Grasping Evil

Chapter 691: Wild ancient emperor

The icy waters of the lake are flowing with silky swords.

Ning Fan kept the little one alone in his arms and guarded her carefully.

At this moment, he temporarily possesses the immortality of the immortal, and he is not afraid of these swords.

If he is replaced before, it will be full of combat power and will be hurt by the sword in the lake.

Gradually, Ning Fan discovered that Xiao Du Gu seems to be born with no fear of the sword.

There is her, those who want to attack Ning Fan's sword, they are retreating one by one, not afraid to attack.

Ning Fan bowed his head, and he found that the little man in his arms was pale, and his eyes were flickering. He seemed to be showing his secret technique and restraining the sword.

I couldn't help but feel pity, and kissed the little forehead's forehead gently. "Well, I will protect you."

"Well..." The little solitary should have a low voice and dissipated the sword in the middle.

She also saw that Ning Fan, who was cultivated by the immortal, was not afraid of Jianhu Jianqi, so it would be good...

Nestled in the arms of Ning Fan, the cold lakes feel warm.

She looked at Ning Fan and cherished it, and she seemed to see a treasure that was desperately guarded.

Such a bold gaze, she did not dare to show up in the past, but after seeing the reflection of the lake, she did not avoid anything.

Ten thousand feet, one million feet, ten thousand feet...

I don't know how deep the dive is. The coldness of this place is enough to hurt Ning Fan, who is cultivated by the immortal.

Ning Fan's eyes are extremely dignified, and he is worried that the people in his arms will not be able to stand the cold in this place, but find that her face is ruddy, she is closing her eyes, snuggling in his arms, and actually sleeps comfortably.

"This little girl is not afraid of the sword in this place..."

Ning Fan shook his head in a smile.

What he is most worried about is the little solitary.

Since the little one is alone, he naturally will not be afraid of the cold.

Ning Fan's hair brows condensed into ice, and the blood seemed to freeze.

When he was about to sigh with the cold, he finally saw the bottom of the lake.

Thick in the mud. There are more than a dozen zombies that are condensed into ice, dressed in the costumes of the ancient summer country, should be the strongmen who entered the place with Xia Huang.

Ning Fan’s eyes swept away, and none of these people were women.

Although he does not know the dream ice cloud, but the dream ice cloud should be at least a woman.

Is her body not here?

Speaking of it, the bottom of the lake is said to contain the secret of Chengxian, and where is the secret of Chengxian?

Ning Fan holds a sleepy little solitary, looks like a figure, and searches at the bottom of the lake.

After a long time, in a coral reef. He found a crystal palace.

The palace has a water-splitting array, and two stone statues of the sword-god are standing outside the palace gate.

When Ning Fan tried to get close to the palace, the two stone statues suddenly shone and turned into two-and-a-half-step sacred swords. The empty eyes looked at Ning Fan, and the next moment, rushed.


Ning Fan just lifted his finger and pointed it out, squatting and repairing it as a tyrannical. Without using any magical powers, the two gods will be killed.

After the death of the two gods, they were turned into four sword-bearing gods.

Ning Fan lifted his finger and destroyed it. Four of them took eight people after the death of Jian Shen.

Ning Fan brows. These sword-bearing gods are actually more and more killing, and they are so amazing.

If you kill it like this, kill thousands of sword-bearing gods, and Ning Fan has the life of immortality. It will finally die in the siege of a group of scattered immortals.


One pointed out, a huge illusory vortex appeared at the bottom of the lake, and all the illusions of the gods were emptied into the empty sky. Just sleepy and not kill.

Gradually, the gods' virtual shadows are exhausted and turned into blue smoke.

Ning Fan is calmly holding a small solitary, stepping into the Crystal Palace.

"Well? Where is this?" Xiao Duo woke up, gently jumping out of Ning Fan's arms, but was held by Ning Fan.

"I don't know, follow me, be careful."

Ning Fan pulled the little one alone closer.

After all, it is a strange place. Nowadays, without the Xia Emperor, Ning Fan alone must protect the little one, and must be more cautious.

Coral ornaments, crystal tables and chairs, gold jade utensils, endless.

There are many empty scabbards on the wall, and there are also some portraits, all of which are landscapes.

Occasionally, there are paintings of the characters. All the paintings are the sacred celestial beings, and they are all the characters of terror.

Ning Fan walked all the way and found that the pattern of this place is very similar to a woman's shack.

He couldn't help but guess that it might have been the ancestral room of the sword ancestor.

Although there is a sword outside the palace outside the palace, there is no danger in the palace, but it is slightly unexpected.

All the way to the end, Ning Fan found that there was actually a house in this place that was closed.

Within the house, it was sent out.

In addition, there is still a very weak living atmosphere.

There are living people here!

Ning Fan’s vigilant heart rose to the apex in a flash, and Shen Shen slammed through the door and rushed into the room.

When I saw the scene in the room, Ning Fan was first stunned and then silent.

"Yes...who..." a female voice of extinction came out.

"Predecessors are dreams of ice clouds?" Ning Fan asked faintly.

" do you are...who..." The woman seems to die at any time.

"I am worried about the summer, I am looking for the dream of the ice cloud, but I can't think of it. The dream ice cloud is not dead yet, but it is not more painful than death." Ning Fan closed his eyes and sighed.

A sword wind blew through and the door slowly opened.

The solitary cold dawn looked into the room, and the next moment was equally silent.

Inside the house, there is a mysterious sword array.

The flying swords used in the sword array are the swords of the Crystal Palace.

The empty scabbards that I saw before, the sword has already been taken away for the sword array.

A woman sitting cross-legged in the center of the sword array, her body is so illusory, just a glimpse of the soul.

The sword light in the sword array will pierce her illusory remnant soul every once in a while.

That pain, there is no need to say anything.

The woman, who is a dream ice cloud, is not beautiful, but has a stubborn look than many men.

The sword array she set up is called the ‘the battle of the dead.’

This array is a fairy-level sword array, you need to know a lot of fairy swords, you can live the dead souls, not into the reincarnation.

It is only the remnant of the dead. However, he will suffer from the pain of the sword and the heart, lose his body, lose his cultivation, and lose everything. In the end, there is only one soul left in the world.

"No worries... You said that you are being carefree... He, he is still alive, is he, how is he..." The tears in the eyes of Meng Bingyun flashed.

She hasn't cried for six million years.

I suffer from the pain of wearing a sword every day. She never cried.

But suddenly heard the news of the beloved, she could not help but tears.

"He is on the bank of Jianhu. This sword lake can only be entered once. The second time he will die. He can't get in, tried for six million years, can't enter... He always wanted to find your bones, And asked me to enter Jianhu. But I never thought that you are still alive, if he knows..."

Ning Fan’s voice just fell. Seeing Meng Bingyun’s pleading, “Don’t let him know! Don’t let him know, I live in this way... If he knows, he will be sad. He will blame himself, I will blame... I don’t want to He blames himself."

"I know that he is still alive, I am content. I know that his heart finally has my shadow, I will be content... you go. Tell him, can't find the bones of the dream ice cloud... let him forget I am..."

"If the younger generation is determined to take the predecessors to go, let the predecessors meet in the summer predecessors?" Ning Fan faint.

"I would rather die than see him. When you take me out of the sword, I will die." Dream Bingyun closed his eyes sadly.

Not to see each other, just don't want to make him sad, let him blame, let him see his most unbearable look.

Ning Fan was silent, he promised that Xia Huang would bring back the dream of the ice cloud. Now that the dream ice cloud is not dead, it is natural to bring back the dream ice cloud.

However, Meng Bingyun insisted on not returning. If forced, he would die.

Ning Fan is embarrassed, shaking his head, only that the woman's mind is really complicated.

Dream Ice Cloud suffered six million years here. Isn’t it to see the Xia Emperor?

Obviously can see each other, but why not see...

"Ning Xiaomo, can you leave for a little while? I will help you to persuade her."

Xiao Duo looked at Ning Fan seriously, and Dawn seemed to be saying three words.

Trust me.

Ning Fan Yi Yi, thought about it, maybe women persuaded women is really appropriate.

"Also, it is said that the bottom of Jianhu Lake contains the secret of Chengxian, most of which is in this crystal palace. I will go look again to see what is the secret of Chengxian."

Ning Fan pinched the tender hand of the little solitary, smiled and turned away.

The small solitary went into the room, watching the dream ice cloud, with compassion and pity.

"Can I call you a dream sister?"



Ning Fan did not eavesdrop on what the second woman said. Since he chose to believe in the solitary, he would continue to believe.

After going back and forth three times in the Crystal Palace, Ning Fan still couldn't find any secrets in this palace.

Do not say that there is no secret of becoming a fairy, it is no matter what Dan medicine, Daojing.

Originally, some fairy swords were hung on the wall, but they have been placed in the sword array by the dream ice cloud. There is no chance in this palace.

"There are rumors of the secret of Cheng Xian, and it’s just a rumor..."

Shaking his head, Ning Fan stood outside a bedroom... the bedroom of Jianzu.

He did not immediately go to find a small solitary.

This bedroom is only a hundred steps away from the room where the little solitary is located.

Ning Fan decided to wait for the little solitary.

He sat at the crystal table and played with the empty wine cellar on the table, his eyes sweeping across the bedroom.

On the wall, there is also an empty scabbard, and most of the swords are taken away by the dream ice cloud.

In addition, there is a picture hanging on the wall, which is a portrait of a woman in white, a very gentle woman.

Three thousand green silk fluttered, one hand slightly pressed the silk, slightly exposed side of the face, seems to hang a smile, not very clear.

The back is a bit familiar, he seems to have seen it...

Yes, it is the back of the sword ancestors.

Ning Fan saw the back of the sword ancestors several times, killing the sky every time, every time he stepped on the bones.

"The gods of heaven and earth are all ants. If I fold the sword, there is no military in the world..."

He still remembers the cold and bully words of Jian Zu, depending on the gods and gods.

I don’t think that a woman who is so indifferent will have a smile.

So soft back, it’s not like a demon person...

and many more!

Ning Fan Huo Di stood up and looked at the picture incredulously.

In the painting, there is actually a butterfly!

Jianzu is smiling at the butterfly!

At the moment of seeing the butterfly, Ning Fan’s mind was blank, after a long time. His eyes are gradually clear.

"The butterfly seems to be a certain life in my past life..."

"I have seen the ancestors of the past life..."

Ning Fan is silent, approaching, taking the picture off, holding it in front of him and watching it carefully.

Gradually, Ning Fan's mind can't help but sink into the picture.

In a densely flowered valley, a white girl sits on the floor with her knees and can't see her face. Just look at the smile of her mouth.

She was swaying, reaching out and teasing a butterfly in front of her. She smiled lightly. "Why do you want to go to the outside world? Do you want to go to the purple field? I have been guarding the gate for so many years. What kind of tricks have been seen, all killed, but you. Too surprise me... you are so weak, it is impossible to cross the border."

The butterfly fluttering, seems to be a little impatient, do not want to pay attention to this woman.

"The temper is not small. If you are not under the sword, even if you are a fairy emperor, you must die. You know, you are the first person in my life who can't get a hand. No, it's a butterfly. I will be soft, if you let The ancient emperor knows. I am afraid that I will punish it..."

There are ten black suns above the sky. Here, it is not the purple bucket.


Ning Fan opened his eyes and his eyes showed a strong sense of shock.

He put away the old paintings, and his heart was difficult to flatten for a long time.

Although he did not find any secrets in the Crystal Palace, he learned more shocking news.

Jianzu is not a person in the purple bucket fairyland...

The sword ancestor comes from another fairyland, the fairy king of the fairyland, named the ancient.

That is the fairyland, is it called the wild ancient fairyland...

Ning Fan's eyes are slightly sinking. It seems that the butterfly was originally from the purple bucket.

Is the butterfly also a person outside the domain, Ning Fan, from outside the domain...

"Ning Xiaomo, let's go, dream sister agreed to go with us."

On the occasion of Ning Fan's contemplation, Xiao Du Gu and Meng Bingyun slowly entered the room.

Ning Fan brows a head and shook his head with self-deprecating.

It’s not a matter of self-consideration.

Just like life and death, the Purple Emperor said, some things, not what you should know now.

These problems are too far away. The only thing he wants to know at present is the relationship between his previous life and Jianzu.

However, it seems that this question is to find the answer.

"Mrs. really persuaded the dream predecessor? The lady is very eloquent, and she is a self-proclaimed husband." Ning Fan learned the scholarly appearance, made a long sigh of the little solitary, and said the little ones.

"There is no formality!" Xiaoduan snorted, but there was some happiness in the middle. "What I said to my dream sister, you don't have to ask, take us away from Jianhu now."

"Good. But the grievance dreams of the predecessors first entered the Yuanyao world for a while, your soul is weak, can not be eroded by a trace of cold."

Ning Fan Fu Fu Yuan Yao Yu, after obtaining the consent of Meng Bingyun, he will be included in the Yuanyao boundary.

Then he grabbed the small waist of the small solitary, turned it into a rainbow, and went straight to the top of Jianhu.

Borrowing the power of the gods is also time-limited.

Ning Fan’s repairs are falling back to the broken six. He must return before he is completely retreated.

On the shore of the lake, Xia Huangyu looked at the lake and restored his mana while recalling the past.

When I think of the woman who loves her very much, Xia Huang’s heart hurts, but she can only close her eyes and sigh.

"I hope that Ning Xiaoyou can find the remains of the ice cloud, if you can't find it..."... Xia Huang looks bitter.

When you get it, don't cherish it. If you lose it, you will regret it. People, you are jealous.

If he listened to the ice cloud at the beginning, he would not go to the secret exploration...

If he had given the woman some pity...

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the world, the people have passed away...


A rainbow broke out of the lake, and it was Ning Fan and Xiao Du Gu.

Upon seeing Ning Fan returning, Xia Huo, who had been adjusting his knees, stood up. There was a bit of tension in Jin Yu.

"Ning Xiaoyou, I don't know if you have found the remains of Ice Cloud..."

Xia Huang clenched his fists and his face was tense. He had never been so nervous for six million years.

Ning Fan has not spoken yet, but the little one is alone, but the lotus step moves lightly forward and faintly said, "The bottom of Jianhu Lake, there is no dream of the sister's remains."

"There is no bones... Oh, hehe..."

Xia Huang wants to smile calmly, but he can't calm down at all. The original weak body, suddenly under great sorrow, actually coughs up blood.

"Mrs. You..." Ning Fan is speechless, small solitary. Is this deliberately making the Xia Emperor anxious?

Xiao Duo squinted at Ning Fan and gestured to Ning Fan not to talk.

She came to hug the dream ice cloud.

Dream Ice Cloud is so good for Xia Huang, but it has been left out, until the dream ice cloud ‘dead’, Xia Huang wakes up.

Dream Ice Cloud himself is reluctant to let Xiahuang vomit blood, small solitary...

Now she is already a good sister with Meng Bingyun, and naturally she has to fight for her sisters.

What happened to Xia Huang’s cough? Deserve it!

Xiao Du Gu looked back at Ning Fan and nodded with satisfaction.

The heart is still good for his own man, not obsessed with cultivating the Tao and abandoning his wife.

In this way, Xiao Du Gu feels that Ning Fan is really a weirdo.

The younger lord of other people’s family is not full of martial arts, but is not full of shouting slogans against the sky, that is, they think they are the best in the world.

His own man has no interest in Chengxian since the beginning. He seems to know what he wants from the beginning.

Xia Huang lived for six million years before he lived to understand.

When his own man has just cultivated his way, he understands this truth and cherishes his loved ones.

Well, man, it really is a good home.

"Ning Xiaoyou, the old man wants to be quiet, you rest a little here, wait for the old man's mana to recover, and send you back to the snow... As for the promise of the little friend, the old man will definitely do it, then the old man will make a Yugui, who crosses the boundary, handed it to you. In the future, the rainy world will be difficult. You can inform the old man. If the old man is flying all the way, he can rescue the rain world at most, and he will kill the enemy for you..."

After all, Xia Huang turned around and walked toward the distance step by step.

The little solitary is not enough to fight the injustice, but also faintly called the Xia Huang. "If the summer predecessors want to be quiet, why not quietly with the two sisters."

"Two people? Dream sister?"

Just a moment ago, Xia Huang heard the wrong name of the little one.

At this moment, I heard the words of the little solitary, and suddenly I saw it.

Why does she call Ice Cloud a dream sister? Does she know the ice cloud?

What is it like to calm down with two people? Did they find the remains of the ice cloud?

He was thinking like this, Ning Fan gently stroked Yuan Yaoyu, and then smothered Xiao Du Gu, flew to the other side of Jianhu, and to Xia Huangdao,

"Xia's predecessors, dream seniors, we are waiting for you at the other end of Jianhu."

The original Guanghua flashed, and a blue-shirt woman appeared slowly.

She is not beautiful, but Xia Huang was in the first sight when she saw her.

"Ice, Ice Cloud! You, you!" Xia Huang blinked incredulously, and he was sure that he was not mistaken.

Standing in front of you, it is definitely a dream ice cloud, and there is nothing wrong with the breath.

However, the dream ice cloud is only the remnant of the soul...

Above the remnants of the soul, there are countless swords.

"The battle of the town!" In the mind of Xia Huang, the name of this array is instantly emerging!

For a moment, it was like a dagger inserted into his heart, and he painfully poured the dream ice cloud into his arms.

How much has she suffered in the past six million years...

I hurt her, I am sorry for her! From today, no one is allowed to take her away!

"No worries... This is the first time you hold me..." The dream ice cloud quietly snuggles in the arms of Xia Huang, revealing the color of happiness.

Suddenly, she was somewhat grateful to the solitary little girl.

If the little girl didn’t persuade herself, maybe she would never have the happiness of this moment... (to be continued.)

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