Grasping Evil

Chapter 684: Incense demon

Mingque looked up at the small face and smiled at Ning Fan. His face was full of expressions of 'appreciating me.'

Ning Fan stroked the small head of Fu Mingque and accepted the storage bag. He did not set it up with Mingque, and his eyes were a judo. "Zhen."

Since it is possible to have a storage bag for the emperor, Ning Fan has no reason to accept it.

This thing may be precious to him, and it is not worth mentioning for Taiwu.

Ning Fan looked at the storage bag and looked at it for a long time.

There are not many things in the storage bag. Taiwu traveled with only a few things, and ‘a little’ Daojing left the Naruto.

Passing a few relics along the way, I found a lot of elixir.

Before Taiwu, the elixir that was given to the bird was all along the road.

These years of elixir are extremely high, but there are few that are useful for Ning Fan.

Ning Fan has no time to improve Dan, but it is not necessary to use these elixir.

In the storage bag, there are a total of 50 million Daojing... For Taiwu, this is just a small amount of money, and it is easy to use.

For Ning Fan, this is a huge fortune.

There are ten bottles of eight-transfer medicinal herbs, and three of the nine-transfer medicinal herbs are all healing medicinal herbs.

These healing remedies, whether for the treatment of the flesh or the gods, the demon, have miraculous effects.

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed, and there were enough medicinal herbs to repair Luo Shen to the gods!

It is a pity that there is no medicinal remedy in the storage bag. After all, Taiwu travels only with some medicines. What is the use of medicinal herbs?

And even if it is a belt, Taiwu will also bring up the immortality that the emperor has cultivated.

"Well, this is...creative stone, so much!"

Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly shook. In the corner of the storage bag, he saw a small pile of creative stone.

Not one, it's a bunch!

A pile of creative stones. Under the breakdown, a total of 37!

37 pieces of creative stone, can make 37 pieces of small thousand treasures!

At that time, Ning Fan got a piece of creative stone from the hands of Lei Huang, which upgraded the world of Ding furnace to Xiao Qian.

These creative stones are undoubtedly the best materials for practicing vortex!

"There are so many creation stones, where did the seniors come from?" Ning Fan asked a little, and asked Russia.

If Taiwu is a creative stone found somewhere in the Jiujie, Ning Fan would like to know the location of the place, and then look for it, and strive to repair the Xuankong technique to the virtual swirling realm.

"These creational stones are after the old man left the genus. They took a ruin and disputed with the patriarch of the emperor, and they took it from their hands. The power of the emperor to repair the space, the patriarch of the patriarch is not normal."

Taiwu smiled lightly.

It seems that it is a matter of course and easy to grab something from the Dijiang people.

"It turns out that..." Ning Fan nodded slightly and said nothing more.

The things inside the storage bag have been seen by Ning Fan.

He was about to take back the thoughts of God, and he was shocked. Unbelievable color!

"this is?!"

With a palm in his hand, Ning Fan took out a strange muddy figure from the storage bag.

The clay doll is a woman who is half-human and half-snake.

Above the mud, there is a mysterious power, and Ning Fan vaguely remembers. This power is the power of incense.

There are many cracks on the mud couple, which seems to be seriously damaged.

This is so, this clay doll is never simple!

Because Ning Fan searched for the storage bag for the first time, he did not even see the clay doll. It just stayed in the storage bag without a trace of breath, letting Ning Fan ignore it!

Ning Fan has a hunch that this treasure is the most precious thing in this storage bag!

At first sight, Ning Fan took out the mud couple. Too black eyes are hot, and there is almost an impulse to **** the mud.

Just a light glimpse of the bird, he immediately recovered to the clear, ridiculous.

"Dare to ask the predecessors, this thing... what is it!" Ning Fan only knows that this thing is not the same, but he can't see it.

"I don't want to be a small friend. This is the reason why the old man and the Dijiang patriarch have a dispute... This thing is called 'Xianghuo demon', which is the treasure of a certain demon woman's sanctuary at the time of Taikoo. The power of people's incense..."

Taiwu sighed again and again, this thing is very precious, if it is not ordered, he will not be handed over.

"The demon woman! Take the incense!"

Ning Fan’s eyes were shocked.

St. is the honor of the third step! In the four days and nine circles, whether there is still a sanctuary, no one knows.

Incense, one of the ways to improve the cultivation of the second step of the monk, can be used to improve the cultivation, but also can be used for fighting the magic.

Incense is a kind of faith, the power generated by the worship of all beings.

In general, the incense that belongs to you, others can't take it away.

This incense demon can actually win people's incense, it is really shocking.

If this is the case, Ning Fanda can hold this doll and sneak into the temple of a monk in a monk, and steal the incense of incense and collect it for countless years...

If this is the case, when Ning Fan encounters a strong enemy of the immortal and the other party uses the technique of incense, Ning Fan can take out the doll and easily break the other side's technique...

However, this treasure seems to be seriously damaged, I do not know how much power left...

I seem to see Ning Fan’s mind, Taiwu regretfully sighed,

"This incense demon is badly damaged, and it can only be used to capture the true fairy incense of the real world. Unfortunately, the method of making and repairing this treasure has long been lost. If this treasure can be repaired, it is the incense of the Emperor. Can be born and killed!"

Winning the incense of the emperor means that if a certain emperor casts a fragrant incense, it is easy to break the other god's magic.

It is a pity that this muddy damage is too serious.

Ning Fan can see it open, white is a treasure, even the incense of the real world can be robbed, it is a big profit, why sigh.

He took away the medicinal herbs, Daojing, and incense sticks, and thought about it, and handed the elixir in the storage bag intact to the bird.

"These are for you."

"Really! Give it to me!" The little girl immediately drooled, smiled and took the storage bag.

Of course, she will not be polite with Ning Fan.

"We are waiting in the ancient heavens for a while, waiting for Liu Xiong to come out. After I bid farewell to him, I will return to the rain world."

Ning Fan’s sleeves, from the Yuanyao community, summoned the innocent, the micro-cool and many servants.

Taiwu once again put on the cloak, self-styled and repaired, respectfully standing behind the Mingque.

Minque's little hand grabbed the elixir. Mu Weiliang looked at the enthusiasm of the bird to eat, but also a 100,000-year-old medicine to eat directly.

She is also not afraid of the potion!

Ning Fan’s eyes narrowed, and he noticed that after the resurrection, Mu Wei was cool and had no mana, but the body was comparable to Nirvana’s nine strong.

Although she was resurrected, she retained the physique of the corpse. After this resurrection, she had completed the third change of the corpse, and her life was endless!

"Not good..." The six-year-old Mu Wei is cool. Pouting, returning half of the elixir to the bird.

“Is it tastes good?” Mingque took the elixir and licked it and found it delicious.

On the side of Lu Xiu and others, I saw a scene in which Mu Wei was eating a hundred thousand years of elixir, and all eyes were shocked.

The women around the master, all of them are abnormal, all so powerful...

The body of the ancient burial was sent and eaten away.

Ning Fan waved his hand and sent all the eight turns and nine turns of the wounds he received from Taiwu into the Xuanyin world. Handed over to Luo You's hand.

He believes that these medicinal herbs are enough to restore the ruin of the Jiufeng Peak, and even to restore the immortality is a very likely thing.

Ning Fan at the moment. The magic thoughts were suppressed in the heart, the seven emotions were extinguished, and the injury was basically stabilized.

But from the outside, it is difficult for ordinary people to see how different he is from the past.

Thinking of innocence, looking at the innocent and innocent. The lip corner under the veil, unconsciously, evoked a bleak smile.

"Thank you. My wish is gone, from now on. I am me, no longer her."

She looked at Ning Fan and smiled a little.

This is the first time she has shown her true smile on Ning Fan as the daughter of Yao Chi.

Mu Wei cool soul remodeling, she is no longer seven, just herself.

The predecessor is gone, she can finally let go of her heart and live in this world.

"I volunteered to save her, why should you thank me?" Ning Fan shook his head.

Thinking of nothing, but slightly frowned, a sigh.

She can see that Ning Fan’s heart is not laughing, it is ridiculous... He lost seven emotions, he just didn’t want to worry the beloved, so he still smiled.

The smile didn't reach the bottom of my heart, but it didn't reach my heart, but it was not necessarily true.

"Your magic is suppressed, who is so powerful, even the magic can be sealed? That kills your life, he really died, who killed..."

Thinking of innocence, looking at Ning Fan with a little worry, and looking into Taiwu invisibly.

Intuition tells her that this old man with an exposed head is not simple...

Ning Fan only told her that she had escaped from the situation before, but she did not say much.

This matter involves the identity of the Taikoo and the bird, and it is not appropriate to say more.

"Don't worry about me, he is his own. It's okay, everything is gone." Ning Fan looked at Jin Wu and smiled.

Did not explain how the ancient funeral fell, did not explain how the magic thoughts were sealed, no need to say, no thoughts can understand.

"I am not worried about you! Forget it, say this is boring..." I feel that my argument is somewhat powerless, and I am too lazy to argue.

She is worried about him, and the grievances come to the end, leaving only a pool of hearts and lakes can no longer be calm.

"I will go back to Yaochi. Since your magical thoughts are temporarily unaffected, you must remember that when you are not doing enough, you have to come to the Western Heavenly Kingdom... The Buddha has no mercy on the ancient devil." One reminder.

"Sisi, be careful." Ning Fan sees that the innocent avatar is nearing collapse, and the deity must have undergone great changes.

Perhaps it would be good for the deity to let the mind get rid of the avatar as soon as possible.

"I know, you are also careful. If one day, you really came to four days and were attacked by the Buddha... I will help you."

There are no more words, no thoughts have lifted the avatar, and turned into a little star.

In the West Tianxianjie, Kunlun Yaochi, a thousand miles of lotus pond, a plain-faced white woman is struggling to counter the empty space.

Robbing the clouds and whistling, her strength has been exhausted, all over the body, but still half of the mana, to maintain the lower bounds.

Suddenly, a starlight flew from the lower bound and fell into her body.

She was relieved for a while, read the memory of her body, and her lips were hung with a faint smile.

When I look up and look at the big day, there is no fear.

"He, really good..."

In the roar of the robbery, the woman’s voice was very light and light, and no one heard it.


After thinking of leaving, Ning Fan stunned a little. Looked at the other gains from this trip.

All the way to kill thirty-three days, incarnation of the blood magic to kill the funeral, although many storage bags, road fruit are not collected, but the harvest is not small.

There are 12 broken fruit and more than 200 fruits, and there are countless meditations from 50,000 to 100,000 years. There are also many elixir above 100,000 years.

Daojing has seized more than 10 million, and together, Ning Fan has a total of 70 million yuan at the moment.

All the way to kill, the body of Ningfan has reached the bottleneck. With just one opportunity, you can complete the third corpse, and the number of lives is endless!

From the hands of the burial fairy strong, Ning Fan has obtained countless corpse secrets, including many celestial techniques.

Ning Fan is not prepared to practice these corpse secrets for the time being. After completing the third corpse, he may start practicing.

The method of arranging a large array of corpses, Ning Fan also got, this has a very small chance to make the corpse to become a fairy. However, the odds are too small, and Ning Fan has not decided to use this formation.

What Ning Fan cares most is the storage bag of Changshan.

Changshan is from Danzong, and it is a seven-turn alchemist. There are many Danfang, elixir and secret medicines in the storage bag.

Before going to the place where he was going to raise ghosts, he won the rosary of 9 sacred ghosts.

These 9 rosary beads can greatly enhance the monk gods!

In Changshan’s storage bags, there are even special medicinal herbs. Adjustable and rosary strength, absorb the rosary mind!

"This is a very good thing!" Ning Fan's eyes lit up, if you swallow these nine rosary beads. His mind can be greatly improved!

In the days of waiting for the closure of the ancient heavens, Ning Fan broke into the Xuanyin world, and used one of the medicinal beads of Changshan to reconcile the celestial rosary beads.

Refining the first life of the celestial rosary beads, Ning Fan's meditation to achieve the peak of the seven peaks.

Under the second rosary, God's meditation is a breakthrough in the realm of breaking through.

After waiting for the seventh rosary, Ning Fan’s thoughts have broken through the realm of broken nine.

In the last two rosary costumes, Shen Nian was repaired to stay in the middle of the broken nine.

Nine people spent a total of three months to thoroughly refine.

Three months later, Ning Fan returned to the heavens, and the wound had already healed completely under the black star.

Although the cultivation is improved, but the mind is enhanced, Ning Fan’s combat power can be greatly improved.

If the avatar and the sorcerer are used at this moment, Ning Fan’s mana is hardly weak.

When Ning Fan returned to the outside world, Lu Xiu and others felt that the changes in their own masters seemed to be even more powerful, but they did not know how.

Mingque and Mu Weiliang talked and laughed at the elixir. One big and one small was self-satisfied. Seeing Ning Fan came out and immediately greeted him.

Taiwu took a deep look at Ning Fan, and he naturally saw that Ning Fan’s mind was rising.

Amazed, but also quietly voiced, reminded Ning Fan,

“Small friends’ thoughts are improved, but they are not solid. They need to be well stabilized.”

“Thank you for reminding the seniors.” Ning Fan nodded.

After more than a month, the nine real worlds have returned to the outside world, and each side has a heart.

When these people saw Ning Fan, they came over and thanked Ning Fan for his fists.

"Thank you for the rain and the emperor's hand to save, if the rain is not the righteous shot, I will die in the hands of the immortal! Da En does not say thank you!" Those low-level broken people have a lot of fists and thank you, look at Ning Fan's eyes more awe.

No one asked where the white hair was going. When Ning Fan was alive, most of the white hair was dead.

Ning Fan **** a life fairy, this secret, they would rather not know.

"This trip really makes the old man and others stunned..." The three demon sorcerers are sighing.

There are four demon ancestors in the devil world, but now one person is eaten raw by white hair, and now I want to come, still a little heart.

After the three people sighed, Qi Qi held a fist on Ning Fan, and he said, "The friend of the Taoist life, the old man and others are remembered in the heart! As long as the three of us don't die, the devil world will not commit the rainy world forever, and will be the rainy allies!" ”

The other monks of the demon world heard the words of the three ancestors, but they changed their faces, but they did not dare to interject.

The three ancestors are going to form an alliance with the rainy world!

As the upper three worlds, the demon world has formed an alliance with the rainy world of the lower three worlds. This matter has not appeared in many years.

However, everyone understands that the reason why the three ancestors made a good job in the rainy world was to report the grace of life, but to fear the strength of Ning Fan.

On the same day, Ning Fan became a Gorefiend, swept the sky, and the enemy was white and fat, and no one dared to forget that scene. No one can forget!

If Ning Fan is willing, he can easily kill the prosperous master, who is there, who dares to provoke the rain!

"Oh, my demon world is also willing to become an ally with the rain." The old red emperor, the old fox emperor laughed.

"My natural world is also willing to make good friends with the rainy world." The fairy ancestor of the Tianxian world shouted to Ning Fan.

Other monks in various circles, not enough to repair, can not represent their own interface, naturally do not dare to talk about chaos.

However, these people are also aware that the rainy world is not the one they can afford.

Some people have seen it. Ning Fan’s body was surrounded by 17 ruins and a giant beast.

Among the 17 broken pieces, 2 were broken and 5 were broken.

That is the repair of the broken eight peaks.

These strong people look at Ning Fan's gaze, clearly seeing the owner's gaze.

The breath of these people is clearly the atmosphere of the strong immortals.

Don't ask, these people are slaves of Ning Fan's acceptance from heaven.

So many powerful people can easily sweep the next three worlds, the middle three worlds!

The strength of Ning Fan’s one person seems to be enough to sneak into the Three Realms...

Today's rain world is named the weakest in the nine worlds. But everyone who knows the eye knows that today's rain is afraid that it is called the strongest in the nine worlds.

"Ning brother, you really have nothing! I will know, you will not have something!" Liu Yuyue laughed. Out of the crowd, the color of worry in the eyes quietly dispersed.

"Liu brother." Ning Fan nodded to Liu Yan, he naturally knew that Liu Yuyue was worried about him.

Nothing to say, no mention of the matter of saving lives.

Some words. No need to mention, buried in the heart.

Liu Yanyue did not say much, only took out two altar spirits. Throw to Ning Fan an altar.

If you don't say anything, lift up the jar and drink it.

Ning Fan also did not say much, and he will give up a drop of alcohol to drink.

For drinking, I recognized this friend.

"Ning brother, is this going back to the rain?" Liu Yuyue asked.


"Do not send!"

"Leave step!"

Ning Fan took a fist to Liu Yuyue, took out the ancient sword of gold, and took everyone to fly to Tianmen, the rainy world below the broken domain.

The gates of the ancient heavens are slowly closing, and the other old monsters have long been left with their minds. After a little rest, they return to their respective circles.

This time, the trip to the ancient heavens, the time is not long, but there have been too many major events.

A shocking news, spread all over the world!

The Emperor of the Nei Dynasty fell, the Emperor of the Snake fell, and the Emperor of the Emperor fell...

If the rain is not saved by Huang Ningfan, the nine monks who entered the ancient heavens will all die!

Rain Huang Ningfan brought back 17 broken sinisters and a smashed scorpion peak in the ancient heaven.

Rain Emperor Ning Fan is fully committed to the shot, it is also scattered can also kill!

The Upper Three Realms all announced an alliance with the rain community!

All the three realms and the lower three worlds have announced their friendship with the rainy world!

No one dares to commit the rain!

Within the rainy world, Li Cangtian looked at the intelligence in his hands incredulously and looked at the strong one behind Ning Fan.

More than a hundred broken old monsters, after returning safely to the world, sent people into the rain world, sent a thank-you to Ning Fan, thanked Ning Fan for saving his life.

The strong people brought back by Ning Fan, each one is enough to sweep the rain world under the rule of Yun Zongxuan...

"Ning Xiaozi, can you tell the old man well, what happened in the ancient heavens..." Li Cangtian smiled bitterly.

He always knew that Ning Fan could toss, but he did not know that Ning Fan could rely on the power of one person to conquer the nine realms, and even the three worlds should take the initiative to form an alliance with the rain.

"Since the predecessors asked about it, the younger generation knew everything, but before that, there was one thing the younger generation wanted to discuss with the predecessors."

"What is it?"

"The younger generation is ready to go to the sword world."

"What? You just got back from the ancient heaven, you have to go to the sword world?" (To be continued.)

Ps: (Thanks to the following book friends for their rewards, thank you! The following is a list of friends who won the book in July, thank you again! Emperor led, Luo Yuyu, xy668, happy novice, my heart is crying, my brother is not breast, dark The magic messenger, the evil emperor re-applied, the blue enchantress, ssairr, book friend 140722150822593, book friend 140722144020082, dpclhh, butterfly love cool, fixed wind broken, yf584520, hsg626, exploration channel wzp, Shenyang Xiaojian brother, upside down the world Just to correct your reflection, hei naked ke excited e, Qinchuan past, a moment of red, Zhang Xiaotian, book friends 140707193156246, Qin Han, Tang and Song, turn around 123, sad bamboo, love to have 521, heart free to send , 虫_子, Beiwu four detachment, one party, romantic pig, book friend 140716003411626, 媞夣, chenqivip, book friend 140712232205915, joker00, female 362436, book friend 140711081254977, book friend 121217111233700, she is in his city -, yf Ou Fen female, Jian Yi Ling Tian, ​​en2013, no love, Su 3, book friends 140705121903068, tomato scrambled eggs 008, Hollywood group Yinghui, long memory, wow knife, book friends 140527065135816)

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