Grasping Evil

Chapter 588: Jishui City Tower, six colors

Among the Makino countries, the bamboo sea is continuous, and Ningfan turns into a rainbow, flying above the bamboo sea.

He had already noticed that as soon as he entered the pastoral territory, there was a monk tracking behind him.

Although the monks hide their bodies, they can’t escape the thoughts of Ning Fan. The clan on the costumes shows the identity of these monks...

These people are monks of the Baili family!

There are three people in the coming, among the three, there are two voyeurs, one is empty!

These three people may not be high, but an individual has revealed a strong arrogance, all with the same level of invincible strength!

These three people are the killers carefully cultivated by the Baili people!

After entering the Makino country, Ning Fan immediately took hold of the dawn and set foot on the bamboo sea.

He turned around, his eyes flashed, and he said to a few clouds behind him, "Why are you behind Lu, what is it!"

Ning Fan said, behind the clouds but there is no movement, it seems that the three hidden killers did not reveal the meaning of the trace.

Ning Fan no longer speaks, step by step, Juli is on the sky!

After this step, the sky in the 500,000 miles was suddenly shocked, and after the cloud, immediately fell into the shape of three big men.

All three of them were wearing **** armor, and each of them took a imaginary blood tiger.

The blood tiger is a unique mount of the Baili family, and it can greatly enhance the speed of the people flying with the magic.

"I was discovered, killed him!"

The three were seen by Ning Fan, but they were not surprised at all. They always had a cold expression.

Two glimpse of the murderer, one reminder of the blood tiger, each holding a **** scorpion, suddenly shaken, immediately above the sky, filled with suffocating blood.

After releasing the bleeding light. Two glimpse of the virtual killer's vitality, the face is eager to grow old.

Asked the virtual killer to jump into the blood tiger and jump into the blood. He was ten fingers, suddenly squirting a blood, and then sucking the sky.

Different from two voyeurs. The murderer swallowed the blood, and the momentum rose sharply. The original invincible breath reached the level of rushing at this moment!


Ask the virtual killer to drink a cold, step by step, the body suddenly separated the four **** shadows of the confession, each holding a magic weapon. At the same time, the streamer rushes to Ning Fan!

Ning Fan’s gaze is a slight glimpse. The magical power of this virtual killer is not weak. With this secret method of improving and repairing, plus four skeptical avatars, it is ordinary emptiness and not its opponent!

Unfortunately, this is not a virtual killer is still Ning Fan opponent!

Ning Fan lifted his foot and stepped. The sea of ​​the void immediately emerges at the foot!

He raised his finger, and a million small hollow swords swept through the sky, and only one type would ask the four blood shadows of the virtual killer to kill them all!

Asked the virtual killer's gaze, he discovered that the eyes of the assassination were not in line with the intelligence!

In the intelligence, Ning Fan is just a questionable monk!

And the front of the Ning Fan. The foot is in the air of the sea, too imaginary and flying, clearly a too old and strange!

He wants to escape, it is too late, a million small hollow swords, he screams, annihilation in the hollow sword rain.

The other two voyeuristic murderers, who are old and old, are also falling under the small virtual sword...

With Ning Fan repairing now, raising your hand can instantly kill the emptiness!

The sky is shining, the sword shadow is gone, and the sky is gradually quiet.

Ning Fan looked at the empty sky. The brow was slightly wrinkled.

He started to be extremely measured, and when he displayed a small hollow sword, he avoided the murder of the three killers, and wanted to leave the three gods and the demon souls.

However, after the fall of the three killers, there were no gods and ghosts left. There aren’t even storage bags left, it’s really weird...

"I was too heavy to kill the three gods under the sword rain..."

Ning Fan indulged in a moment, turned and wanted to leave, then at this time, the three killers fell, suddenly gave birth to three floating blood.

The three bloods are condensed into one, turning into a **** battle post...

Ning Fan slaps a trick and recruits the placard into his hand.

There is only one big ink in the battle post... ‘death’!

This is the second post by the Baili patriarch to Ning Fan!

Ning Fan’s thoughts on color, this jade is based on three blood, and the three bloods are planted in the three killers. Only three of them are fallen, and the blood will be condensed into a second battle. ...

Did the Baili chief know that Ningfan had the strength to kill three killers?

So the Baili patriarch will plant three blood in the three killers, leaving a second post?

But there are some places that are unreasonable.

Since the Baili people sent three killers to assassinate Ning Fan, it is natural to save the heart of Ning Fan.

If the Baili chief knew that Ning Fan would not be killed by three killers, why would he send three people to die? The wise move is to send a more powerful monk to kill Ning Fan, instead of leaving a second post in one fell swoop...

What is the significance of this second battle post? Is it another time to show up to Ningfan, tell Ning Fan, I am going to kill you, you wash your neck and die?

As a family leader, will the Baili chiefs make such a brainless thing?

The behavior of the Baili patriarch is very unreasonable...

Ning Fan put away the second post and looked at it slightly. This Baili family, there are weird...

The Baili family did not seem to be a simple killer for him, but another plot...

The Baili patriarch twice sent unreasonable placards twice. It seems that he wanted to deliberately cause Ning Fan’s suspicion...not to threaten Ning Fan, but to hint at what...

"Interesting, I have to see if the Baili family has any plans for me!"

Ning Fan's mouth is a hook, not afraid of the Baili family.

With the five elements of the robbers, with Luo You, Fujii soft and help, you can use the Xia Huangjian... In the tree world, in addition to the three tree emperors, Ning Fan is not afraid of any monks!


Ning Fan’s figure swayed and turned into a rainbow, and he went to the country of Makino.

The Makino country has a large number of ordinary imaginary state repairs. There are more than 400 repairing cities in the country, and more than 300 tree families are in the Makino nationality.

Among them, there are 23 tree families with smelting and sitting in the town. And there is a tree family that is too empty. There are 7 in total.

The Baili family is the strongest tree in the Makino country. Of course, the stronger force than the Baili is the bamboo temple!

Among the bamboo temples. In addition to the bamboo emperor, there is also the old man of the bamboo forest, the eight old are broken and old, the Fusang old demon is one of the eight old!

The main hall of the bamboo temple is located in Jishuicheng of Makino!

Ning Fan flies across the road and crosses countless cities. Finally, I received the light outside Jishuicheng.

This is the rare water city in the tree world. The square is full of blue waters, named Jishui!

There are countless huge Xiang bamboos in the waters. It is said that this Jishui is the place where the bamboo ancestors lived, and these Xiangzhu bamboos that grow in the waters are all made by the souls of the bamboo ancestors.

Over the waters. Floating in a green city filled with air, it is Jishui City!

At this moment, Zhu Huang has already issued a decree in the entire tree world, and recruited the world's alchemy teacher to come to Makino to treat the ancestral bamboo tree.

Above the sky, you can see the light flying to Jishui City. Most of them are famous alchemy masters in the tree world.

Most of these alchemists are affiliated to Dongshuhai, and of course there are alchemists from the three seas of the North, West and South.

recently. Jishuicheng's entrance inspection is extremely strict. In addition to the five-turn or more, the alchemy master has the qualification to enter Jishuicheng directly. Even the Taixu monks need to undergo strict inspection before they can be released into Jishuicheng.

Ning Fan secretly thought about it, so Dongshuhai recruited the world's alchemy division to enter, and many other monks in the sea of ​​trees entered Dongshuhai.

I don't know if Tenghuang's men have followed the crowd and chased Dongshuhai and came to assassinate him.

Even maybe, Tenghuang’s men had already sneaked into Jishuicheng and waited to kill him.

in this way. This trip to Ji Shui needs a little more care.

Ning Fan stepped on the light and flew toward the city of the air.

Fang Yifei went outside the city gate, and immediately there was a team of guards who were wearing bamboo armor.

“There is a stop! In addition to the five-turn alchemy, you can enter the city directly. Any monk who enters the city needs to accept my bamboo house check. Check the identity!”

The lowest level of this team is the sacred god, and the commander is a tyrant.

This person's arrogance is extremely low. He is not a low-ranking person in the bamboo temple. He is a descendant of the three elders of the bamboo temple.

He is above the Jishui City Tower, and he is not even willing to go to the city to receive Ning Fan. He is so arrogant!

Although he felt that Ning Fan was not too sinful, he did not have the meaning of accommodation. He did not let Ning Fan enter the city directly.

The bamboo emperor called for the world's master, many of the tyrants and geeks went to Jishuicheng to join in the fun, every day there are too old and strange to come to Jishui.

The more you cultivate the old monsters, the more you must strictly examine your identity, lest these people sneak into Jishuicheng... This is the meaning of the three elders of the bamboo temple!

"You are not weak, but as long as you are not an alchemy teacher, you must accept the old man and others to verify your identity!" Too ignorant and indifferent.

"Lu is an alchemy teacher, this time came to Jishui, is to treat the bamboo." Ning Fan is also a faint return.

"Oh? You are an alchemy teacher? So, you can measure the level of Dans on this soul monument. If you achieve five turns, you can enter Jishuicheng directly, and the old man will not stop."

Too ignorant to hear that Ning Fan is an alchemy teacher, standing on the top of the tower, pointing downwards to a huge six-color monument outside the city gate.

This six-color ancient monument can measure one to six-turn alchemy, and can measure six-level intermediate alchemy.

Ning Fan did not say much, slowly approached the six-color ancient monument, palm on the ancient monument, immediately felt the mysterious feeling of a medicine soul.

Entering Jishuicheng this time, he is not prepared to cover up the six-level superiority of Dan.

Although he is a too sinister monk, in the eyes of the ruined and eccentric, such as the bamboo emperor, the sinister monk is still only an ant.

However, if the broken old monster in the bamboo temple knows that his Danshu has reached six turns, and he is still six to the superior, then no one dares to sneak at him!

The six-level subordinate alchemy division has the status of making the broken monks disjointed!

And if it is a six-level superior alchemy teacher, even if it is a bamboo emperor, I dare not take a break!

At the time of thinking about the bamboo sea, the reason why the bamboo emperor was polite to Ning Fan was because he vaguely saw that Ning Fan was carrying six transliteration.

However, in the eyes of Zhu Huang, Ning Fan is only a six-level subordinate alchemy teacher, so he is very polite to Ning Fan, but his speech is still very indifferent...

Even the promise of giving Ning Fan Shu Zu fruit is a careless tone.

"Although there is not enough tree fruit in the bamboo temple for me to break through a rainy season. But the more trees I can get, the less distance I have from a product... I want to get more from the bamboo hand. The root of the tree, the first thing to do is to get enough attention from the bamboo king!"

"If Zhu Zhi knows that my Dan has reached six levels, I will never be less scorned by me! If I open my mouth to Zhu Huang, I will ask for more trees. The bamboo king will not refuse!"


Ning Fan’s body suddenly flew up a strong medicine spirit!

On the sky outside Jishuicheng, there are countless black butterflies!

Many of the tree-line alchemists who have just arrived outside Jishuicheng, seeing the black butterflies coiled around by Ning Fan, have shown a shocking color.

Before that, the arrogant and arrogant commander, the black butterfly at the sight of the sky, was also a shocked expression.

"This black butterfly is the power of the medicine soul... This person is actually a six-turn alchemy teacher!"

It seems to confirm the speculation of everyone. On top of the six-color ancient monument, a heavy color shines.

One color, two colors, three colors, four colors, multicolored. Six colors!

Light up six colors, it shows that the comer is a six-turn alchemy!

"The old man had a bad tone before, please forgive the master! The master is a six-turn alchemy teacher who can directly enter Jishuicheng..."

Too imaginary immediately walked down the tower, no more arrogant color, and gave a fist to Ning Fan, a rare expression of polite expression.

He can be too arrogant to his peers. But I dare not be arrogant about a six-turn alchemy!

Every six-turn alchemy teacher is enough to be a guest of the broken old monster!

He is trying to lead the way in person, and Yin Ningfan will rest in the city, and suddenly, the six-color ancient monument will be awkward!

However, the sixth color above the ancient monument is getting more and more shining. At the end, the whole ancient monument is like a six-color rainbow, and it shines brightly.

This vision will only appear when the six-turn intermediate alchemist tests Dan.

"What, this master is not only a six-passenger, but also a six-pass intermediate Dan teacher!"

The eyes of the tyrannical leader are even more shocking.

Among the four tree seas, there are 15 people in the six-turn alchemy division. Among them, 7 are six-level sub-levels and five are six-level intermediates. 3 people are six turns on the Pinnacle...

This is too sinister to secretly guess, is Ning Fan one of the five six-level intermediate Dan teachers in the tree industry?

He has never seen all the six-turn alchemists, and he does not know which one of the five people is.

When he was thinking about it, Liu Cai’s ancient monument was reborn!

But on the ancient monument, suddenly there was a huge crack, and in the end, the entire ancient monument suddenly exploded, crushed into countless gravel!

Six colors of ancient monuments are broken!

And over the entire Jishui City, Liucai Yunxia suddenly emerged, and the city's monks saw the colorful clouds!

There is only one explanation... Ning Fan's alchemy is beyond the highest limit that the ancient monument can test!

"This master is actually a six-level superior alchemy teacher!"

This level of alchemy, there are only three people in the tree world!

This level of alchemy, even the bamboo king does not dare to neglect!

Outside the Jishui City Gate, all the monks who witnessed the smashing of the ancient monuments were shocked.

Everyone looks at Ning Fan's eyes, all with deep awe, just like fear of a broken old monster!

"Now, Lu may enter Jishuicheng?"

Ning Fan had a deep look at Taixu’s command, and he was too guilty to have a smile on his face. He said, “The master Danshu is superb, and naturally he can easily enter and exit Jishuicheng...just the old man’s daring asks, I don’t know the master’s surname. Who is the name of the three men in the tree world?

Ning Fan has always claimed to be the surname of Lu, and this is the only place where Taixu is incomprehensible.

Among the six turn-downs of the tree world and the middle-class Danshi, there are people who are surnamed Lu and are a pair of brothers.

But the three six-ups are on the alchemy, but there is no one who has a surname...

"I was born in the Ming Dynasty, named Lubei."

Ning Fan said that he walked into Jishui City and left a monk outside the city.

"Lubei...and also born in the Declining Gentile... This master is not one of the three six-upper Pinnacles! He is the fourth in the tree world with six turns of Pinnacle. division!"

"The name of this master is familiar. Lubei, Lubei, etc., the old man remembered! The name and appearance of this person is clearly the magical repair of the vines! I am from the North Tree Sea. I have seen this person’s wanted order!"

"What! This master is actually the magical repaired by the Rattan?!"

Ning Fan did not pay attention to the discussion of the people, and stepped into Ji Shuicheng alone.

At the moment of entering Jishuicheng, I immediately felt the innumerable hidden thoughts in the city. Obviously, he tested the wave of Danshu and shocked many strangers in the city.

Above the sky, there was an agarwood scorpion from far and near, pulled by two cyan sacred cows, and there were twelve boys standing on the bus, and a young man sitting in the center.

The old man's momentum is very restrained, and there is a vagueness of the emptiness.

The car landed in front of Ning Fan, while the old man smiled and got off the bus, and he was very polite to Ning Fan.

"The old man is the three elders of the bamboo temple, and the order of the bamboo emperor, especially here to welcome the Taoist friends, go to the bamboo hall and see the bamboo emperor!"

This time, Zhu Huang saw Ning Fan's Dan Shu, and his attitude was not as cold as before.

Zhu Huang even sent out the three elders who were broken and repaired, and personally welcomed Ning Fan into the bamboo hall!

Its respect for Ning Fan can be seen!

This is the status of the six-shifted alchemy master, that is, the bamboo emperor should also be treated as a guest!

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