Grasping Evil

Chapter 636: He is my last hope

"Miss Purple Heart?"

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed a little, and there was no more words. He followed the main body of the Shangjiu Pavilion and walked toward the inner hall.

The Yuan Dynasty emperors of the Yuan Dynasty are all talking about surnames. The old emperor is called Tan Tianyan. This purple heart lady should be called Zi Zixin.

Unexpectedly, the person behind the Shangjiu Pavilion was actually an important figure in the Yuandian...

The Shangjiu Pavilion received all the fairy jade outside the temple, and there was still some shock in the heart.

He led Ning Fan through a hall, along the way, will inform Yuan Tong of the identity of Yuan Tong.

Ning Fan is now a guest of Shang Jiu Ge. He will be a good hospitality, and some information will naturally be told.

I heard that Yuan Tong is the emperor's disciple. Ning Fan just nodded and did not have much emotional fluctuations.

The emperor’s flesh can be broken by seven, but it is still not a demon opponent. Even if the demon can only be shot again, Ning Fan is not afraid of the emperor.

Seeing that Ning Fan is not afraid of Yuan Tong's background, the Shangjiu Master is very surprised, but he has not asked much more and continues to lead the way.

After the inner temple, it is a whole piece of refining workshop, with numerous metallurgical furnaces and forging stations.

Hundreds of refiners are busy here. When they see the nine cabinet owners and Ning Fan come, they stop their work and respectfully give gifts.

Behind the workshop, there is a refining room that operates alone.

Inside the refining room, a girl in a light purple tube top dress, standing in front of the calciner table, swayed a golden hammer that was bigger than her body, a hammer and a heavy squat.

The girl was wearing a thin pony tail with a purple and white headscarf on her head. Before the forehead, Liu Hai was wet with sweat and stuck to the forehead. The ink eyebrows are slender, and the plain color does not smear the powder.

This female cultivation is already the peak of the gods, and it is not far from the smelting.

Her plain face is full of faint smoke, but it is difficult to hide her color.

She wore a light purple headscarf, her eyes were very focused, and she always looked at a flying sword that was being forged. This moment for her, as if the whole world is still. There is only her flying sword in front of her in the world.

She seems to be caught in a realm of selflessness.

The Shangjiu owner made a snoring action to Ning Fan, respectfully standing aside and waiting for the girl to finish the refining.

Ning Fan did not bother to disturb, but also quietly looked at such a purple girl.

With such a focused look, he was the first to see it, and there was a touching charm.

What the girl forged is a flying sword with a sinister top. It can be used by the monks.

The girl's refining technique is very extraordinary, and the flying sword is extremely superb.

This treasure has been forged to the last moment, the girl suddenly flicked, like the heart of the heart.

This distraction, the original golden hammer that was fallen, was in the air, and the drop was slower by half.


Only this one distraction. Originally the perfect flying sword, there was a slight crack in the hair.

The girl stunned, put down the golden hammer, and stroked the hot and hot blade, silently.

This crack can be repaired, but even if it is repaired, it is no longer perfect.


The girl is on the move. Drop the semi-finished flying sword in an iron frame.

In the iron frame, there are a lot of magic weapons that are not weak in quality. They are all failures that the girl feels dissatisfied.

In the past, she would not be distracted at the time of refining, but now...

"Agong... If it weren't for me, Ah Gong wouldn't hurt the demon in that critical moment... I blame me..."

At the moment, this girl is in the eye. There is a look of regret.

This remorse is very similar to the Tao Yun in the ninth place.

Ning Fan couldn't help but think of the name of the Shangjiu Pavilion. It was said that there was something on the 92nd word.

The Book of Changes has a cloud, and on the 9th, Xiaolong has regrets...

"In this woman's heart, there may be regrets..." Ning Fan guessed.

The girl is a little silent. Remove a purple pad and wipe off the dust and fine sweat.

She turned her head and suddenly realized that the nine cabinet owners and Ning Fan were also here, and I was surprised.

"Ajiu? How come you? This is?" The girl looked at Ning Fan with a puzzled look. Said not to know this person.

"He is the person who comes to the lady to order a purple fishing rod, called white wood."

"Oh? Is it for the purple fishing rod?" The girl's eyes suddenly looked up and stared at Ning Fan.

Although she has not yet refining herself, her thoughts are very powerful and she has reached the realm of questioning.

She perceives Ning Fan's sigh of breath, which is not strong, but it is too restrained.

Ning Fan seems to be somewhat extraordinary, not ordinary.

If the strength is not weak, then the hope of winning the dragon festival is not small.

Can participate in the dragon-raising conference, and then hold their own refining fishing rods, they hope to catch the Yinlong and Yanglong...

"Where is white wood, since you have come here, you should have promised my conditions? If you fly out the yin dragon and dragon, but you have to borrow two dragon **** for me. Of course, there are millions of yin yang and yang dragons. No one has fished out in the year, and most of you can’t catch it. I just said it casually...”

The girl’s voice is very nice, just like a pearl falling on a jade plate, making people unforgettable.

"Dare to ask Miss Zixin, what is the purpose of borrowing Yinyang Dragon Ball?" Ning Fan suddenly asked.

This question is to make the girl somewhat wrong.

Why is Ning Fan concerned about this issue?

He has the confidence to catch the Yin Long Yang Long, so pay attention to her purpose of borrowing Dragon Ball?

"I have my purpose, I can't tell you for the time being. But you can rest assured that even if you can catch the yin and yang dragon beads, I will only borrow them, I won't grab your things, and I won't borrow them for too long. This, I You can use the identity of the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty as a guarantee!"

"Is it."

Ning Fan secretly sneaked a sneak peek, but in the question and answer with the girl, the girl's mind was glimpsed.

This woman is the daughter of this generation of the emperor - talking about purple heart, the old Yuan Huang talks about Tian Yan is her grandfather.

The reason why she wants to ask for yin and yang dragon beads is to treat a person.

As for who to save, why do you need Dragon Ball to cure this person?

When Ning Fan snooped here, he couldn’t snoop on anything.

He spy on the woman's mind, relying on the yin and yang power of the yin and yang lock.

However, this female body has suddenly pulled out a force of yin and yang, shielding all the feelings of Ning Fan...

Yin Yang grams yin and yang!

This female practice is not a yin and yang change. This yin and yang power is accidentally obtained from the outside world and cannot be controlled by her. But at the crucial time, it played a role in shielding the mind.

The girl did not know that she had been greeted by Ning Fan.

Although Ning Fan did not glimpse all the secrets, he also learned that this woman needs Yin Yang Dragon Ball not to want to snatch, really just want to save people.

In this way, Ning Fan can also be a little relieved, this woman is not comfortable.

"I promised to refine the purple fishing rod for you, but the fishing rod I made. It is similar to this life magic weapon. To treat different monks, you need to make it in different leave me a few drops of demon blood, I will analyze it carefully. This blood, and the best purple fishing rod for you to use. You don't have to worry about your blood. I don't have to be in the evil place, I can swear by the heart."

The girl’s expression is very serious.

Asking people to demon blood is a taboo.

Many secret sorcerers who poison others need to use blood as a medium.

Ning Fan frowned, his demon blood is the blood of helplessness, although no one knows, but he is not willing to show people easily.

But if you don't leave a few drops of blood. It is impossible to refine the fishing rod. It is really a trouble.

Seeing Ning Fan reveals the hesitant color, the girl knows that Ning Fan does not trust himself, and is reluctant to hand over the demon blood.

Slightly sigh, but did not force, and said, "But there is a compromise method. You leave a magic weapon for me here, I will make a fishing rod for you according to your magic weapon. How? After you I personally confessed to the fishing rod, I don’t have to take this step."

"it is good."

Ning Fan did not hesitate, pointed at the eyebrows, took out a clear sword like a silver star, handed it to the girl.

This sword is one of his rare treasures. It can be used for some purposes.

"Good sword... good poor sword... no poor sword that the owner loves..."

The girl took the sword away from the sword and stroked the cold blade. It was a little strange and white.

She looked at the sword and found that the sword was not only a two-star god. The refining technique is also very mysterious. Some methods, that is, she also sighs.

It is only the owner of this sword that does not care too much for this sword. The two-star gods are not neglected to sacrifice, and they have not seriously carried out post-cultivation.

Qing Ben Jia, who is from the thief... This is how the girl feels at this moment.

It’s a waste of a good job to get away from the sword and follow Ning Fan.

"Hey..." was stunned by the girl, and Ning Fan had a feeling of incomprehension.

In these years, he did neglect the refining, because the repair was too fast, and the magical ritual was too time consuming.

Therefore, he did not distract him from the sword, and even the spells did not seriously cultivate a few.

I have always used what magic weapon to use, throw it away.

Learn what spells to use a few times, throw away when the power is insufficient.

For a normal questioning monk, in the thousands of years of cultivation, there are naturally countless hours to sacrifice magic and practice spells.

Ning Fan has too little time, he can only do everything, and walked all the way to today.

"Okay, I have received the sword. You can go back and prepare for the big match after five days, and try to grab the quota for the dragon dragon meeting. If you can't squeeze into the top 500 in the big ratio, everything is Empty talk. After the big ratio, come to take a fishing rod."

The girl held the sword and walked out of the refining room like a treasure. I didn't know where to go.

The singer Liu Ningfan and the Shangjiu Pavilion chief face each other.

"Cough and cough... My family is obsessed with refining techniques, and rude places, please also ask Daohai Hanhan." Shangjiu Court apologized.

"No matter, Miss Zixin is a true temper, will Bai will care about these?"

Ning Fan and the Shang Jiu Ge master chilled a few words, did not rush to return to the palace, but bought a lot of things in Tianyuan City.

He did not forget to collect the treasures of the heavens that restored the power of the gods, and helped Luo You to restore the gods.

Most of these things have the effect of restoring the power of the gods.

Shangpindong Tianbao Ningfan also bought five pieces, costing hundreds of billions of jade, but it is hard to buy the sixth.

Shangpindong Tianbao is too rare, and it is not easy to cultivate Xuankong to the golden swirling realm.

One time back to the palace, Ning Fan met the little demon woman, and gave a brief notice of the fishing rod, and immediately swayed into the Xuanyin world.

He handed over a large number of heavenly treasures to Luo You, for Luo Yu to swallow and refine.

On his own, he was on the top of the cloud, taking a storage bag and taking out the golden sword.

On the 5th day, Ning Fan decided to use the 罡 金 金, 玄 黄 晶 to repair and upgrade the ancient sword of gold, and absorb the strength of the five heavens of the top hole.

After five days, thousands of smelters and dozens of broken pieces in Tianyuan City will participate in the big ratio of the 'Shengxian Tower'.

Shengxian Tower is a giant tower in the north city of Tianyuan City. There are five hundred layers.

In every layer of Shengxian Tower, there is a best cave house.

On the day of the Great, all the monks above the refining can enter the tower.

After the end of the big ratio, only the 500 monks who occupy the various levels of Dongfu can get the dragons.

Depending on the number of layers occupied by the cave, five hundred finalists can also receive different awards.

The reward of the fifth floor of Dongfu is the best, and the reward of the first floor is the best.

What are the specific rewards. It will be announced on the day of the big day.

There are dozens of broken monks who participated in the conference. Ning Fan does not think that he can win the first place, but it is not difficult to ask himself if he breaks into the top ten.

He does not need to leave, dispel the magic, and defeat the pretentious Yun Xiaoxiang.

If you borrow the name of Lei Zhenzi, it is enough to stun the old blame of the broken five heavens.

But the higher level of the old monster. It is hard to shock.

"First of all, repair the ancient sword with green gold. After the sword is repaired, the speed can be super rainy and the emperor!" Ning Fan reveals the color of the promise, the palm of the hand vacates a black magic fire, and begins to calcine the green gold.. .


Talking about the purple heart returning to the 闺 ,, holding the star-like smashing sword away from the night, repeatedly wiping.

This night. She did not start to refine the purple fishing rod, but was trying to figure out the sword of the sword, and then swayed the character of Ning.

Only in this way can we refine the purple fishing rod that is most suitable for use by Ningfan.

She stroked the sword and passed through the sword. It seemed to be able to read the hardships of Ning Fan.

This sword is accompanied by Ning Fan. From the time of Ning Fan's pulse period, he will follow all the way, Rong Ling, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Hua Shen, Lian Xu, Broken...

Along the way. There are countless kills of this sword, and it also quietly contains many countless sorrows and joys.

"He is a lonely person, so the sword that he left in this sword is very pure...the front is out, never look back..."

"Well, how come, how come?!"

Purple heart's eyes suddenly shocked. She has read countless swords, but she has never seen such a flying sword with yin and yang harmony!

The sword is accompanied by Ning Fan every day, and the power of the yin and yang locks changes. Naturally, such changes occur.

this moment. Purple is not a sword, but a person of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan, this person, with a kind of strength, a force that reconciles the yin and yang that is disturbed!

Perhaps, there is this person, do not need Yin and Yang Dragon Ball, can also cure the Agong!

"Agong! Maybe this person can save you! But I am not sure."

"Let Zhou Bobo explore the details of this person on the day of the big day and see if this person can make the yin and yang of the disorderly reconciliation... If you can, the Agong will be saved!"

"Agong is hurt for me. If Baimu really has a way to save Agong, then no matter how much I pay, I will ask him to take it out...all conditions, all satisfied..."

Talking about the grandfather who is not forgetting in the heart of Zixin, is not the old Yuanhuang, but who is it!

Four hundred years ago, she was mistakenly bitten by a poisonous beast.

Although the poisonous beast was killed, the body contained a weak yin and yang poison, which almost killed the purple heart.

The old Yuan Emperor dumped all the mana to transfer the poison of the yin and yang of the purple heart to his body.

Because of this, the old Yuanhuang, who was about to become a successful immortal, was heavily hunted by the poison of yin and yang. The evil spirits in the body have been divided into two, and the yin and yang are separated.

If the yin and yang can't be reunited, the old Yuanhuang can't be a fairy.

Separation of the demon, repair is even more serious, no one knows, today's old emperor's life is worrying, no longer in the past.

Today’s talk about Tian Yan is just an old man who hangs down and waits...

At this moment, it is not certain that Ning Fan has the ability to save the old Yuan Huang. Zixin will not rush to inform Ning Fan of this matter.

She has to wait, wait for the ratio after five days, and wait for a result.

In the process of waiting, it is necessary to make every effort to make a perfect fishing rod for Ning Fan.

I have always talked about purple hearts for the first time, and I want to make a good person for the first time, and that person is still a man.

Only for the treatment of the grandfather, she can give everything, just to make Ning Fan satisfied.

"He is me, the last hope... white wood..."

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