Grasping Evil

Chapter 701: Astrolabe

Above the chaos of the magic star, a shocking news quickly spread throughout the seven thousand repairs.

The darling of the ancestors of Dang Yue, the sect of the hundred ghosts, was killed by people!

The one who killed his disciples was only a monk of a subordinate comprehension country.

However, the name of this monk, many old monsters have heard of it.

A thousand ancestors!

Four thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Qianqiu period were rebuilt as the first person under the smoldering spirit.

Four thousand years later, the ancestors of the Qianqiu are still not dead, and they are likely to have broken through the realm of refining.

If you want to come for four thousand years, the ancestors will surely be even more powerful.

Even so, no one thinks that the ancestors of the autumn can provoke the ancestors.

Dangdang's ancestors are only a glimpse of the illusion, but it is a six-turn alchemy master, deeply influenced by the main body of the chaos, is one of the seventeen magic guards of the star master.

When Dangyue's ancestors took the other sixteen smelts, broken and devils, and descended to the lower level to cultivate the true state, surrounded by the Qianqizong, a star shook.

The entire monk of the millennium was scared.

"The seventeen magic guards are all out! Not good, the ancestors got into trouble!"

"What to do, even if the ancestors are more powerful, it is not the enemy of the seventeen magic guards!"

"Yeah, among the seventeen magic guards, there are three broken people. The rest are enough to sweep the masters of the seven thousand repairing the country. The ancestors are not the opponents of these magic guards. And the backing behind these magic guards is a hallmark. The star of the chaos, that is the existence we can't afford!"

Several of the elders of the Chiaki ancestors were defeated.

The comers are too strong and powerful enough to make them unable to afford any resistance.

It should be noted that there are seven magic stars in the Chaos Magic Field, and there are also seven star owners, each of which is the strongman above the broken six heavens.

Like the chaos of the magic star, it is a broken six strong.

Throughout the entire chaos of the magical star seven thousand repairing the country, but only a dozen or so broken.

With the power of the Lord of the Devil, you can sweep the entire chaos.

Nowadays, the ancestors of Dang Yue are revenge for the disciples. At one time, I asked three people to annihilate the Qianqiuzong. No one thought that Qianqiuzong could avoid this robbery.

"Qianqiuzong, a thousand Qianzong!"

The old ancestors of Dang Yue stood up in the sky and stood behind the 16 strong peers.

He looked coldly at the Qianqimen who fell down underneath, and suddenly he thought of a move, indifferent,

"I heard that the children are still in retreat?"

"Yes..." Several elders of the ages are as earthy, and they have questions and answers.

"Oh, I don't want to live alive?" Dang Yue's ancestors sneered.

"Think!" All the Qianqiumen all shouted.

"Oh, the old man gives you a chance. As long as you wait for the oath of the heart, and draw a line with the younger children, betray him to return to the old man, the old man will wait for a life, how?"


All the Chiaki sects are full of excitement.

They admire the ancestors of the millennium, and they just want to rely on the life of their ancestors.

Now knowing that their ancestors are not the enemy of Dang Yue's ancestors, they will die to be loyal to their ancestors.

Betrayed the ancestors can live, they are not betrayed.

"Small willing to make a swearing heart, from this day. With the ancestors of the ages... No, there is no connection with the people of the Millennium, only loyal to the predecessors!"

"Small willing to make a big heart oath!"

"Small from today, there is no connection with Qianqiu Taoist and Qianqiuzong!"

Look at the Qianqiu monks who are seeking to survive, and don't hesitate to make a big oath. The mouth of Dangyue’s ancestors showed a sneer sneer.

He never wanted to let go of these people.

He just wants to see how many of these people are the loyalists of Ning Fan.

Oh, no one, it’s ironic.

"In order to protect the Zongmen. Kill me, I am offended by me. His disciples are living for him. They directly betray him. If he knows this, he will be very painful... die!"

The ancestors of Dang Yue played a sword mans, and the sword mang was immediately turned into a sword rain, and the whole millennium was ruined.

All the monks of the Chichens have no one to live.

Their bodies are called meat, and only the head still has the expression of shock and fear.

I thought it would be ridiculous to betray my betrayal...

Dang Yue ancestors sneered, a sleeve, thousands of people piled up into a head tower.

He will use this head tower to pay homage to his own disciples.

However, there is still a shortage of people on this tower!

Ning Fan's head!

The ancestors of Dangyue swayed, and the 16 strong men behind them landed outside the stone gate of Qianqiu Mountain.

He looked at the simple stone gate and glanced at the scenery inside the stone gate, his brow furrowed.

"A thousand children are not in the stone gate... Damn, have you been run by this person!"

"Maybe this person broke into the treasure of the cave and went to the retreat... It is said that this person has injuries, and most of them are healed in the treasure of the cave." A veteran of the broken sky guessed.

"Hid in the treasure of the cave? What is the old song, tear open this hole in the sky!" Dang Yue ancestors said to the old man who was smashed in the sky.

"This is easy...broken!"

The name of the song is broken and the finger is pointed out. One point refers to the point of the awning on the Qianqiu Mountain. When the time is over, the entire Qiuqiu Mountain is turned into a fly ash.

He grabbed the five fingers and shattered it in front of him, trying to tear open the ‘hole sky’ where Ning Fan was.

The ability to open a hole in the sky is the ability of every broken old monster. In the face of the chasing and killing of the broken monk, hiding into the treasure of the heavens, it is just a self-seeking behavior.

There was no expectation of tearing open the space of the cave, and there was no hidden hole in the place.

"Impossible, even if it is the space barrier of the top hole, the old man can tear it apart! The children of the autumn are not hiding into the space of the cave, but they have escaped beforehand!" The old surname of Qu is not channelable.

"No, Qianqiu children are still here. Although the old man has not torn open the hole, he has noticed a trace of incomprehensible power here... I am afraid that the children of the autumn are not hiding in the cave, but hiding in the treasure Inside..."

"Xiaoqianjiebao!", including the ancestors of Dangyue, all of them here show greed.

Xiaoqianjiebao is a good thing, even if you face the killing of ordinary immortals, you can save your life by hiding in Xiaoqianjiebao.

Of course, it is not a minority that can break through the life of Xiaoqianjie.

"If the child of the autumn really hides in the treasure of Xiaoqianjie, it will be a little tricky, unless he leaves Xiaoqianjie, he wants to take him. There is no possibility...but if it is for Xiaoqianjiebao, I am waiting for him for a hundred years, but why not! The old man does not believe that he will not leave this small world forever!"

Everyone sneered.

Originally, Dang Yue came here, just to kill Ning Fan revenge, but now, even if it is only for the Xiao Qian Jie Bao, he will also kill Ning Fan and win the treasure.

Dang Yue ancestors and others sent a voice flying sword to the star owner, and will find the Xiaoqianjiebao to inform the star owner. Get the star owner highly valued.

The star owner immediately ordered, leaving the ancestors of the Dang Yue and the other six magic guards waiting for the rabbit, waiting for Ning Fan to appear, killing the treasure.

The remaining magic guards returned to the chaotic country to resume their lives, continue to collect the furnace, help the star to heal.

One year, two years, three years...

In the Xuanyin world, Ning Fan held his hands on the green grass. Bathed in bright daylight, silently.

The sun and moon monuments have been upgraded again and again, and the Xuanyin world has followed the upgrades again and again. This world is no longer ridiculous. More like a paradise.

The grass is still there, but unfortunately, the woman who lives in it has left...

Ning Fan’s injury has completely healed, and he is now. Still the most powerful first demon in the nine worlds.

He has already known the overall strength of the chaos star from the memory of the hundred ghost masters.

The chaos is very weak and not worth mentioning.

For this reason, Ning Fan felt the power of Dongtianxianjie.

There are countless stars in the East Tianxian world. There are countless repair stars.

The comprehension star is divided into four levels, like the chaotic star, which is the lowest-level comprehension star - the lower-level comprehension star.

The lower-level comprehension star, the star master is only the most sacred, and at least it is a broken sky.

Intermediate level comprehension stars, all have a life to sit in town.

The upper-level comprehension star, and more true fairy sitting.

The highest level of comprehension star, named the star of Xianfu, often has Xianzun and Xianwang sitting on the town.

There may even be... Xiandi!

For the four days, the lower bounds are not worth mentioning.

This chaos is the master of the broken six. If placed in the lower bound, it is enough to name the world.

But in the upper bound, it’s too worth mentioning...

The East Heaven is very chaotic, and the four-legged heavenly law is useless here.

Ning Fan also has the identity of eight Pinxian Wei. This identity is only useful in the four ancestors. Unfortunately, it is useless in Dongtian.

If a subordinate comprehension star is destroyed, almost no one asks.

Of course, if there is someone behind the subordinate comprehension star that is destroyed, it is another matter.

"My strength can be traversed in the nine worlds, but in four days, it is only suitable for the masters of the subordinates to repair the true stars... It is no wonder that the change of the four ancestors to the lower bounds of the Emperor is neglected in management, who will spend so much on the management of such a weak The lower bound? In the eyes of the upper monks, the nine circles are probably no more noble than the nine lower-level comprehension stars..."

"The purpose of my coming to the East Heavenly Immortal World is three. One is to find the fairy grass, let the cool soul grow up. Second, to complete the last wish of the Taisu predecessors... Third, hey, help the master to pay debts ..."

Ning Fan took a storage bag and took out a yellowed receipt. He sighed helplessly.

Although the old devil makes him want debt, a little bit of the taste of the inside is inside, but the billion is not a small number, if you have this money, Ning Fan will be much easier to break through the realm.

Or you can buy a lot of medicinal herbs to cultivate, or you can directly swallow a lot of Daojing to break through the realm.

The things left, he has stayed in the lower bound, to the upper bound, do not have to feel bad about money.

If you burn money, you will burn it. If you have no money, you can grab it.

"My injury has healed, but it is better to leave the magic star, go to the fairy star, and go to find the fairy grass... just don't know which star field the fairy star is in..."

The palm of the immortal Emperor Xuanzi once gave Ning Fan a star plate, which recorded the location of the northern basaltic star.

The stars will move according to the trajectory, so there is no fixed map that can accurately depict the position of each star field and the true star.

The four-day map is called the astrolabe. This object can be used as a treasure for the fly. Of course, the larger use is used as a map.

Each star field has a specific astrolabe. Only by following the changing direction of the astrolabe can you find the star field and the true star you want to reach.

If you want to go to the fairy star, you must first know which star field the fairy star is in, and then purchase the star disk to arrive.

Flying in the Star Palace is always very troublesome. There is no astrolabe for sale on the lower level.

To make a star plate, you need to borrow a little immortal force to push the star position, and the power of starry sky is the disk.

Therefore, only the monks who are above the immortal can make the astrolabe.

In general. The astrolabe is only sold at the intermediate level.

"If you want to go to the fairy star, you first need to find a mid-level comprehension star, where you can inquire about the news and buy the chart..."

"The starry sky, if you just fly aimlessly, I don't know how long it will take to find an intermediate comprehension star..."

Ning Fan sighed and swayed, leaving the Xuanyin world.

At the moment he appeared in the outside world, there were seven murders to lock it.

There is a sneer voice that is introduced into Ning Fan's ear. "A thousand children. You are finally willing to show up! The hundred ghosts are the old masters, and the Qianqiuzong has been slaughtered for the old man! I am waiting for the Lord of the Stars. You, surrender the Xiaoqianjiebao quickly, and the old man will leave you a whole body!"

Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly became cold, and at this moment he stood on the ruins of the Qiuqiu Mountain.

Around him, he was surrounded by seven magical monks and five cultivators. 2 broken!

The entire Zongmen of Qianqiu has been laid flat. On the site of the Zongmen, a head tower was built.

In the past three years, the human head has long rotted.

Ning Fan looked at the head. There is still no fluctuation in my heart.

He was a ruthless person, and Qian Qiuzong had nothing to do with him.

"Oh? Chiaki children, I don't think you see the disciples' head tower, but they are indifferent. As a rumor, cold and bloodless. In fact, you really don't have to be sad for them, a group of rebellious people. In order to survive, they have already betrayed you... ”

The words of Dang Yue's ancestors are just a matter of chaos and chaos.

In the dark, the earth changed slightly, and then the earth trembled slightly, and then five giant earth dragons were drilled from the foot of Ning Fan, and the heads of Ning Fan were bitten from five directions.


Ning Fan has always been a kind of indifferent expression. Whether Qian Qiuzong’s monks are betrayed and died because of it, he really does not care.

The practice of Dang Yue’s ancestors disturbing his state of mind is really poor.

Sneak attack, equally bad.

These five dragons are enough to bite the ordinary glimpse, but for Ning Fan, it is not worth mentioning.

The sleeves of the wind are on hand, and the five-headed tortoise is directly smashed into the fly ash by Ning Fan's sleeves!

At the moment of the shot, the momentum of Ning Fan’s broken seven heavens is unreservedly raging!

For a moment, the seven magic guards, including the ancestors of Dang Yue, all showed the expression of horror!

Even the two broken bodies stationed here are also showing the color of fear!

They only broke one, shredded and repaired, and there was no resistance in front of Ning Fan in the realm of broken seven!

The broken seven heavens, this ancestor is actually higher than the master of the star!


Without any hesitation, all seven people fled in different directions.

Ning Fan pointed a little, and there was a huge illusory vortex in the front of the seven people, and the seven people were directly taken in.

In the twinkling of an eye, six people were turned into blood by the swirling hole.

With a trick, the storage bag for seven people fell in the palm of Ning Fan.

The **** of the ancestors of Dang Yue also fell into the palm of Ning Fan, and was reminisced by Ning Fan’s unrelenting search for souls, and then killed.

The Taoist who received seven people, the other magic weapons, medicinal herbs are all sent to the Ding furnace industry.

Today, there are 100,000 furnaces in the world, and the leader is still the sister of the ice spirit.

The two women have already broken through the peak of Yuan Ying, and they are nearing the gods. The other women’s defenders are all above Jindan.

These female guards may not be able to go to the battlefield, but they can practice in the rear. Through the kind of incense, they will continue to provide incense power for Ningfan.

The power of incense is an important way for the immortals to improve their cultivation...

After doing all this, Ning Fan’s eyes were cold, and he took out the ancient sword of the golden sword and went to the sword. The stars of the chaotic magic star flew away!

well! The star of the chaos of the magic star seeks to kill him.

He has never been a loser. Since the star owner has come to the door, he does not mind giving him a lesson!

The swords of the ancient swords of the gold are shocking and smashing, and they are galloping all the way, shocking one country after another!

All the way to stop the magic repair, were all killed by Ning Fan.

In the chaos of the country, the chaos of the demon star looked at the snow-like rush in his hand, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Seven magic guards, all of them died in the hands of the thousands of autumn people! Only in the past four thousand years, how can this person become so powerful! It is already the repair of the broken seven heavens!"

"Star Master, what should I do now! This person is repaired as a shocking person, all the way to block people, all killed by this person. Adults are still unhealed, on the magical star, I am afraid no one can block this person!" The name of the broken old man looked pale and looked at the ghost star.

"Stop the other six-star star for help!"

"Oh... adults are not in harmony with other stars, how can they come to save you..."

"How dare they not come! I don't wait, I just sneak inside. I am waiting for seven people to be seven disciples. If I die, they can't escape the seven blasphemy! Hey!"

The chaos of the magic star snorted, the fist clenched, and the eyes were cold.

He would like to see how bold this old ancestor is, how capable he is, and dare to go through the seven stars of the magical star field at the same time!

Even though this ancestor is more powerful than the Seven Stars, does he dare to be enemies with the Seven Sects!

Seven sects, that is the super power of someone who is in the middle of the sacred life! (To be continued.)

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