Grasping Evil

Chapter 525: Line of life

Ning Fan rewarded Xue Qing with a six-transfer medicinal herb and ten five-transfer medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs are rare treasures for Xue Qing, but they are only optional for Ning Fan.

Xue Qing was excited to accept the medicinal herbs. After three weeks and nine weeks of worship, he immediately quit and rushed to dissect the medicinal herbs and studied them carefully.

He has never seen six transgenic medicines in his life, and he is excited like an old urchin.

Looking at the back of Xue Qing's hurried retreat, Ning Fan could not help but laugh. He had collected two disciples in his life, all of whom were obsessed with Dan Dao's madman.

Yang Gu is the second apprentice, Xue Qing is the first.

Yang Gu’s alchemy qualification is higher than Xue Qing’s, but Xue Qing’s obsession with Dan Dao is much higher than that of Yang Gu, and Xue Qing’s dog’s nose is getting more and more spiritual, and he can smell the smell of medicine and can smell it. The position of Ning Fan is also a rare talent.

The qualifications of the monasticism are not the most important. Perhaps one day, Xue Qing’s Dan Shu can surpass Yang Gu, because Xue Qing has a persistent heart.

After Xue Qing left, Mingyuetan was left with only Ning Fan and Blue Eyebrow and Egret.

The two women, like the paper cranes, will be repaired to suppress the peaks.

Last night, Ning Fan and the paper crane double repair, for the paper crane to guide the fairy vein, opened up some small bottlenecks, smoothing the obstacles for the paper crane to break through the Golden Dan.

Today, it is impossible to give a thin gift to the skin. Naturally, it is also necessary to help the blue-browed and egrets to guide the fairy veins.

"Ning Fan! Since you are back, we will calculate the old account! You recruited me 40 years ago, I am not your opponent, but now I am not the same as before, hehe! Today the elders are going to marry I will pick you up, report a hateful resentment in the past, and I will fix all of you in the air!"

The Egret's eyebrows are horizontal, and although the tone is sullen, the expression is a fascinating appearance. It is directly thrown into Ning Fan's arms, and begins to touch Ning Fan's chest, a pair of Ning Fan's expression on the ground.

Ning Fan’s eyes are small, can he understand that the egret is sending a hug?

"There is still something to do in Sakamoto Palace, take a step first." Blue eyebrows see this, pretty face shame, turn and leave, she can be as bold as the egret, directly sent to hug.

Lan Mei just wanted to turn around, but was caught by Ning Fan to catch his wrist and refused to leave.

"You don't have to hurry, it's rare to meet again. I will help you to guide the fairy veins."

Ning Fan earned a backhand and earned the egret's arms and pressed the egret into his arms. In spite of the slight struggle of the blue eyebrows, the blue eyebrows, one step into the dawn, the blue-browed squatting room, light roads.

The blue eyebrows and the egrets have not yet reacted. They have been brought into the house by Ning Fan and pushed down on the bed. The two women saw Ning Fan’s smile and immediately understood what would happen.

The egret has not received rain and dew for forty years. Immediately, it winks like a silk, gently rubs it, unfastens the buckle and prepares to bear the joy.

The blue eyebrow is still the virgin body. She only used the chrysanthemum to bear the joy. She was a little nervous and her body was slightly stiff.

At the moment when Ning Fan solved the red debt, the blue eyebrows looked forward to being ashamed and hanging down. Today is destined to be a day of lively fragrance.

When the twilight came, Ning Fan left the ghost bird.

After a cloud of rain, with the help of the double practice method, Ning Fan carefully diverted the fairy veins of the two women.

Before leaving the ghost bird, Ning Fan gave the blue eyebrows and the egrets a reassurance and told the two women that he would definitely solve the problem of the Dajin and the country.

The second woman did not know how high the Ning Fan Xiu was, but after the double repairs, the two women were all raised a lot.

Some small bottlenecks were directly broken, and even Jin Dan’s bottlenecks have been touched. The second woman can almost retreat at any time.

Ning Fan only doubled with them once, and the upgraded repairs were worthy of their own hard work for one year!

The second woman is not difficult to guess, Ning Fan is now absolutely amazing, far beyond their realm, otherwise there will be no such significant double repair effect!

"What is he doing now? Is it true that the paper crane sister said that Su Yi Hou is really him?" Blue eyebrows and egrets are all covering their faces, with a little surprise, but more joy.

Ning Fan is not the same as before, they are naturally happy for Ning Fan.

"It seems that I have been trying to make up for him in my life." The Egret sighed deliberately, but his eyes were clearly hidden and happy. It was a woman who was a bit wrong.

Ning Fan left the ghosts and sneaked away, and quietly went to some of the sects of the country.

Taixuan School, Ziguang Zong Ningfan walked through a sect, walked past the site of Hehuan Zong, and walked through the ruins of Tianzongzong.

In the mind, there was a scene of recollection. When he was still a teenager, he had to set foot on the sea of ​​truth for revenge.

The pain has passed, the madness has passed, and the sorrow has passed for forty years. In the past, it was like a cloud of smoke, and it was impossible to make his heart lake a little embarrassing.

He went to the Hu family and remembered the promise made by a Xiu Dan and the Hu family ancestor Hu Fengzi.

He stood on the top of the Hanyue Mountain and stood before his grave for Hu Fengzi.

Under his prestige, the Hu family has not fallen, and it still exists, but Hu Fengzi’s grave is already full of weeds.

Ning Fanyu was in front of the grave of Hu Fengzi, and pulled the weeds in front of the grave for Hu Fengzi, and sighed softly.

"You sacrificed your life to protect the Hu family, but they forgot you, even your graves are neglected."

"It seems that what you pay for them is not worth it."

Ning Fan stood up and looked at the setting sun, silent, and turned away.

He did not give Hu the benefit, perhaps he did not like the Hu family's feelings.

After a few steps, Ning Fan has traveled from the Western Region of Vietnam to the Pingyun Mountain in the Eastern Region.

Pingyun Mountain has a low spirit and no monks practice here. There is only one village in the mountain, named Ping An Village, which is a mortal village.

This village is the mortal village where the Ninggu lived.

Ning Fan and Ning Gu are not in forty years, he wants to see his brother.

He followed the mountain road, took the twilight, and slowly walked outside the peaceful village, looking at the slightly strange scenery, a little lamented.

The mountain road outside the village is covered with sparse camellia. There were not so many tea flowers in the year.

At the entrance to the village, several children with yellow hair coveted are butterflying, which is quite childlike.

When I saw Ning Fan came, I immediately came across and asked, "Is your uncle a cross-street dealer? Do you want to stay in our safe village?"

"I am not a trader, nor come to stay. I have been to Ping An Village. I am coming today, just looking for an old man."

"The old man? Who is the uncle looking for? We can help you guide. But my uncle said that I have been to Pingan Village. Why have we not seen my uncle?"

"Of course you haven't seen me, you continue to play, don't have to guide me, I know the way."

Ning Fan laughed. He has been away from Vietnam for more than 40 years. How can these seven or eight-year-old children see him?

His gods spread out in the village, and suddenly sighed, many of the mortal mountain people who had seen that year, many have been ancient.

The life of a mortal is really short-lived. In the past forty years, there have been so many old faces.

Most of the old people of the year had buried bone loess, and the youth of that year also became old ones.

Several old people sat in the mouth of the village and smoked smoke. They looked at Ning Fan and felt familiar, but no matter how they couldn’t remember where they had seen Ning Fan, they just smiled at Ning Fan.

Forty years have passed, and the memory of the old people cannot remember the passing of a handful of years.

Forty years have passed, and children cannot see the voice of Ning Fan.

Children don’t meet each other, laughing where the visitors came from, but I don’t know. Before a long time, Ning Fan had been here.

After saying goodbye to these children, I smiled at the old man in the village. Ning Fan walked into the mountain village alone and walked through the huts and walked straight toward one of them.

On the wall of the thatched cottage, there are two old longbows hanging. I don’t know how many years have been pulled, and the paint is a little dark.

On both sides of the firewood gate, within the fence, there are all kinds of camellia, but they are neglected to take care of them and have many weeds.

Ning Fan gently slammed Chaimen. He could feel the smell of a man in the hut. He knew that it was his brother Ning Gu.

Hearing the voice of Ning Fan, the old man in the huts slowly walked out of the old flower, and the old eyes carried a sorrow that could not be erased.

The old man’s turbid eyes are full of bruises, but when you see Ning Fan, you immediately glance, revealing a very complex expression, "I am you, you are finally here."

Then he coughed a few times and smiled bitterly. "I have been waiting for you for a long time. If I don't see you, I don't want to go with her."

Ning Fan looked at the old man and sighed deeply. "Ninggu, how do you become this look?"

This old man is rather lonely, full of wind and frost, drooping old, no longer the handsome look of the year.

Ning Fan is puzzled. Ning Gushao was once a monk. Even if he was repaired as a seal, even if he practiced the seal, he would not be so old.

"Is this picture not good? Cough, cough, cough" The old man coughed and smiled bitterly. "Anran died."

"She is not willing to live alone when she dies. I am willing to die with her. I just have a wish. I can't just die. I am sorry, I finally remembered you, but I have used it for forty years, sorry, big brother!"

The old man has tears in his old eyes, and there is a kind of sorrow in his expression. Suddenly, he passed through the firewood door and stumbled to Ning Fan silently.

He remembered Ning Fan and remembered all the joys and sorrows. He wanted to see Ning Fan again, and he could die with peace of mind.

Now that he saw Ning Fan, he apologized to Ning Fan, and his death was already sprouting, but his heart could not be erased.

He was guilty and hated that he had spent forty years thinking about it. He once had a brother named Ning Fan.

He is even more embarrassed, and his heart is ashamed, and he goes with ease. He can't accompany Ning Fan to complete the lonely road of comprehension.

"Enron actually went."

Ning Fan reveals the color of sigh, closes his eyes and recalls the mountain girl she had seen 40 years ago.

The agile eyes still appear in front of you, but people are no longer there.

Enron is a mortal, and he likes to be lonely.

She is dead, she is lonely and sad, and Ning Fan can experience it a little.

"I clearly have left Yanshou Dan medicine. Did she not eat it? If she ate it, she should not die."

"Which she is willing to eat those good things, I have long been yelling at me and she is a good woman." The old man’s heart hurts.

On the day of Enron’s death, Ning Gu’s self-disciplined work and scattered one.

He had a mana in his body, he wouldn't be so old, but he lost his mana. He was so fast and old, and his life was running out.

Just waiting to see Ning Fan side, Ning Gu will be accompanied by death.

"Big brother, I am sorry for this road of comprehension, I can't go with you."

"Say what to do, you don't want to cultivate, how can I force you. Get up, take me to see Enron's grave."

Ning Fan pushed open the firewood door, helped the Ninggu, and sighed slightly.

He knows Ning Gu, knowing what Ning Gu is thinking at the moment.

He knew that this silly younger brother had seen him at the moment, but he had the last wish and had been bent on his death.

Ning Fan did not stop, but also knew that he could not stop it.

But he can still do one more thing for Ning Orphans, and that thing can still make him happy and ordinary life.

"Well, big brother, I will take you to see Enron!"

Behind the house stood a short graveyard with a wooden monument standing in front of the grave.

Tomb of his wife, Enron

Ning Gu took some incense stick paper money from the house and lit it in front of Enron’s grave.

Take out two jars and drink with Ning Fan.

The wine is the Camellia wine in Pingan Village. The flowers are light and the wine is very small. It is warm and not spicy.

Ning Fan stood in front of Enron's grave, carrying a jar of wine and sipping a big mouth.

Ning Gu did not drink, but he was obsessed with the grave of Enron, sorrow and bitter smile.

"Brother, have you been doing well in these years, are you happy in the monastic way?"

"No matter how fast or unhappy, I can't avoid this road, only forward." Ning Fan said calmly.

"I am very happy. I lived with Enron. I am very happy. I am so happy that I can't bear to be separated from her. I hate to practice monasticism, hate fighting, hate killing, hate intrigue, and hate the endless cultivation of blood." I stubbornly do not pass on the practice of acquaintance and convincing, only to let her flatten this life, because she also does not like to fight, do not like to kill"

"I thought so, and I did. But when I died, I was lost. The life of a mortal is really short. If I was practicing with Enron, would it be possible to stay together for a long time but Enron told me before death that she had no regrets in this world I met.

"A mortal life, dying in the morning, such as the dew, such as white, but hurried."

"The life of a monk is long and exhausted, such as autumn 蝉, like a bee butterfly ant, but not really happy."

"I have regretted it and I have been confused. I am so sad that I miss all the people who have been with Enron. If I am a monk, I may be able to stand with her but I am more convinced that if life comes back, I will still make it with her. The same choice, then be a mortal monk."

"To accompany her, to accompany her, to accompany her to be dull, to accompany her to death is my wish brother, I want to go with Enron, I am sorry. This lonely road to repair, I can not accompany you to the end, my The heart can't fit the monastic way, only fill her shadow."

Ning Lianyan stopped, suddenly took up the jar, a full drink, but the vitality is rushing.

When the wine was exhausted, Ning Lian looked at Ning Fan, but turned his head and looked at Enron’s grave gently.

"Right, I have already seen my older brother, my wish is gone. This is coming to find you. You have been waiting for me for a long time. I want to meet you in the season of camellia bloom, but I have no confidence in the sea. Find you again"

Ninggu quietly leaned on the gravestone, gently fell down, with a smile, and died.

Ning Fan’s heart hurts, closes his eyes and stands for a long time.

He has countless means to save lives, but he has not shot.

Ning Gu’s life was too painful. Even so, Ning Fan promised him a new life.

Ning Gu thought about the life of a mortal, and wanted to reunite with Enron. All these wishes, Ning Fan can satisfy him.

"No one of you will die safely. I sent you a hairpin in the past, and there is a sword in it. Not only does it have the effect of protecting the body, but it can also intercept you."

Ning Fan said to himself, and the body of Ning Gu disappeared. Then he added a grave in front of Enron’s grave and stood a monument.

The younger brother’s tomb.

Immediately, Ning Fan took a photo of the two tombs. Two ghosts flew out of the grave, and it was Enron and Ninggu.

"Sleep for a while."

Ning Fan gently pointed to the next two souls, so that the two fell asleep, the two souls into the sleeves, and left the peaceful village, galloping toward the south of the country.

I don’t know how many comprehension countries have passed through, and Ning Fan’s calculus has finally stayed outside the city of a mortal country.

The country name Tang Guo, the city name Changan.

In Chang'an City, there are two official families, and the ladies at home are here today.

The two family generations have in-laws, and the house is separated by a wall. The two ladies are on the same day.

The two agreed that if two babies who are about to be born are male and female, they will become brothers and sisters.

If a man and a woman, set a doll.

Today, the two ladies at the same time, this is a big day, but the two ladies are also difficult to produce at the same time, plus the two ladies are physically weak, it is the best stable woman in the city, the doctor has nothing to do, asserting that the two ladies lives on the line.

Ning Fan has calculated that the two unborn fetuses are a man and a woman.

Ning Fan also calculated that without his intervention, both ladies will die today due to dystocia.

His heart glimpsed, took out the soul of Ninggu and Enron, quietly invisible, descended to the two, and placed the two souls into the belly of the two ladies.

Immediately, he personally shot, urging mana to help the two dysfunctional ladies to give birth to the baby.

When the two beautiful babies were born at the same time, the doctors and the stable women were all shocked.

"How, how is it possible! It was born!"

"Is there a god, and saved the two ladies?!"

Ning Fan did not show up, but just a glimpse.

From the body of Ninggu and Enron, he actually saw a white line and extended his body. The two white lines wanted to connect with each other, but they could not connect.

"What is this line!"

Ning Fan never knew that there would be such a white line in the human body. He explored it in detail, and from this white line, he noticed an extraordinary avenue of power, which contained a vast vitality!

"Connecting their white lines, life will not separate." Yin and Yang lock, Luo quiet suddenly reminded.

“Does this white line have this use?”

Ning Fan Yi Yi, but in accordance with the words, the two men's white line to hold, respectively, gently tied on the two little fingers.

The white line is not visible to the naked eye. Even if it is smelting and smashing, it may not be seen. Ning Fan faintly guesses that this white line is unusual.

"With this line, no matter how many times you reincarnate with Enron, you will meet again. This is all right, and you have finally fulfilled your wish."

"Ninggu, no matter what you want, I will give it to you, because I am your brother, my elder brother is like a father. Since your wish is to be a mortal monk with Enron, I will make you such a life, but you Remember that a woman who goes to bed will protect her from a lifetime, and she must not be hurt by a little. Since this is the path of your choice, you must follow this path and remember!"

Ning Fan is invisible, and his words can only be heard.

Ning Gu Mingming is still just a little baby, but he doesn't cry or make trouble. He is wearing black-painted eyes and staring at the direction of Ning Fan. He doesn't know what to say.

Perhaps this is the gratitude and assurance of Ning Gu to Ning Fan.

"The next time I meet, I don't know what year and month."

Ning Fan was a bit stunned, stepping away and drifting away from the Tang Dynasty.

On this day, he personally buried Ning Gu, and personally promised Ning Lian once a heart, and his heart faintly had some sentiment on the reincarnation.

That sentiment is an understanding of life and death, and life and death are included in the cycle.

Because of these sentiments, he saw the strange white line.

"I saw him die and personally make graves for them. I promised that they were born again and gave them the feeling of reincarnation. It was very subtle."

"But that white line, what is it?"

Ning Fan’s heart touched, and took a storage bag and took out a roll of yellow-colored, untitled ancient book, which was accidentally found in the ghost of the sacred bird. It was the legacy of the Purple Emperor.

This book is not a magic spell, nor does it record any cultivation experience, but it has a subtle mood of purple bucket for the funeral of friends.

The ancient book without words has already revealed a small poem because Ning Fan touched the edge of the power of reincarnation.

"A person's death is like a lamp, and the reincarnation is re-ignited. If the immortal death is like a distraction, this life will not be returned."

Ning Fan read this poem, walked through a subordinate comprehension country, and stood on the edge of a nameless barren mountain.

He faintly noticed that there seemed to be a force in the white line similar to the death of the palm of your hand.

"What line is that?" he asked himself.

"That is the line of life. Hey, I can't think of your brother's reincarnation, you can get a sense of life and death, and then see the line of life, really surprised my sister. If you encounter this encounter, the nine worlds I don't know how many broken old geeks want to marry you." Luo 啧啧 啧啧 。.

"The road to life? What is that?" Ning Fan said differently.

"That is the line that people can see when they are imaginary. It is a crucial step in becoming a fairy! The failure of those who are scattered, scattered, and scattered is often because they cannot understand the line of life. The hardest step in the road is to realize life and death. You can see the line of life, which will help you become a fairy in the future. Now, there is no use." Luo Yu explained.

"This way, this thing is the line of life."

Ning Fan stands in the nameless mountain, and the first stop is eight days.

In the eighth day, his mind repeatedly realized life and death, raised his palm, and could see a white line of life from the palm print.

On the ninth day, Ning Fan no longer realized and returned to Vietnam.

I almost went to the Song Dynasty and participated in the general meeting of the Jin Dynasty.

"Jin Jun, the resentment of the year, and now the knot" Ning Fan walks between the clouds, indifferent

Song State, Linshui City, and the National Assembly are held here.

Over the water city, countless dawns, buildings and ships flew uninterruptedly, and hundreds of thousands of monks gathered in the city of Linshui to participate in the conference.

The monks who came to Shuicheng were mostly affiliated with the eleven comprehension countries that were coerced by the Jin State.

On top of this conference, the Zongmen forces of the eleven comprehension countries must give a reply to Dajin, either choose to attach or choose to perish.

In a large hall in the center of Linshui City, a monk dressed in a black robes sits on the throne and is the Jinjun.

Under Jinjun, sitting on the other two gods, they are the gods of the rain temple.

One of the early days of the gods was long, and almost touched the bottleneck of the middle of the gods. A white hair was the snow lord.

Another **** seems to have just advanced, and the realm has not yet been stabilized, and his face is ugly and his body is burly. This ugly man named Yunlie, who was once the **** of the rain temple, but after breaking through the gods, he fell into the Temple of Heaven and became an old man, who was enshrined.

Behind the two old people, there are still more than ten members of the temple, all of them are repaired in the Yuan Ying period.

Among those of the gods, there was a late-infant Yuan Ying, which was not as arrogant as it was in the past, and there was a lot of deadness in the body.

He is a cloud madman, a person who once wanted to spend money to buy Yin Suqiu.

"Oh, this meeting of the United States is just a form of taking it. It is a breeze to suppress the monarchy of Jin Jun. It is easy to suppress the 11 countries. Even if the 11 countries do not want to return, they dare not follow. There should be no long-sighted forces. Dare to disobey the Jinjun order?" Xue Zun smiled.

"Snow friends say that although there are some small forces that are still unwilling to surrender, they only have to destroy several forces at this meeting, killing chickens and monkeys, and presumably other forces will be attached to my Dajin. Right. Dare to ask Yunlie Daoyou, the deputy master of the temple may come in person?" Jin Jun revealed the color of expectation, and he was very eager to hold the boxing spirit. He said that the deputy lord, naturally, is the deputy lord of the celestial temple.

"This conference, not only the Vice-President of the Heavenly Temple, but also a big man will come." Yunlie is not salty and not rude.

"Oh? Which other big man will come?" Jin Jun stunned.

"Wu Zongzong, Wu Muhou!" Yun Lie's tone was dull, Jin Jun was surprised.

"What! The great man of Wu Muhou would even participate in the small meeting of the Great Jin Dynasty! This really makes this monarch be flattered! The status of this monarch is low, I have never seen Wu Muhou, then Wu Muhou will be there, there will be labor Yunlie Daoyou helped Ben Jun to introduce."

"I heard that there are still some Zongmen in the country that openly oppose the attachment of the Great Jin Dynasty." Yun Lie did not like the expression of Jin Jun's tendency to sway, and opened the topic at will.

"Vietnamese country? It is just a subordinate comprehension country. What can be feared. On this meeting, the king will beat and beat the country first, and then see which country still dares not to surrender to me!" Jin Jun sneered .

"I advise you not to sneak out of the country, this is just a kind reminder." Yun Li’s mind recalled a young boy’s figure, and suddenly there was some disappointment.

If he did not join the Yutian Temple and received the task of attending the National Assembly, he would not be willing to join the Jinjun.

He prefers to sit down with the boy who was a member of the country.

When he was in the big sorcerer's demon, he reunited with the boy and was amazed at the strength of his youth.

Now, after another 40 years, the boy does not know whether to return to Vietnam or not.

If he is, maybe Jin Jun wants to unify the eleven countries, it will be very difficult.

"Hey! The country is only a subordinate country to cultivate the country. It is not enough to worry about it. Although there is a Yuan Dynasty in the fire in the country, there is a four-passenger in the ghost bird, but with this, I want to be an enemy of this king. It’s not enough! The Yunlie Daoyou is kind, but it’s a bit sorrowful. The country can’t afford the big waves, it’s just a country that can be leveled at any time!”

Jin Jun suddenly got up and walked outside the main hall.

"This monarch is a monk who is a **** of the gods, and all the ants under the gods! Within the eleven countries, no one is the enemy of this king, all people must be surrendered!"

In the body of Jin Jun, the power of a black artistic conception was released. For a moment, both Yun Li and Xue Zun were shocked.

"This is the artistic concept of domineering! Strong power! In the early days of the gods, there are not many people who are the opponents of Jinjun!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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