Grasping Evil

Chapter 677: Dan Zong Sanxian

Seven days later, Ning Fan annihilated the burial of the Tianmen Gate of the No. 1 Tianmen, and shattered the Tianmen and took away the Star Stone.

On the fifteenth day, the three heavenly gates of the second heaven were successively shattered by Ning Fan and conquered a broken six slaves.

Another month, the four heavenly gates of the third heaven were destroyed...

Fourth Heaven, Fifth Heaven, Sixth Heaven...

It has been a year since ancient Tianting, and Ning Fan has rushed to the twelfth layer of heaven.

Thirteen Tianmen were smashed by him one by one. At this moment, Ning Fan is practicing at the Tianmen Gate No. 1 of this heaven.

There are 90 black stones in his hand.

There are seven slaves behind him.

Among them, Lu Xiu and Yan Zhenzi are two broken realms, three are broken six, and two are broken five.

Among these people, there are the nine worlds that once belonged to the funeral fairy, and the strong ones of the funeral.

But now, they are only slaves of Ning Fan.

All the way to the twelfth floor of the heavens, the burial of the burial immortals killed by Ning Fan has no less than 100 people.

There are countless ways to turn the gods and refine the emptiness.

Even so, the nineteen ancestors of the ancestors of the funeral ancestors did not come forward to chase Ning Fan.

But this does not mean that the nine ancestors and eighteen kings do not hate Ning Fan.

"Cake brother, can I ask you to ask for a few servants, go to the 12th floor of the heavens to hunt treasure..." Mingque asked with a look of expectation.

In the twelfth layer of heaven, there are many treasures and more dangers.

In addition to the burial of the immortals, there are more than five broken six realms of the Wicked Warcraft.

This level of fierce beast is not what the current bird can beat.

She smiled at Lu Xiu and Yan Zhenzi, and wanted to take the two away and take treasure around them.

Anyway, Ning Fan still has to cultivate here, isn't it?

"Don't leave me. If the nine kings of the nine ancestors suddenly appear, they can't protect you."

"That lends the big head to me to play..." Mingque asked.

"...the big head may not be able to protect you. You are nearing the break of the second, the elixir that you have found in this trip has not finished eating, you don't have to hurry to hunt for treasure, the elixir we get all the way. It is enough for you to eat."

"Oh." Mingque looked down annoyedly and took out a common elixir of potatoes.

After a while, I was full of food and drink, and I felt much better. I took out a jade seat. Lying on the mat and screaming.

Lu Xiu and others saw the appearance of the cockroach eating the elixir, and everyone was shocked.

It’s terrible that the heart and the bird are so terrible that they can directly bear the energy of the elixir.

Looking at Ning Fan, it is even more shocking.

At this moment, Ning Fan, swallow a piece of star stone. The star power in the body is hidden, but it is extremely vast.

Ning Fan refers to the change of the scorpion, refining the star stone according to the star line of the cold star secret record.

The refining speed is naturally very fast.

"The master actually knows how to practice the star, it is incredible!" Lu Xiu and others have been amazed.

As the stars are refining, the number of Ning Fan's life stars is gradually increasing.

227, 242, 257. 272...

As long as the 90 stars are refining, the number of Ning Fan’s life stars can be broken.

At that time, the injury caused by the shattered monk attack can be healed in an instant!

"90 stars, it will take a few days to refining..." Ning Fan closed his eyes and silently refines the body's star power.


Among the first twenty-seven floors, there is a secretly closed area.

Among the forbidden places, one of the nine ancestors and eighteen kings retreats here.

At this moment, the nine ancestors and eighteen kings all looked gloomy and their faces were blue.

Intelligence shows. A foreign monk swept the first twelve layers of heaven.

The funeral people who were sent to chase down this person were mostly destroyed.

This person is more like a supernatural powers, smashing the Tianmen of the twelve layers of heaven...

This person has a total of seven burial immortals, and they are slaves.

This is a great humiliation for the burial fairy of foreign monks such as ants!

"Lu Xiu actually rebelled! Hate! The old man spent a sacred corpse to help him break through the realm!" The twelfth layer of heaven. The seven kings were furious.

He can't wait to leave Dongfu immediately, and go to kill Ningfan, who is located on the 12th floor of the heavens. It is a matter of vitality to resurrect the ancestor, and he is not allowed to leave.

His voice passed through the blood on the ground and passed to other Zuwang ears.

The other ancestors are full of anger, and hate to smash the corpse of Ningfan.

"Hey! The foreign monks in the district, dare to kill me to bury the immortals, and to accept the funeral of the immortals, it is a shameful shame!" In the nineteenth layer of heaven, Jiuzu was angry.

"Three ancestors, you have twenty-five days above, there seems to be a demon-level corpse, may you send it out and kill the foreign monk?" The six kings suggested.

"Hey, that demon-level corpse was injured by an unknown scent, and he was recuperating in the corpse pool. He couldn't play in a short time." Sanzu was indignant.

"What! There is a scattered fairy rushed to the twenty-fifth layer of heaven!" Several ancestors were shocked.

"It’s not rushing, it’s rushing down... The scent is from twenty-eight days or more, maybe four days of monks.” The ambassador who was always silent suddenly opened his mouth.

"Hey, how about the four-day monk! The name of the sacred fairy has now reached the fifteenth day. The king has raised a large number of broken sinful beasts in this layer of heaven. He was actually killed by this person! It is hateful!" Angry.

"These foreign monks are too hateful. If the ancient ancestors wake up, the king will play the first ancestor and do all the foreign monks in this place!" The nine kings were cold and cold.

"These foreign monks can't be arrogant for a long time. I just have to endure for ten years. Ten years later, the ancestors woke up. With his quasi-emperor, in the ancient heavens, who is the enemy!"

"Ten years, just wait another ten years!"


Refining all the stars, Ning Fan's number of life stars reached 1,680, 18 more than expected.

Exhaled a sigh of gas, Ning Fan stood up, staring in the eyes.

All kinds of injuries in the body are rapidly healing.

At this moment, he can be besieged by a monk and not killed!

The singer looked at Ning Fan, and the small mouth was surprised.

She stood beside Ning Fan and noticed that a broken sword wound on Ning Fan's arm was healing at an alarming rate.

She couldn't help but grab Ning Fan's arm and couldn't help but bite it down. A small wound was bitten on Ning Fan's arm.

But I saw that the wound had not started to bleed, and it had healed in the blink of an eye, and did not even leave a skeleton.

I took another bite and the wound healed again...

I took another bite and the wound healed again...

Ning Fan looked at Mingque without words. Didn't take a good shot of her little head, smiled and said, "You are ready to treat me as a medicine?"

"I just can't bear to eat you! I just made a test... Cake brother, what kind of astrology you are, more powerful than the cold star secret you gave me! I want to learn this!" Mingque catches Ning Fan The arm is shaking and pleading.

"You can't learn this technique... I can make a black star. It's a coincidence..."

Ning Fan said, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated without warning, which is a sign that danger is approaching.

He looked at the ruined Tianmen and silently said nothing.

The danger is coming from the upper level... but the danger doesn't seem to be special for yourself.

Ning Fan looked at the bright bird beside him, silent a little, and immediately took out the golden sword. With everyone flying into the passage behind the Tianmen, they reached the thirteenth floor of Heaven.

At this point, the sense of crisis in the world is stronger.

After January, the thirteen heavenly gates of the thirteenth floor were destroyed, and Ning Fan and his party arrived at the fourteenth floor.

After killing a group of violent people, Ning Fan got the map of the fourteenth day and flew to one of the Tianmen.

Guarding this heavenly door. It is a short old man with three broken eight realms.

In addition to the three old people, there are thousands of buried funeral strongmen standing here!

The three old men stood at the top of the sea of ​​clouds and quietly waited for Ning Fan to come.

From the known information, they learned that Ning Fan has the magical power of destroying Tianmen.

Every corner of Ningfan will definitely go to all the Tianmen in this place. They just have to wait here and will definitely wait for Ning Fan!

If you see Ning Fan, you will kill it!

Some moment. The three old men all set aside their fierce eyes.

At the sky, a golden sword light instantly spans thousands of miles and appears outside the gate!

On the top of Jianguang, there are seven returnees, such as Lu Xiu. There are Mingque, which is a sacred drug, and does not know the thick snacks. There is also a cold-eyed white youth!

At the moment when Jianguang arrived, the eyes of everyone here are all concentrated on the white youth!

"The three old men are the subordinates of the five kings. Since you are here, you don't have to leave, array!"

After the three old men ordered, thousands of burial immortals immediately held the hoist implements, smashing the corpse from the gourd and listing a gloomy array above the sky.

Ning Fan and others are in the center of the map!

"It's not good! This is the "Knife Defence" of the funeral family! This time in ancient times, this was the formation of the monk to solve the immortality. But how many people can be disenchanted into immortals? Almost all of them will kill the dead." Lu Xiu and others exclaimed.

There are too many corpses in the surrounding area, and there is boundless corpse poison in the corpse.

It is Lu Xiu and other burial masters who have practiced corpse, and they dare not smother this corpse and counter this corpse.

"What about the autopsy?"

Ning Fan felt the rush of the big bangs, his eyes slightly dignified.

If he has completed the third corpse change, there is a very small chance to use this corpse to solve the immortality.

Now, if you fall into the picture, it will be a situation of nine deaths and one life, only to break this line before this formation is completely formed!

The key to this battle is the corpse gasification, as long as the corpse is taken away, this battle is not broken.


Ning Fan opened his mouth and swallowed it. The corpse of the sky swallowed into the abdomen, and the image at the foot gradually dimmed, eventually disappearing without a shadow.

Thousands of burial fairy powers in the array, all in the blink of an eye, all eyes changed, suffered a ruthless rebellion, each retreating in the air.

The three broken eight old men are gloomy, but they are not unexpected.

They did not expect to be able to destroy Ning Fan by a formation. Sure enough, to kill Ning Fan still need to take their own shots.

The two broken eight old men on both sides were indifferent, each stepping back and ten fingers.

The breath of the two people weakened rapidly and began to fall towards the broken six realm.

The middle of the broken eight old man, the momentum rose sharply, repaired in a flash to the top of the broken peak.

"Er all waited, and there is enough old man here!"

The old man stepped on the sea of ​​clouds and walked to Ning Fan step by step. Sneer, "The old man is surnamed Chen, you must remember to be an understanding ghost!"


The figure of the old man surnamed Chen suddenly disappeared into the place, the next moment. Appeared beside the Mingque!

He grinned and revealed the white teeth. It was already seen by his eyesight that the bird was a Dandel!

Dan De, there is great benefit to the resurrection of the first ancestor!

He began to understand why Ning Fan would start with the bald head of the first heaven.

Presumably, the bald man was aware of the identity of the Mingque Dan, and wanted to **** it. Therefore, it was only killed by Ning Fan.

"This Dan magic, the old man will accept it!"

The old man surnamed Chen grabbed the big bird and grabbed it.

At this time, a golden vortex suddenly appeared at the foot of Mingque, and disappeared without a trace.

In the next moment, the Mingque appeared in the embrace of Ning Fan. Ning Fan was gently put down and stopped behind him.

"Ningmou does not want to take the fun of the funeral immortals. All this is that you are buried by the funeral family! On!"

Under the order of Ning Fan, Lu Xiu and other seven strong men all took out, and sacrificed the magic weapon to the old man named Chen.

Chen’s old man’s eyes flashed slightly, and he was repaired at this moment. It is not easy to block the attack of seven strong men like Lu Xiu at such a close distance.

The figure is vertical, the ancient sword is stretched, the distance is opened, the fingers are connected, and the attack of seven magic weapons is blocked one by one.

Lu Xiu and others also jumped into the ancient sword, and manipulated the magic weapon to fight with the old man surnamed Chen.

The old man surnamed Chen looked cold, and the big hand grabbed the cloud and shouted, "Hey animals. Not coming out to help!"

Under one command, a huge 30,000-foot giant beast flew out from the lower part of the sea of ​​clouds.

The repair of the shackles, the faintness has reached the peak of the broken eight heavens, only a line from the broken nine.

The old man surnamed Chen jumped backwards and stepped on the body of the giant body. Looking coldly at Lu Xiu and others, he said,

"Work with me to show the technique of rot, have you heard it!"


The giant beast screamed at the request of the old man surnamed Chen.

Chen’s old man was ten fingers, and his body was climbing step by step.

The giant beast opens its mouth and spurts the poisonous fog that covers the sky.

When the corpse was merged with the poisonous mist, the finger of the old man surnamed Chen suddenly changed, and a horrible momentum was shot from his eyes.

"Fairy, rot!"

The green light slammed away, and in a flash, Lu Xiu and others all showed the color of despair.

Fairy, fairy!

It is the seven of them who do their best and can't stop this fairy!

The eyes of the seven people all looked at Ning Fan. In their view, if anyone in this place could block this fairy technique, most of them would be Ning Fan.

After all, Ning Fan is shocked by the world, and most of them have a card to block the fairy.

"Oh, the person who will die, remember, the old man surnamed Chen." The old man surnamed Chen sneered, sitting cross-legged on the top of his head, waiting for Ning Fan and others to be murdered by poison.

Ning Fan’s hand has already been pressed on the bag.

This old man surnamed Chen and this behemoth are not able to overcome him...

"Big head, shot!"

"I am not a big man!"

A konjac suddenly swept through the sky, and the sky was smashed in a flash!

A magic fog rises into the sky, transforming a huge monster.


The scent of the scent is blown, and the smog of the sky is blown away.

His eyes swept through Lu Xiu and others, sweeping through a monk who buried the immortals, and finally fell on the old surnamed Chen and the behemoth.

Lu Xiu and others look like a surprise!

Their masters, there are ways to resist the magic!

The devil is actually a demon!

Their masters have collected a demon as a slave!

Even the devils are the slaves of Ning Fan. They give Ning Fan a slave, but it is not too bad!

"What! It’s a devil! Not good!"

The old man surnamed Chen was shocked. The next moment, he was severely injured by a magical fist.

"What a surprise! See you old, you are surprised, isn't it!"


The old man surnamed Chen was violently violently punched, and the **** was almost broken by a boxing.

His figure was unstable, he fell down his head, and his body was invaded by the magic fog of the demon. The breath could not be recovered for a moment and a half, and he could not make a little mana.

"Instant... Instant... Instant..." He took out a jade slip and prepared to break it.

It is a transmission jade, which can transmit one billion miles in an instant. It is an escape to the treasure.

The sneer sneered and punched out, directly smashing the jade slip of Chen’s old man and smashing it again.

Two fists fell, the old man surnamed Chen has breathed!

He was horrified at the fascinating devil who was approaching, and wanted to escape, but he could not make up his mana.

The devil took the old man surnamed Chen into his hand and looked at the old man surnamed Chen very seriously. He asked seriously, "You said, is the head of Laozi not big?"

"I... I don't know..."

"His mother! You dare to say no!"


The old man who surnamed Chen was a generation of the top eight, and he was promoted to the top of the Eight Diagrams Peak by means of the secret method. However, he was beaten by his hands and became a lot of blood.

At the moment when the devil attacked the old man of Chen, Ning Fan had ordered Lu Xiu and others to encircle the remaining Xian people.

The two broken eight old men showed the secret law, and the repairs have fallen to the sixth. It is not difficult for Lu Xiu and others to kill.

He did not kill himself, always guarding the beak.

There was always a trace of uneasiness in his heart, and the restless told him not to leave the half-step next to the bird.

"Master! How to deal with this little frog, do you want to roast and eat it!"

When the Devil only punched a fist, he slammed the giant beast and asked Ning Fan.

The behemoth faced the evil spirits and was shaking all over.

It looked at Ning Fan with fear and whispered a few times. The snoring seemed to say that it was willing to return to Ning Fan and ask Ning Fan to spare it.

Ning Fan did not say anything, dissipated the thoughts of the gods, and planted the demon against the cockroaches, which was considered to have conquered this extremely fierce behemoth.

On the other hand, Lu Xiu and others also killed thousands of burial immortals in the area. Among the two broken eight old ones, one would rather die than be killed.

One person is willing to return to the country, and Ning Fan has planted a ban.

Even when the ban is banned, Ning Fan has always maintained a 12-point vigilance.

He can foresee that, just beside him, there is an enemy lurking, and the enemy is the source of his restlessness.

"Master! Your subordinates can be considered convinced by you this time. Even the devil can be accepted as a slave, but it is a demon!"

Lu Xiu and others were amazed.

The eccentric monsters are the characters of the nine ancestors and eighteen kings.

This kind of character is arrogant. If it is not really necessary, how can he be willing to be a slave?

Even the devil can conquer, Ning Fan is really amazing.


For the compliments and flattery of the people, Ning Fan just responded with a mouthful.

His eyes glanced around in the cold, and suddenly, in his heart, the police were full of vigilance, suddenly slammed the ancient sword of gold, and flew far away with the bright bird.

In the place where he was standing, a middle-aged singer appeared, and looked at Ning Fan with a slightly surprised look.

"Oh? It's a vigilant boy, and you can conquer a sinister slave. It's no wonder that the funeral family can be turned upside down."

In the next moment, the middle-aged singer suddenly kills the machine and reveals the dew. "But I want to be an enemy of my Danzong. It is not enough. I will hand over the Dan Devil behind you. This seat can spare you from death. This seat only gives you three interest. Consider the time! This three interest, still look at your demon! But if you really annoyed this seat, this seat kills you, but it may not cost too much!"

This scattered fairy, from Dan Zong!

The goal is to be a bird!

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