Grasping Evil

Chapter 657: Break through the broken two, come from the mountains

The mana limit of the broken realm is 50,000 yuan, broken two 100,000 yuan, broken three 200,000, broken four 400,000, broken five million.

From the beginning of the broken five, the mana required for the broken monk to break through the realm has surged.

The mana limit of the broken six realm is 3 million yuan, broken seven million, broken eight 8 million, broken 90 million!

When the mana reaches 10 million yuan, the monks can participate in the death of the monk and impact the bottleneck.

Ning Fan's current mana is 78,000 yuan.

He is an ancient god, the effect of phagocytizing the crystal is double that of ordinary people. Each refining of five crystals can increase the mana of 1 yuan.

This devouring is more than two months, Ning Fan swallowed up 100,000 crystallization, mana increased by 20,000 yuan, is nearing the break of the second realm.

Refining and crystallizing the crystal, far more time than he imagined.

The shredded monk refines and crystallizes the crystal, the higher the mana, the faster the force of absorbing the crystal.

Ning Fanshang is only a ruined and heavy heaven, and the speed of refining is naturally unpleasant.

If it is not within the Xuanyin world, he wants to refine 100,000 crystals, which takes about 20 years.

Ning Fan can stay in the Xuanyin for a maximum of three months at a time. Now that time has come, I have to temporarily take out the Xuanyin world and stay in the outside world for a few days before re-entering.

Another three months of refining, this time, Ning Fan refining a total of 170,000 Daojing.

Mana increased, time prolonged, and the refining of the crystals naturally increased.

When the mana reaches 100,000 yuan, the effect of Daojing will be halved immediately. It takes 10 crystals to increase the mana.

Ning Fan’s mana eventually reached 116,000 yuan.

Mana has reached this point, which is enough to impact the bottleneck of the second realm.

Ning Fan swayed and left the Xuanyin world. He left the country and went south. He still went to the South China Sea to break through.

Still chose a desert island to rob. But this time, Ning Fan did not lay a heavy battle.

Heaven has no longer aggravated the robbery. The ordinary two days of robbery, Ning Fan is not afraid.

Ning Fan opened a temporary cave house on the desert island, taking out a ‘broken empty Dan’ from the storage bag.

This broken empty Dan is one of Ning Fan's spoils, a total of 12, is a seven-turn down the medicinal herbs, can improve the chances of the broken martial arts semi-finished.

Break a break through the broken two, can only take one.

If you break the broken three, you must take two. In order to improve the chances of a semi-final promotion.

If the broken three breaks through the broken four, they must take four.

Every time you upgrade a realm, you need to double the number of broken air.

Ning Fan only took a broken empty Dan, enough.

As he refining the power of breaking the empty Dan, he hit the bottleneck.

With the strong air traffic of Ning Fan, it also shocked three times in total, only to break through this bottleneck.

When the bottleneck was opened, Ning Fan's mana surged by 10,000 yuan and successfully entered the realm of broken and double heaven!

At the same time as breaking through the realm. God's thoughts also gained a substantial increase, almost reaching the peak of the broken two gods.

Ning Fan suddenly got up and his body was like a rainbow.

As he stepped on the ground, the entire desert island slammed. Broken into countless pieces, sinking into the sea.

He stood on the surface of the South China Sea, his eyes gazing and looking into the sky.

Above the sky. A huge black and white ring-shaped image emerged, and began to gather together innumerable robbery clouds, and hundreds of millions of gold mines were brewing in the robbery.

"Huang Lei robbery!"

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed in the golden light. The Emperor Feilong immediately coiled around the body!

In the next moment, hundreds of millions of emperors thundered, and the entire sea area turned into a golden color!

Ning Fan did not say anything, lifted his foot and stepped on it, and immediately appeared a huge Tai Su Lei Tu at the foot, defending against the Emperor Lei.

There is Taisu Leitu defense, there is no one can thunder in the Ning Fan.

Ning Fan raised his hand and pointed a long, imperial dragon flying into the sky, madly swallowing a thunder.

Along with the support of Ning Fan, a road to the emperor was swallowed into the belly by the dragon.

After an hour, the Emperor Lei was swallowed up by the dragon, and the original dragon of the dragon was already two feet long!

Ning Fan still has this emperor, but this one is equivalent to 20 ordinary people!

The emerald pressure in the body is equivalent to the sum of 20 rain emperors!

"Cut, the emperor was robbed and he was broken by him... It’s hard to beat him."

In a space somewhere far away, a small white snowy loli reluctantly pouted.

She is still vengeful, remembering that Ning Fan eats the hatred of her eight treasure cake.

She really wants to aggravate the catastrophe, let Ning Fan suffer, but the emperor has not allowed her to aggravate the catastrophe...

"It’s really troublesome to give the stinky Ningfan a catastrophe... It’s not too long before he breaks through the broken one. How can he break through the broken two... It’s a terrible speed of cultivation.”

For some reason, Xiao Loli can only play the strength of the broken two heavens at most.

When Ning Fan has not broken into the broken, she is not a rival.

Now that Ning Fan and her are in the same realm, she is naturally not a rival to Ning Fan, and she dare not show her face to find trouble with Ning Fan.

"Yinfeng robbery yin wind robbery, you can not be stinky stinky Ning Fan easily broken." Little Loli with a small face and prayed.

Unfortunately, it is counterproductive.

In the face of the smashing of the second power, Ning Fan did not say anything, directly took out the wind flag, broke the two winds.

This wind flag, at least can be used for three days.

The glory of the sky gradually disappeared, and the emperor and the violent robbery were all spent by Ning Fan.

Little Loli stood on the lake, looking at Ning Fan in the reflection of the lake, a small face.

"I mad at me, he succeeded in robbing, stepping on you, stepping on you, stepping on you..."

Her feet are constantly stepping on the lake and stepping on the lake.

Suddenly, she was too hard, and the white shoes on her feet were kicked out by her.

Flying out...




Xiao Loli found herself doing another stupid thing. The duck sat on the lake and petrified.

"I... my embroidered shoes...and fell again..."

"This is the emperor's mother hand-embroidered shoes for me, I am not alive, I am not alive! Oh wow!"

She grievously shed tears.

That is her favorite embroidered shoes, the emperor said, this embroidered shoes is a dowry for her, let her marry in the future...

Unexpectedly, I lost my mind and fell to the lower bound. Cheaper Ning Fan...

For a time, Xiao Loli once again screamed at Ning Fan.

"Smelly Ning Fan, Rotten Ning Fan, Stinky Ning Fan, Rotten Ning Fan..."

Ning Fan successively broke the thunder and the violent robbery, which was a complete two-day robbery.

The two-day robbery is different from the one-day robbery. There are only two robberies, there is no third robbery, and naturally there is no heavenly reward.

Breaking through the realm, Ning Fan is ready to return to Qimei. Stabilize the realm.

Suddenly, the stream of light flashed over the sky, and a hidden weapon was left.

Ning Fan raised his hand and took the hidden weapon into his hand. His face was suddenly weird.

"Oh... isn't this a woman's embroidered shoes?"

It is a snow white embroidered shoe with extremely delicate workmanship. There is a floral fragrance in the embroidered shoes. It is the aroma of the fairy tail of 200,000 years.

The owner of this shoe used a 200,000-year-old elixir to make a spice and wipe it on the body. The embroidered shoes are dyed with a hint of aroma...

"A little extravagant little girl. I used such a precious elixir to make gouache..."

"Speaking, why did the little girl give me the embroidered shoes... Could it be an alternative way of showing up?"

Ning Fan looked a little embarrassed and thought about it. Still embroidered shoes into the storage bag.

Since it is a good show of Tiandao Xiaotou, if he does not accept it, he will not disappoint others.

The little girl was stunned and she was furious.

"Who... who will give you your dowry! Who are you who are not me? Why do you send your embroidered shoes!"

"It's mad, mad! I ate my Babao cake and stole my embroidered shoes. You are shameless, you don't shame! Hey...."

Xiaotoutou always cried and kept crying. It seemed that he was wronged by Tianda. He cried for three days and only calmed down a little.

All of this has nothing to do with Ning Fan.

He returned to Vietnam and returned to Qimei.

He went to the Shenxu Pavilion once and asked the little demon girl when he was going to go to the Burning Valley.

The half-year period has arrived, and I want to go to the Burning Valley in the near future.

"Hey, the husband first stabilized the realm and said that the trip to the Immortal Valley is not urgent. He Daozi has some conditions over there, we will leave after January." The little demon girl laughed.

After getting the answer from the little demon girl, Ning Fan went back to Sifan Palace and broke into the Xuanyin world to stabilize the realm.

After the realm of stability, he took out the "Sword Magic" and Dong Tianzhu, and studied it in detail.

Anyway, for a month, he can learn a military solution and improve the power of Xuankong.

The style of the martial art is very complicated, but there are many sword-like shadows in the sword, so Ning Fan’s comprehension is not slow.

While absorbing the power of many broken swords and swords, he reinforced the sea and practiced the military.

In only ten days, he finally grasped the sword-style sword.

Sword style is not difficult to master, but the cost of using this sword is too great.

If Ning Fan pays the price of the body and reinvents the price of the god, he can find the first sword of the army and kill the fairy with a sword!

If Ning Fan pays the price of life, he can continue to take out the second sword and kill another one!

This is the art of fighting, not to the point of life and death, Ning Fan will not use.

Devouring the fragments of countless remnants of the sword, Ning Fan's swordsmanship has been improved a lot, and the knowledge of the sea has also been strengthened. It is a realm of the three-day world of breaking the virtual world. This is an unexpected joy.

Ning Fan then took out 200 Yuan Qing Dan, one by one refining.

After Shen Shen’s breakthrough in the third, Yuan Qingdan’s efficacy was only a quarter of the original.

Under the 200 yuan Qingdan suit, Ning Fan's thoughts have not been greatly improved, almost reached the level of the three invincible.

At the same time that Ning Fan’s thoughts were soaring, the deviance in the Ding furnace world also successfully broke through the six realms.

This is also a joy.

Next, it is the force of the hole in the cave.

Ning Fan withdraws from the Xuanyin world and enters the infinite hole space of the cave.

There is an unlimited number of upper-class cave spaces in this place. Ning Fan ruined a hole in the sky and pulled out the power of the Shangpin Cave, which would not have any impact on the treasure.

Every time a Shangpin Cave is destroyed, a silvery continent in the day of Ningfan’s life will be dyed in gold.

Gradually, the 72 silver continents have all turned into gold, and the entire life of the cave is turned into pure gold space.

Ning Fan stretches out his palm, and his heart is moving, and the palm of his hand will appear in a circle of golden vortex.

The vortexing technique has finally become a great success, reaching the golden swirling realm!

"Golden swirl... The boundary of the three kingdoms of the vortex, it seems to be just a golden swirl..."

"The perfection of Xuankong is a virtual world of swirling... I don't know if I can continue to swallow the power of the cave, and continue to enhance the realm of swirling."

Ning Fan continued to take out the power of the heavens and the power of the heavens.

But unfortunately, when Xuankong broke through the golden swirling realm, the force of absorbing the hole has no effect.

However, this hole of Dzi Bead is no longer useless.

Ning Fan's knees and somewhere in the cave, there is a hole in the sky, and I feel the cave change of the cave.

The so-called infinite hole day is an inexhaustible virtual hole in the world.

"Vortexing, it seems that it can also be used like this..."

Ning Fan’s mind was moved, and his body shape was smashed into the real hole in the cave of Tianzhu, and the power of the cave was extracted. Devouring.

At the moment when the real hole collapses, an infinite virtual hole crashes together.

Ning Fan was forced to transmit the space of the cave, and then look at the cave, which has split into two halves.

This treasure has been destroyed.

The cave of Tianzhu was destroyed, and Ning Fan showed a satisfactory expression.

The method of vortexing is more than one...

Back to the Xuanyin world, Ning Fan finally took out the blood umbrella, his eyes slightly hesitant, but turned to firm.

Ning Fan's current swirling power. It is enough to break the three monks.

If you want to continue to enhance the power of vortex, I am afraid you must devour the Xiaojiejiebao.


Ning Fan sacrificed a blood umbrella in the air, and the blood umbrella immediately turned into a **** light.

When the mouth is swallowed, the blood is swallowed into the belly by Ning Fan.

Three days later. Ning Fan took out the small-scale power of the blood umbrella and integrated it into the life of the hole.

In the moment of integration into the small world, one of the 72 golden continents within the life of the cave. Suddenly turned into a half-real and half-real appearance.

Ning Fan explored his hand and gave birth to a golden vortex in his hand. The golden vortex also began to change.

"Sure enough. If you want to practice the vortex to the virtual whirlpool, you need to devour the Xiaojiejiebao. And it seems that I still need to devour 71 Xiaoqianjiebao before I can practice the vortex to the highest level. .71 Xiaoqianjiebao, where are you going to get it? This technique is really difficult to cultivate..."

Ning Fan shook his head in exclamation. It is no wonder that this Xuankong technique only had the ancestors of the Three Realms to repair the illusion, and no one could repair it to the illusion.

If you want to repair to the virtual world, you need to devour 72 pieces of small treasures. For the lower monks, this is simply impossible.

Even if it is Ning Fan, after the **** umbrella is swallowed, only the Dinghuan ring and Yuanyao jade are left.

These two small treasures can't be swallowed naturally.

The yin and yang of the Yin and Yang locks can not be swallowed.

In this way, only the other small thousand treasures will be acquired in the future, and then they will be swallowed up.

"Although I only swallowed a small treasure, but the power of Xuankong is stronger than the original three-sector!"

"With my current vortex surgery, it is enough to directly put the broken five monks into the life of the hole, seal, kill!"

"I have a life-threatening day, and I have absorbed the power of the cave. If the five monks are enclosed, it is impossible to escape! But unfortunately, I am still low, and at most one seals a broken five monk..."

Ning Fan was thinking about himself. Suddenly, the sound of the jade in the storage bag rang.

He took out Yu Gui, Yu Gui, and there was some dignified voice from Xu Qiu Ling.

"Big brother, there are five mountain circles broken into the rain, falling on the seven plums! Come on! They threatened to find a way for the former generation of the rain queen!"

Ning Fan’s eyes immediately became cold.

Unexpectedly, after Yun Zongxuan’s death, there will be other strangers in the interface to discuss it for him.

I don’t know if these people are doing what they are doing. Is it really just to talk about it?

Since these five people are coming from the mountains, there will never be a strange eccentric.

The mountain boundary is among the nine realms. It is one of the three realms. The strongest one is just a broken seven.

When the mountain comes, even if it comes to the broken seven old monsters, Ning Fan is not afraid!


At this moment, the Mingque, the charm morning, the vines and the soft three women are standing in the air.

Xu Qiuling took out five days of robbers and kept the five scorpions in the sky.

A Mu Luo, who was in the black robe, stood in front of everyone and looked coldly at the mountains.

There are five old monsters in the mountain world. Three broken five, one broken four, and one broken three are all friends of Yun Zongxuan.

It’s just a good friend to say that these people are just a lot of interests with Yun Zongxuan.

Yun Zongxuan died. The new Emperor of the Rainland was actually a ruined Ning Fan and a ruined three-skilled Li Cangtian. They saw the rainy world and bully. Naturally, they wanted to come up with some benefits.

"Where is the rain **** Shen Ningfan, let him come out and talk to the old man!"

A broken five old monster looks arrogant, cold and cold looking at the city of Qimei.

There are a lot of broken pieces in the city of Qimei. Unfortunately, there is only one broken five, which is not enough to fear!

He, it is clear that it is coming to the rain world!

If Ning Fan does not know how to be good, and does not give him enough benefits, he will give Ning Fan some lessons, let Ning Fan know something! (To be continued.)

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