Grasping Evil

Chapter 642: Rising ranking

Shengxian Tower, the 98th floor.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, outside a cloud-dong house, the three returnees are all in a state of ambiguity and compete for ownership of the house.

The three men were inextricably challenged. Suddenly, a broken emptiness was under pressure.

Under the imposing manner, the three returned to the Yuan Taizheng Qiqi face change, "broken old monster!"

I still only see that the broken virtual is a white youth. I haven’t seen the concrete appearance of the broken and empty, and I have been directly shocked by the white sleeves.

"Bai has to enter this layer of Dongfu, a person who has nothing to do, retreat!"

Shengxian Tower, 74th floor.

Somewhere in the depths of the earth, there is a best cave house.

Above the earth, a vulgar, sturdy old man sits on the back of a huge fire cow, looking coldly at the two Yuan Yuanjian.

"The old man has a red beast to help out, it is the two of you, not the old man's opponent!"

The old man of the scales sneered aloud, and he also wanted to start the two people below. Suddenly, a broken force was under pressure.

Under this momentum, the two flying swords in the hands of Yuan Jianjian were shaking.

The fierce cow, who had also witnessed the fierce light, showed the color of fear in an instant and fell to the ground.

As for the old man in the scales, the smile stiffened on his face in an instant, and he looked at a white youth who walked step by step.

"Bai has to enter this layer of Dongfu, a person who has nothing to do, retreat!"

"White...White wood! This person is actually a broken old monster! Broken one heaven and one day... Fighting! If the old husband joins with the red beast, he can barely be unyielding in the hands of some broken old monsters.. It’s not that easy for this person to grab the old man’s cave house!”

The old man of the scales is gloomy, and he is trying to cast a secret spell, forcing the fire bull to attack the white youth.

At this time, the white youth raised his hand and pointed it out.

Obviously just point out a finger, and separated by tens of thousands of feet. But this finger seems to be directly in the chest of the old man!

The old man's face was shocking and difficult to understand. He suddenly vomited blood and flew out, fell off the cow's back, and fainted.

Before the coma, the old man’s heart was filled with countless waves.

The strength of this white wood far exceeds any one of the broken and old geeks he has ever seen!

Shengxian Tower, 51st floor.

The Dongfu of this floor is built in the center of Leihai. In the middle of the cave, there is a return to the Yuan Lei repair.

He relied on Leidao magical power to defeat several old monsters of the same level and won the Dongfu. His heart was quite self-sufficient.

Proudly, Lei Hai, outside the Dongfu, boiled up and thundered.

After a while. Lei Hai gradually calmed down.

Guiyuan Lei Xiu’s thoughts on his mind, immediately revealing the hustle and bustle.

However, I saw a young man in white who almost ignored the thunder of the sea. He was walking on the thunder sea and came to the cave.

In front of the youth, Lei Guang actually split a silver light path.

This scene is like the place where Lei Hai is welcoming the youth.

The pace of youth is not fast, but after every step. Everything you step on will reverberate in a circle of thunder.

Every step is like stepping on the heart of Guiyuan Lei Xiu, so that the demon who has almost completely reborn can not stop shaking!

"Crush... Broken and grotesque! And this grotesque thunder and magic, far beyond my understanding! He is almost the Emperor of Leizhong!"

Guiyuan Lei Xiu knows that this old stranger crosses Leihai, and he is here for the second time.

I saw the power of this old monster, and Yuan Leixiu said nothing. Directly let out the Dongfu, the Huaguang light left.

He did not dare to fight this old monster.


Ning Fan did not know that after he stepped into the Baiye Dongfu, he gradually attracted the attention of the vast majority of monks outside the Shengxian Tower.

Dozens of Yuandian blame erected a huge demon monument outside the Shengxian Tower. The monument only recorded the names of those who won the first hundred layers of caves.

The old geeks who entered the Shengxian Tower carried the jade orders issued by the Yuan Temple. It is the identification of each person.

If you are in the jade, if you enter the first half of the cave, the name will appear on the demon monument, from one to one hundred. Arrange in order.

The number one on the demon monument is the old-fashioned grotesque who was born in the middle of the demon sea.

This person has the repair of the broken seven heavens, but this is the highest one in the tower repair, occupying the first layer of the cave, it is well deserved.

The second to fifth places on the demon monument are all the top five in the name of the demon world.

If these people are placed in the lower three realms, they must also be the emperors of the right, but in the demon world, they are not the strongest.

The sixth person is the mysterious He Shixiu. For others, this person is mysterious. For the demon-level blame, this person's identity is still as good as it is.

Seven to twelve, there are six broken four old monsters.

Thirteen to twenty, they are all three old monsters.

After the 20th, there are still two broken three old monsters, but they are not able to compete for the top 20 caves, and finally have to give up.

The occupants of the first twenty-story Dongfu have only changed a few times and have never changed.

Among the first forty-six layers, the battle between the old and the sinisters gradually stopped.

In the 100th floor of the Dongfu, the person sitting in the town is the elder of Zhou Nanda of the Yuan Dian. No one can take away the Dongfu from his hands.

Between the forty-seventh floor and the hundredth floor, the battle between the Taixu and the Yuanyuan is too strong.

Many of the too imaginary, returning to the Yuan Taizheng compete for the first half of the Dongfu. At the beginning, the Taixu monks who often took the Dongfu’s **** were still not hot, and they were taken away by the Yuan Taixu.

After a fierce battle, the owners of the first hundred floors of Dongfu gradually no longer changed.

At this time, it is already four days, the distance is over, and there are less than four hours.

Some monks are closing their eyes and waiting for the final result of the big ratio. Some monks are interested in watching the demon monuments. Whenever they see the first hundred layers of Dongfu, they will comment on it once.

"Look, the fifty-fourth-story Dongfu is the owner! The Xilin Master of the West Demon Sea defeated the Shuihu Patriarch and occupied this cave!"

"Oh, the 69-story Dongfu is the owner! It is the division of the East Demon Sea, and he won this hole!"

"Oh? Look at it, the 71-story Dongfu has been changed to the owner twice. It seems that the battle on this floor is a bit fierce."

Most of these fussings are just low-level monks with unstable minds.

The real old blame understands the truth. Less than the last minute, any Dongfu Yizhu is only temporary.

The Emperor and other demon emperors closed their eyes and did not pay attention to the battle after the 46th floor.

For the strongest of them, only the broken battles can attract their attention.

"Weird... that white wood can block me and can ruin my heart. With his strength, it should be able to capture the first half of the Dongfu. Why didn't he see his name appear until now? On the demon monument..."

Yuan Tongyin frowned.

He is naturally not concerned about Ning Fan, but he is somewhat puzzled.

"White wood, 蝼 尔 尔! After four more hours, the ratio of Shengxian Tower will end, everyone will leave the Shengxian Tower. By then, the teacher will report you a revenge! You have to think about the white wood again Speedmaster presses your mouth and fixes your heart!" The Emperor was dissatisfied with a cold cry.

"Yes..." Yuan Tong did not dare to think again, immediately closed his eyes, swept away his distracting thoughts, and operated Zhou Tian. Pick up the mouth of the emperor.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

" is it possible! The first hundred floors of the cave house... change the owner!"

For a moment, all the monks' minds on the four sides of the jade are swept away toward the demon monument.

Even the emperors and other emperors have changed slightly and looked at the demon monument.

The 100th floor of Dongfu is supposed to be the most inconspicuous Dongfu in the first hundred floors.

However, because it is the elders of the Yuan Dian who live in this cave, it is very eye-catching.

Understand that people are guessing in their hearts. Elder Zhou Nanda is only embarrassed to compete with others for the first twenty-story Dongfu, and will stay in the first hundred floors.

No one doubts that Zhou Nan has the strength to advance into the top 20.

No one thought that the Dongfu in Zhounan would be taken away.

But at the moment on the demon monument, the position of the hundredth, Zhou Nan’s name is indeed a little blurry and disappearing!

"Who is who took the Dongfu from the hands of Zhounan's predecessors!"

Zhou Nan's name. Gradually disappeared from the demon monument.

What followed was a name that made everyone wrong.

White wood!

"How is it possible! A questionable monk in the Baimu District, how can we grab the Dongfu from the hands of the elders of Zhounan!"

Countless grotesque hearts turn up the waves, this is simply impossible, why did it happen!

"Will it be the elders of Zhou Nanda who took the initiative to give Dongfu to the white wood..." An old stranger questioned and looked in the direction of the Yuanhuang.

This voice is doubtful. Remind all the old geeks present, and they are looking forward to the Yuan Dynasty.

Yes, it must be like this.

This white wood is mostly related to the Yuan Temple, so Zhou Nan will give up the Dongfu.

White wood is absolutely impossible to beat Zhounan!

Some old geeks turned to think. Before the Emperor wanted to enter the Shengta to catch the white wood, but was stopped by the Emperor.

Originally, these old geeks also felt that the Emperor was fair and sheltered from being bullied.

It seems that most of this is that this white wood has some relationship with the Yuan Temple.

The Emperor’s brow wrinkled, but did not explain.

In his heart, he also thinks so. It is determined that Zhou Nan deliberately gave up the Dongfu.

After all, he knows that Zhou Nan’s entry into the Shengxian Tower is simply going to the white wood.

"Zhou Nan let out the Dongfu, is the meaning of purple heart? She really likes Baimu so much, letting Zhounan grab a former hundred-story Dongfu, and send it to white wood..."

Just as everyone guessed, the word white wood gradually disappeared from the demon monument.

And then, the position of the hundredth place of the demon monument did not appear any one's name, the first hundred layers of the hole is actually blank!

"The cave house has no owner, what is this?"

"Is there someone who competes with Baimu for the Dongfu, and the result is that both lose and hurt, and no one has grabbed it?"

It is hard to imagine outside monks, and Ning Fan is going out of Dongfu himself.

Ning Fan is not rare in the first hundred floors of Dongfu, nor is he prepared to stay here, but others do not know.

They only know that if they win the first hundred floors of the cave, they will get a reward for the broken Dan.

That's a broken dan, it can improve the success rate of half full. For Ning Fan, who is asked to be a vain, there should be a big temptation, isn't it?

"The first hundred layers of the tower, what happened?"

When a huge question mark rises in everyone's mind, then, on the ninety-ninth floor of the cave house, change the owner!

When the word white wood appeared in the ninety-ninth place of the demon monument, countless strange eyes stunned!

"White wood! Why is it white wood again!"

"The old man understands! This white wood is abandoned the 100th floor of the Dongfu, and turned to the 99th floor of the cave! But the old man is puzzled, this white wood district asks for the illusion, how to seize the strength of 99 layers..."

"Is it true that Zhou Nan is helping him!"

this moment. The innumerable monks turned their attention to the position of the Emperor.

The owner of the 99th-story Dongfu is a returning lord of the Eastern Devil's Wharf. This person is proficient in the shackles, and he is already invincible in the same class. He can never be defeated by Ning Fan who is vain.

Then, will it be Zhou Nan who defeated this old monster and grabbed the Dongfu?

It was Zhou Nan who grabbed the 99-story Dongfu. Did you give it to Ning Fan?

Zhou Nan is the elder of the Yuan Dian, but deliberately destroys the fairness of the big ratio, just to bring Ning Fan?

"Impossible! The elders are by no means such a person. This time, the big brother is presided over by him. Even if he enters the Shengxian Tower, he will not be biased by anyone!" A Yuandian shattered and defended the road.

"Yes! The predecessors of the week have always been bright and upright. Whoever does not know the whole North Demon, who does not know, he will never disturb the fairness of this big ratio in order to carry a white wood!" There are some low-ranking monks, beginning with Zhou Nan defend.

The Emperor did not say much, and slowly stood up and took out a life card from the storage bag.

He must give an explanation to the group. Can not make people feel that this ratio is unfair. After all, he is ready to make the best of the demon world through this dragon festival.

That name card is all Zhounan!

The Emperor closed his eyes and spoke a few words to the name tag.

After a while, I seem to have received a reply from Zhou Nan, opening my eyes and fading to everyone.

"Zhou Nan did not shoot. It is the hole house that Baimu won on his own strength!"

The Emperor’s words explained that nature can convince most of the old monsters.

However, some people do not take it for granted. "White wood is just asking the monk, how can he defeat the Yuanyuan Taixu by his own strength..."

This sound is naturally beyond the mind of the Emperor.

The Emperor revealed a complex look, and Zhou Nan told him the words. Even he is a little unbelievable. But now, we must tell everyone to appease the group.

"He, not asking for emptiness! He is... broken!"

"The repair of white wood is a broken day!"


The words of the Emperor Yuan made countless grotesque face change.

Broken vain, broken imaginary... I can’t think of the unknown white wood, it’s actually a broken and powerful person!

The waste that was expelled by the White Feathers has now become a broken old monster!

"White wood is broken? How is it possible! How is this possible!" Yuan Tong's heart is being repaired to a critical moment, suddenly heard the news, and it is difficult to look at it.

He did not believe that Ning Fan would be a questionable monk. There is no question that the monk can defeat him.

But he does not believe that Ning Fan will be a broken old man!

Although there are hundreds of broken things in the demon world, which one is not the name of the world.

He is a monk to the Yuan Dynasty. It is only a short line from the broken, but this line is extremely difficult for him to cross.

Broken emptiness, is the mountain that the monks under the broken imaginary can't hope! Insurmountable!

There are tens of thousands of sturdy and powerful people in the whole demon world, but only a few hundred people can break through the ruin.

"How can white wood be broken, I don't believe it!"

Unbelief, not only Yuan Tong, but many monks are skeptical and do not believe.

But what happened next was not allowed to believe it.

The ninety-eighth floor Dongfu Yizhu, the occupier, white wood!

The ninety-seventh floor Dongfu Yizhu, the occupier, white wood!

The 96th floor Dongfu Yizhu, the occupier, white wood!


The name of Baimu continues to appear on the demon monument, replacing the original Dongfu owner, then disappearing, appearing again, and replacing the next person.

His name has been in the position of the forty-seventh place, and it has temporarily stopped and no longer disappears.

In a short period of time, he lost all the elements from the first hundred to the forty-seventh floor.

At this moment, no one doubts that Ning Fan has a broken and heavy day!

Without such a strong cultivation, who can lose all the top 100 people in the first half?

"Oh? I can't think of this big ratio, but also hide such a strong person... White wood." The fox emperor smiled.

"Oh? The one that the emperor looks at is the white wood? Is he broken? Oh, well, this is better," the snake king apricots flashed and looked sideways.

In the direction of her side, someone was taking out a jade slip, engraved with the appearance of Ning Fan at the moment.

The man crushed the jade and presented light and shadow in the air. Show Ning Fan's looks to everyone.

"White wood? It is said that this person is less than 10,000 years old..." The Qing Emperor held a piece of information jade, which was just collected by his men.

When Ning Fan just took Yi Xiangdan, he disguised his bone age for 20,000 years.

When disguised as a vain, the bone age was naturally changed slightly and changed to six thousand years. After all, no one has asked the monk to live for 20,000 years.

When the Qinghuang said this, it immediately shocked countless people.

"The bones of the white wood are less than 10,000 years old, and they are cultivated to the broken virtual realm... How is this possible? It is not that this person is not the rumored white feather waste. Instead, the genius of the demon world once in a hundred thousand years is not!"

"Crap! Can be repaired to the broken realm, which will be waste! Perhaps this white wood in the past is notorious, weak, is his camouflage and nourishment! And he was expelled from the white feathers, may also be deliberate! Faded out of sight, quietly broken..."

Although the bone age of six thousand years is a fake, Ning Fan’s qualifications are against the sky. It is not a holiday.

Ning Fan’s true bone age is only a thousand years, less than six thousand years.

With his own hands, he has seized countless opportunities, making the legend of the millennium shattered into reality!

It is impossible to know about this matter. If you know it, it will be even more shocking.

The Emperor’s eyes flashed and flashed. The view on Ning Fan has gradually changed.

He thought that Ning Fan was notoriously not a good match for his daughter.

Now it seems that Ning Fan's infamous and weak can be just disguise.

"Perhaps, it would be a good choice to let Baimu be a purple heart." Yuan Huang asked himself in his heart.

On the side of Yuan Tong, after convinced that Ning Fan was a broken monk, he directly squirted the blood directly, and originally repaired some of the Tao. Broken again.

"He is... broken..."

Yuan Tong’s heart raised a deep sense of frustration.

If he does not borrow the hand of the teacher, he does not have the qualification to be an enemy of Ning Fan.

"Tonger, don't destroy your heart! Remember, there is nothing remarkable about white wood. If he is broken, he will be more than you. But there is one, not you!"

"Remember! Your master is the first person of this generation! You are not his opponent, but the teacher can help you. Remove him!"

The emperor’s gaze flashed a murder.

He kept scorning Ning Fan, not looking down on Ning Fan, but just trying to make Yuan Tong rebuild his confidence in this way.

The temple gods are all above a war.

If you lose your confidence, you will lose the courage of the challenge. The road is self-destructing!

Yuan Tong is the most favorite disciple of Emperor Huang. Yuan Tong is arrogant, arrogant, overbearing, and pretentious. He is the most suitable candidate for practicing the temple.

If Yuan Tong did not meet Ning Fan, if Yuan Tong could fight all the way, he would win.

And his achievements in this life will never be lower than those of the past.

"In any case, for the teacher to help you take this life, this person does not die, your heart can not be repaired in a day, will eventually leave this person shadow!"

"White wood, hehe! No matter who starts first, as long as you hurt me, you should die!" The Emperor revealed his overbearing gaze.

He only wants to do one thing now, and that is to wait, wait until the end of the big game, wait for Ning Fan to come out and kill it!

Emperor Huang closed his eyes and was not ready to pay attention to the demon monument.

In his view, Ning Fan’s repairs, even if it’s a ruin, will eventually stop at the forty-seventh floor.

Further down, the people sitting in the Dongfu can be broken and strong.

Ning Fan is just a broken one. It is the lowest realm in the world. It stands to reason that most of Ning Fan will not be ignorant and continue to challenge other broken monks.

"You don't have to look at it, this one must stop at the forty-seventh floor."

The voice of the Emperor Huang just fell, and suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief.

But on the top of the demon monument, the word white wood faded away and eventually could not be seen again.

After a while, at the position of the forty-sixth floor, the name of the North Demon Sea is a replacement for the golden photon, replaced by the word white wood!

Only a moment of hard work, Ning Fan defeated the golden photon who was the same as a broken sky, and grabbed the Dongfu... How could this be!

Forty-five, forty-four, forty-three...from the 30th!

One by one, the old blame of the sinister world, no one is the enemy of Ning Fan, all of them are defeated in an instant!

And Ning Fan's name constantly replaced the position, all the way up to the thirtieth of the demon monument!

"White wood predecessors, there is a power of invincible in a realm!" countless low-ranking monks exclaimed.


Ascension tower, the 30th floor.

Ning Fan put away the Xia Huangjian and stepped into the 30th floor of Dongfu. He did not rush to feel at this level. Instead, he took some medicinal herbs and adjusted his interest to try to restore some mana.

For him, it is not easy to lose the monks to the Yuan, and it is not difficult to defeat the monks who have broken the sky, but it will cost a lot of mana.

Xia Huangjian is in the hand, and Ning Fan only needs to spur the three-point sword light, and he can retreat from any broken old monster in the town.

Since the 30th floor, at least the old blame of the ruined two heavens is nowhere to be found.

If Ning Fan wants to go all the way, there must be no general idea. You must first adjust your interest.

He did not know that the outside world had fallen out of the sky because of him.

He did not know that all the way, the layers of old monsters were sighing and sighing.

Starting from the 500th floor, all the way to the 31st floor, those old monsters who were taken away from the Dongfu, seeing that Ning Fan did not occupy the meaning of Dongfu for a long time, eventually ran back and sneaked back to Dongfu.

But being defeated by Ning Fan is something that cannot be relieved in this life.

In particular, those who are very self-sufficient and savage and savage, have been defeated by Ning Fan and a sword, and some shadows are inevitably left in their hearts.

The same is the repair of a broken and heavy heaven, they have weakened Ning Fan so much...

"Can't compare, can't compare! Who said that white wood is a waste, and that sword he clearly does not have full force. If he is fully committed, I am afraid that even if it is a broken old monster, it will not be able to take it!"

On the forty-sixth floor of Shengxian Tower, Jin Guangzi returned to Dongfu and sighed and sighed.

There are many people like him who sigh like this.

Zhou Nan is behind Ning Fan, his eyes are getting more and more shocked.

When Ning Fan was holding the Xia Huangjian, it was his cultivation of the ruined four heavens, and they all felt a little threat from Jianguang.

"This strength seems to be still above the expectations of the old man, perhaps not stopping at the 30th floor..."

Zhou Nangang thought about it like this, but he saw that Ning Fan had already adjusted his interest, and completed his understanding in the Dongfu, and went to the twenty-ninth floor.

"Sure enough, he still has to challenge the second monk!" Zhou Nan looked bright.

The broken virtual realm is very strict. In addition to a few anti-day generations, few people can win the leap.

Even if it is an invincible monk in the broken one, it is difficult to defeat the ordinary broken two monks.

Zhou Nan would like to see if Ning Fan can continue to sweep across the Shengxian Tower with the help of a broken and heavy heaven...

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