Grasping Evil

Chapter 570: Burning into a weapon

Thousands of miles of towering ancient wood, turned into millions of gold armor.

Ning Fan recalled the tower of the rain, and pointed to the high-rise ritual of the black wood to make the ten fingers mean, the fingertips changed rapidly, and the shadow disappeared.

In the distance, the five sword spirits have already fought a battle with the Boss Tree King, and the farther the Vietnam War.

On this side, the axe tree king looked at Ning Fan incredulously. When his eyes touched the black wood, there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

He, I heard about this black wood order!

The axe tree king is a member of the ghost wood family. The ghost wood family used to be a tree-lined family, but it was destroyed by the filial family long ago and has since fallen.

In the years when the family was flourishing, this blackwood had another name - the tree king!

It is rumored that any monk who holds a blackwood order will have a supreme pressure on the emperor against the wood repair, making it difficult for the wood repair to compete.

After Ning Fan took out the blackwood order, the axe tree king felt a burst of heart, and the mana of a wooden property was somewhat stagnant.

He is quite sure that the token that Ning Fan offered is exactly the black wood order!

The irresistible pressure of the emperor, from the tokens, is not wrong!

At that time, the tree world was not only a tree of the Taro, but the sect of the tree was the strongest in the tree world, and dominated the tree world, always leading other forces.

Most of the most powerful supernatural powers of the ancient dynasty, all of them are closely related to the black wood, and they need to be used to repair the emperor, and they can use the black wood to apply.

In the rumor, this blackwood has disappeared with the disappearance of the last singer, why did it appear here? !

The axe tree king was too shocked. When he saw Ning Fan’s command to summon the wooden soldiers, he was even more shocked.

A strain of Shentian ancient wood incarnates as a golden armor, the lowest is Jindan repair!

Only one spell, summoned about five million gold armor soldiers!

"This is the technique of destroying the country! One spell summons five million wooden soldiers. Only these five million wooden soldiers can destroy a country!"

When he saw Ning Fan's display of another supernatural power, it was even more shocking.

However, seeing Ning Fan suddenly bent a hand. Blackwood will be included in the sleeve.

Immediately bite off the little finger, the phalanx is sacrificed, and the broken bones are sprinkled into the earth.

In the next moment, the little finger is reborn, and six million bone armor soldiers appear in turn on the ground!

Five million gold armor, six million bone armor!

After the two spells were finished, Ning Fan’s mana loss was not small, but he summoned 11 million Jindan soldiers!

At this moment, Ning Fan, surrounded by the golden dragon virtual shadow, the golden dragon virtual shadow. They are all royal!

The girl in Tsing Yi on the ground, whose name is green. She looked at Ning Fan, and the alum was full of incredible expressions.

At this moment, Ning Fan's emperor appeared, standing in the night sky, like a golden yang is generally dazzling.

He stood up in the air, like a king of the king, and his feet were one thousand and one million surrendered!

He came from the black wood order, claiming to be the generation of the tree of the Ming Dynasty, his appearance. Is to shelter the family of the gods...

He looks handsome and handsome. The oblique eyebrows enter the shackles, and a pair of black scorpions carry the emperor's prestige, but the ancient wells have no waves. Such as a deep pool of deep and unpredictable.

At this moment, it turned into a black body, and his black hair became long, and he was already waisted and danced in the night wind. On the left side, with a demon-like texture, the whole body carries a magical temperament that cannot be said.

"He, is this the dynasty of my generation? What kind of person is he?"

"I am assassinating him. He wants to protect me..."

Ning Fan didn't look at the green scorpion. The reason why he took care of this girl was just to repay the kindness of the scent of the tree.

At the moment, Ning Fan, the mind is all immersed in two spells.

Once I used to cast a broken bone into a soldier, it has been used many times, but it has never had such a mysterious feeling today.

At this moment, he will use both the soldiers and the bones to become soldiers at the same time. In contrast, he has gained some understanding.

This realization is never seen before!

The grass and wood are all weapons, the vegetation is real, and the wooden soldiers are false lives.

The technique of broken bones into a soldier, the phalanx is real, and the bone soldier is a false life.

Whether it is a grass or a soldier, or a broken bone into a soldier, all contain the truth of the reality.

It is too sinister to realize that the reality is virtual. The power of these two spells is closely related to the virtual word perception.

The wooden soldiers and bone soldiers summoned by Ning Fan are only Jin Dan, but if his feelings of emptiness are elevated to a higher level, the power of these two spells will definitely improve...

Now the wooden soldiers he summoned are all Jin Dan.

As his imaginary feelings improve, one day, the soldiers he summoned will be upgraded to Yuan Ying, even higher...

I just don't know if it is enough to summon the Yuan Ying soldiers.

Or, if the virtual word sentiment reaches the level of broken void, can you summon Yuan Yingying soldiers...

"The Yuan Ying monks in the rainy world are no more than 5 million. If I summon a 11 million yuan infant squad with two spells, I am afraid that these two spells alone will be enough to sweep the world..."

Ning Fan raised his gaze and swept the axe tree king in the distance.

In his eyes, a hint of crazy color gradually appeared. The reason why he summoned 11 million soldiers was to hit the axe tree king!

He wants to spur all the squadrons who are summoned, and use the power of self-destruction to reinvent the axe tree king!

11 million Jin Dan blew himself, it is also the Yuan Yuan too imaginary will also be injured!


Ning Fan pointed to a change, 11 million soldiers, all the whole body ignited a golden flame!

These cockroaches each vacated and the body burned at a rapid speed.

They are dead, obeying the orders of Ning Fan, and each rushing to the axe tree king without fear of death, only seeking death and injury and the tree king.

Holding axe tree king, he is still wondering why Ning Fan summoned so many soldiers.

It should be noted that although the number of these squadrons is large, it is too low to be repaired. One by one is only Jindan. It is of little use in the battle of Taixu.

But at this moment, the axe tree king learned that Ning Fan summoned the squadron's intentions. When he saw the squadron's self-ignition, he immediately guessed that Ning Fan was about to detonate the squadron. Under the anger, he almost wanted to swear.


Looking at the tide of the night sky, surrounded by 11 million soldiers, the axe tree king only felt the scalp numb.

He wants to move away from the distance, but has been blocked by soldiers in all directions. Hundreds of thousands of miles above the night sky, the cornices are crowded with soldiers.

Holding the axe tree king axe swept, each axe can smash the sky, killing tens of thousands of Jindan soldiers.

However, the number of squadrons is too large, and a few axe down, but only less than 300,000 soldiers are killed, and there is no way to kill a way out.

With Ning Fan's **** changing again, millions of soldiers will be at this moment, and they will all blew themselves!

Holding the axe tree Wang Jingguang shocked, my heart was chaotic. He is self-proclaimed. If you directly bear the power of tens of thousands of Jin Dan, you will die!

He is a vain to the Yuan Dynasty. He has faintly touched the magical power of the palm of the hand. He changed his mind and immediately opened a hole in front of him. He stepped into the light door and hid into the space of the cave.

Holding the axe tree Wang Xinzhi, with the power of tens of thousands of Jindan's self-explosion, the space of the cave can also be broken into ashes.

The reason why he broke into the hole space. Just seek to block some of the power of self-explosion with the help of the space barrier of the cave space.

After entering the space, the axe tree king immediately took a storage bag, took out the seven virtual arrays, and opened the seven-fold virtual. Reinforce the defense of the cave space.

At the same time, the body shape was transformed into a giant tree of nine thousand feet.

He is a ghost wood family, the body of the tree is extremely strong defense, it is the ordinary too weak to hit him.

All defenses are done in a flash.

In a moment when he changed his reality. Above the night sky, thousands of soldiers will be screaming and smashing at the same time!

"The tens of thousands of soldiers. The devil is a finger!"

This tens of thousands of soldiers, or wooden soldiers, or bone soldiers, are all changed by Ning Fan's spells.

They have no intellect, can't think, and have only one thought in their hearts. That is, from the moment of birth, they fight for Ning Fan until they die!

Tens of thousands of Jindan soldiers also blew themselves at the same time, and set off a horrible golden storm on the night sky!

Above the night sky, in the golden storm, suddenly a huge golden finger appeared, and the storm gradually subsided, and all the explosive energy was integrated into the golden finger!

How does the golden finger appear? Ning Fan does not know!

Above the golden finger, revealing a sacred atmosphere of the vicissitudes of life, under this breath, it is Ning Fan who breathes a stagnation!

Ning Fan looked at the golden finger and was shocked. Obviously the appearance of this gold finger was beyond his expectations.

He used to perform the techniques of slashing and smashing the bones into pieces, in order to make the 11 million squadrons blew at the same time.

However, even Ning Fan did not know that when the tens of thousands of soldiers blew themselves at the same time, they could inspire another ancient demon.

"This is... the lost magical power of the ancient gods... ‘burning the soldiers into fingers’!!! The sister was the first time to see someone who showed this kind of magical power!” In the Xuanyin world, Luo Yu lost his voice.

The broken bones into soldiers and the burning soldiers are all ancient gods and demon gods. The former is occasionally displayed, but the latter is rarely used.

In the past, the experience of the real fairy in Luo You’s has never seen anyone who used to display the power of the soldiers.

She only knows today that the so-called "burning soldiers" into the magical powers need to first summon thousands of soldiers with the technique of breaking bones into soldiers, so that the soldiers can be self-destructed before they can be displayed!

Even if it is the Neptune, it can only summon 100,000 soldiers with the technique of breaking the bones into a soldier.

Even if it is a true fairy above four days, no one can call out thousands of soldiers through the broken bones.

If you can't summon a million soldiers, you won't be able to show the premise of burning the soldiers into the fingers!

Ning Fan learned the complete broken bones from the Emperor of the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor, and used the black wood to display the techniques of the grass and the army.

The number of squadrons he summoned has reached tens of millions, and when the tens of thousands of squadrons blew themselves, they accidentally set off the magical powers of the soldiers!

"Burning soldiers... forming fingers!"

Ning Fan took the fingertips and looked at the golden fingers above the night sky, gradually getting hot.

That Wanzhangjin finger is a demon that is self-destructive!

Originally from the explosion of tens of thousands of cockroaches, can stimulate such a terrible magical power!

Nowadays, the devastating tens of thousands of gold dan, the magic of the devil is a power, it is already a nirvana and a heavenly body!

If the emptiness of sentiment rises to a very high level, summoning a million yuan of infants to blew themselves, and the magical devil who has turned it out does not know how powerful it will be...

And Ning Fan also has other sentiments, broken knives into soldiers, broken tens of thousands of soldiers also refer to ... Among them, there seems to be inexplicable reason, he is temporarily unable to understand...

The golden finger is like the sun, and it is bright in the night sky.

The gold finger presses to the cave space where the axe tree king hides. The space of the cave can not withstand the power of the gods and smashes!

The axe tree king hiding in the cave space appears on the night sky as the space shatters.

He looked at the golden fingers above the night sky, suddenly stunned, unknown.

"What is this gold...what is it? The kid is not a self-destructive squad, why is there no volatility, but a golden finger...not good!"

Although the axe tree king did not know where the golden finger came from, he felt the power of silence from the golden finger.

The essence of the ghost wood family he has developed has turned into a ghost tree of nine thousand feet, and the defense is extremely strong.

There are more seven guards around him, but all this does not give him any sense of security.

In the face of this tens of thousands of gold fingers, holding the axe tree Wang Xinsheng has an illusion.

As if he was not facing a golden finger, but a **** who swept the world in ancient times!

boom! boom! boom!

The gold finger is on top of the seven-fold virtual light, and the seven-fold array of lights is all smashed!

The golden finger was pressed against the huge tree of the axe tree king, and the tree immediately trembled.

The giant tree holding the axe tree king is extremely powerful. It is the ordinary and too imaginary that it can not hurt the tree. The golden finger is powerful, and the giant tree defense cannot be broken for a while.

But as time went by, the bark of the giant tree gradually shattered and was pressed into the fly ash by the finger of the golden finger.

The power of the Golden Finger has also disappeared in a trace, but before it is completely exhausted, the giant tree will be broken at the end!

At the moment when the giant tree is broken, the bombardment force is spread out, and the tree hills within a million miles are razed to the ground!


Holding the axe tree king squirting blood, he was directly shattered by the golden finger and hit the human body.

His face is like gold paper, the injury is extremely heavy, the black armor of the chest is broken, and he walks back a hundred steps in the night sky before he can stabilize his body shape and his eyes are full of horror.

"A terrible golden finger! It’s just that the nirvana of Nirvana is just that!"

He broke into the space of the cave, opened the seven-fold virtual light, and turned out the giant tree, even though he was seriously injured by the golden finger...

This gold refers to the power of one finger, too terrible!

Nirvana means...

Ning Fan lowered the sky in time, blocked in front of the green scorpion, and blocked the waves for her.

He reveals the complex colors, and he can’t think of the magical demon that will start to burn the soldiers.

Before he blew himself up, although he was hurt by the grasp of the axe tree king, he did not think that the self-destruction of the tens of thousands of Jindan could seriously damage the tree king.

However, when the power of self-destruction turned into a demon, the power of self-destruction suddenly increased, but the tree king was directly seriously injured.

"Today, my strongest supernatural powers, in addition to the smoldering technique, the sun and the moon monument, have added another one to burn the soldiers!"

"But even if it is these three spells, I don't know how to defeat the Yuanyuan Taixu by a single blow... The Taixu monk after the return of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Taixu monk who has not returned to the Yuan, the strength is really the difference between the clouds!"

His eyes swept away, and although he was shocked by the dawn, he was not injured and was slightly relieved.

Once again, fly into the sky and confront the axe tree king.

"You, very strong! Incarnation, spirits, royality... If I have not misread, broken and triple surgery, you have all learned, no wonder you can ask for imaginary, play comparable to the Yuanyuanyuan Strength... But, after all, you are not the opponent of my return to the yuan!"

Holding the axe tree, the king's heart is gradually set, and the eyes gradually appear fierce.

He decided to use the strongest powers to destroy Ning Fan, and he could no longer give Ning Fan the opportunity to show his gold fingers! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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