 'Ban Shen'? Will you summon the 'dead soldiers'? I heard that there are many immortals in the middle of the tomb, you can summon the gods. Calling a dead soldier, a fairy teacher can defeat tens of thousands of people. Can you do these fairy tales?" Xilian asked with a look of admiration.

"No" I will only kill. In the latter part of the sentence, he naturally would not say it, so as not to scare the little girl.

"You will not summon the gods and the dead soldiers, it is a pity." The girl is somewhat lost.

Several big men who guarded the tribal gates have already reported the arrival of Ning Fan to the patriarch.

The patriarch of the Snow Lotus Department is a middle-aged man with a scum, named Si Sa. He was already negotiating important things with the elders of the tribe.

But when I heard that Ning Fan, the immortal teacher, arrived, he was immediately shocked. He did not dare to neglect, blew the horn, and led all the warriors and women of the tribe to welcome Ning Fan.

"I have seen Ning Xianshi!" Xisa respected.

Ning Fan sighed, he just entered the tomb, met Xilian, and at the invitation of Xilian, he wanted to enter the snow lotus department, but he never thought that his arrival scared the peace and peace of the tribe.

So shaking his head, comforting,

"You don't have to worry, Ning is only passing through the snow lotus department. If you drink a glass of water, you will leave, and you will never hurt the snow lotus."

When I heard that Ning Fan was just passing through the snow lotus department, it would not hurt anyone. The Sisa chief was relieved and turned to be enthusiastic.

"Since Ning Xianshi passed by my snow lotus department, it is my snow lotus part guest. I don't have any snow lotus part. It is a lot of good wine and good meat. Come and bake the most fat beef and mutton, prepare the best lotus wine, greet Ning Da Xian Shi!"


The atmosphere is not warm, and the snow lotus herdsmen who are afraid of the cultivation of the Ningfan dynasty, at this moment, put down a little fear, good wine and good treats to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan did not use any repairs any more. He did not want to scare these mortals.

There is no high-level behavior, just like a mortal, sitting quietly under the campfire, eating meat and drinking, and laughing with the old people of the snow lotus department.

Ning Fan is a monk who has a lot of knowledge and insights. He has been admired by countless Xuelian people.

He has an extraordinary amount of alcohol. The snow lotus department has a young warrior who fights with him, but no one can pour Ning Fan. As long as Ning Fan does not want to get drunk, and his heart is not drunk, people will not be drunk. His amount of alcohol also convinced a young warrior.

Occasionally, a few passionate women invited Ning Fan to dance, and Ning Fan had no choice but to refuse. He couldn't dance but then took a herdman's flute and played it for the girls.

The sound of the flute is simple and melodious, and the simplicity is the heart of Ning Fan.

At the same time, the sound of the flute contains the sound of a golden horse that can't be wiped out. It is the past killing that Ning Fan I can't erase.

His flute convinced the numerous snow lotus girls and also convinced the young girl of Xilian.

Many women are very fond of favor, and Ning Fan secretly sends Qiu Bo, but Ning Fan turns a blind eye, just looking up, watching the late night, watching the late, watching the rising moon in the night

He put down his whistle and practiced for more than 40 years, as if he was a dream.

Wandering in the countryside, no branch can follow the pursuit of all the monks, all like a dream of nothingness, a hazy month

It was late and the bonfire was brighter.

Ning Fan seems to have forgotten his ears. He closes his eyes and listens to the snoring of the flames in the bonfire, recalling his life.

Fame and fortune are imaginary, repair is imaginary, power is imaginary, beauty is illusory, good and evil are illusory, dreams are imaginary, moonlight is imaginary, all are imaginary but imaginary, what is it!

"What is vain!"

Ning Fan suddenly opened his eyes and revealed the expression of enlightenment.

He entered the tomb, but he only wanted to explore the bottom of the tomb, but he did not expect that in this snow lotus tribe, he would be thought of by the scene of a mortal peace, and evoke the enlightenment.

And this realization is actually a realization of the word "virtual"!

Although he accidentally broke through the virtual checkpoint in the Star Palace, although he is already a mid-term savage, he has never thought about it.

At this moment, he asks himself a question, "What is illusion," which is exactly what all the voyeurs will make to their hearts before they glimpse?

If you realize what it is, you can see it!

Take control of the virtual context, you can ask the virtual!

Stand on the sea of ​​the void, you can rush!

Above the void, you can be too virtual!

Ning Fan suddenly smiled. It seems that this time he entered the imperial tomb, he could really realize the true meaning of the virtual word.

At this moment, he is only a smashing soul. It is only a layer of diarrhea, but in the emperor's tomb, going all the way and re-distributing the soul to the body, it will be a good opportunity to re-understand the road of repairing the magic.

He is thinking about this, outside the snow lotus tribe, suddenly came a faint hooves, mixed in the night wind, at least thousands of cavalry up, killing madness.

The hoof is very light, and it is very far apart. It is difficult for mortals to distinguish, but it is not the ear of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan put down the jug and sighed it lightly. It seems that the snow lotus department is provoked. Today, the head of the Xisala and the tribes negotiated, and most of them are related to this robbery.

He gave a fist to the head of the Sisak and said, "Thanks to the head of the Sisas for giving wine, and Ning Fan has something to do, and he will leave."

The head of the Sissa squadron did not understand why Ning Fan had to leave for half of the wine cellar.

But of course he did not dare to stop Ning Fan from staying. If Ning Fan wanted to leave, he would immediately take someone to send it.

Ning Fan waved his hand and held the whistle from the snow lotus department, quietly disappearing into the night.

Xilian and many other snow lotus girls look at Ning Fan's thin back, sighing and sighing, seemingly moving the girl's feelings

It’s just that Ning Fan can’t leave a footstep for them. He won’t tell the purpose of the departure of Xuelian.

He is going to kill, to clear the enemy for the snow lotus, and not let the thousands of cavalry blood to the snow lotus.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains at the 30-mile snow lotus, a snowy river is left from the mountains, and nearly 5,000 pieces of hard-wearing Hu riding in the river.

These five thousand Hu riding, holding a total of three flags, are the Ghost Wolf Department, Xiao Wolf Department, An Wo Department.

The reason why the five tribes of the three tribes appear here is only one purpose. That is to kill the snow lotus department 30 miles away!

"Haha, I heard that there are many cattle and sheep in the snow lotus department, and there are many women with fine skin and tender meat. Hey, my three tribes combined to wash the snow lotus department, and divided the cattle, sheep, women, slaves, how!"

"it is good!"

The three tribal leaders are negotiating the massacre of the snow lotus department. When the whistle is discovered, a white youth walks in the night.

Several whistle whistle and bowed immediately, and shot at the white youth who suddenly approached the army. The wind screamed fiercely.

However, several arrows were not close to the young man, and suddenly the young man’s sleeves waved, and all the arrows turned into flying ash.

The white-shirted youth took a step and suddenly disappeared into the place, and they did not know where to go.

"How is it possible!" Several whistle whistle still haven't figured out the situation. Suddenly, each eyebrow of the eyebrows has a blood hole with a thumb thickness, blood splashing into the sky, falling off the horse, and returning to the west.

Several sentinels have died so strangely!


Several horses were horrified and horrified, and they were shocked by five thousand Hu rides!

"Who! I just ran into my three army and killed me!" One of the leaders angered.

Ning Fan floated up and stood cold in the night, blocking before the five thousand army.

"Will you want to attack the snow lotus department?" Ning Fan just asked faintly.

"What is it? Do you want to rely on one person's strength, for the snow lotus department to come forward, against my five thousand army?" The head disdain.

"Yes!" Ning Fan is indifferent.

"Is it by you?" A leader showed a ridiculous color. In his view, Ning Fan wanted to fight the 5,000-strong army with one person's strength.

"Why are you going to be the first part of the snow lotus department! The snow lotus department has given you a lot of cattle and sheep, beautiful women, Lao Tzu gives you double copies, you help us attack the snow lotus department!" Another leader was cautious and tempted. He saw that several sentinels were strangely dead, almost instantly killed by Ning Fan.

From this point of view, Ning Fan is brave and has the value of soliciting.


Ning Fan did not say much more.

He does not care about the ridicule of others, nor is he tempted by others.

He is murderous, no need for reasons, why explain!

If you want to find a reason, then there is only one reason.

He murders, not for the prosperity of the rich, only for the grace of a meal.

As soon as the figure swayed, Ning Fan raised the whistle and urged the mana of the first layer.

The ordinary whistle made of oil bamboo, falling in the hands of Ning Fan, has become a horrible killer, more powerful than the next flying sword!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

A dozen of the avant-garde Hu riding, only one instant, they were all smashed by the whistle and smashed through the frontal bone and fell off the horse.

The three Hu riding leaders looked shocked, and Ning Fan’s murderous means of manipulating the flute is no longer a martial art of mortal genius, but a sage of the immortals!

"Xian, Xianshi! This person turned out to be a fairy teacher! He is a fairy teacher from the middle domain!"

"A fairy teacher can kill thousands of mortals, hateful! A snow lotus department in the district, a small tribe of only a few hundred people, even if there are more cattle and sheep, it is impossible to ask the immortal teacher why the sorcerer wants to help They have a hand!"

"No matter! This person has only one person after all, and I have five thousand Hu riding, and fight with him!"

The three leaders showed a fierce color. As soon as they blew the horn, Wu Qianhu immediately took the bow, and Qi Qi shot the arrow at Ning Fan. The arrow was like a meteor to chase the moon.

Ning Fan looked at the five thousand arrows, his eyes were not moved, his figure shook, he disappeared, the ghost disappeared, and the five thousand arrows were all shot.

The spells he cast are only small spells of the pedigree level, invisible. It is only a low-level spell that can be used to create a low-level spell. It seems to have returned to the days when he had just repaired the devil.

But for mortals, stealth is already a terrible magic!

laugh! laugh! laugh! ,

Every time the whistle is shot, dozens of people will be killed.

In this night, only Ning Fan is unilaterally killed!

He really does not bully mortals with mana, but like the violent mobs of the five thousand Hu riding, Ning Fan will not care about anything, just killing.

The night is scattered, and the morning light shines on the snowy mountains.

Ning Fan walked over 5,000 bones and walked indifferently toward the other side of the snow mountain.

In the snow lotus department, the head of the Sisa is still worried.

He had the news that the three wolves, such as the Ghost Wolf Department, would wash the snow lotus department, but the news did not seem to be accurate. The ghost wolf department did not have Hu riding and attacked. What happened?

For three days, the snow lotus department is still safe and sound. ,

On these three days, the snow lotus herdsmen who went out to investigate, found a terrible scene at the foot of the snow-capped mountains 30 miles away!

Five thousand Hu riding, all killed!

The killer means is extremely horrible. It seems that with a special blade, all the Hu’s frontal bones are pierced, and the blood holes of the thumb are left on the bones of all the corpses.

Judging from the battlefield situation, there is only one killer!

"It is the killing of a squadron and other 5,000 cavalry by the power of one person! This is terrible!" The snow lotus herdsmen, including the chief of the Sisa, felt a deep earthquake.

At the same time, I feel gratified. After all, the five thousand Hu rides are to attack the snow lotus department. If the mysterious killer kills all the Hu riders, these Hu riders will surely slaughter the snow lotus department three days ago.

"It seems that we should thank the mysterious master, but I don't know, who this master will be." One snow lotus herdsmen are endless.

"It's him! It's Ning Big Brother!" Only Xilian was so weeping.

She recognized the blood holes in the wounds of the dead bones, which were caused by the special flute of the snow lotus.

And the ordinary whistle made by the snow lotus department kills five thousand cavalry. The person who has this kind of skill may only have that person.

The "Ning Big Brother" girl looked at the distance, grateful, and sighed.

She thanked Ning Fan for saving the Snow Lotus Department and not asking for a return.

She also sighed and sighed that Ning Fan would not come back.

"This is not his home, he is not a returnee, just a passenger."

Ning Fan turned over the snow-capped mountains and walked for another three days.

The tomb of Lei Huang is very mysterious. Every time you kill a dead soul with a cultivation, you will surely get a fruit-like fruit. The implied mana is roughly equivalent to one percent of the normal fruit.

Ning Fan killed 5,000 people, but did not get any Lei Guo, naturally because these people are just mortals.

However, in the three days of crossing the snow-capped mountains, Ning Fan found dozens of spirit beasts with the ruins of the veins in the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

These beasts are terrible for mortals, but they are not worth mentioning for Ning Fan.

These spirit beasts attacked Ning Fan, and were beaten and killed by Ning Fan, and obtained more than 20 pieces of blood.

After Ning Fan took more than 20 pieces of blood-thawed fruit, his soul-seated cultivation broke through the five layers of the pulse.

This cultivation is exactly what he did as the master of the seven plums!

He stood at the other end of the snowy mountain, walking in the night, looking up at a bright moon, looking back at the dust

"The five layers of the pulse"

His body is healing himself with the technique of Black Star.

And his soul is to continue to go down in this tomb, and to rebuild this soul to a higher level!

Pi mai, Rong Ling, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Hua Shen, sui

Step by step, go back and repair the road again!

This road will not take too much time, with his supernatural powers, to cultivate this soul to a very high level, only extreme time.

"It’s just in my heart, I still haven’t figured out what is virtual.”

He looked at the bright moon, only to feel that the dust is getting farther and farther away.

What is virtual?

On the fourth day, he walked to the other side of a snowy mountain, a water town.

Above the lake, a ship of awnings continued to flow, and a young girl waved to Ningfan on the shore.

Ning Fan never said, just standing on the bridge, watching the water under the foot, waiting for the night, watching the moonlight reflection in the water, seems to have some understanding.

One day, two days, three days

On the sixth day, he looked at the shadow of the night moon in the water, and cast a piece of goose warm stone to break up the water waves on the lake and the moon shadow shattered.

For a moment, he understood!

"Virtual, it is broken moonlight!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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