Grasping Evil

Chapter 605: Goodbye Wei Xuan

The pursuit of the Tenghuang, a total of three days of Ning Fan.

Although Tenghuang was seriously injured, but under the death, the supernatural powers were also very amazing, causing Nin Fan and Yi Li to cause a minor injury.

When Tenghuang finally fled, the body split into more than a dozen streamers to escape, and was killed by Ning Fan one by one, costing a lot of effort to kill.

Three days later, Ning Fan returned along the original road of Jiejie Road and came to the road. The boundary gate was already closed.

Ning Fan spent another half a month, and the magical power of the wind and smoke broke through a gap.

At this point, he returned to Dongshuhai.

In this catastrophe, there were countless monks in Dongshuhai, except for the tens of millions of monks who died for life, and more than sixty-seven million monks died in chaos.

If Fei Ningfan kills the sky in time and turns all the oysters into fly ash, Dongshuhai will have more dead and wounded.

Dongshu Zhuhai was badly injured, and Xishutenghai was equally badly injured.

In addition to the bamboo emperor, the broken monks of the bamboo temple all died in the catastrophe. The vines were broken, including the Tenghuang, and all died in the robbery.

Even the Liu Dian was broken, and all of them were degraded...

After more than half a month, Jishuicheng, which was destroyed by the war, has already been rebuilt. Many of the tree-study monks in the city are dressed in plain clothes and white, and they are filled with the recollection of their relatives and friends.

Ning Fan did not drive Zi Zi to return to Ji Shui. Zi Yan was seriously injured and was injured by Ning Fan’s income from the Ding Furnace... Ning Fan’s discovery of the post-sense, Zi Yan was originally a mother...

When he was in white, he returned to Jishui City alone, and Fang Yi entered the city. Immediately, an elder of Liu Dian, who was in a broken state, ushered outside the city.

"The elders of Liu Dian repaired and welcomed the North Tree Emperor!" The elder of Liu Dian, who was repaired, retired to Ning Fan.

"Northern Tree Emperor? What is the meaning of this?" Ning Fan Wei Yi, but did not know when he had this title.

Seeing Ning Fan's face is confusing, and the repair is immediately explained.

From Ning Fan to kill the Tenghuang to return to the tree world. It took a total of 18 days.

In the first three days, Ning Fan had already killed the vines. At the same time, the vines were smashed in the tree world.

The news of the fallen of the vines was madly spread, and the whole tree community had already known about the fall of the vine.

Ning Fan’s pursuit of the Tenghuang’s entry into the world has been witnessed by tens of thousands of monks. When someone with a heart is inquiring, it is easy to know that the person who kills the vine is Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's name in the tree world is Lubei, and the title of Beishuhuang is derived from this Lubei word.

After Ning Fan chased the road, Liu Yuyue always waited outside the boundary road, worried about the safety of Ning Fan.

Until the news of the fall of the Rattan. He was convinced that Ning Fan had already killed the Teng Emperor and would return to the tree world in a few days.

So he stopped staying in Dongshuhai, leaving only a few Liudian elders to guard Dongshuhai, but with the bamboo emperor and other subordinates rushed to Xishuhai to clear the forces of the Emperor. Take over the rattan hall.

The vine emperor is dead, and the countless generations of the vine hall are naturally inherited.

Liu Yuyue and Zhu Huang specially left a sound jade, and the repair was handed over to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan immersed the gods in the sound of jade, and the voice of the two emperors of Zhuliu immediately came into the sea of ​​knowledge.

"If the Lu brother returns, please come to Xishuhai. The Tiantian Dibao of the Fuji Temple is not a minority... If there is no help from Lu, this time I will die in the hands of the vines. Generation storage should belong to Lu brother!"

"And Xishuhai has no emperor since then, and there is no tree in the North Tree Sea. If Lu brother is willing, from then on, Lu brother will be the emperor of the West and North Ershu. Because there is one in the name of Lu Xiong. The word 'North' is like the North Tree Emperor, how?"

Ning Fan looked at the jade slip and put the jade slip away, not to say much.

There are still customary treatments for repairs. After the delivery of jade, it is easy to retire.

Ning Fan entered the city alone, his mind flew, and his heart felt a little stunned.

When I first entered Jishuicheng, the monks in the city were like clouds. The monks on the long street are constantly coming.

At this moment, Ji Shui's monk fell to eighty-nine, and the shadows on the long street were lonely.

There are two different atmospheres, but there are two distinct rhymes.

"This is the rhyme of life and death... life and death, once you die, you are qualified to ask the way, the immortality..."

"What is life, what is death... I used to know that life is not a life, and life is dead, but now it seems that this view is not correct."

"The immortal has no life, and it is obviously one-sided to judge life and death by the number of lives."

"Life and death, life and death... When the pedestrians of Long Street are weaving, this long street is alive; when people go to the empty space, this long street is dead. For Long Street, death is not the end of life, but with It’s all about the pedestrians, and there’s a real life, I don’t know...”

Ning Fan’s heart was full of feelings. This time, Dongshuhai was robbed. He watched countless lives and deaths. He felt different from the murder of his own hands and had a new understanding of life and death.

Comprehending the road to life and death is the key to becoming a fairy. Today's Ning Fan does not see life and death, and it is not surprising.

Comprehending the way of life and death is something that a broken monk needs to consider.

Ning Fanshang is just a monk who is too imaginary. What he needs to understand now is how to break the void...

His emptiness and feelings step by step from the voyeur, the emptiness, the emptiness, the illusion to the perfection, but after the completion, it is necessary to break the circle and jump out of this imaginary.

"Crushing the void, breaking the void... In the void, there is nothing in this void, how to break it... how to break it!"

Ning Fan sighed sighly, he still has a lot of distance from the realm of broken virtual.

He has a feeling that the more the realm is, the more he feels ignorant.

At the time of the pulse, he obtained the first pass of the Tiandao of the ancient land, and thought that he could override the broken monk.

Looking back on the past, Ning Fan feels that he has been somewhat self-respecting.

He slowly took his footsteps and took a trick, and a blank piece of paper appeared in his palm.

He has no ink on his fingertips, draws a picture of the white paper, but draws an ink circle.

The avenue is like a white paper, and the monk is like a circle on paper.

The smaller the circle, the less convenient the edge is.

The larger the circle, the more convenient the edge is in contact with.

The lower the repair, the thinner the road you see.

The higher the cultivation, the more profound the road you see, the more you will feel ignorant.

Can understand that I am ignorant. It’s much better than thinking that you know everything.

Ning Fan looked at the circle on paper. He knew that if he wanted to break it, he would break it. It was the circle. That virtual...

As soon as he pointed out, the white paper turned into a fly ash, as if it had never existed before.

Ning Fan looked at the paper ash and drifted away. He seemed to understand what he was and could not understand.

He no longer thinks about these insights, but saves himself on the trip to the tree world.

This time I entered the tree world. The benefits he received were not small.

Rain is just around the corner. He has cultivated the body of the small five-line body, and if he swallows the bamboo, his wooden body is likely to be completely perfect.

His cultivation has broken through to the realm of too imaginary. If he can evacuate the genre of the vines of the vines, he will use the numerous treasures of the heavens to improve. His repairs will surely skyrocket again.

He cultivated the blood of the ancient gods of the royal family and opened up the first heart of the ancient gods. The speed of cultivation in the future will surely increase.

This time I came to the tree world, Ning Fan also completed the request of Muro, found the Tsao Luo people, and killed the long-shoulders for the Tsao Luo people, and reported great enmity. It would be a good thing if you can bring the Wolverines and the ghosts back to the rain.

This time to the tree world. Ning Fan also conquered a broken five realm of demarcation, and dropped 600 questions, the number of robbers increased to five, and more vines and fidelity...

Now Ning Fan’s combat power is probably stronger than the entire rain temple.

Not only that, after Ning Fan’s killing of Wan Changkong, he won the ancient jade heaven jade, and the ancient jade seals a shackle of the ancestors.

If you can refine and dissipate the demon as a oyster with this smashing line, you can have a broken and savage beaver!

"With my current body, it is not difficult to fight with the Neptune! Only when the 100-year period comes. When the ancient heaven opens, the king will die!"

This entered the tree world, Ning Fan got a great chance, but also provoked a strong enemy.

He killed Du Yu. Convicted of the Rattan Hall, now the Rattan Hall has been extinguished, but the Three Realms behind the Rattan Hall must have hated him!

"The three realm lords are a ruined old monster. If I can successfully control the evil spirits, I can fight this person and not fear the Three Realms! If not, I can't compete with the Three Realms..."

"With my current vain repair, even if I have a shackle of ancestors, the chances of refining and dispelling evil spirits are less than 50%. If I am able to go further, I will reach the realm of returning to the Yuan Dynasty. The odds are at least 90%!"

"I don't want to return to the Yuan, it's not difficult! I won't stay in the tree world for a long time. I don't need the name of the North Tree Emperor, nor do I think about ruling the West Tree Sea and the North Tree Sea. But the buddhist vine's eternal savings, I must Take away. With the accumulation of the vine hall, I will pave the way for me to return to the Yuan Dynasty. Then, in one fell swoop, the Three Realms will not be afraid!"

"The things of the Three Realms have been put aside for a while, and there is some trouble in the rainy world... There is also the Devil's side. I don't know if the Emperor knows that I am killing the Tenghuang. What will happen?"

Ning Fan sighed, from the moment he surrendered and appeared in the waters of Ji, it was destined to continue to hide in the tree world.

The surrender of the five-year-old thing is enough to make him famous in the nine worlds, causing the attention of the world.

It is impossible to kill the monks in the world. The fall of the Emperor of the Nine Realms is a major event. Even if it is the Emperor of the Lower Three Realms, there will be many nine monks who pay attention.

I am afraid that now, the entire nine worlds have spread the news of the fall of the vine.

Ning Fan, the initiator of the slaying of the vine king, must have been exposed to the eyes of the world.

Some people who have the heart may have already found out that Ning Fan is not Lubei, but the Yu Yihou of the rain industry.

If Yu Yu, the rainy world, knows Ning Fan’s shocking record, I don’t know what to think. Will he be jealous of Ning Fan and make a good deal with it, or will he hate Ning Fan and turn against it?

This time, the battle in the tree world was too big, and it directly pushed Ning Fan to the limelight.

From this day on, I don’t know how many troubles will come one after another...

Unconsciously, Ning Fan has gone outside the Fuso family.

He took his footsteps and shone in the light, appearing directly in the mansion, inside the main hall.

The Fusang chief Tang Xiongzheng is negotiating with several elders of Fusang, and each face has a sad color.

When I saw Ning Fan suddenly arrived, everyone immediately got up and greeted, and did not dare to be scornful.

Ning Fan smashed the vine emperor and killed thousands of emptiness. This time, the Jishui war smashed countless shreds. The prestige of the 'North Tree Emperor' has spread throughout the tree world and even spread to other circles.

Although Ning Fan is just a monk. However, in the eyes of the Fusang people, Ning Fan is no different from a broken Emperor.

"I have waited for the Fusang people to see the North Tree Emperor, I don't know why Bei Shuhuang came here today!" Tang Xiong respected.

"I owe a favor to the seniors of Fuso, and come today, just to send back the ashes of Fusang's predecessors. That's all..."

"What, the ashes of the ancestors! This, this..."

Tang Xiong and other Fusang people are not showing sadness and excitement.

Sadness is because of the past of the ancestors' ruin. The excitement is because the ash of the ancestors was recovered, and the corpses of the ancestors were not left.

Ning Fan pointed a little, a fine jade box immediately appeared on the bamboo table in the middle of the hall.

The ashes of the Fuso old demon are in the jade box. There is a faint scent of Fuso old demon in the ashes...

"Old ancestors!"

Tang Xiong and several other old people were wet with each other and bowed to the jade box.


Ning Fan gently sighed and turned away. He returned to the ashes of the Fusang old demon, and the Fusang family has not owed each other.

Before agreeing to Tang Xiong's support, he agreed to help Tang Xiong take care of the soup, because Tang Xiong is likely to die in the catastrophe.

Now because of his involvement. Tang Xiong is not dead, Fusang is not dead, he has no reason and no need to collect soup as a waiter.

"Bei Shuhuang stayed..." Tang Xiong wanted to stop Ning Fan, but Ning Fan went farther and farther and soon disappeared.

Tang Xiong sighed slightly. To be honest, he is not dead now. I am reluctant to send my daughter to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan refused to accept the soup and made him feel happy and regretted.

I am happy to choose another suitable Taoist for my daughter.

Unfortunately, I lost the opportunity to get married with Ning Fan. For the fallen Fuso people, Ning Fan’s reputation can be said to be a protective umbrella...

"Well, let me go out, since you have no chance with the North Tree Emperor, you will be a suitable priest for you in the future." Tang Xiong said in the direction of the door inside the hall.

"Don't! I don't want a Taoist, I don't marry anyone!" After the curtain of the inner door, a girl in red squatted angrily, then turned and ran away.

She is soup. It is a small princess of Fusang who has repeatedly provoked Ning Fan.

She does not have to be promised by her father to Ning Fan, which is obviously a good thing.

She obviously hates Ning Fan, and she does not want to marry Ning Fan. It is only this moment that she steals the back of Ning Fan’s turn and leave. She suddenly felt a little sad.

She has a feeling that when Ning Fan goes there, she will be reconciled with the Fusang family and will never return.

Goodbye, no time, miss it...

"He didn't like me... If I used to know something, wouldn't he hate me so much..."

Tang Wei sat in his own mortuary, and his heart was blocked.

One day later, the Fusang family buried the ashes of their ancestors in the mausoleum of the Makino.

This place is buried with the ruins of the bamboo dynasty and the bamboo dynasty of the past dynasties, but it has never been buried by the monk.

Before the tomb of Fusang’s old demon, Tang Yu’s eyes cried into peaches.

After all the Fusang people had finished worshipping, they walked out of the imperial tomb and waited outside. Only Tang Yu was one and never wanted to leave.

The Fusang old demon is her grandfather, and she has always been so fond of her that she has become a savage and self-willed character.

Since then, there has been no grandfather's favor. From then on, she needs to gradually learn to understand things, learn to no longer be willful, and learn to assume the responsibility that the family has given her.

I do not know when, a white youth suddenly appeared in the mausoleum, appeared before the tomb of Fuso old demon.

When Tang Yu seemed to be aware of it, he turned around and saw the face of the young man. He immediately became shocked and shy. "Don't die! It's fun to hide behind others?"

"I never heard of it. There is a Yuanying monk who is scared to death. If Miss Tang Yuan can be scared to death by me, I am afraid it will be enough to become an anecdote in the realm of comprehension. It is enough to stay in the history of Qing Dynasty." Smiled.

"Hey, the oil chamber is slippery, not a good person!" Tang Yu’s mouth was low, but his heart was a sneak peek. I couldn’t think of seeing Ning Fan again.

"Oh? Miss Tang Yuan hasn't learned anything yet, dare to marry me? Don't you fear that I will throw you into the nest of the sorcerer?"

"Don't, don't! Lord, my dear, let's have something to say, don't use force! The gentleman doesn't move, the adults don't remember the villain! You don't have to know me, don't throw me into the wolf's nest. ..." Tang Yu is soft in the moment, no fuss.

"Interesting. From today, do a good job of cultivation, and break through the gods and smelt as soon as possible. The next time I come to Dongshuhai, I will not be able to throw you into the lair of the murderous beast. If you have not smelt Repaired, but there is no self-protection."

Ning Fan’s mouth gently rose and turned away.

He found that soup was not a useless, at least a filial daughter.

One word of filial piety is not a monk, a monk who knows how to be filial, and few of them...

Although this woman is quite savvy, she is much stronger than many monks. At the very least, she is a ‘person’.

Going down the mountain is a man, going up the mountain as a fairy. I can do this. She is bigger than many monks who ask for a chance.

Ning Fan left Ji Shui City and left the Makino country, galloping all the way toward the West Shuhai.

Tang Yu looked at the dawn of Ning Fan's departure, watching the light disappearing into the sky, and the heart was slightly lost, and there were some expectations.

"He said that I am diligent in cultivation... He said that there will be another day of goodbye, throwing me into the nest of the sinister beast..."

Suddenly, Tang Yu actually felt that it was no big deal to be thrown into the lair of the murderous beast. At least he could see another side with Ning Fan, wasn't it?

"Well, Miss Ben has been a fellow practitioner since today. When I see you again, I must let you look at it!"

"Yes, you just have to wait! The little girl won't let you down!"


Ning Fan galloped all the way, from the East Tree Sea into the South Tree Sea, and then into the West Tree Sea from the South Tree Sea.

When he arrived at Xishuhai, it was more than a month later.

After another seven days, he arrived at the Vine King City in Xishuhai.

Not yet entered the Fujiwang City, Liu Yuyue has come out of the city.

"Lu brother came a little slower. Liu had already checked the vine king city as early as four days ago. The vines of the vine hall were saved in the inner temple of the vine king palace. Lu brother can go to see it. ?"

Liu Yan’s words, suddenly his eyes were cold, and Ning Fan’s voice said, “There are two four-day deacons in the palace of the vine king. These two are responsible for investigating the fall of the vine, and you will be named to see you. Not good, be careful!"

"Four days deacon?!"

Ning Fan’s eyes are also a sinking.

If you are obscured by the imperial concubine, then no one will take care of it.

If the monks in this field are killed by each other, there is no dispute involving the interface, and no one will manage it.

However, if the alien monk sneaked into other interfaces and killed the gods in this world, if he did not give the four-day deacon a reason to get it, the matter could not be settled and he would be held accountable!

If there is no four-day deacon to control the lower bound, can the strongmen of the upper three realms sneak into the lower three realms and arbitrarily kill the Emperor of the Three Realms?

The existence of the four-day deacon is to patrol the lower bound and maintain the stability of the lower bound.

A monk who grasps the private sector from the lower bound, and the second is to block the bullying of the weaker world.

The dispute between the three worlds involved in the tree world is something they need to investigate.

Ning Fan’s killing of Tenghuang is also something they need to investigate.

If these two four-day deacons find out that Ning Fan is a rain monk, I am afraid that he will take Ning Fan’s sin with a four-day law.

The rain monk sneaked into the tree world and killed the tree kings, and it must be a felony.

Of course, if there are special reasons, such as the endless hatred, Ning Fan will not need to be asked for sin.

"Lu brother can be sure to deal with these two four-day deacons. If necessary, Liu will find a way to settle this for Lu Xiong!" Liu Yuyue asked.

"There is a bit of grasp, but it is not big..." Ning Fan gently shook his head, suddenly his eyes condensed, and looked at the palace of the vine.

From the Rattan Palace, he perceives a very familiar atmosphere.

At this moment, two of the four-day deacons in the Rattan Palace, one of them, he knows!

"It turned out to be Wei Xuan's predecessor!"

Wei Xuan is the brother of the old devil!

There is a hood, this time, I will not have any problems...

"Just not know another four-day deacon, is the enemy is a friend..." Ning Fan frowned.

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